Radenta P Bahegwa
Radenta P Bahegwa
Health Quality Assurance Unit, Ministry of Health, Dodoma, Tanzania.
Publications (4)
Status of countrywide laboratory services quality and capacity in primary healthcare facilities in Tanzania: Findings from Star Rating Assessment.
PLOS global public health
Erick Kinyenje
Ruth R Ngowi
Yohanes S Msigwa
Joseph C Hokororo
Talhiya A Yahya
Chrisogone J German
Akili Mawazo
Mohamed A Mohamed
Omary A Nassoro
Mbwana M Degeh
Radenta P Bahegwa
Laura E Marandu
Syabo M Mwaisengela
Lutengano W Mwanginde
Robert Makala
Eliudi S Eliakimu
Social accountability in primary health care facilities in Tanzania: Results from Star Rating Assessment.
PloS one
Erick S Kinyenje
Talhiya A Yahya
Joseph C Hokororo
Eliudi S Eliakimu
Mohamed A Mohamed
Mbwana M Degeh
Omary A Nassoro
Chrisogone C German
Radenta P Bahegwa
Yohanes S Msigwa
Ruth R Ngowi
Laura E Marandu
Syabo M Mwaisengela
Clients satisfaction at primary healthcare facilities and its association with implementation of client service charter in Tanzania.
PloS one
Erick S Kinyenje
Talhiya A Yahya
Mbwana M Degeh
Chrisogone C German
Joseph C Hokororo
Mohamed A Mohamed
Omary A Nassoro
Radenta P Bahegwa
Yohanes S Msigwa
Ruth R Ngowi
Laura E Marandu
Syabo M Mwaisengela
Eliudi S Eliakimu
Factors affecting compliance with infection prevention and control standard precautions among healthcare workers in Songwe region, Tanzania.
Infection prevention in practice
Radenta P Bahegwa
Ally K Hussein
Rogath Kishimba
Joseph Hokororo
Chrisogone German
Ruth Ngowi
Eliudi Eliakimu
Billy Ngasala
Réseau de co-auteurs
Ruth R Ngowi
3 collaborations
Yohanes S Msigwa
3 collaborations
Joseph C Hokororo
3 collaborations
Talhiya A Yahya
3 collaborations
Mohamed A Mohamed
3 collaborations
Omary A Nassoro
3 collaborations
Mbwana M Degeh
3 collaborations
Laura E Marandu
3 collaborations
Syabo M Mwaisengela
3 collaborations
Eliudi S Eliakimu
3 collaborations
Erick S Kinyenje
2 collaborations
Chrisogone C German
2 collaborations
Erick Kinyenje
1 collaboration
Chrisogone J German
1 collaboration
Akili Mawazo
1 collaboration
Lutengano W Mwanginde
1 collaboration
Robert Makala
1 collaboration
Ally K Hussein
1 collaboration
Rogath Kishimba
1 collaboration
Joseph Hokororo
1 collaboration
Chrisogone German
1 collaboration
Ruth Ngowi
1 collaboration
Eliudi Eliakimu
1 collaboration
Billy Ngasala
1 collaboration