Cancer investigation
Ashish Singh
Josh Thomas Georgy
Anjana Joel
Divya Bala Thumaty
Ajoy Oommen John
Nithya Ramnath
Tarun K George
Parth Sharma
Shalom Patole
Grace Rebekah
Elanthenral Sigamani
Marie Therese Manipadam
Anish Jacob Cherian
Deepak Thomas Abraham
Mazhuvanchary Jacob Paul
Rajesh Balakrishnan
Patricia Sebastian
Selvamani Backianathan
Raju Titus Chacko
Reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy : journal of Greatpoland Cancer Center in Poznan and Polish Society of Radiation Oncology
Anjana Joel
Josh Thomas Georgy
Divya Bala Thumaty
Ajoy Oommen John
Raju Titus Chacko
Grace Rebekah
Elanthenral Sigamani
Jagan Chandramohan
Marie Therese Manipadam
Anish Jacob Cherian
Deepak Thomas Abraham
Paul Mazhuvanchary Jacob
Patricia Sebastian
Selvamani Backianathan
Ashish Singh
Transplantation and cellular therapy
Yamuna Naik
Uday Kulkarni
Sharon Lionel
Sushil Selvarajan
Anup J Devasia
Anu Korula
Kavitha M Lakshmi
Fouzia N Aboobacker
Rajesh Balakrishnan
Selvamani Backianathan
Vikram Mathews
Aby Abraham
Biju George
Ashish Singh
Josh Thomas Georgy
Sakthi Dhananjayan
Elanthenral Sigamani
Ajoy Oommen John
Anjana Joel
Jagan Chandramohan
Rajadurai Abarna
Grace Rebekah
Selvamani Backianathan
Deepak Thomas Abraham
Mazhuvanchary Jacob Paul
Raju Titus Chacko
Marie Therese Manipadam
Rekha Pai
Journal of pathology and translational medicine
Clinical transplantation
Biju George
Rajesh Balakrishnan
Patricia S
Sharon Lionel
Sushil Selvarajan
Anup J Devasia
Anu Korula
Kavitha M Lakshmi
Fouzia N Aboobacker
Uday Kulkarni
Henry Finlay Godson
Jose Solomon Raj
Aby Abraham
Selvamani Backianathan
Vikram Mathews
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
Case reports in oncological medicine
Klinicka onkologie : casopis Ceske a Slovenske onkologicke spolecnosti
J T Georgy
A Singh
A O John
A Joel
A G Andrews
D B Thumaty
G Rebekah
E Sigamani
J Chandramohan
M T Manipadam
A J Cherian
D T Abraham
M J Paul
R Balakrishnan
S Backianathan
R T Chacko
The Malaysian journal of pathology
Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]
Henry Finlay Godson
Jose Solomon Raj
Patricia Sebastian
Retna Y Ponmalar
Ebenezer Suman Babu
Ivin Paul
Raj Krishna
Selvamani Backianathan
Biju George
Paul B Ravindran
Rajesh Balakrishnan