Sexual abuse : a journal of research and treatment
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Filip Roudnicky
Jitao David Zhang
Bo Kyoung Kim
Nikhil J Pandya
Yanjun Lan
Lisa Sach-Peltason
Heloise Ragelle
Pamela Strassburger
Sabine Gruener
Mirjana Lazendic
Sabine Uhles
Franco Revelant
Oliv Eidam
Gregor Sturm
Verena Kueppers
Klaus Christensen
Leonard D Goldstein
Manuel Tzouros
Balazs Banfai
Zora Modrusan
Martin Graf
Christoph Patsch
Mark Burcin
Claas A Meyer
Peter D Westenskow
Chad A Cowan
Nature communications
Rafael Arrojo E Drigo
Stefan Jacob
Concha F García-Prieto
Xiaofeng Zheng
Masahiro Fukuda
Hoa Tran Thi Nhu
Olga Stelmashenko
Flavia Letícia Martins Peçanha
Rayner Rodriguez-Diaz
Eric Bushong
Thomas Deerinck
Sebastien Phan
Yusuf Ali
Ingo Leibiger
Minni Chua
Thomas Boudier
Sang-Ho Song
Martin Graf
George J Augustine
Mark H Ellisman
Per-Olof Berggren
Pediatric transplantation
Royal Society open science
The Medical clinics of North America