Applied and environmental microbiology
Kevin Xu Zhong
Amy M Chan
Brenna Collicutt
Maxim Daspe
Jan F Finke
Megan Foss
Timothy J Green
Christopher D G Harley
Amelia V Hesketh
Kristina M Miller
Sarah P Otto
Kate Rolheiser
Rob Saunders
Ben J G Sutherland
Curtis A Suttle
Journal of interpersonal violence
Journal of social and personal relationships
Journal of interpersonal violence
Journal of interpersonal violence
Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence
Journal of interpersonal violence
Journal of social and personal relationships
Journal of interpersonal violence
Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy
Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
Gayla Margolin
Marie-Ève Daspe
Adela C Timmons
Geoffrey W Corner
Corey Pettit
Hannah F Rasmussen
Theodora Chaspari
Sohyun C Han
Reout Arbel
Lauren Spies Shapiro
Kelly F M Kazmierski
Larissa B Del Piero
Hannah L Schacter
Journal of sex & marital therapy
Journal of interpersonal violence
Journal of interpersonal violence
Journal of marital and family therapy