M Mantoani

  • II. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.

Publications (4)

Observation of Electroweak Production of a Same-Sign W Boson Pair in Association with Two Jets in pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector.

Physical review letters
Avec: M Aaboud , G Aad , B Abbott , O Abdinov , B Abeloos , D K Abhayasinghe , S H Abidi , O S AbouZeid , N L Abraham , H Abramowicz , H Abreu , Y Abulaiti , B S Acharya , S Adachi , L Adam , C Adam Bourdarios , L Adamczyk , J Adelman , M Adersberger , A Adiguzel , T Adye , A A Affolder , Y Afik , C Agheorghiesei , J A Aguilar-Saavedra , F Ahmadov , G Aielli , S Akatsuka , T P A Åkesson , E Akilli , A V Akimov , G L Alberghi , J Albert , P Albicocco , M J Alconada Verzini , S Alderweireldt , M Aleksa , I N Aleksandrov , C Alexa , T Alexopoulos , M Alhroob , B Ali , G Alimonti , J Alison , S P Alkire , C Allaire , B M M Allbrooke , B W Allen , P P Allport , A Aloisio , A Alonso , F Alonso , C Alpigiani , A A Alshehri , M I Alstaty , B Alvarez Gonzalez , D Álvarez Piqueras , M G Alviggi , B T Amadio , Y Amaral Coutinho , A Ambler , L Ambroz , C Amelung , D Amidei , S P Amor Dos Santos , S Amoroso , C S Amrouche , C Anastopoulos , L S Ancu , N Andari , T Andeen , C F Anders , J K Anders , K J Anderson , A Andreazza , V Andrei , C R Anelli , S Angelidakis , I Angelozzi , A Angerami , A V Anisenkov , A Annovi , C Antel , M T Anthony , M Antonelli , D J A Antrim , F Anulli , M Aoki , J A Aparisi Pozo , L Aperio Bella , G Arabidze , J P Araque , V Araujo Ferraz , R Araujo Pereira , A T H Arce , R E Ardell , F A Arduh , J-F Arguin , S Argyropoulos , A J Armbruster , L J Armitage , A Armstrong , O Arnaez , H Arnold , M Arratia , O Arslan , A Artamonov , G Artoni , S Artz , S Asai , N Asbah , E M Asimakopoulou , L Asquith , K Assamagan , R Astalos , R J Atkin , M Atkinson , N B Atlay , K Augsten , G Avolio , R Avramidou , M K Ayoub , A M Azoulay , G Azuelos , A E Baas , M J Baca , H Bachacou , K Bachas , M Backes , P Bagnaia , M Bahmani , H Bahrasemani , A J Bailey , J T Baines , M Bajic , C Bakalis , O K Baker , P J Bakker , D Bakshi Gupta , S Balaji , E M Baldin , P Balek , F Balli , W K Balunas , J Balz , E Banas , A Bandyopadhyay , Sw Banerjee , A A E Bannoura , L Barak , W M Barbe , E L Barberio , D Barberis , M Barbero , T Barillari , M-S Barisits , J Barkeloo , T Barklow , R Barnea , S L Barnes , B M Barnett , R M Barnett , Z Barnovska-Blenessy , A Baroncelli , G Barone , A J Barr , L Barranco Navarro , F Barreiro , J Barreiro Guimarães da Costa , R Bartoldus , A E Barton , P Bartos , A Basalaev , A Bassalat , R L Bates , S J Batista , S Batlamous , J R Batley , M Battaglia , M Bauce , F Bauer , K T Bauer , H S Bawa , J B Beacham , T Beau , P H Beauchemin , P Bechtle , H C Beck , H P Beck , K Becker , M Becker , C Becot , A Beddall , A J Beddall , V A Bednyakov , M Bedognetti , C P Bee , T A Beermann , M Begalli , M Begel , A Behera , J K Behr , A S Bell , G Bella , L Bellagamba , A Bellerive , M Bellomo , P Bellos , K Belotskiy , N L Belyaev , O Benary , D Benchekroun , M Bender , N Benekos , Y Benhammou , E Benhar Noccioli , J Benitez , D P Benjamin , M Benoit , J R Bensinger , S Bentvelsen , L Beresford , M Beretta , D Berge , E Bergeaas Kuutmann , N Berger , B Bergmann , L J Bergsten , J Beringer , S Berlendis , N R Bernard , G Bernardi , C Bernius , F U Bernlochner , T Berry , P Berta , C Bertella , G Bertoli , I A Bertram , G J Besjes , O Bessidskaia Bylund , M Bessner , N Besson , A Bethani , S Bethke , A Betti , A J Bevan , J Beyer , R Bi , R M Bianchi , O Biebel , D Biedermann , R Bielski , K Bierwagen , N V Biesuz , M Biglietti , T R V Billoud , M Bindi , A Bingul , C Bini , S Biondi , M Birman , T Bisanz , J P Biswal , C Bittrich , D M Bjergaard , J E Black , K M Black , T Blazek , I Bloch , C Blocker , A Blue , U Blumenschein , S Blunier , G J Bobbink , V S Bobrovnikov , S S Bocchetta , A Bocci , D Boerner , D Bogavac , A G Bogdanchikov , C Bohm , V Boisvert , P Bokan , T Bold , A S Boldyrev , A E Bolz , M Bomben , M Bona , J S Bonilla , M Boonekamp , A Borisov , G Borissov , J Bortfeldt , D Bortoletto , V Bortolotto , D Boscherini , M Bosman , J D Bossio Sola , K Bouaouda , J Boudreau , E V Bouhova-Thacker , D Boumediene , S K Boutle , A Boveia , J Boyd , D Boye , I R Boyko , A J Bozson , J Bracinik , N Brahimi , A Brandt , G Brandt , O Brandt , F Braren , U Bratzler , B Brau , J E Brau , W D Breaden Madden , K Brendlinger , L Brenner , R Brenner , S Bressler , B Brickwedde , D L Briglin , D Britton , D Britzger , I Brock , R Brock , G Brooijmans , T Brooks , W K Brooks , E Brost , J H Broughton , P A Bruckman de Renstrom , D Bruncko , A Bruni , G Bruni , L S Bruni , S Bruno , B H Brunt , M Bruschi , N Bruscino , P Bryant , L Bryngemark , T Buanes , Q Buat , P Buchholz , A G Buckley , I A Budagov , M K Bugge , F Bührer , O Bulekov , D Bullock , T J Burch , S Burdin , C D Burgard , A M Burger , B Burghgrave , K Burka , S Burke , I Burmeister , J T P Burr , V Büscher , E Buschmann , P J Bussey , J M Butler , C M Buttar , J M Butterworth , P Butti , W Buttinger , A Buzatu , A R Buzykaev , G Cabras , S Cabrera Urbán , D Caforio , H Cai , V M M Cairo , O Cakir , N Calace , P Calafiura , A Calandri , G Calderini , P Calfayan , G Callea , L P Caloba , S Calvente Lopez , D Calvet , S Calvet , T P Calvet , M Calvetti , R Camacho Toro , S Camarda , D Camarero Munoz , P Camarri , D Cameron , R Caminal Armadans , C Camincher , S Campana , M Campanelli , A Camplani , A Campoverde , V Canale , M Cano Bret , J Cantero , T Cao , Y Cao , M D M Capeans Garrido , I Caprini , M Caprini , M Capua , R M Carbone , R Cardarelli , F C Cardillo , I Carli , T Carli , G Carlino , B T Carlson , L Carminati , R M D Carney , S Caron , E Carquin , S Carrá , G D Carrillo-Montoya , D Casadei , M P Casado , A F Casha , D W Casper , R Castelijn , F L Castillo , V Castillo Gimenez , N F Castro , A Catinaccio , J R Catmore , A Cattai , J Caudron , V Cavaliere , E Cavallaro , D Cavalli , M Cavalli-Sforza , V Cavasinni , E Celebi , F Ceradini , L Cerda Alberich , A S Cerqueira , A Cerri , L Cerrito , F Cerutti , A Cervelli , S A Cetin , A Chafaq , D Chakraborty , S K Chan , W S Chan , Y L Chan , J D Chapman , B Chargeishvili , D G Charlton , C C Chau , C A Chavez Barajas , S Che , A Chegwidden , S Chekanov , S V Chekulaev , G A Chelkov , M A Chelstowska , C Chen , C H Chen , H Chen , J Chen , J Chen , S Chen , S J Chen , X Chen , Y Chen , Y-H Chen , H C Cheng , H J Cheng , A Cheplakov , E Cheremushkina , R Cherkaoui El Moursli , E Cheu , K Cheung , L Chevalier , V Chiarella , G Chiarelli , G Chiodini , A S Chisholm , A Chitan , I Chiu , Y H Chiu , M V Chizhov , K Choi , A R Chomont , S Chouridou , Y S Chow , V Christodoulou , M C Chu , J Chudoba , A J Chuinard , J J Chwastowski , L Chytka , D Cinca , V Cindro , I A Cioară , A Ciocio , F Cirotto , Z H Citron , M Citterio , A Clark , M R Clark , P J Clark , C Clement , Y Coadou , M Cobal , A Coccaro , J Cochran , H Cohen , A E C Coimbra , L Colasurdo , B Cole , A P Colijn , J Collot , P Conde Muiño , E Coniavitis , S H Connell , I A Connelly , S Constantinescu , F Conventi , A M Cooper-Sarkar , F Cormier , K J R Cormier , L D Corpe , M Corradi , E E Corrigan , F Corriveau , A Cortes-Gonzalez , M J Costa , F Costanza , D Costanzo , G Cottin , G Cowan , B E Cox , J Crane , K Cranmer , S J Crawley , R A Creager , G Cree , S Crépé-Renaudin , F Crescioli , M Cristinziani , V Croft , G Crosetti , A Cueto , T Cuhadar Donszelmann , A R Cukierman , S Czekierda , P Czodrowski , M J Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa , C Da Via , W Dabrowski , T Dado , S Dahbi , T Dai , F Dallaire , C Dallapiccola , M Dam , G D'amen , J Damp , J R Dandoy , M F Daneri , N P Dang , N D Dann , M Danninger , V Dao , G Darbo , S Darmora , O Dartsi , A Dattagupta , T Daubney , S D'Auria , W Davey , C David , T Davidek , D R Davis , E Dawe , I Dawson , K De , R De Asmundis , A De Benedetti , M De Beurs , S De Castro , S De Cecco , N De Groot , P de Jong , H De la Torre , F De Lorenzi , A De Maria , D De Pedis , A De Salvo , U De Sanctis , M De Santis , A De Santo , K De Vasconcelos Corga , J B De Vivie De Regie , C Debenedetti , D V Dedovich , N Dehghanian , A M Deiana , M Del Gaudio , J Del Peso , Y Delabat Diaz , D Delgove , F Deliot , C M Delitzsch , M Della Pietra , D Della Volpe , A Dell'Acqua , L Dell'Asta , M Delmastro , C Delporte , P A Delsart , D A DeMarco , S Demers , M Demichev , S P Denisov , D Denysiuk , L D'Eramo , D Derendarz , J E Derkaoui , F Derue , P Dervan , K Desch , C Deterre , K Dette , M R Devesa , P O Deviveiros , A Dewhurst , S Dhaliwal , F A Di Bello , A Di Ciaccio , L Di Ciaccio , W K Di Clemente , C Di Donato , A Di Girolamo , G Di Gregorio , B Di Micco , R Di Nardo , K F Di Petrillo , R Di Sipio , D Di Valentino , C Diaconu , M Diamond , F A Dias , T Dias Do Vale , M A Diaz , J Dickinson , E B Diehl , J Dietrich , S Díez Cornell , A Dimitrievska , J Dingfelder , F Dittus , F Djama , T Djobava , J I Djuvsland , M A B Do Vale , M Dobre , D Dodsworth , C Doglioni , J Dolejsi , Z Dolezal , M Donadelli , J Donini , A D'onofrio , M D'Onofrio , J Dopke , A Doria , M T Dova , A T Doyle , E Drechsler , E Dreyer , T Dreyer , Y Du , F Dubinin , M Dubovsky , A Dubreuil , E Duchovni , G Duckeck , A Ducourthial , O A Ducu , D Duda , A Dudarev , A C Dudder , E M Duffield , L Duflot , M Dührssen , C Dülsen , M Dumancic , A E Dumitriu , A K Duncan , M Dunford , A Duperrin , H Duran Yildiz , M Düren , A Durglishvili , D Duschinger , B Dutta , D Duvnjak , M Dyndal , S Dysch , B S Dziedzic , C Eckardt , K M Ecker , R C Edgar , T Eifert , G Eigen , K Einsweiler , T Ekelof , M El Kacimi , R El Kosseifi , V Ellajosyula , M Ellert , F Ellinghaus , A A Elliot , N Ellis , J Elmsheuser , M Elsing , D Emeliyanov , A Emerman , Y Enari , J S Ennis , M B Epland , J Erdmann , A Ereditato , S Errede , M Escalier , C Escobar , O Estrada Pastor , A I Etienvre , E Etzion , H Evans , A Ezhilov , M Ezzi , F Fabbri , L Fabbri , V Fabiani , G Facini , R M Faisca Rodrigues Pereira , R M Fakhrutdinov , S Falciano , P J Falke , S Falke , J Faltova , Y Fang , M Fanti , A Farbin , A Farilla , E M Farina , T Farooque , S Farrell , S M Farrington , P Farthouat , F Fassi , P Fassnacht , D Fassouliotis , M Faucci Giannelli , A Favareto , W J Fawcett , L Fayard , O L Fedin , W Fedorko , M Feickert , S Feigl , L Feligioni , C Feng , E J Feng , M Feng , M J Fenton , A B Fenyuk , L Feremenga , J Ferrando , A Ferrari , P Ferrari , R Ferrari , D E Ferreira de Lima , A Ferrer , D Ferrere , C Ferretti , F Fiedler , A Filipčič , F Filthaut , K D Finelli , M C N Fiolhais , L Fiorini , C Fischer , W C Fisher , N Flaschel , I Fleck , P Fleischmann , R R M Fletcher , T Flick , B M Flierl , L F Flores , L R Flores Castillo , F M Follega , N Fomin , G T Forcolin , A Formica , F A Förster , A C Forti , A G Foster , D Fournier , H Fox , S Fracchia , P Francavilla , M Franchini , S Franchino , D Francis , L Franconi , M Franklin , M Frate , M Fraternali , A N Fray , D Freeborn , S M Fressard-Batraneanu , B Freund , W S Freund , E M Freundlich , D C Frizzell , D Froidevaux , J A Frost , C Fukunaga , E Fullana Torregrosa , T Fusayasu , J Fuster , O Gabizon , A Gabrielli , A Gabrielli , G P Gach , S Gadatsch , P Gadow , G Gagliardi , L G Gagnon , C Galea , B Galhardo , E J Gallas , B J Gallop , P Gallus , G Galster , R Gamboa Goni , K K Gan , S Ganguly , J Gao , Y Gao , Y S Gao , C García , J E García Navarro , J A García Pascual , M Garcia-Sciveres , R W Gardner , N Garelli , V Garonne , K Gasnikova , A Gaudiello , G Gaudio , I L Gavrilenko , A Gavrilyuk , C Gay , G Gaycken , E N Gazis , C N P Gee , J Geisen , M Geisen , M P Geisler , K Gellerstedt , C Gemme , M H Genest , C Geng , S Gentile , S George , D Gerbaudo , G Gessner , S Ghasemi , M Ghasemi Bostanabad , M Ghneimat , B Giacobbe , S Giagu , N Giangiacomi , P Giannetti , A Giannini , S M Gibson , M Gignac , D Gillberg , G Gilles , D M Gingrich , M P Giordani , F M Giorgi , P F Giraud , P Giromini , G Giugliarelli , D Giugni , F Giuli , M Giulini , S Gkaitatzis , I Gkialas , E L Gkougkousis , P Gkountoumis , L K Gladilin , C Glasman , J Glatzer , P C F Glaysher , A Glazov , M Goblirsch-Kolb , J Godlewski , S Goldfarb , T Golling , D Golubkov , A Gomes , R Goncalves Gama , R Gonçalo , G Gonella , L Gonella , A Gongadze , F Gonnella , J L Gonski , S González de la Hoz , S Gonzalez-Sevilla , L Goossens , P A Gorbounov , H A Gordon , B Gorini , E Gorini , A Gorišek , A T Goshaw , C Gössling , M I Gostkin , C A Gottardo , C R Goudet , D Goujdami , A G Goussiou , N Govender , C Goy , E Gozani , I Grabowska-Bold , P O J Gradin , E C Graham , J Gramling , E Gramstad , S Grancagnolo , V Gratchev , P M Gravila , F G Gravili , C Gray , H M Gray , Z D Greenwood , C Grefe , K Gregersen , I M Gregor , P Grenier , K Grevtsov , N A Grieser , J Griffiths , A A Grillo , K Grimm , S Grinstein , Ph Gris , J-F Grivaz , S Groh , E Gross , J Grosse-Knetter , G C Grossi , Z J Grout , C Grud , A Grummer , L Guan , W Guan , J Guenther , A Guerguichon , F Guescini , D Guest , R Gugel , B Gui , T Guillemin , S Guindon , U Gul , C Gumpert , J Guo , W Guo , Y Guo , Z Guo , R Gupta , S Gurbuz , G Gustavino , B J Gutelman , P Gutierrez , C Gutschow , C Guyot , M P Guzik , C Gwenlan , C B Gwilliam , A Haas , C Haber , H K Hadavand , N Haddad , A Hadef , S Hageböck , M Hagihara , H Hakobyan , M Haleem , J Haley , G Halladjian , G D Hallewell , K Hamacher , P Hamal , K Hamano , A Hamilton , G N Hamity , K Han , L Han , S Han , K Hanagaki , M Hance , D M Handl , B Haney , R Hankache , P Hanke , E Hansen , J B Hansen , J D Hansen , M C Hansen , P H Hansen , E C Hanson , K Hara , A S Hard , T Harenberg , S Harkusha , P F Harrison , N M Hartmann , Y Hasegawa , A Hasib , S Hassani , S Haug , R Hauser , L Hauswald , L B Havener , M Havranek , C M Hawkes , R J Hawkings , D Hayden , C Hayes , C P Hays , J M Hays , H S Hayward , S J Haywood , M P Heath , V Hedberg , L Heelan , S Heer , K K Heidegger , J Heilman , S Heim , T Heim , B Heinemann , J J Heinrich , L Heinrich , C Heinz , J Hejbal , L Helary , A Held , S Hellesund , S Hellman , C Helsens , R C W Henderson , Y Heng , S Henkelmann , A M Henriques Correia , G H Herbert , H Herde , V Herget , Y Hernández Jiménez , H Herr , M G Herrmann , T Herrmann , G Herten , R Hertenberger , L Hervas , T C Herwig , G G Hesketh , N P Hessey , A Higashida , S Higashino , E Higón-Rodriguez , K Hildebrand , E Hill , J C Hill , K K Hill , K H Hiller , S J Hillier , M Hils , I Hinchliffe , M Hirose , D Hirschbuehl , B Hiti , O Hladik , D R Hlaluku , X Hoad , J Hobbs , N Hod , M C Hodgkinson , A Hoecker , M R Hoeferkamp , F Hoenig , D Hohn , D Hohov , T R Holmes , M Holzbock , M Homann , S Honda , T Honda , T M Hong , A Hönle , B H Hooberman , W H Hopkins , Y Horii , P Horn , A J Horton , L A Horyn , J-Y Hostachy , A Hostiuc , S Hou , A Hoummada , J Howarth , J Hoya , M Hrabovsky , J Hrdinka , I Hristova , J Hrivnac , A Hrynevich , T Hryn'ova , P J Hsu , S-C Hsu , Q Hu , S Hu , Y Huang , Z Hubacek , F Hubaut , M Huebner , F Huegging , T B Huffman , M Huhtinen , R F H Hunter , P Huo , A M Hupe , N Huseynov , J Huston , J Huth , R Hyneman , G Iacobucci , G Iakovidis , I Ibragimov , L Iconomidou-Fayard , Z Idrissi , P I Iengo , R Ignazzi , O Igonkina , R Iguchi , T Iizawa , Y Ikegami , M Ikeno , D Iliadis , N Ilic , F Iltzsche , G Introzzi , M Iodice , K Iordanidou , V Ippolito , M F Isacson , N Ishijima , M Ishino , M Ishitsuka , W Islam , C Issever , S Istin , F Ito , J M Iturbe Ponce , R Iuppa , A Ivina , H Iwasaki , J M Izen , V Izzo , P Jacka , P Jackson , R M Jacobs , V Jain , G Jäkel , K B Jakobi , K Jakobs , S Jakobsen , T Jakoubek , D O Jamin , R Jansky , J Janssen , M Janus , P A Janus , G Jarlskog , N Javadov , T Javůrek , M Javurkova , F Jeanneau , L Jeanty , J Jejelava , A Jelinskas , P Jenni , J Jeong , N Jeong , S Jézéquel , H Ji , J Jia , H Jiang , Y Jiang , Z Jiang , S Jiggins , F A Jimenez Morales , J Jimenez Pena , S Jin , A Jinaru , O Jinnouchi , H Jivan , P Johansson , K A Johns , C A Johnson , W J Johnson , K Jon-And , R W L Jones , S D Jones , S Jones , T J Jones , J Jongmanns , P M Jorge , J Jovicevic , X Ju , J J Junggeburth , A Juste Rozas , A Kaczmarska , M Kado , H Kagan , M Kagan , T Kaji , E Kajomovitz , C W Kalderon , A Kaluza , S Kama , A Kamenshchikov , L Kanjir , Y Kano , V A Kantserov , J Kanzaki , B Kaplan , L S Kaplan , D Kar , M J Kareem , E Karentzos , S N Karpov , Z M Karpova , V Kartvelishvili , A N Karyukhin , L Kashif , R D Kass , A Kastanas , Y Kataoka , C Kato , J Katzy , K Kawade , K Kawagoe , T Kawamoto , G Kawamura , E F Kay , V F Kazanin , R Keeler , R Kehoe , J S Keller , E Kellermann , J J Kempster , J Kendrick , O Kepka , S Kersten , B P Kerševan , S Ketabchi Haghighat , R A Keyes , M Khader , F Khalil-Zada , A Khanov , A G Kharlamov , T Kharlamova , E E Khoda , A Khodinov , T J Khoo , E Khramov , J Khubua , S Kido , M Kiehn , C R Kilby , Y K Kim , N Kimura , O M Kind , B T King , D Kirchmeier , J Kirk , A E Kiryunin , T Kishimoto , D Kisielewska , V Kitali , O Kivernyk , E Kladiva , T Klapdor-Kleingrothaus , M H Klein , M Klein , U Klein , K Kleinknecht , P Klimek , A Klimentov , T Klingl , T Klioutchnikova , F F Klitzner , P Kluit , S Kluth , E Kneringer , E B F G Knoops , A Knue , A Kobayashi , D Kobayashi , T Kobayashi , M Kobel , M Kocian , P Kodys , P T Koenig , T Koffas , E Koffeman , N M Köhler , T Koi , M Kolb , I Koletsou , T Kondo , N Kondrashova , K Köneke , A C König , T Kono , R Konoplich , V Konstantinides , N Konstantinidis , B Konya , R Kopeliansky , S Koperny , K Korcyl , K Kordas , G Koren , A Korn , I Korolkov , E V Korolkova , N Korotkova , O Kortner , S Kortner , T Kosek , V V Kostyukhin , A Kotwal , A Koulouris , A Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi , C Kourkoumelis , E Kourlitis , V Kouskoura , A B Kowalewska , R Kowalewski , T Z Kowalski , C Kozakai , W Kozanecki , A S Kozhin , V A Kramarenko , G Kramberger , D Krasnopevtsev , M W Krasny , A Krasznahorkay , D Krauss , J A Kremer , J Kretzschmar , P Krieger , K Krizka , K Kroeninger , H Kroha , J Kroll , J Kroll , J Krstic , U Kruchonak , H Krüger , N Krumnack , M C Kruse , T Kubota , S Kuday , J T Kuechler , S Kuehn , A Kugel , F Kuger , T Kuhl , V Kukhtin , R Kukla , Y Kulchitsky , S Kuleshov , Y P Kulinich , M Kuna , T Kunigo , A Kupco , T Kupfer , O Kuprash , H Kurashige , L L Kurchaninov , Y A Kurochkin , A Kurova , M G Kurth , E S Kuwertz , M Kuze , J Kvita , T Kwan , A La Rosa , J L La Rosa Navarro , L La Rotonda , F La Ruffa , C Lacasta , F Lacava , J Lacey , D P J Lack , H Lacker , D Lacour , E Ladygin , R Lafaye , B Laforge , T Lagouri , S Lai , S Lammers , W Lampl , E Lançon , U Landgraf , M P J Landon , M C Lanfermann , V S Lang , J C Lange , R J Langenberg , A J Lankford , F Lanni , K Lantzsch , A Lanza , A Lapertosa , S Laplace , J F Laporte , T Lari , F Lasagni Manghi , M Lassnig , T S Lau , A Laudrain , M Lavorgna , M Lazzaroni , B Le , O Le Dortz , E Le Guirriec , E P Le Quilleuc , M LeBlanc , T LeCompte , F Ledroit-Guillon , C A Lee , G R Lee , L Lee , S C Lee , B Lefebvre , M Lefebvre , F Legger , C Leggett , K Lehmann , N Lehmann , G Lehmann Miotto , W A Leight , A Leisos , M A L Leite , R Leitner , D Lellouch , K J C Leney , T Lenz , B Lenzi , R Leone , S Leone , C Leonidopoulos , G Lerner , C Leroy , R Les , A A J Lesage , C G Lester , M Levchenko , J Levêque , D Levin , L J Levinson , D Lewis , B Li , B Li , C-Q Li , H Li , L Li , M Li , Q Li , Q Y Li , S Li , X Li , Y Li , Z Liang , B Liberti , A Liblong , K Lie , S Liem , A Limosani , C Y Lin , K Lin , T H Lin , R A Linck , J H Lindon , B E Lindquist , A L Lionti , E Lipeles , A Lipniacka , M Lisovyi , T M Liss , A Lister , A M Litke , J D Little , B Liu , B L Liu , H B Liu , H Liu , J B Liu , J K K Liu , K Liu , M Liu , P Liu , Y Liu , Y L Liu , Y W Liu , M Livan , A Lleres , J Llorente Merino , S L Lloyd , C Y Lo , F Lo Sterzo , E M Lobodzinska , P Loch , T Lohse , K Lohwasser , M Lokajicek , J D Long , R E Long , L Longo , K A Looper , J A Lopez , I Lopez Paz , A Lopez Solis , J Lorenz , N Lorenzo Martinez , M Losada , P J Lösel , A Lösle , X Lou , X Lou , A Lounis , J Love , P A Love , J J Lozano Bahilo , H Lu , M Lu , N Lu , Y J Lu , H J Lubatti , C Luci , A Lucotte , C Luedtke , F Luehring , I Luise , L Luminari , B Lund-Jensen , M S Lutz , P M Luzi , D Lynn , R Lysak , E Lytken , F Lyu , V Lyubushkin , T Lyubushkina , H Ma , L L Ma , Y Ma , G Maccarrone , A Macchiolo , C M Macdonald , J Machado Miguens , D Madaffari , R Madar , W F Mader , A Madsen , N Madysa , J Maeda , K Maekawa , S Maeland , T Maeno , M Maerker , A S Maevskiy , V Magerl , D J Mahon , C Maidantchik , T Maier , A Maio , O Majersky , S Majewski , Y Makida , N Makovec , B Malaescu , Pa Malecki , V P Maleev , F Malek , U Mallik , D Malon , C Malone , S Maltezos , S Malyukov , J Mamuzic , G Mancini , I Mandić , J Maneira , L Manhaes de Andrade Filho , J Manjarres Ramos , K H Mankinen , A Mann , A Manousos , B Mansoulie , J D Mansour , M Mantoani , S Manzoni , A Marantis , G Marceca , L March , L Marchese , G Marchiori , M Marcisovsky , C A Marin Tobon , M Marjanovic , D E Marley , F Marroquim , Z Marshall , M U F Martensson , S Marti-Garcia , C B Martin , T A Martin , V J Martin , B Martin Dit Latour , M Martinez , V I Martinez Outschoorn , S Martin-Haugh , V S Martoiu , A C Martyniuk , A Marzin , L Masetti , T Mashimo , R Mashinistov , J Masik , A L Maslennikov , L H Mason , L Massa , P Massarotti , P Mastrandrea , A Mastroberardino , T Masubuchi , P Mättig , J Maurer , B Maček , S J Maxfield , D A Maximov , R Mazini , I Maznas , S M Mazza , G Mc Goldrick , S P Mc Kee , T G McCarthy , L I McClymont , E F McDonald , J A Mcfayden , M A McKay , K D McLean , S J McMahon , P C McNamara , C J McNicol , R A McPherson , J E Mdhluli , Z A Meadows , S Meehan , T Megy , S Mehlhase , A Mehta , T Meideck , B Meirose , D Melini , B R Mellado Garcia , J D Mellenthin , M Melo , F Meloni , A Melzer , S B Menary , E D Mendes Gouveia , L Meng , X T Meng , A Mengarelli , S Menke , E Meoni , S Mergelmeyer , S A M Merkt , C Merlassino , P Mermod , L Merola , C Meroni , F S Merritt , A Messina , J Metcalfe , A S Mete , C Meyer , J Meyer , J-P Meyer , H Meyer Zu Theenhausen , F Miano , R P Middleton , L Mijović , G Mikenberg , M Mikestikova , M Mikuž , M Milesi , A Milic , D A Millar , D W Miller , A Milov , D A Milstead , A A Minaenko , M Miñano Moya , I A Minashvili , A I Mincer , B Mindur , M Mineev , Y Minegishi , Y Ming , L M Mir , A Mirto , K P Mistry , T Mitani , J Mitrevski , V A Mitsou , M Mittal , A Miucci , P S Miyagawa , A Mizukami , J U Mjörnmark , T Mkrtchyan , M Mlynarikova , T Moa , K Mochizuki , P Mogg , S Mohapatra , S Molander , R Moles-Valls , M C Mondragon , K Mönig , J Monk , E Monnier , A Montalbano , J Montejo Berlingen , F Monticelli , S Monzani , N Morange , D Moreno , M Moreno Llácer , P Morettini , M Morgenstern , S Morgenstern , D Mori , M Morii , M Morinaga , V Morisbak , A K Morley , G Mornacchi , A P Morris , J D Morris , L Morvaj , P Moschovakos , M Mosidze , H J Moss , J Moss , K Motohashi , R Mount , E Mountricha , E J W Moyse , S Muanza , F Mueller , J Mueller , R S P Mueller , D Muenstermann , G A Mullier , F J Munoz Sanchez , P Murin , W J Murray , A Murrone , M Muškinja , C Mwewa , A G Myagkov , J Myers , M Myska , B P Nachman , O Nackenhorst , K Nagai , K Nagano , Y Nagasaka , M Nagel , E Nagy , A M Nairz , Y Nakahama , K Nakamura , T Nakamura , I Nakano , H Nanjo , F Napolitano , R F Naranjo Garcia , R Narayan , D I Narrias Villar , I Naryshkin , T Naumann , G Navarro , R Nayyar , H A Neal , P Y Nechaeva , T J Neep , A Negri , M Negrini , S Nektarijevic , C Nellist , M E Nelson , S Nemecek , P Nemethy , M Nessi , M S Neubauer , M Neumann , P R Newman , T Y Ng , Y S Ng , H D N Nguyen , T Nguyen Manh , E Nibigira , R B Nickerson , R Nicolaidou , D S Nielsen , J Nielsen , N Nikiforou , V Nikolaenko , I Nikolic-Audit , K Nikolopoulos , P Nilsson , Y Ninomiya , A Nisati , N Nishu , R Nisius , I Nitsche , T Nitta , T Nobe , Y Noguchi , M Nomachi , I Nomidis , M A Nomura , T Nooney , M Nordberg , N Norjoharuddeen , T Novak , O Novgorodova , R Novotny , L Nozka , K Ntekas , E Nurse , F Nuti , F G Oakham , H Oberlack , J Ocariz , A Ochi , I Ochoa , J P Ochoa-Ricoux , K O'Connor , S Oda , S Odaka , S Oerdek , A Oh , S H Oh , C C Ohm , H Oide , M L Ojeda , H Okawa , Y Okazaki , Y Okumura , T Okuyama , A Olariu , L F Oleiro Seabra , S A Olivares Pino , D Oliveira Damazio , J L Oliver , M J R Olsson , A Olszewski , J Olszowska , D C O'Neil , A Onofre , K Onogi , P U E Onyisi , H Oppen , M J Oreglia , G E Orellana , Y Oren , D Orestano , N Orlando , A A O'Rourke , R S Orr , B Osculati , V O'Shea , R Ospanov , G Otero Y Garzon , H Otono , M Ouchrif , F Ould-Saada , A Ouraou , Q Ouyang , M Owen , R E Owen , V E Ozcan , N Ozturk , J Pacalt , H A Pacey , K Pachal , A Pacheco Pages , L Pacheco Rodriguez , C Padilla Aranda , S Pagan Griso , M Paganini , G Palacino , S Palazzo , S Palestini , M Palka , D Pallin , I Panagoulias , C E Pandini , J G Panduro Vazquez , P Pani , G Panizzo , L Paolozzi , T D Papadopoulou , K Papageorgiou , A Paramonov , D Paredes Hernandez , S R Paredes Saenz , B Parida , T H Park , A J Parker , K A Parker , M A Parker , F Parodi , J A Parsons , U Parzefall , V R Pascuzzi , J M P Pasner , E Pasqualucci , S Passaggio , F Pastore , P Pasuwan , S Pataraia , J R Pater , A Pathak , T Pauly , B Pearson , M Pedersen , L Pedraza Diaz , R Pedro , S V Peleganchuk , O Penc , C Peng , H Peng , B S Peralva , M M Perego , A P Pereira Peixoto , D V Perepelitsa , F Peri , L Perini , H Pernegger , S Perrella , V D Peshekhonov , K Peters , R F Y Peters , B A Petersen , T C Petersen , E Petit , A Petridis , C Petridou , P Petroff , M Petrov , F Petrucci , M Pettee , N E Pettersson , A Peyaud , R Pezoa , T Pham , F H Phillips , P W Phillips , M W Phipps , G Piacquadio , E Pianori , A Picazio , M A Pickering , R H Pickles , R Piegaia , J E Pilcher , A D Pilkington , M Pinamonti , J L Pinfold , M Pitt , L Pizzimento , M-A Pleier , V Pleskot , E Plotnikova , D Pluth , P Podberezko , R Poettgen , R Poggi , L Poggioli , I Pogrebnyak , D Pohl , I Pokharel , G Polesello , A Poley , A Policicchio , R Polifka , A Polini , C S Pollard , V Polychronakos , D Ponomarenko , L Pontecorvo , G A Popeneciu , D M Portillo Quintero , S Pospisil , K Potamianos , I N Potrap , C J Potter , H Potti , T Poulsen , J Poveda , T D Powell , M E Pozo Astigarraga , P Pralavorio , S Prell , D Price , M Primavera , S Prince , N Proklova , K Prokofiev , F Prokoshin , S Protopopescu , J Proudfoot , M Przybycien , A Puri , P Puzo , J Qian , Y Qin , A Quadt , M Queitsch-Maitland , A Qureshi , P Rados , F Ragusa , G Rahal , J A Raine , S Rajagopalan , A Ramirez Morales , T Rashid , S Raspopov , M G Ratti , D M Rauch , F Rauscher , S Rave , B Ravina , I Ravinovich , J H Rawling , M Raymond , A L Read , N P Readioff , M Reale , D M Rebuzzi , A Redelbach , G Redlinger , R Reece , R G Reed , K Reeves , L Rehnisch , J Reichert , D Reikher , A Reiss , C Rembser , H Ren , M Rescigno , S Resconi , E D Resseguie , S Rettie , E Reynolds , O L Rezanova , P Reznicek , E Ricci , R Richter , S Richter , E Richter-Was , O Ricken , M Ridel , P Rieck , C J Riegel , O Rifki , M Rijssenbeek , A Rimoldi , M Rimoldi , L Rinaldi , G Ripellino , B Ristić , E Ritsch , I Riu , J C Rivera Vergara , F Rizatdinova , E Rizvi , C Rizzi , R T Roberts , S H Robertson , D Robinson , J E M Robinson , A Robson , E Rocco , C Roda , Y Rodina , S Rodriguez Bosca , A Rodriguez Perez , D Rodriguez Rodriguez , A M Rodríguez Vera , S Roe , C S Rogan , O Røhne , R Röhrig , C P A Roland , J Roloff , A Romaniouk , M Romano , N Rompotis , M Ronzani , L Roos , S Rosati , K Rosbach , N-A Rosien , B J Rosser , E Rossi , E Rossi , E Rossi , L P Rossi , L Rossini , J H N Rosten , R Rosten , M Rotaru , J Rothberg , D Rousseau , D Roy , A Rozanov , Y Rozen , X Ruan , F Rubbo , F Rühr , A Ruiz-Martinez , Z Rurikova , N A Rusakovich , H L Russell , J P Rutherfoord , E M Rüttinger , Y F Ryabov , M Rybar , G Rybkin , S Ryu , A Ryzhov , G F Rzehorz , P Sabatini , G Sabato , S Sacerdoti , H F-W Sadrozinski , R Sadykov , F Safai Tehrani , P Saha , M Sahinsoy , A Sahu , M Saimpert , M Saito , T Saito , H Sakamoto , A Sakharov , D Salamani , G Salamanna , J E Salazar Loyola , P H Sales De Bruin , D Salihagic , A Salnikov , J Salt , D Salvatore , F Salvatore , A Salvucci , A Salzburger , J Samarati , D Sammel , D Sampsonidis , D Sampsonidou , J Sánchez , A Sanchez Pineda , H Sandaker , C O Sander , M Sandhoff , C Sandoval , D P C Sankey , M Sannino , Y Sano , A Sansoni , C Santoni , H Santos , I Santoyo Castillo , A Santra , A Sapronov , J G Saraiva , O Sasaki , K Sato , E Sauvan , P Savard , N Savic , R Sawada , C Sawyer , L Sawyer , C Sbarra , A Sbrizzi , T Scanlon , J Schaarschmidt , P Schacht , B M Schachtner , D Schaefer , L Schaefer , J Schaeffer , S Schaepe , U Schäfer , A C Schaffer , D Schaile , R D Schamberger , N Scharmberg , V A Schegelsky , D Scheirich , F Schenck , M Schernau , C Schiavi , S Schier , L K Schildgen , Z M Schillaci , E J Schioppa , M Schioppa , K E Schleicher , S Schlenker , K R Schmidt-Sommerfeld , K Schmieden , C Schmitt , S Schmitt , S Schmitz , J C Schmoeckel , U Schnoor , L Schoeffel , A Schoening , E Schopf , M Schott , J F P Schouwenberg , J Schovancova , S Schramm , A Schulte , H-C Schultz-Coulon , M Schumacher , B A Schumm , Ph Schune , A Schwartzman , T A Schwarz , Ph Schwemling , R Schwienhorst , A Sciandra , G Sciolla , M Scornajenghi , F Scuri , F Scutti , L M Scyboz , C D Sebastiani , P Seema , S C Seidel , A Seiden , T Seiss , J M Seixas , G Sekhniaidze , K Sekhon , S J Sekula , N Semprini-Cesari , S Sen , S Senkin , C Serfon , L Serin , L Serkin , M Sessa , H Severini , F Sforza , A Sfyrla , E Shabalina , J D Shahinian , N W Shaikh , L Y Shan , R Shang , J T Shank , M Shapiro , A Sharma , A S Sharma , P B Shatalov , K Shaw , S M Shaw , A Shcherbakova , Y Shen , N Sherafati , A D Sherman , P Sherwood , L Shi , S Shimizu , C O Shimmin , Y Shimogama , M Shimojima , I P J Shipsey , S Shirabe , M Shiyakova , J Shlomi , A Shmeleva , D Shoaleh Saadi , M J Shochet , S Shojaii , D R Shope , S Shrestha , E Shulga , P Sicho , A M Sickles , P E Sidebo , E Sideras Haddad , O Sidiropoulou , A Sidoti , F Siegert , Dj Sijacki , J Silva , M Silva , M V Silva Oliveira , S B Silverstein , S Simion , E Simioni , M Simon , R Simoniello , P Sinervo , N B Sinev , M Sioli , G Siragusa , I Siral , S Yu Sivoklokov , J Sjölin , P Skubic , M Slater , T Slavicek , M Slawinska , K Sliwa , R Slovak , V Smakhtin , B H Smart , J Smiesko , N Smirnov , S Yu Smirnov , Y Smirnov , L N Smirnova , O Smirnova , J W Smith , M Smizanska , K Smolek , A Smykiewicz , A A Snesarev , I M Snyder , S Snyder , R Sobie , A M Soffa , A Soffer , A Søgaard , D A Soh , G Sokhrannyi , C A Solans Sanchez , M Solar , E Yu Soldatov , U Soldevila , A A Solodkov , A Soloshenko , O V Solovyanov , V Solovyev , P Sommer , H Son , W Song , W Y Song , A Sopczak , F Sopkova , C L Sotiropoulou , S Sottocornola , R Soualah , A M Soukharev , D South , B C Sowden , S Spagnolo , M Spalla , M Spangenberg , F Spanò , D Sperlich , T M Spieker , R Spighi , G Spigo , L A Spiller , D P Spiteri , M Spousta , A Stabile , R Stamen , S Stamm , E Stanecka , R W Stanek , C Stanescu , B Stanislaus , M M Stanitzki , B Stapf , S Stapnes , E A Starchenko , G H Stark , J Stark , S H Stark , P Staroba , P Starovoitov , S Stärz , R Staszewski , M Stegler , P Steinberg , B Stelzer , H J Stelzer , O Stelzer-Chilton , H Stenzel , T J Stevenson , G A Stewart , M C Stockton , G Stoicea , P Stolte , S Stonjek , A Straessner , J Strandberg , S Strandberg , M Strauss , P Strizenec , R Ströhmer , D M Strom , R Stroynowski , A Strubig , S A Stucci , B Stugu , J Stupak , N A Styles , D Su , J Su , S Suchek , Y Sugaya , M Suk , V V Sulin , M J Sullivan , D M S Sultan , S Sultansoy , T Sumida , S Sun , X Sun , K Suruliz , C J E Suster , M R Sutton , S Suzuki , M Svatos , M Swiatlowski , S P Swift , A Sydorenko , I Sykora , T Sykora , D Ta , K Tackmann , J Taenzer , A Taffard , R Tafirout , E Tahirovic , N Taiblum , H Takai , R Takashima , E H Takasugi , K Takeda , T Takeshita , Y Takubo , M Talby , A A Talyshev , J Tanaka , M Tanaka , R Tanaka , B B Tannenwald , S Tapia Araya , S Tapprogge , A Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed , S Tarem , G Tarna , G F Tartarelli , P Tas , M Tasevsky , T Tashiro , E Tassi , A Tavares Delgado , Y Tayalati , A C Taylor , A J Taylor , G N Taylor , P T E Taylor , W Taylor , A S Tee , P Teixeira-Dias , H Ten Kate , J J Teoh , S Terada , K Terashi , J Terron , S Terzo , M Testa , R J Teuscher , S J Thais , T Theveneaux-Pelzer , F Thiele , D W Thomas , J P Thomas , A S Thompson , P D Thompson , L A Thomsen , E Thomson , Y Tian , R E Ticse Torres , V O Tikhomirov , Yu A Tikhonov , S Timoshenko , P Tipton , S Tisserant , K Todome , S Todorova-Nova , S Todt , J Tojo , S Tokár , K Tokushuku , E Tolley , K G Tomiwa , M Tomoto , L Tompkins , K Toms , B Tong , P Tornambe , E Torrence , H Torres , E Torró Pastor , C Tosciri , J Toth , F Touchard , D R Tovey , C J Treado , T Trefzger , F Tresoldi , A Tricoli , I M Trigger , S Trincaz-Duvoid , M F Tripiana , W Trischuk , B Trocmé , A Trofymov , C Troncon , M Trovatelli , F Trovato , L Truong , M Trzebinski , A Trzupek , F Tsai , J C-L Tseng , P V Tsiareshka , A Tsirigotis , N Tsirintanis , V Tsiskaridze , E G Tskhadadze , I I Tsukerman , V Tsulaia , S Tsuno , D Tsybychev , Y Tu , A Tudorache , V Tudorache , T T Tulbure , A N Tuna , S Turchikhin , D Turgeman , I Turk Cakir , R T Turra , P M Tuts , E Tzovara , G Ucchielli , I Ueda , M Ughetto , F Ukegawa , G Unal , A Undrus , G Unel , F C Ungaro , Y Unno , K Uno , J Urban , P Urquijo , P Urrejola , G Usai , J Usui , L Vacavant , V Vacek , B Vachon , K O H Vadla , A Vaidya , C Valderanis , E Valdes Santurio , M Valente , S Valentinetti , A Valero , L Valéry , R A Vallance , A Vallier , J A Valls Ferrer , T R Van Daalen , H Van der Graaf , P Van Gemmeren , J Van Nieuwkoop , I Van Vulpen , M Vanadia , W Vandelli , A Vaniachine , P Vankov , R Vari , E W Varnes , C Varni , T Varol , D Varouchas , K E Varvell , G A Vasquez , J G Vasquez , F Vazeille , D Vazquez Furelos , T Vazquez Schroeder , J Veatch , V Vecchio , L M Veloce , F Veloso , S Veneziano , A Ventura , M Venturi , N Venturi , V Vercesi , M Verducci , C M Vergel Infante , C Vergis , W Verkerke , A T Vermeulen , J C Vermeulen , M C Vetterli , N Viaux Maira , M Vicente Barreto Pinto , I Vichou , T Vickey , O E Vickey Boeriu , G H A Viehhauser , S Viel , L Vigani , M Villa , M Villaplana Perez , E Vilucchi , M G Vincter , V B Vinogradov , A Vishwakarma , C Vittori , I Vivarelli , S Vlachos , M Vogel , P Vokac , G Volpi , S E von Buddenbrock , E Von Toerne , V Vorobel , K Vorobev , M Vos , J H Vossebeld , N Vranjes , M Vranjes Milosavljevic , V Vrba , M Vreeswijk , T Šfiligoj , R Vuillermet , I Vukotic , T Ženiš , L Živković , P Wagner , W Wagner , J Wagner-Kuhr , H Wahlberg , S Wahrmund , K Wakamiya , V M Walbrecht , J Walder , R Walker , S D Walker , W Walkowiak , V Wallangen , A M Wang , C Wang , F Wang , H Wang , H Wang , J Wang , J Wang , P Wang , Q Wang , R-J Wang , R Wang , R Wang , S M Wang , W T Wang , W Wang , W X Wang , Y Wang , Z Wang , C Wanotayaroj , A Warburton , C P Ward , D R Wardrope , A Washbrook , P M Watkins , A T Watson , M F Watson , G Watts , S Watts , B M Waugh , A F Webb , S Webb , C Weber , M S Weber , S A Weber , S M Weber , A R Weidberg , B Weinert , J Weingarten , M Weirich , C Weiser , P S Wells , T Wenaus , T Wengler , S Wenig , N Wermes , M D Werner , P Werner , M Wessels , T D Weston , K Whalen , N L Whallon , A M Wharton , A S White , A White , M J White , R White , D Whiteson , B W Whitmore , F J Wickens , W Wiedenmann , M Wielers , C Wiglesworth , L A M Wiik-Fuchs , F Wilk , H G Wilkens , L J Wilkins , H H Williams , S Williams , C Willis , S Willocq , J A Wilson , I Wingerter-Seez , E Winkels , F Winklmeier , O J Winston , B T Winter , M Wittgen , M Wobisch , A Wolf , T M H Wolf , R Wolff , M W Wolter , H Wolters , V W S Wong , N L Woods , S D Worm , B K Wosiek , K W Woźniak , K Wraight , M Wu , S L Wu , X Wu , Y Wu , T R Wyatt , B M Wynne , S Xella , Z Xi , L Xia , D Xu , H Xu , L Xu , T Xu , W Xu , B Yabsley , S Yacoob , K Yajima , D P Yallup , D Yamaguchi , Y Yamaguchi , A Yamamoto , T Yamanaka , F Yamane , M Yamatani , T Yamazaki , Y Yamazaki , Z Yan , H J Yang , H T Yang , S Yang , Y Yang , Z Yang , W-M Yao , Y C Yap , Y Yasu , E Yatsenko , J Ye , S Ye , I Yeletskikh , E Yigitbasi , E Yildirim , K Yorita , K Yoshihara , C J S Young , C Young , J Yu , J Yu , X Yue , S P Y Yuen , B Zabinski , G Zacharis , E Zaffaroni , R Zaidan , A M Zaitsev , T Zakareishvili , N Zakharchuk , J Zalieckas , S Zambito , D Zanzi , D R Zaripovas , S V Zeißner , C Zeitnitz , G Zemaityte , J C Zeng , Q Zeng , O Zenin , D Zerwas , M Zgubič , D F Zhang , D Zhang , F Zhang , G Zhang , G Zhang , H Zhang , J Zhang , L Zhang , L Zhang , M Zhang , P Zhang , R Zhang , R Zhang , X Zhang , Y Zhang , Z Zhang , P Zhao , Y Zhao , Z Zhao , A Zhemchugov , Z Zheng , D Zhong , B Zhou , C Zhou , L Zhou , M S Zhou , M Zhou , N Zhou , Y Zhou , C G Zhu , H L Zhu , H Zhu , J Zhu , Y Zhu , X Zhuang , K Zhukov , V Zhulanov , A Zibell , D Zieminska , N I Zimine , S Zimmermann , Z Zinonos , M Zinser , M Ziolkowski , G Zobernig , A Zoccoli , K Zoch , T G Zorbas , R Zou , M Zur Nedden , L Zwalinski , Auteur inconnu

