International journal of environmental research and public health
Digestive diseases and sciences
Carla J Gargallo-Puyuelo
Rocío Aznar-Gimeno
Patricia Carrera-Lasfuentes
Ángel Lanas
Ángel Ferrández
Enrique Quintero
Marta Carrillo
Inmaculada Alonso-Abreu
Luis M Esteban
María de la Vega Rodrigálvarez-Chamarro
Rafael Del Hoyo-Alonso
María Asunción García-González
Journal of clinical medicine
Fetal diagnosis and therapy
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
Scientific reports
Rocío Aznar-Gimeno
J Ramón Paño-Pardo
Luis M Esteban
Gorka Labata-Lezaun
M José Esquillor-Rodrigo
Angel Lanas
David Abadía-Gallego
Francisco Diez-Fuertes
Carlos Tellería-Orriols
Rafael Del-Hoyo-Alonso
M Trinidad Serrano
Entropy (Basel, Switzerland)
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)