Raphael Ruttimann
- Visceral and Transplant Surgery, Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospitals and Medical School, Geneva, Switzerland.
Transplantation direct
Thomas Agius
Julien Songeon
Antoine Klauser
Florent Allagnat
Grégoire Longchamp
Raphael Ruttimann
Arnaud Lyon
Julijana Ivaniesevic
Raphael Meier
Sébastien Déglise
James F Markmann
Korkut Uygun
Leo Buhler
Christian Toso
Jean-Marc Corpataux
Francois Lazeyras
Alban Longchamp
Transplantation direct
Thomas Agius
Julien Songeon
Arnaud Lyon
Justine Longchamp
Raphael Ruttimann
Florent Allagnat
Sébastien Déglise
Jean-Marc Corpataux
Déla Golshayan
Léo Buhler
Raphael Meier
Heidi Yeh
James F Markmann
Korkut Uygun
Christian Toso
Antoine Klauser
Francois Lazeyras
Alban Longchamp