Erratum to: Measurement of the

The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields
Avec: M Aaboud , G Aad , B Abbott , J Abdallah , O Abdinov , B Abeloos , O S AbouZeid , N L Abraham , H Abramowicz , H Abreu , R Abreu , Y Abulaiti , B S Acharya , S Adachi , L Adamczyk , D L Adams , J Adelman , S Adomeit , T Adye , A A Affolder , T Agatonovic-Jovin , J A Aguilar-Saavedra , S P Ahlen , F Ahmadov , G Aielli , H Akerstedt , T P A Åkesson , A V Akimov , G L Alberghi , J Albert , S Albrand , M J Alconada Verzini , M Aleksa , I N Aleksandrov , C Alexa , G Alexander , T Alexopoulos , M Alhroob , B Ali , M Aliev , G Alimonti , J Alison , S P Alkire , B M M Allbrooke , B W Allen , P P Allport , A Aloisio , A Alonso , F Alonso , C Alpigiani , A A Alshehri , M Alstaty , B Alvarez Gonzalez , D Álvarez Piqueras , M G Alviggi , B T Amadio , Y Amaral Coutinho , C Amelung , D Amidei , S P Amor Dos Santos , A Amorim , S Amoroso , G Amundsen , C Anastopoulos , L S Ancu , N Andari , T Andeen , C F Anders , J K Anders , K J Anderson , A Andreazza , V Andrei , S Angelidakis , I Angelozzi , A Angerami , F Anghinolfi , A V Anisenkov , N Anjos , A Annovi , C Antel , M Antonelli , A Antonov , D J Antrim , F Anulli , M Aoki , L Aperio Bella , G Arabidze , Y Arai , J P Araque , V Araujo Ferraz , A T H Arce , F A Arduh , J-F Arguin , S Argyropoulos , M Arik , A J Armbruster , L J Armitage , O Arnaez , H Arnold , M Arratia , O Arslan , A Artamonov , G Artoni , S Artz , S Asai , N Asbah , A Ashkenazi , B Åsman , L Asquith , K Assamagan , R Astalos , M Atkinson , N B Atlay , K Augsten , G Avolio , B Axen , M K Ayoub , G Azuelos , M A Baak , A E Baas , M J Baca , H Bachacou , K Bachas , M Backes , M Backhaus , P Bagiacchi , P Bagnaia , Y Bai , J T Baines , M Bajic , O K Baker , E M Baldin , P Balek , T Balestri , F Balli , W K Balunas , E Banas , Sw Banerjee , A A E Bannoura , L Barak , E L Barberio , D Barberis , M Barbero , T Barillari , M-S Barisits , T Barklow , N Barlow , S L Barnes , B M Barnett , R M Barnett , Z Barnovska-Blenessy , A Baroncelli , G Barone , A J Barr , L Barranco Navarro , F Barreiro , J Barreiro Guimarães da Costa , R Bartoldus , A E Barton , P Bartos , A Basalaev , A Bassalat , R L Bates , S J Batista , J R Batley , M Battaglia , M Bauce , F Bauer , H S Bawa , J B Beacham , M D Beattie , T Beau , P H Beauchemin , P Bechtle , H P Beck , K Becker , M Becker , M Beckingham , C Becot , A J Beddall , A Beddall , V A Bednyakov , M Bedognetti , C P Bee , L J Beemster , T A Beermann , M Begel , J K Behr , A S Bell , G Bella , L Bellagamba , A Bellerive , M Bellomo , K Belotskiy , O Beltramello , N L Belyaev , O Benary , D Benchekroun , M Bender , K Bendtz , N Benekos , Y Benhammou , E Benhar Noccioli , J Benitez , D P Benjamin , J R Bensinger , S Bentvelsen , L Beresford , M Beretta , D Berge , E Bergeaas Kuutmann , N Berger , J Beringer , S Berlendis , N R Bernard , C Bernius , F U Bernlochner , T Berry , P Berta , C Bertella , G Bertoli , F Bertolucci , I A Bertram , C Bertsche , D Bertsche , G J Besjes , O Bessidskaia Bylund , M Bessner , N Besson , C Betancourt , A Bethani , S Bethke , A J Bevan , R M Bianchi , M Bianco , O Biebel , D Biedermann , R Bielski , N V Biesuz , M Biglietti , J Bilbao De Mendizabal , T R V Billoud , H Bilokon , M Bindi , A Bingul , C Bini , S Biondi , T Bisanz , D M Bjergaard , C W Black , J E Black , K M Black , D Blackburn , R E Blair , T Blazek , I Bloch , C Blocker , A Blue , W Blum , U Blumenschein , S Blunier , G J Bobbink , V S Bobrovnikov , S S Bocchetta , A Bocci , C Bock , M Boehler , D Boerner , J A Bogaerts , D Bogavac , A G Bogdanchikov , C Bohm , V Boisvert , P Bokan , T Bold , A S Boldyrev , M Bomben , M Bona , M Boonekamp , A Borisov , G Borissov , J Bortfeldt , D Bortoletto , V Bortolotto , K Bos , D Boscherini , M Bosman , J D Bossio Sola , J Boudreau , J Bouffard , E V Bouhova-Thacker , D Boumediene , C Bourdarios , S K Boutle , A Boveia , J Boyd , I R Boyko , J Bracinik , A Brandt , G Brandt , O Brandt , U Bratzler , B Brau , J E Brau , W D Breaden Madden , K Brendlinger , A J Brennan , L Brenner , R Brenner , S Bressler , T M Bristow , D Britton , D Britzger , F M Brochu , I Brock , R Brock , G Brooijmans , T Brooks , W K Brooks , J Brosamer , E Brost , J H Broughton , P A Bruckman de Renstrom , D Bruncko , R Bruneliere , A Bruni , G Bruni , L S Bruni , B H Brunt , M Bruschi , N Bruscino , P Bryant , L Bryngemark , T Buanes , Q Buat , P Buchholz , A G Buckley , I A Budagov , F Buehrer , M K Bugge , O Bulekov , D Bullock , H Burckhart , S Burdin , C D Burgard , A M Burger , B Burghgrave , K Burka , S Burke , I Burmeister , J T P Burr , E Busato , D Büscher , V Büscher , P Bussey , J M Butler , C M Buttar , J M Butterworth , P Butti , W Buttinger , A Buzatu , A R Buzykaev , S Cabrera Urbán , D Caforio , V M Cairo , O Cakir , N Calace , P Calafiura , A Calandri , G Calderini , P Calfayan , G Callea , L P Caloba , S Calvente Lopez , D Calvet , S Calvet , T P Calvet , R Camacho Toro , S Camarda , P Camarri , D Cameron , R Caminal Armadans , C Camincher , S Campana , M Campanelli , A Camplani , A Campoverde , V Canale , A Canepa , M Cano Bret , J Cantero , T Cao , M D M Capeans Garrido , I Caprini , M Caprini , M Capua , R M Carbone , R Cardarelli , F Cardillo , I Carli , T Carli , G Carlino , B T Carlson , L Carminati , R M D Carney , S Caron , E Carquin , G D Carrillo-Montoya , J R Carter , J Carvalho , D Casadei , M P Casado , M Casolino , D W Casper , E Castaneda-Miranda , R Castelijn , A Castelli , V Castillo Gimenez , N F Castro , A Catinaccio , J R Catmore , A Cattai , J Caudron , V Cavaliere , E Cavallaro , D Cavalli , M Cavalli-Sforza , V Cavasinni , F Ceradini , L Cerda Alberich , A S Cerqueira , A Cerri , L Cerrito , F Cerutti , A Cervelli , S A Cetin , A Chafaq , D Chakraborty , S K Chan , Y L Chan , P Chang , J D Chapman , D G Charlton , A Chatterjee , C C Chau , C A Chavez Barajas , S Che , S Cheatham , A Chegwidden , S Chekanov , S V Chekulaev , G A Chelkov , M A Chelstowska , C Chen , H Chen , S Chen , S Chen , X Chen , Y Chen , H C Cheng , H J Cheng , Y Cheng , A Cheplakov , E Cheremushkina , R Cherkaoui El Moursli , V Chernyatin , E Cheu , L Chevalier , V Chiarella , G Chiarelli , G Chiodini , A S Chisholm , A Chitan , M V Chizhov , K Choi , A R Chomont , S Chouridou , B K B Chow , V Christodoulou , D Chromek-Burckhart , J Chudoba , A J Chuinard , J J Chwastowski , L Chytka , A K Ciftci , D Cinca , V Cindro , I A Cioara , C Ciocca , A Ciocio , F Cirotto , Z H Citron , M Citterio , M Ciubancan , A Clark , B L Clark , M R Clark , P J Clark , R N Clarke , C Clement , Y Coadou , M Cobal , A Coccaro , J Cochran , L Colasurdo , B Cole , A P Colijn , J Collot , T Colombo , P Conde Muiño , E Coniavitis , S H Connell , I A Connelly , V Consorti , S Constantinescu , G Conti , F Conventi , M Cooke , B D Cooper , A M Cooper-Sarkar , F Cormier , K J R Cormier , T Cornelissen , M Corradi , F Corriveau , A Cortes-Gonzalez , G Cortiana , G Costa , M J Costa , D Costanzo , G Cottin , G Cowan , B E Cox , K Cranmer , S J Crawley , G Cree , S Crépé-Renaudin , F Crescioli , W A Cribbs , M Crispin Ortuzar , M Cristinziani , V Croft , G Crosetti , A Cueto , T Cuhadar Donszelmann , J Cummings , M Curatolo , J Cúth , H Czirr , P Czodrowski , G D'amen , S D'Auria , M D'Onofrio , M J Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa , C Da Via , W Dabrowski , T Dado , T Dai , O Dale , F Dallaire , C Dallapiccola , M Dam , J R Dandoy , N P Dang , A C Daniells , N S Dann , M Danninger , M Dano Hoffmann , V Dao , G Darbo , S Darmora , J Dassoulas , A Dattagupta , W Davey , C David , T Davidek , M Davies , P Davison , E Dawe , I Dawson , K De , R de Asmundis , A De Benedetti , S De Castro , S De Cecco , N De Groot , P de Jong , H De la Torre , F De Lorenzi , A De Maria , D De Pedis , A De Salvo , U De Sanctis , A De Santo , J B De Vivie De Regie , W J Dearnaley , R Debbe , C Debenedetti , D V Dedovich , N Dehghanian , I Deigaard , M Del Gaudio , J Del Peso , T Del Prete , D Delgove , F Deliot , C M Delitzsch , A Dell'Acqua , L Dell'Asta , M Dell'Orso , M Della Pietra , D Della Volpe , M Delmastro , P A Delsart , D A DeMarco , S Demers , M Demichev , A Demilly , S P Denisov , D Denysiuk , D Derendarz , J E Derkaoui , F Derue , P Dervan , K Desch , C Deterre , K Dette , P O Deviveiros , A Dewhurst , S Dhaliwal , A Di Ciaccio , L Di Ciaccio , W K Di Clemente , C Di Donato , A Di Girolamo , B Di Girolamo , B Di Micco , R Di Nardo , K F Di Petrillo , A Di Simone , R Di Sipio , D Di Valentino , C Diaconu , M Diamond , F A Dias , M A Diaz , E B Diehl , J Dietrich , S Díez Cornell , A Dimitrievska , J Dingfelder , P Dita , S Dita , F Dittus , F Djama , T Djobava , J I Djuvsland , M A B do Vale , D Dobos , M Dobre , C Doglioni , J Dolejsi , Z Dolezal , M Donadelli , S Donati , P Dondero , J Donini , J Dopke , A Doria , M T Dova , A T Doyle , E Drechsler , M Dris , Y Du , J Duarte-Campderros , E Duchovni , G Duckeck , O A Ducu , D Duda , A Dudarev , A Chr Dudder , E M Duffield , L Duflot , M Dührssen , M Dumancic , A K Duncan , M Dunford , H Duran Yildiz , M Düren , A Durglishvili , D Duschinger , B Dutta , M Dyndal , C Eckardt , K M Ecker , R C Edgar , N C Edwards , T Eifert , G Eigen , K Einsweiler , T Ekelof , M El Kacimi , V Ellajosyula , M Ellert , S Elles , F Ellinghaus , A A Elliot , N Ellis , J Elmsheuser , M Elsing , D Emeliyanov , Y Enari , O C Endner , J S Ennis , J Erdmann , A Ereditato , G Ernis , J Ernst , M Ernst , S Errede , E Ertel , M Escalier , H Esch , C Escobar , B Esposito , A I Etienvre , E Etzion , H Evans , A Ezhilov , M Ezzi , F Fabbri , L Fabbri , G Facini , R M Fakhrutdinov , S Falciano , R J Falla , J Faltova , Y Fang , M Fanti , A Farbin , A Farilla , C Farina , E M Farina , T Farooque , S Farrell , S M Farrington , P Farthouat , F Fassi , P Fassnacht , D Fassouliotis , M Faucci Giannelli , A Favareto , W J Fawcett , L Fayard , O L Fedin , W Fedorko , S Feigl , L Feligioni , C Feng , E J Feng , H Feng , A B Fenyuk , L Feremenga , P Fernandez Martinez , S Fernandez Perez , J Ferrando , A Ferrari , P Ferrari , R Ferrari , D E Ferreira de Lima , A Ferrer , D Ferrere , C Ferretti , F Fiedler , A Filipčič , M Filipuzzi , F Filthaut , M Fincke-Keeler , K D Finelli , M C N Fiolhais , L Fiorini , A Fischer , C Fischer , J Fischer , W C Fisher , N Flaschel , I Fleck , P Fleischmann , G T Fletcher , R R M Fletcher , T Flick , B M Flierl , L R Flores Castillo , M J Flowerdew , G T Forcolin , A Formica , A Forti , A G Foster , D Fournier , H Fox , S Fracchia , P Francavilla , M Franchini , D Francis , L Franconi , M Franklin , M Frate , M Fraternali , D Freeborn , S M Fressard-Batraneanu , F Friedrich , D Froidevaux , J A Frost , C Fukunaga , E Fullana Torregrosa , T Fusayasu , J Fuster , C Gabaldon , O Gabizon , A Gabrielli , A Gabrielli , G P Gach , S Gadatsch , G Gagliardi , L G Gagnon , P Gagnon , C Galea , B Galhardo , E J Gallas , B J Gallop , P Gallus , G Galster , K K Gan , S Ganguly , J Gao , Y Gao , Y S Gao , F M Garay Walls , C García , J E García Navarro , M Garcia-Sciveres , R W Gardner , N Garelli , V Garonne , A Gascon Bravo , K Gasnikova , C Gatti , A Gaudiello , G Gaudio , L Gauthier , I L Gavrilenko , C Gay , G Gaycken , E N Gazis , Z Gecse , C N P Gee , Ch Geich-Gimbel , M Geisen , M P Geisler , K Gellerstedt , C Gemme , M H Genest , C Geng , S Gentile , C Gentsos , S George , D Gerbaudo , A Gershon , S Ghasemi , M Ghneimat , B Giacobbe , S Giagu , P Giannetti , S M Gibson , M Gignac , M Gilchriese , T P S Gillam , D Gillberg , G Gilles , D M Gingrich , N Giokaris , M P Giordani , F M Giorgi , P F Giraud , P Giromini , D Giugni , F Giuli , C Giuliani , M Giulini , B K Gjelsten , S Gkaitatzis , I Gkialas , E L Gkougkousis , L K Gladilin , C Glasman , J Glatzer , P C F Glaysher , A Glazov , M Goblirsch-Kolb , J Godlewski , S Goldfarb , T Golling , D Golubkov , A Gomes , R Gonçalo , R Goncalves Gama , J Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa , G Gonella , L Gonella , A Gongadze , S González de la Hoz , S Gonzalez-Sevilla , L Goossens , P A Gorbounov , H A Gordon , I Gorelov , B Gorini , E Gorini , A Gorišek , A T Goshaw , C Gössling , M I Gostkin , C R Goudet , D Goujdami , A G Goussiou , N Govender , E Gozani , L Graber , I Grabowska-Bold , P O J Gradin , P Grafström , J Gramling , E Gramstad , S Grancagnolo , V Gratchev , P M Gravila , H M Gray , E Graziani , Z D Greenwood , C Grefe , K Gregersen , I M Gregor , P Grenier , K Grevtsov , J Griffiths , A A Grillo , K Grimm , S Grinstein , Ph Gris , J-F Grivaz , S Groh , E Gross , J Grosse-Knetter , G C Grossi , Z J Grout , L Guan , W Guan , J Guenther , F Guescini , D Guest , O Gueta , B Gui , E Guido , T Guillemin , S Guindon , U Gul , C Gumpert , J Guo , W Guo , Y Guo , R Gupta , S Gupta , G Gustavino , P Gutierrez , N G Gutierrez Ortiz , C Gutschow , C Guyot , C Gwenlan , C B Gwilliam , A Haas , C Haber , H K Hadavand , N Haddad , A Hadef , S Hageböck , M Hagihara , H Hakobyan , M Haleem , J Haley , G Halladjian , G D Hallewell , K Hamacher , P Hamal , K Hamano , A Hamilton , G N Hamity , P G Hamnett , L Han , S Han , K Hanagaki , K Hanawa , M Hance , B Haney , P Hanke , R Hanna , J B Hansen , J D Hansen , M C Hansen , P H Hansen , K Hara , A S Hard , T Harenberg , F Hariri , S Harkusha , R D Harrington , P F Harrison , F Hartjes , N M Hartmann , M Hasegawa , Y Hasegawa , A Hasib , S Hassani , S Haug , R Hauser , L Hauswald , M Havranek , C M Hawkes , R J Hawkings , D Hayakawa , D Hayden , C P Hays , J M Hays , H S Hayward , S J Haywood , S J Head , T Heck , V Hedberg , L Heelan , S Heim , T Heim , B Heinemann , J J Heinrich , L Heinrich , C Heinz , J Hejbal , L Helary , S Hellman , C Helsens , J Henderson , R C W Henderson , Y Heng , S Henkelmann , A M Henriques Correia , S Henrot-Versille , G H Herbert , H Herde , V Herget , Y Hernández Jiménez , G Herten , R Hertenberger , L Hervas , G G Hesketh , N P Hessey , J W Hetherly , E Higón-Rodriguez , E Hill , J C Hill , K H Hiller , S J Hillier , I Hinchliffe , E Hines , M Hirose , D Hirschbuehl , O Hladik , X Hoad , J Hobbs , N Hod , M C Hodgkinson , P Hodgson , A Hoecker , M R Hoeferkamp , F Hoenig , D Hohn , T R Holmes , M Homann , S Honda , T Honda , T M Hong , B H Hooberman , W H Hopkins , Y Horii , A J Horton , J-Y Hostachy , S Hou , A Hoummada , J Howarth , J Hoya , M Hrabovsky , I Hristova , J Hrivnac , T Hryn'ova , A Hrynevich , P J Hsu , S-C Hsu , Q Hu , S Hu , Y Huang , Z Hubacek , F Hubaut , F Huegging , T B Huffman , E W Hughes , G Hughes , M Huhtinen , P Huo , N Huseynov , J Huston , J Huth , G Iacobucci , G Iakovidis , I Ibragimov , L Iconomidou-Fayard , E Ideal , Z Idrissi , P Iengo , O Igonkina , T Iizawa , Y Ikegami , M Ikeno , Y Ilchenko , D Iliadis , N Ilic , G Introzzi , P Ioannou , M Iodice , K Iordanidou , V Ippolito , N Ishijima , M Ishino , M Ishitsuka , C Issever , S Istin , F Ito , J M Iturbe Ponce , R Iuppa , H Iwasaki , J M Izen , V Izzo , S Jabbar , B Jackson , P Jackson , V Jain , K B Jakobi , K Jakobs , S Jakobsen , T Jakoubek , D O Jamin , D K Jana , R Jansky , J Janssen , M Janus , P A Janus , G Jarlskog , N Javadov , T Javůrek , F Jeanneau , L Jeanty , J Jejelava , G-Y Jeng , P Jenni , C Jeske , S Jézéquel , H Ji , J Jia , H Jiang , Y Jiang , Z Jiang , S Jiggins , J Jimenez Pena , S Jin , A Jinaru , O Jinnouchi , H Jivan , P Johansson , K A Johns , C A Johnson , W J Johnson , K Jon-And , G Jones , R W L Jones , S Jones , T J Jones , J Jongmanns , P M Jorge , J Jovicevic , X Ju , A Juste Rozas , M K Köhler , A Kaczmarska , M Kado , H Kagan , M Kagan , S J Kahn , T Kaji , E Kajomovitz , C W Kalderon , A Kaluza , S Kama , A Kamenshchikov , N Kanaya , S Kaneti , L Kanjir , V A Kantserov , J Kanzaki , B Kaplan , L S Kaplan , A Kapliy , D Kar , K Karakostas , A Karamaoun , N Karastathis , M J Kareem , E Karentzos , S N Karpov , Z M Karpova , K Karthik , V Kartvelishvili , A N Karyukhin , K Kasahara , L Kashif , R D Kass , A Kastanas , Y Kataoka , C Kato , A Katre , J Katzy , K Kawade , K Kawagoe , T Kawamoto , G Kawamura , V F Kazanin , R Keeler , R Kehoe , J S Keller , J J Kempster , H Keoshkerian , O Kepka , B P Kerševan , S Kersten , R A Keyes , M Khader , F Khalil-Zada , A Khanov , A G Kharlamov , T Kharlamova , T J Khoo , V Khovanskiy , E Khramov , J Khubua , S Kido , C R Kilby , H Y Kim , S H Kim , Y K Kim , N Kimura , O M Kind , B T King , M King , J Kirk , A E Kiryunin , T Kishimoto , D Kisielewska , F Kiss , K Kiuchi , O Kivernyk , E Kladiva , T Klapdor-Kleingrothaus , M H Klein , M Klein , U Klein , K Kleinknecht , P Klimek , A Klimentov , R Klingenberg , T Klioutchnikova , E-E Kluge , P Kluit , S Kluth , J Knapik , E Kneringer , E B F G Knoops , A Knue , A Kobayashi , D Kobayashi , T Kobayashi , M Kobel , M Kocian , P Kodys , T Koffas , E Koffeman , N M Köhler , T Koi , H Kolanoski , M Kolb , I Koletsou , A A Komar , Y Komori , T Kondo , N Kondrashova , K Köneke , A C König , T Kono , R Konoplich , N Konstantinidis , R Kopeliansky , S Koperny , A K Kopp , K Korcyl , K Kordas , A Korn , A A Korol , I Korolkov , E V Korolkova , O Kortner , S Kortner , T Kosek , V V Kostyukhin , A Kotwal , A Koulouris , A Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi , C Kourkoumelis , V Kouskoura , A B Kowalewska , R Kowalewski , T Z Kowalski , C Kozakai , W Kozanecki , A S Kozhin , V A Kramarenko , G Kramberger , D Krasnopevtsev , M W Krasny , A Krasznahorkay , A Kravchenko , M Kretz , J Kretzschmar , K Kreutzfeldt , P Krieger , K Krizka , K Kroeninger , H Kroha , J Kroll , J Kroseberg , J Krstic , U Kruchonak , H Krüger , N Krumnack , M C Kruse , M Kruskal , T Kubota , H Kucuk , S Kuday , J T Kuechler , S Kuehn , A Kugel , F Kuger , T Kuhl , V Kukhtin , R Kukla , Y Kulchitsky , S Kuleshov , M Kuna , T Kunigo , A Kupco , O Kuprash , H Kurashige , L L Kurchaninov , Y A Kurochkin , M G Kurth , V Kus , E S Kuwertz , M Kuze , J Kvita , T Kwan , D Kyriazopoulos , A La Rosa , J L La Rosa Navarro , L La Rotonda , C Lacasta , F Lacava , J Lacey , H Lacker , D Lacour , E Ladygin , R Lafaye , B Laforge , T Lagouri , S Lai , S Lammers , W Lampl , E Lançon , U Landgraf , M P J Landon , M C Lanfermann , V S Lang , J C Lange , A J Lankford , F Lanni , K Lantzsch , A Lanza , S Laplace , C Lapoire , J F Laporte , T Lari , F Lasagni Manghi , M Lassnig , P Laurelli , W Lavrijsen , A