Melaku Negash
Melaku Negash
1Department of adult health nursing ,school of Nursing, Aksum University, Aksum, Ethiopia.
Publications (13)
Determinants of Acute Asthma Attack among adult asthmatic patients visiting hospitals of Tigray, Ethiopia, 2019: case control study.
Asthma research and practice
Melaku Negash
Hagos Tsegabrhan
Teklit Meles
Degena Bahrey Tadesse
Gebreamlak Gidey
Yemane Berhane
Kibrom Berhanu
Tsgalem Haylemaryam
T lymphocyte subpopulations and intestinal helminthes profile among tuberculosis patients co-infected with HIV before and after anti tubercular treatment at University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia.
BMC infectious diseases
Tadelo Wondmagegn
Debasu Damtie
Meaza Genetu
Belete Biadgo
Mulualem Lemma
Markos Negash
Are individuals consistent? Endocrine reaction norms under different ecological challenges.
The Journal of experimental biology
Davide Baldan
Mekail Negash
Jenny Q Ouyang
Ethnobotanical study on medicinal plant knowledge among three ethnic groups in peri-urban areas of south-central Ethiopia.
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine
Sintayehu Tamene
Mesele Negash
Fortunatus Bulabo Makonda
Linley Chiwona-Karltun
Kefyalew Sahle Kibret
Risk stratification and prognostic value of prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time among COVID-19 patients.
PloS one
Esayas Tekle
Yemataw Gelaw
Mulat Dagnew
Aschalew Gelaw
Markos Negash
Eyuel Kassa
Segenet Bizuneh
Dessalew Wudineh
Fikir Asrie
Common hematological parameters reference intervals for apparently healthy pregnant and non-pregnant women of South Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia.
PloS one
Mesfin Fiseha
Miftah Mohammed
Endris Ebrahim
Wondmagegn Demsiss
Mohammed Tarekegn
Amanuel Angelo
Mikias Negash
Zemenu Tamir
Mihret Tilahun
Aster Tsegaye
Cognitive disorder and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal service at Dilla University Referral Hospital, 2022.
Frontiers in global women's health
Chalachew Kassaw
Tiruwork Wale
Misrak Negash
Kiber Temesgen
Birhanie Mekuriaw
Omega Tolessa
Elias Nigusu Abdisa
Yigrem Ali Chekol
Getinet Ayano
Tamrat Anbesaw
Prevalence and associated factors of maternal depression among mothers of children with undernutrition at comprehensive specialized hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia in 2023: a cross-sectional study.
Frontiers in psychiatry
Biazin Yenealem
Misrak Negash
Derebe Madoro
Alemayehu Molla
Goshu Nenko
Girum Nakie
Berhanie Getnet
Effect of iron deficiency anemia on HbA1c in diabetic patients at Tikur Anbessa specialized teaching hospital, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
BMC hematology
Absra Solomon
Mintewab Hussein
Mikias Negash
Abdurezak Ahmed
Fitsum Bekele
Daniel Kahase
TNF-α (-308) Gene Polymorphism and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Ethiopian Diabetes Patients.
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy
Birhanu Ayelign
Meaza Genetu
Tadelo Wondmagegn
Gashaw Adane
Markos Negash
Nega Berhane
Intestinal Parasitosis and its Association with CD4+ T Cell Count and Viral Load among People Living with HIV in Parasite Endemic Settings of Northwest Ethiopia.
HIV/AIDS (Auckland, N.Z.)
Eseye Dereb
Markos Negash
Takele Teklu
Debasu Damtie
Aberham Abere
Firehiwot Kebede
Yalemwork Ewnetu
Eyuel Kasa
Woody species composition, structure, and diversity of homegarden agroforestry systems in southern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Gebru Eyasu
Motuma Tolera
Mesele Negash
Challenges and opportunities in developing prospective primary school teachers' affective dispositions: the case of Amhara region, Ethiopia.
Melese Negash
Alemayehu Bishaw
Réseau de co-auteurs
Markos Negash
4 collaborations
Tadelo Wondmagegn
2 collaborations
Debasu Damtie
2 collaborations
Meaza Genetu
2 collaborations
Mesele Negash
2 collaborations
Mikias Negash
2 collaborations
Misrak Negash
2 collaborations
Hagos Tsegabrhan
1 collaboration
Teklit Meles
1 collaboration
Degena Bahrey Tadesse
1 collaboration
Gebreamlak Gidey
1 collaboration
Yemane Berhane
1 collaboration
Kibrom Berhanu
1 collaboration
Tsgalem Haylemaryam
1 collaboration
Belete Biadgo
1 collaboration
Mulualem Lemma
1 collaboration
Davide Baldan
1 collaboration
Mekail Negash
1 collaboration
Jenny Q Ouyang
1 collaboration
Sintayehu Tamene
1 collaboration
Fortunatus Bulabo Makonda
1 collaboration
Linley Chiwona-Karltun
1 collaboration
Kefyalew Sahle Kibret
1 collaboration
Esayas Tekle
1 collaboration
Yemataw Gelaw
1 collaboration
Mulat Dagnew
1 collaboration
Aschalew Gelaw
1 collaboration
Eyuel Kassa
1 collaboration
Segenet Bizuneh
1 collaboration
Dessalew Wudineh
1 collaboration
Fikir Asrie
1 collaboration
Mesfin Fiseha
1 collaboration
Miftah Mohammed
1 collaboration
Endris Ebrahim
1 collaboration
Wondmagegn Demsiss
1 collaboration
Mohammed Tarekegn
1 collaboration
Amanuel Angelo
1 collaboration
Zemenu Tamir
1 collaboration
Mihret Tilahun
1 collaboration
Aster Tsegaye
1 collaboration
Chalachew Kassaw
1 collaboration
Tiruwork Wale
1 collaboration
Kiber Temesgen
1 collaboration
Birhanie Mekuriaw
1 collaboration
Omega Tolessa
1 collaboration
Elias Nigusu Abdisa
1 collaboration
Yigrem Ali Chekol
1 collaboration
Getinet Ayano
1 collaboration
Tamrat Anbesaw
1 collaboration
Biazin Yenealem
1 collaboration
Derebe Madoro
1 collaboration
Alemayehu Molla
1 collaboration
Goshu Nenko
1 collaboration
Girum Nakie
1 collaboration
Berhanie Getnet
1 collaboration
Absra Solomon
1 collaboration
Mintewab Hussein
1 collaboration
Abdurezak Ahmed
1 collaboration
Fitsum Bekele
1 collaboration
Daniel Kahase
1 collaboration
Birhanu Ayelign
1 collaboration
Gashaw Adane
1 collaboration
Nega Berhane
1 collaboration
Eseye Dereb
1 collaboration
Takele Teklu
1 collaboration
Aberham Abere
1 collaboration
Firehiwot Kebede
1 collaboration
Yalemwork Ewnetu
1 collaboration
Eyuel Kasa
1 collaboration
Gebru Eyasu
1 collaboration
Motuma Tolera
1 collaboration
Melese Negash
1 collaboration
Alemayehu Bishaw
1 collaboration