Swiss medical weekly
Olivier Roux
Andreas Schweighauser
Sara Schukraft
Jean-Christophe Stauffer
Jean-Jacques Goy
Peter Wenaweser
Mario Togni
Stephan Windecker
Stéphane Cook
Diego Arroyo
Serban Puricel
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine
Blood pressure monitoring
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine
Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions
Sara Schukraft
Diego Arroyo
Mario Togni
Jean-Jacques Goy
Peter Wenaweser
Mathieu Stadelmann
Gerard Baeriswyl
Olivier Muller
Jean-Christophe Stauffer
Serban Puricel
Stéphane Cook
Texas Heart Institute journal
Ianis Doomun
Daphné Doomun
Sara Schukraft
Diego Arroyo
Selma T Cook
Tibor Huwyler
Jean-Jacques Goy
Jean-Christophe Stauffer
Mario Togni
Serban Puricel
Stéphane Cook