T Law , P Laycock , T Lazovich , M Lazzaroni , B Le , O Le Dortz , E Le Guirriec , E P Le Quilleuc , M LeBlanc , T LeCompte , F Ledroit-Guillon , C A Lee , S C Lee , L Lee , B Lefebvre , G Lefebvre , M Lefebvre , F Legger , C Leggett , A Lehan , G Lehmann Miotto , X Lei , W A Leight , A G Leister , M A L Leite , R Leitner , D Lellouch , B Lemmer , K J C Leney , T Lenz , B Lenzi , R Leone , S Leone , C Leonidopoulos , S Leontsinis , G Lerner , C Leroy , A A J Lesage , C G Lester , M Levchenko , J Levêque , D Levin , L J Levinson , M Levy , D Lewis , M Leyton , B Li , C Li , H Li , L Li , L Li , Q Li , S Li , X Li , Y Li , Z Liang , B Liberti , A Liblong , P Lichard , K Lie , J Liebal , W Liebig , A Limosani , S C Lin , T H Lin , B E Lindquist , A E Lionti , E Lipeles , A Lipniacka , M Lisovyi , T M Liss , A Lister , A M Litke , B Liu , D Liu , H Liu , H Liu , J Liu , J B Liu , K Liu , L Liu , M Liu , Y L Liu , Y Liu , M Livan , A Lleres , J Llorente Merino , S L Lloyd , F Lo Sterzo , E M Lobodzinska , P Loch , F K Loebinger , K M Loew , A Loginov , T Lohse , K Lohwasser , M Lokajicek , B A Long , J D Long , R E Long , L Longo , K A Looper , J A Lopez Lopez , D Lopez Mateos , B Lopez Paredes , I Lopez Paz , A Lopez Solis , J Lorenz , N Lorenzo Martinez , M Losada , P J Lösel , X Lou , A Lounis , J Love , P A Love , H Lu , N Lu , H J Lubatti , C Luci , A Lucotte , C Luedtke , F Luehring , W Lukas , L Luminari , O Lundberg , B Lund-Jensen , P M Luzi , D Lynn , R Lysak , E Lytken , V Lyubushkin , H Ma , L L Ma , Y Ma , G Maccarrone , A Macchiolo , C M Macdonald , B Maček , J Machado Miguens , D Madaffari , R Madar , H J Maddocks , W F Mader , A Madsen , J Maeda , S Maeland , T Maeno , A Maevskiy , E Magradze , J Mahlstedt , C Maiani , C Maidantchik , A A Maier , T Maier , A Maio , S Majewski , Y Makida , N Makovec , B Malaescu , Pa Malecki , V P Maleev , F Malek , U Mallik , D Malon , C Malone , S Maltezos , S Malyukov , J Mamuzic , G Mancini , L Mandelli , I Mandić , J Maneira , L Manhaes de Andrade Filho , J Manjarres Ramos , A Mann , A Manousos , B Mansoulie , J D Mansour , R Mantifel , M Mantoani , S Manzoni , L Mapelli , G Marceca , L March , G Marchiori , M Marcisovsky , M Marjanovic , D E Marley , F Marroquim , S P Marsden , Z Marshall , S Marti-Garcia , B Martin , T A Martin , V J Martin , B Martin Dit Latour , M Martinez , V I Martinez Outschoorn , S Martin-Haugh , V S Martoiu , A C Martyniuk , A Marzin , L Masetti , T Mashimo , R Mashinistov , J Masik , A L Maslennikov , I Massa , L Massa , P Mastrandrea , A Mastroberardino , T Masubuchi , P Mättig , J Mattmann , J Maurer , S J Maxfield , D A Maximov , R Mazini , I Maznas , S M Mazza , N C Mc Fadden , G Mc Goldrick , S P Mc Kee , A McCarn , R L McCarthy , T G McCarthy , L I McClymont , E F McDonald , J A Mcfayden , G Mchedlidze , S J McMahon , R A McPherson , M Medinnis , S Meehan , S Mehlhase , A Mehta , K Meier , C Meineck , B Meirose , D Melini , B R Mellado Garcia , M Melo , F Meloni , S B Menary , L Meng , X T Meng , A Mengarelli , S Menke , E Meoni , S Mergelmeyer , P Mermod , L Merola , C Meroni , F S Merritt , A Messina , J Metcalfe , A S Mete , C Meyer , C Meyer , J-P Meyer , J Meyer , H Meyer Zu Theenhausen , F Miano , R P Middleton , S Miglioranzi , L Mijović , G Mikenberg , M Mikestikova , M Mikuž , M Milesi , A Milic , D W Miller , C Mills , A Milov , D A Milstead , A A Minaenko , Y Minami , I A Minashvili , A I Mincer , B Mindur , M Mineev , Y Minegishi , Y Ming , L M Mir , K P Mistry , T Mitani , J Mitrevski , V A Mitsou , A Miucci , P S Miyagawa , A Mizukami , J U Mjörnmark , M Mlynarikova , T Moa , K Mochizuki , P Mogg , S Mohapatra , S Molander , R Moles-Valls , R Monden , M C Mondragon , K Mönig , J Monk , E Monnier , A Montalbano , J Montejo Berlingen , F Monticelli , S Monzani , R W Moore , N Morange , D Moreno , M Moreno Llácer , P Morettini , S Morgenstern , D Mori , T Mori , M Morii , M Morinaga , V Morisbak , S Moritz , A K Morley , G Mornacchi , J D Morris , S S Mortensen , L Morvaj , P Moschovakos , M Mosidze , H J Moss , J Moss , K Motohashi , R Mount , E Mountricha , E J W Moyse , S Muanza , R D Mudd , F Mueller , J Mueller , R S P Mueller , T Mueller , D Muenstermann , P Mullen , G A Mullier , F J Munoz Sanchez , J A Murillo Quijada , W J Murray , H Musheghyan , M Muškinja , A G Myagkov , M Myska , B P Nachman , O Nackenhorst , K Nagai , R Nagai , K Nagano , Y Nagasaka , K Nagata , M Nagel , E Nagy , A M Nairz , Y Nakahama , K Nakamura , T Nakamura , I Nakano , R F Naranjo Garcia , R Narayan , D I Narrias Villar , I Naryshkin , T Naumann , G Navarro , R Nayyar , H A Neal , P Yu Nechaeva , T J Neep , A Negri , M Negrini , S Nektarijevic , C Nellist , A Nelson , S Nemecek , P Nemethy , A A Nepomuceno , M Nessi , M S Neubauer , M Neumann , R M Neves , P Nevski , P R Newman , T Nguyen Manh , R B Nickerson , R Nicolaidou , J Nielsen , V Nikolaenko , I Nikolic-Audit , K Nikolopoulos , J K Nilsen , P Nilsson , Y Ninomiya , A Nisati , R Nisius , T Nobe , M Nomachi , I Nomidis , T Nooney , S Norberg , M Nordberg , N Norjoharuddeen , O Novgorodova , S Nowak , M Nozaki , L Nozka , K Ntekas , E Nurse , F Nuti , D C O'Neil , A A O'Rourke , V O'Shea , F G Oakham , H Oberlack , T Obermann , J Ocariz , A Ochi , I Ochoa , J P Ochoa-Ricoux , S Oda , S Odaka , H Ogren , A Oh , S H Oh , C C Ohm , H Ohman , H Oide , H Okawa , Y Okumura , T Okuyama , A Olariu , L F Oleiro Seabra , S A Olivares Pino , D Oliveira Damazio , A Olszewski , J Olszowska , A Onofre , K Onogi , P U E Onyisi , M J Oreglia , Y Oren , D Orestano , N Orlando , R S Orr , B Osculati , R Ospanov , G Otero Y Garzon , H Otono , M Ouchrif , F Ould-Saada , A Ouraou , K P Oussoren , Q Ouyang , M Owen , R E Owen , V E Ozcan , N Ozturk , K Pachal , A Pacheco Pages , L Pacheco Rodriguez , C Padilla Aranda , M Pagáčová , S Pagan Griso , M Paganini , F Paige , P Pais , K Pajchel , G Palacino , S Palazzo , S Palestini , M Palka , D Pallin , E St Panagiotopoulou , C E Pandini , J G Panduro Vazquez , P Pani , S Panitkin , D Pantea , L Paolozzi , Th D Papadopoulou , K Papageorgiou , A Paramonov , D Paredes Hernandez , A J Parker , M A Parker , K A Parker , F Parodi , J A Parsons , U Parzefall , V R Pascuzzi , E Pasqualucci , S Passaggio , Fr Pastore , G Pásztor , S Pataraia , J R Pater , T Pauly , J Pearce , B Pearson , L E Pedersen , M Pedersen , S Pedraza Lopez , R Pedro , S V Peleganchuk , O Penc , C Peng , H Peng , J Penwell , B S Peralva , M M Perego , D V Perepelitsa , E Perez Codina , L Perini , H Pernegger , S Perrella , R Peschke , V D Peshekhonov , K Peters , R F Y Peters , B A Petersen , T C Petersen , E Petit , A Petridis , C Petridou , P Petroff , E Petrolo , M Petrov , F Petrucci , N E Pettersson , A Peyaud , R Pezoa , P W Phillips , G Piacquadio , E Pianori , A Picazio , E Piccaro , M Piccinini , M A Pickering , R Piegaia , J E Pilcher , A D Pilkington , A W J Pin , M Pinamonti , J L Pinfold , A Pingel , S Pires , H Pirumov , M Pitt , L Plazak , M-A Pleier , V Pleskot , E Plotnikova , D Pluth , R Poettgen , L Poggioli , D Pohl , G Polesello , A Poley , A Policicchio , R Polifka , A Polini , C S Pollard , V Polychronakos , K Pommès , L Pontecorvo , B G Pope , G A Popeneciu , A Poppleton , S Pospisil , K Potamianos , I N Potrap , C J Potter , C T Potter , G Poulard , J Poveda , V Pozdnyakov , M E Pozo Astigarraga , P Pralavorio , A Pranko , S Prell , D Price , L E Price , M Primavera , S Prince , K Prokofiev , F Prokoshin , S Protopopescu , J Proudfoot , M Przybycien , D Puddu , M Purohit , P Puzo , J Qian , G Qin , Y Qin , A Quadt , W B Quayle , M Queitsch-Maitland , D Quilty , S Raddum , V Radeka , V Radescu , S K Radhakrishnan , P Radloff , P Rados , F Ragusa , G Rahal , J A Raine , S Rajagopalan , M Rammensee , C Rangel-Smith , M G Ratti , D M Rauch , F Rauscher , S Rave , T Ravenscroft , I Ravinovich , M Raymond , A L Read , N P Readioff , M Reale , D M Rebuzzi , A Redelbach , G Redlinger , R Reece , R G Reed , K Reeves , L Rehnisch , J Reichert , A Reiss , C Rembser , H Ren , M Rescigno , S Resconi , E D Resseguie , O L Rezanova , P Reznicek , R Rezvani , R Richter , S Richter , E Richter-Was , O Ricken , M Ridel , P Rieck , C J Riegel , J Rieger , O Rifki , M Rijssenbeek , A Rimoldi , M Rimoldi , L Rinaldi , B Ristić , E Ritsch , I Riu , F Rizatdinova , E Rizvi , C Rizzi , R T Roberts , S H Robertson , A Robichaud-Veronneau , D Robinson , J E M Robinson , A Robson , C Roda , Y Rodina , A Rodriguez Perez , D Rodriguez Rodriguez , S Roe , C S Rogan , O Røhne , J Roloff , A Romaniouk , M Romano , S M Romano Saez , E Romero Adam , N Rompotis , M Ronzani , L Roos , E Ros , S Rosati , K Rosbach , P Rose , N-A Rosien , V Rossetti , E Rossi , L P Rossi , J H N Rosten , R Rosten , M Rotaru , I Roth , J Rothberg , D Rousseau , A Rozanov , Y Rozen , X Ruan , F Rubbo , M S Rudolph , F Rühr , A Ruiz-Martinez , Z Rurikova , N A Rusakovich , A Ruschke , H L Russell , J P Rutherfoord , N Ruthmann , Y F Ryabov , M Rybar , G Rybkin , S Ryu , A Ryzhov , G F Rzehorz , A F Saavedra , G Sabato , S Sacerdoti , H F-W Sadrozinski , R Sadykov , F Safai Tehrani , P Saha , M Sahinsoy , M Saimpert , T Saito , H Sakamoto , Y Sakurai , G Salamanna , A Salamon , J E Salazar Loyola , D Salek , P H Sales De Bruin , D Salihagic , A Salnikov , J Salt , D Salvatore , F Salvatore , A Salvucci , A