Peter Schwendinger

  • Department of Trauma Surgery, Medical University of Innsbruck, Anichstraße 35, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.

Publications (7)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Richard A Lindtner 4 collaborations
Dietmar Krappinger 4 collaborations
Huy Le Quang 2 collaborations
Werner Schmoelz 2 collaborations
Dietmar Dammerer 2 collaborations
Rohit Arora 2 collaborations
Michael Blauth 1 collaboration
Bernhard Wolf 1 collaboration
Martin Thaler 1 collaboration
Peter Jäger 1 collaboration
William A Shear 1 collaboration
Lukas Horling 1 collaboration
Werner Schmolz 1 collaboration
Romed Hörmann 1 collaboration
Tobias Kastenberger 1 collaboration
Peter Kaiser 1 collaboration
Gernot Schmidle 1 collaboration
Markus Gabl 1 collaboration