M V Ilyin

  • The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "The Yaroslavl State Medical University" of Minzdrav of Russia, 150000, Yaroslavl, Russia.

Publications (6)

Réseau de co-auteurs

A A Gruzdeva 2 collaborations
A L Khokhlov 2 collaborations
G P Arutyunov 1 collaboration
Y M Lopatin 1 collaboration
A S Ametov 1 collaboration
F T Ageev 1 collaboration
M B Antsiferov 1 collaboration
S V Villevalde 1 collaboration
N G Vinogradova 1 collaboration
G R Galstyan 1 collaboration
A S Galyavich 1 collaboration
S R Gilyarevskiy 1 collaboration
M G Glezer 1 collaboration
I V Zhirov 1 collaboration
A I Lebedeva 1 collaboration
S M Nedogoda 1 collaboration
V V Salukhov 1 collaboration
E I Tarlovskaya 1 collaboration
S N Tereshchenko 1 collaboration
I V Fomin 1 collaboration
I S Khalimov 1 collaboration
N R Khasanov 1 collaboration
D V Cherkashin 1 collaboration
S S Yakushin 1 collaboration
Y S Filatova 1 collaboration
O Sh Oynotkinova 1 collaboration