Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR
Matthew L Cohen
David S Tulsky
Aaron J Boulton
Pamela A Kisala
Hilary Bertisch
Keith Owen Yeates
Mark R Zonfrillo
Dennis R Durbin
Kenneth M Jaffe
Nancy Temkin
Jin Wang
Frederick P Rivara
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Pamela A Kisala
Aaron J Boulton
Mary D Slavin
Matthew L Cohen
Tamra Keeney
Pengsheng Ni
Denise Tate
Allen W Heinemann
Susan Charlifue
Denise C Fyffe
Elizabeth R Felix
Alan M Jette
David S Tulsky
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
David S Tulsky
Pamela A Kisala
Aaron J Boulton
Alan M Jette
David Thissen
Pengsheng Ni
Darren A DeWalt
I-Chan Huang
Yang Liu
M J Mulcahey
Mary Slavin
Brooke Magnus
Holly Crump
Robin Hanks
Susan Charlifue
Bryce B Reeve
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR
Frontiers in human neuroscience
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
David S Tulsky
Pamela A Kisala
Callie E Tyner
Jerry Slotkin
Christina Kaufman
Christopher L Dearth
Annamarie D Horan
Simon G Talbot
Jaimie T Shores
Kodi Azari
Curtis Cetrulo
Gerald Brandacher
Carisa M Cooney
David Victorson
Mary Dooley
L Scott Levin
Cdr Scott M Tintle
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Noelle E Carlozzi
Pamela A Kisala
Aaron J Boulton
Elliot Roth
Anna L Kratz
Mark Sherer
Angelle M Sander
Allen W Heinemann
Nancy D Chiaravalloti
Tamara Bushnik
David S Tulsky
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
David S Tulsky
Aaron J Boulton
Pamela A Kisala
Allen W Heinemann
Susan Charlifue
Claire Z Kalpakjian
Allan J Kozlowski
Elizabeth R Felix
Denise C Fyffe
Mary D Slavin
Denise G Tate
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation