The journal of evidence-based dental practice
The journal of evidence-based dental practice
The journal of evidence-based dental practice
Journal of oral rehabilitation
Journal of clinical epidemiology
International journal of dermatology
Disability and rehabilitation
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials
Journal of oral rehabilitation
Mike T John
Birgitta Häggman-Henrikson
Stella Sekulic
Tanja Stamm
Ibrahim Oghli
Oliver Schierz
Thomas List
Kazuyoshi Baba
Katrin Bekes
Arjen van Wijk
Naichuan Su
Daniel R Reissmann
Kenji Fueki
Pernilla Larsson
Nicole Theis-Mahon
Maisa Omara
Lars Bondemark
Corine M Visscher
The journal of evidence-based dental practice
M T John
M Omara
N Su
T List
S Sekulic
B Häggman-Henrikson
C M Visscher
K Bekes
D R Reissmann
K Baba
O Schierz
N Theis-Mahon
K Fueki
T Stamm
L Bondemark
I Oghli
A van Wijk
P Larsson
International journal of obesity (2005)
Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA