Mine B Tekman
Mine B Tekman
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany.
Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Ozyegin University, 34794 Istanbul, Turkey.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6915-0176
Publications (5)
Hotspots of Floating Plastic Particles across the North Pacific Ocean.
Environmental science & technology
Robby Rynek
Mine B Tekman
Christoph Rummel
Melanie Bergmann
Stephan Wagner
Annika Jahnke
Thorsten Reemtsma
Tying up Loose Ends of Microplastic Pollution in the Arctic: Distribution from the Sea Surface through the Water Column to Deep-Sea Sediments at the HAUSGARTEN Observatory.
Environmental science & technology
Mine B Tekman
Claudia Wekerle
Claudia Lorenz
Sebastian Primpke
Christiane Hasemann
Gunnar Gerdts
Melanie Bergmann
White and wonderful? Microplastics prevail in snow from the Alps to the Arctic.
Science advances
Melanie Bergmann
Sophia Mützel
Sebastian Primpke
Mine B Tekman
Jürg Trachsel
Gunnar Gerdts
The global threat from plastic pollution.
Science (New York, N.Y.)
Matthew MacLeod
Hans Peter H Arp
Mine B Tekman
Annika Jahnke
How much do we know about the microplastic distribution in the Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive review.
Marine pollution bulletin
Yahya Terzi
Sedat Gündoğdu
Mine B Tekman
Kenan Gedik
Dilek Ustaoğlu
Neira Purwanty Ismail
İshak Altinpinar
Rafet Çağrı Öztürk
İlhan Aydın
Réseau de co-auteurs
Melanie Bergmann
3 collaborations
Annika Jahnke
2 collaborations
Sebastian Primpke
2 collaborations
Gunnar Gerdts
2 collaborations
Robby Rynek
1 collaboration
Christoph Rummel
1 collaboration
Stephan Wagner
1 collaboration
Thorsten Reemtsma
1 collaboration
Claudia Wekerle
1 collaboration
Claudia Lorenz
1 collaboration
Christiane Hasemann
1 collaboration
Sophia Mützel
1 collaboration
Jürg Trachsel
1 collaboration
Matthew MacLeod
1 collaboration
Hans Peter H Arp
1 collaboration
Yahya Terzi
1 collaboration
Sedat Gündoğdu
1 collaboration
Kenan Gedik
1 collaboration
Dilek Ustaoğlu
1 collaboration
Neira Purwanty Ismail
1 collaboration
İshak Altinpinar
1 collaboration
Rafet Çağrı Öztürk
1 collaboration
İlhan Aydın
1 collaboration