Pierre Gagnepain
Pierre Gagnepain
Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, PSL Research University, EPHE, INSERM, U1077, CHU de Caen, GIP Cyceron, Neuropsychologie et Imagerie de la Mémoire Humaine, 14000, Caen, France.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4949-9829
Publications (12)
Altered predictive control during memory suppression in PTSD.
Nature communications
Giovanni Leone
Charlotte Postel
Alison Mary
Florence Fraisse
Thomas Vallée
Fausto Viader
Vincent de La Sayette
Denis Peschanski
Jaques Dayan
Francis Eustache
Pierre Gagnepain
Long-term modulation of cardiac activity induced by inhibitory control over emotional memories.
Scientific reports
Nicolas Legrand
Olivier Etard
Anaïs Vandevelde
Melissa Pierre
Fausto Viader
Patrice Clochon
Franck Doidy
Denis Peschanski
Francis Eustache
Pierre Gagnepain
Resilience after trauma: The role of memory suppression.
Science (New York, N.Y.)
Alison Mary
Jacques Dayan
Giovanni Leone
Charlotte Postel
Florence Fraisse
Carine Malle
Thomas Vallée
Carine Klein-Peschanski
Fausto Viader
Vincent de la Sayette
Denis Peschanski
Francis Eustache
Pierre Gagnepain
Influence of emotional complexity on the neural substrates of affective theory of mind.
Human brain mapping
Marie Caillaud
Alexandre Bejanin
Mickael Laisney
Pierre Gagnepain
Malo Gaubert
Armelle Viard
Patrice Clochon
Vincent de La Sayette
Philippe Allain
Francis Eustache
Béatrice Desgranges
Variations in response to trauma and hippocampal subfield changes.
Neurobiology of stress
Charlotte Postel
Alison Mary
Jacques Dayan
Florence Fraisse
Thomas Vallée
Bérengère Guillery-Girard
Fausto Viader
Vincent de la Sayette
Denis Peschanski
Francis Eustache
Pierre Gagnepain
Avoidance behaviour generalizes to eye processing in posttraumatic stress disorder.
European journal of psychotraumatology
Sélim Yahia Coll
Francis Eustache
Franck Doidy
Florence Fraisse
Denis Peschanski
Jacques Dayan
Pierre Gagnepain
Mickaël Laisney
Endogenous tPA levels: A biomarker for discriminating hemorrhagic stroke from ischemic stroke and stroke mimics.
Annals of clinical and translational neurology
Melissa Jauquet
Pierre Gagnepain
Estelle La Porte
Audrey M Thiebaut
Ambre Rochey
Helene Legros
Baptiste Laine
Marion Berthelot
Valerie Roussel
Joan Montaner
Barbara Casolla
Denis Vivien
Eloise Lemarchand
Richard Macrez
Benoit D Roussel
Collective memory shapes the organization of individual memories in the medial prefrontal cortex.
Nature human behaviour
Pierre Gagnepain
Thomas Vallée
Serge Heiden
Matthieu Decorde
Jean-Luc Gauvain
Antoine Laurent
Carine Klein-Peschanski
Fausto Viader
Denis Peschanski
Francis Eustache
The Index of Intrusion Control (IIC): Capturing individual variability in intentional intrusion control in the laboratory.
Behavior research methods
Stephanie M Ashton
Pierre Gagnepain
Per Davidson
Robin Hellerstedt
Akul Satish
Tom Smeets
Conny W E M Quaedflieg
Differences in predictive factors for post-traumatic stress disorder encompassing partial PTSD and full PTSD: a cross-sectional study among individuals exposed to the November 13, 2015 Paris attacks.
Frontiers in psychiatry
Benoit Berthail
Marion Trousselard
Gregory Lecouvey
Barbara Le Roy
Florence Fraisse
Denis Peschanski
Francis Eustache
Pierre Gagnepain
Jacques Dayan
Attentional capture mediates the emergence and suppression of intrusive memories.
Nicolas Legrand
Olivier Etard
Fausto Viader
Patrice Clochon
Franck Doidy
Francis Eustache
Pierre Gagnepain
Musical experience prior to traumatic exposure as a resilience factor: a conceptual analysis.
Frontiers in psychology
Elodie Fraile
Pierre Gagnepain
Francis Eustache
Mathilde Groussard
Hervé Platel
Réseau de co-auteurs
Francis Eustache
10 collaborations
Denis Peschanski
7 collaborations
Fausto Viader
6 collaborations
Florence Fraisse
5 collaborations
Thomas Vallée
4 collaborations
Jacques Dayan
4 collaborations
Charlotte Postel
3 collaborations
Alison Mary
3 collaborations
Patrice Clochon
3 collaborations
Franck Doidy
3 collaborations
Giovanni Leone
2 collaborations
Vincent de La Sayette
2 collaborations
Nicolas Legrand
2 collaborations
Olivier Etard
2 collaborations
Carine Klein-Peschanski
2 collaborations
Vincent de la Sayette
2 collaborations
Jaques Dayan
1 collaboration
Anaïs Vandevelde
1 collaboration
Melissa Pierre
1 collaboration
Carine Malle
1 collaboration
Marie Caillaud
1 collaboration
Alexandre Bejanin
1 collaboration
Mickael Laisney
1 collaboration
Malo Gaubert
1 collaboration
Armelle Viard
1 collaboration
Philippe Allain
1 collaboration
Béatrice Desgranges
1 collaboration
Bérengère Guillery-Girard
1 collaboration
Sélim Yahia Coll
1 collaboration
Mickaël Laisney
1 collaboration
Melissa Jauquet
1 collaboration
Estelle La Porte
1 collaboration
Audrey M Thiebaut
1 collaboration
Ambre Rochey
1 collaboration
Helene Legros
1 collaboration
Baptiste Laine
1 collaboration
Marion Berthelot
1 collaboration
Valerie Roussel
1 collaboration
Joan Montaner
1 collaboration
Barbara Casolla
1 collaboration
Denis Vivien
1 collaboration
Eloise Lemarchand
1 collaboration
Richard Macrez
1 collaboration
Benoit D Roussel
1 collaboration
Serge Heiden
1 collaboration
Matthieu Decorde
1 collaboration
Jean-Luc Gauvain
1 collaboration
Antoine Laurent
1 collaboration
Stephanie M Ashton
1 collaboration
Per Davidson
1 collaboration
Robin Hellerstedt
1 collaboration
Akul Satish
1 collaboration
Tom Smeets
1 collaboration
Conny W E M Quaedflieg
1 collaboration
Benoit Berthail
1 collaboration
Marion Trousselard
1 collaboration
Gregory Lecouvey
1 collaboration
Barbara Le Roy
1 collaboration
Elodie Fraile
1 collaboration
Mathilde Groussard
1 collaboration
Hervé Platel
1 collaboration