Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
J-P Champeaux
P Moretto-Capelle
J Renoud
L Polizzi
S Faure
D Castex
M Gianesin
E Panader
P Paquier
W Volondat
T Salbaing
J Riffaud
R Point
P Cafarelli
M Sence
Journal of health psychology
Cerebellum (London, England)
Journal of Alzheimer's disease reports
Frontiers in aging neuroscience
Frontiers in human neuroscience
Behavior research methods
Disability and rehabilitation
Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior
Silke Coemans
Stefanie Keulen
Perseverence Savieri
Kyrana Tsapkini
Sebastiaan Engelborghs
Nini Chrispeels
Dorien Vandenborre
Philippe Paquier
Ineke Wilssens
Mathieu Declerck
Esli Struys