JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Ryan Shaw
Erica Levine
Martin Streicher
Elizabeth Strawbridge
Jennifer Gierisch
Jane Pendergast
Sarah Hale
Shelby Reed
Megan McVay
Denise Simmons
William Yancy
Gary Bennett
Corrine Voils
JMIR public health and surveillance
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Maike Wolters
Dorothee Volkert
Melanie Streicher
Eva Kiesswetter
Gabriel Torbahn
Eibhlís M O'Connor
Mary O'Keeffe
Mary Kelly
Eileen O'Herlihy
Paul W O'Toole
Suzanne Timmons
Emma O'Shea
Patricia Kearney
Judith van Zwienen-Pot
Marjolein Visser
Isabelle Maitre
Virginie Van Wymelbeke
Claire Sulmont-Rossé
Gabriele Nagel
Marion Flechtner-Mors
Sabine Goisser
Ruth Teh
Antje Hebestreit
Auteur inconnu
BMC medical informatics and decision making
Neele Leithäuser
Dennis Adelhütte
Kristin Braun
Christina Büsing
Martin Comis
Timo Gersing
Sebastian Johann
Arie M C A Koster
Sven O Krumke
Frauke Liers
Eva Schmidt
Johanna Schneider
Manuel Streicher
Sebastian Tschuppik
Sophia Wrede
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
Bridget F Koontz
Erica Levine
Frances McSherry
Donna Niedzwiecki
Linda Sutton
Tykeytra Dale
Martin Streicher
Christel Rushing
Lynda Owen
William E Kraus
Gary Bennett
Kathryn I Pollak
AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science proceedings. AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science
Eleanor Wood
Qing Yang
Dori Steinberg
Angel Barnes
Jacqueline Vaughn
Allison Vorderstrasse
Matthew Crowley
Craig Henriquez
Martin Streicher
Daniel Bass Blue
Susie Choi
Ryan J Shaw