Journal of investigative medicine : the official publication of the American Federation for Clinical Research
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
Taha Azad
Ragunath Singaravelu
Zaid Taha
Taylor R Jamieson
Stephen Boulton
Mathieu J F Crupi
Nikolas T Martin
Emily E F Fekete
Joanna Poutou
Mina Ghahremani
Adrian Pelin
Kazem Nouri
Reza Rezaei
Christopher Boyd Marshall
Masahiro Enomoto
Rozanne Arulanandam
Nouf Alluqmani
Reuben Samson
Anne-Claude Gingras
D William Cameron
Peter A Greer
Carolina S Ilkow
Jean-Simon Diallo
John C Bell
Environmental science and pollution research international
FEMS microbiology ecology
Waste management (New York, N.Y.)
The Science of the total environment
Frontiers in microbiology
Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP