Paul Apfaltrer

  • Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090, Vienna, Austria.
  • Institute of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.

Publications (9)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Helmut Ringl 6 collaborations
Lucian Beer 4 collaborations
Christian Schestak 4 collaborations
Helmut Prosch 4 collaborations
Anja Dutschke 3 collaborations
Pascal A T Baltzer 3 collaborations
Alexander Wressnegger 2 collaborations
Walter Klepetko 2 collaborations
Bernhard Moser 2 collaborations
Thomas H Helbich 2 collaborations
Georg Apfaltrer 2 collaborations
Thomas Mang 2 collaborations
Michael Weber 2 collaborations
Michael Toepker 1 collaboration
Ahmed Ba-Ssalamah 1 collaboration
Martin Schindl 1 collaboration
Panja M Boehm 1 collaboration
Stefan Schwarz 1 collaboration
Jürgen Thanner 1 collaboration
Cecilia Veraar 1 collaboration
Mario Gerges 1 collaboration
Christian Gerges 1 collaboration
Irene Lang 1 collaboration
Shahrokh Taghavi 1 collaboration
Hendrik Jan Ankersmit 1 collaboration
Stephan H Polanec 1 collaboration
Georg Schatzl 1 collaboration
Dietmar Georg 1 collaboration
Harald Herrmann 1 collaboration
Peter Mazal 1 collaboration
Alexander K Brendel 1 collaboration
Shahrokh F Shariat 1 collaboration
Mehmet Özsoy 1 collaboration
Christian Seitz 1 collaboration
Julian Veser 1 collaboration
Elisabeth Petter 1 collaboration
Holger Wenz 1 collaboration
Johannes Böhme 1 collaboration
Matthias Gawlitza 1 collaboration
Christoph Groden 1 collaboration
Angelika Alonso 1 collaboration
Alex Förster 1 collaboration
Christian Wassipaul 1 collaboration
Hans Domanovits 1 collaboration
Dietmar Tamandl 1 collaboration
Martina Scharitzer 1 collaboration
Stephan Polanec 1 collaboration
Ulrika Asenbaum 1 collaboration
Filippo Cacioppo 1 collaboration
Nikola Schuetz 1 collaboration
Peter Homolka 1 collaboration
Wolfgang Birkfellner 1 collaboration
Christian Herold 1 collaboration
Maximilian F Kasparek 1 collaboration
Michael Töpker 1 collaboration
Mathias Lazar 1 collaboration
Michael Kasparek 1 collaboration
Bernd Kubista 1 collaboration
Reinhard Windhager 1 collaboration
Peter Jaksch 1 collaboration
Christopher Lambers 1 collaboration
Konrad Hoetzenecker 1 collaboration
Albert De Bettignies 1 collaboration
Martin L Watzenboeck 1 collaboration
Daria Kifjak 1 collaboration
Sebastian Röhrich 1 collaboration
Benedikt H Heidinger 1 collaboration
Florian Prayer 1 collaboration
Ruxandra-Iulia Milos 1 collaboration
Georg Langs 1 collaboration