Current developments in nutrition
José Francisco López-Gil
Stephanie M Wu
Tai-Lin Irene Lee
Chih-Wei Shih
Selotia Tausi
Vine Sosene
Pauke P Maani
Malo Tupulaga
Yu-Tien Hsu
Chia-Rui Chang
Shi-Chian Shiau
Yuan-Hung Lo
Chih-Fu Wei
Po-Jen Lin
Maria Soledad Hershey
Scientific reports
Fan-Yun Lan
Christopher Scheibler
Maria Soledad Hershey
Juan Luis Romero-Cabrera
Gabriel C Gaviola
Ioanna Yiannakou
Alejandro Fernandez-Montero
Costas A Christophi
David C Christiani
Mercedes Sotos-Prieto
Stefanos N Kales
European journal of nutrition
American journal of preventive medicine
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Medicine and science in sports and exercise
Fan-Yun Lan
Ioanna Yiannakou
Christopher Scheibler
Maria Soledad Hershey
Juan Luis Romero Cabrera
Gabriel C Gaviola
Alejandro Fernandez-Montero
Costas A Christophi
David C Christiani
Mercedes Sotos-Prieto
Stefanos N Kales