Salzburger , D Sammel , D Sampsonidis , J Sánchez , V Sanchez Martinez , A Sanchez Pineda , H Sandaker , R L Sandbach , M Sandhoff , C Sandoval , D P C Sankey , M Sannino , A Sansoni , C Santoni , R Santonico , H Santos , I Santoyo Castillo , K Sapp , A Sapronov , J G Saraiva , B Sarrazin , O Sasaki , K Sato , E Sauvan , G Savage , P Savard , N Savic , C Sawyer , L Sawyer , J Saxon , C Sbarra , A Sbrizzi , T Scanlon , D A Scannicchio , M Scarcella , V Scarfone , J Schaarschmidt , P Schacht , B M Schachtner , D Schaefer , L Schaefer , R Schaefer , J Schaeffer , S Schaepe , S Schaetzel , U Schäfer , A C Schaffer , D Schaile , R D Schamberger , V Scharf , V A Schegelsky , D Scheirich , M Schernau , C Schiavi , S Schier , C Schillo , M Schioppa , S Schlenker , K R Schmidt-Sommerfeld , K Schmieden , C Schmitt , S Schmitt , S Schmitz , B Schneider , U Schnoor , L Schoeffel , A Schoening , B D Schoenrock , E Schopf , M Schott , J F P Schouwenberg , J Schovancova , S Schramm , M Schreyer , N Schuh , A Schulte , M J Schultens , H-C Schultz-Coulon , H Schulz , M Schumacher , B A Schumm , Ph Schune , A Schwartzman , T A Schwarz , H Schweiger , Ph Schwemling , R Schwienhorst , J Schwindling , T Schwindt , G Sciolla , F Scuri , F Scutti , J Searcy , P Seema , S C Seidel , A Seiden , F Seifert , J M Seixas , G Sekhniaidze , K Sekhon , S J Sekula , N Semprini-Cesari , C Serfon , L Serin , L Serkin , M Sessa , R Seuster , H Severini , T Sfiligoj , F Sforza , A Sfyrla , E Shabalina , N W Shaikh , L Y Shan , R Shang , J T Shank , M Shapiro , P B Shatalov , K Shaw , S M Shaw , A Shcherbakova , C Y Shehu , P Sherwood , L Shi , S Shimizu , C O Shimmin , M Shimojima , S Shirabe , M Shiyakova , A Shmeleva , D Shoaleh Saadi , M J Shochet , S Shojaii , D R Shope , S Shrestha , E Shulga , M A Shupe , P Sicho , A M Sickles , P E Sidebo , E Sideras Haddad , O Sidiropoulou , D Sidorov , A Sidoti , F Siegert , Dj Sijacki , J Silva , S B Silverstein , V Simak , Lj Simic , S Simion , E Simioni , B Simmons , D Simon , M Simon , P Sinervo , N B Sinev , M Sioli , G Siragusa , I Siral , S Yu Sivoklokov , J Sjölin , M B Skinner , H P Skottowe , P Skubic , M Slater , T Slavicek , M Slawinska , K Sliwa , R Slovak , V Smakhtin , B H Smart , L Smestad , J Smiesko , S Yu Smirnov , Y Smirnov , L N Smirnova , O Smirnova , J W Smith , M N K Smith , R W Smith , M Smizanska , K Smolek , A A Snesarev , I M Snyder , S Snyder , R Sobie , F Socher , A Soffer , D A Soh , G Sokhrannyi , C A Solans Sanchez , M Solar , E Yu Soldatov , U Soldevila , A A Solodkov , A Soloshenko , O V Solovyanov , V Solovyev , P Sommer , H Son , H Y Song , A Sood , A Sopczak , V Sopko , V Sorin , D Sosa , C L Sotiropoulou , R Soualah , A M Soukharev , D South , B C Sowden , S Spagnolo , M Spalla , M Spangenberg , F Spanò , D Sperlich , F Spettel , R Spighi , G Spigo , L A Spiller , M Spousta , R D St Denis , A Stabile , R Stamen , S Stamm , E Stanecka , R W Stanek , C Stanescu , M Stanescu-Bellu , M M Stanitzki , S Stapnes , E A Starchenko , G H Stark , J Stark , P Staroba , P Starovoitov , S Stärz , R Staszewski , P Steinberg , B Stelzer , H J Stelzer , O Stelzer-Chilton , H Stenzel , G A Stewart , J A Stillings , M C Stockton , M Stoebe , G Stoicea , P Stolte , S Stonjek , A R Stradling , A Straessner , M E Stramaglia , J Strandberg , S Strandberg , A Strandlie , M Strauss , P Strizenec , R Ströhmer , D M Strom , R Stroynowski , A Strubig , S A Stucci , B Stugu , N A Styles , D Su , J Su , S Suchek , Y Sugaya , M Suk , V V Sulin , S Sultansoy , T Sumida , S Sun , X Sun , J E Sundermann , K Suruliz , C J E Suster , M R Sutton , S Suzuki , M Svatos , M Swiatlowski , S P Swift , I Sykora , T Sykora , D Ta , K Tackmann , J Taenzer , A Taffard , R Tafirout , N Taiblum , H Takai , R Takashima , T Takeshita , Y Takubo , M Talby , A A Talyshev , J Tanaka , M Tanaka , R Tanaka , S Tanaka , R Tanioka , B B Tannenwald , S Tapia Araya , S Tapprogge , S Tarem , G F Tartarelli , P Tas , M Tasevsky , T Tashiro , E Tassi , A Tavares Delgado , Y Tayalati , A C Taylor , G N Taylor , P T E Taylor , W Taylor , F A Teischinger , P Teixeira-Dias , K K Temming , D Temple , H Ten Kate , P K Teng , J J Teoh , F Tepel , S Terada , K Terashi , J Terron , S Terzo , M Testa , R J Teuscher , T Theveneaux-Pelzer , J P Thomas , J Thomas-Wilsker , P D Thompson , A S Thompson , L A Thomsen , E Thomson , M J Tibbetts , R E Ticse Torres , V O Tikhomirov , Yu A Tikhonov , S Timoshenko , P Tipton , S Tisserant , K Todome , T Todorov , S Todorova-Nova , J Tojo , S Tokár , K Tokushuku , E Tolley , L Tomlinson , M Tomoto , L Tompkins , K Toms , B Tong , P Tornambe , E Torrence , H Torres , E Torró Pastor , J Toth , F Touchard , D R Tovey , T Trefzger , A Tricoli , I M Trigger , S Trincaz-Duvoid , M F Tripiana , W Trischuk , B Trocmé , A Trofymov , C Troncon , M Trottier-McDonald , M Trovatelli , L Truong , M Trzebinski , A Trzupek , J C-L Tseng , P V Tsiareshka , G Tsipolitis , N Tsirintanis , S Tsiskaridze , V Tsiskaridze , E G Tskhadadze , K M Tsui , I I Tsukerman , V Tsulaia , S Tsuno , D Tsybychev , Y Tu , A Tudorache , V Tudorache , T T Tulbure , A N Tuna , S A Tupputi , S Turchikhin , D Turgeman , I Turk Cakir , R Turra , P M Tuts , G Ucchielli , I Ueda , M Ughetto , F Ukegawa , G Unal , A Undrus , G Unel , F C Ungaro , Y Unno , C Unverdorben , J Urban , P Urquijo , P Urrejola , G Usai , J Usui , L Vacavant , V Vacek , B Vachon , C Valderanis , E Valdes Santurio , N Valencic , S Valentinetti , A Valero , L Valery , S Valkar , J A Valls Ferrer , W Van Den Wollenberg , P C Van Der Deijl , H van der Graaf , N van Eldik , P van Gemmeren , J Van Nieuwkoop , I van Vulpen , M C van Woerden , M Vanadia , W Vandelli , R Vanguri , A Vaniachine , P Vankov , G Vardanyan , R Vari , E W Varnes , T Varol , D Varouchas , A Vartapetian , K E Varvell , J G Vasquez , G A Vasquez , F Vazeille , T Vazquez Schroeder , J Veatch , V Veeraraghavan , L M Veloce , F Veloso , S Veneziano , A Ventura , M Venturi , N Venturi , A Venturini , V Vercesi , M Verducci , W Verkerke , J C Vermeulen , A Vest , M C Vetterli , O Viazlo , I Vichou , T Vickey , O E Vickey Boeriu , G H A Viehhauser , S Viel , L Vigani , M Villa , M Villaplana Perez , E Vilucchi , M G Vincter , V B Vinogradov , A Vishwakarma , C Vittori , I Vivarelli , S Vlachos , M Vlasak , M Vogel , P Vokac , G Volpi , M Volpi , H von der Schmitt , E von Toerne , V Vorobel , K Vorobev , M Vos , R Voss , J H Vossebeld , N Vranjes , M Vranjes Milosavljevic , V Vrba , M Vreeswijk , R Vuillermet , I Vukotic , P Wagner , W Wagner , H Wahlberg , S Wahrmund , J Wakabayashi , J Walder , R Walker , W Walkowiak , V Wallangen , C Wang , C Wang , F Wang , H Wang , H Wang , J Wang , J Wang , K Wang , Q Wang , R Wang , S M Wang , T Wang , W Wang , C Wanotayaroj , A Warburton , C P Ward , D R Wardrope , A Washbrook , P M Watkins , A T Watson , M F Watson , G Watts , S Watts , B M Waugh , S Webb , M S Weber , S W Weber , S A Weber , J S Webster , A R Weidberg , B Weinert , J Weingarten , C Weiser , H Weits , P S Wells , T Wenaus , T Wengler , S Wenig , N Wermes , M D Werner , P Werner , M Wessels , J Wetter , K Whalen , N L Whallon , A M Wharton , A White , M J White , R White , D Whiteson , F J Wickens , W Wiedenmann , M Wielers , C Wiglesworth , L A M Wiik-Fuchs , A Wildauer , F Wilk , H G Wilkens , H H Williams , S Williams , C Willis , S Willocq , J A Wilson , I Wingerter-Seez , F Winklmeier , O J Winston , B T Winter , M Wittgen , M Wobisch , T M H Wolf , R Wolff , M W Wolter , H Wolters , S D Worm , B K Wosiek , J Wotschack , M J Woudstra , K W Wozniak , M Wu , M Wu , S L Wu , X Wu , Y Wu , T R Wyatt , B M Wynne , S Xella , Z Xi , D Xu , L Xu , B Yabsley , S Yacoob , D Yamaguchi , Y Yamaguchi , A Yamamoto , S Yamamoto , T Yamanaka , K Yamauchi , Y Yamazaki , Z Yan , H Yang , H Yang , Y Yang , Z Yang , W-M Yao , Y C Yap , Y Yasu , E Yatsenko , K H Yau Wong , J Ye , S Ye , I Yeletskikh , E Yildirim , K Yorita , R Yoshida , K Yoshihara , C Young , C J S Young , S Youssef , D R Yu , J Yu , J M Yu , J Yu , L Yuan , S P Y Yuen , I Yusuff , B Zabinski , R Zaidan , A M Zaitsev , N Zakharchuk , J Zalieckas , A Zaman , S Zambito , D Zanzi , C Zeitnitz , M Zeman , A Zemla , J C Zeng , Q Zeng , O Zenin , T Ženiš , D Zerwas , D Zhang , F Zhang , G Zhang , H Zhang , J Zhang , L Zhang , L Zhang , M Zhang , R Zhang , R Zhang , X Zhang , Z Zhang , X Zhao , Y Zhao , Z Zhao , A Zhemchugov , J Zhong , B Zhou , C Zhou , L Zhou , L Zhou , M Zhou , M Zhou , N Zhou , C G Zhu , H Zhu , J Zhu , Y Zhu , X Zhuang , K Zhukov , A Zibell , D Zieminska , N I Zimine , C Zimmermann , S Zimmermann , Z Zinonos , M Zinser , M Ziolkowski , L Živković , G Zobernig , A Zoccoli , M Zur Nedden , L Zwalinski , Auteur inconnu

Search for doubly charged scalar bosons decaying into same-sign

The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields
Avec: M Aaboud , G Aad , B Abbott , O Abdinov , B Abeloos , D K Abhayasinghe , S H Abidi , O S AbouZeid , N L Abraham , H Abramowicz , H Abreu , Y Abulaiti , B S Acharya , S Adachi , L Adamczyk , J Adelman , M Adersberger , A Adiguzel , T Adye , A A Affolder , Y Afik , C Agheorghiesei , J A Aguilar-Saavedra , F Ahmadov , G Aielli , S Akatsuka , T P A Åkesson , E Akilli , A V Akimov , G L Alberghi , J Albert , P Albicocco , M J Alconada Verzini , S Alderweireldt , M Aleksa , I N Aleksandrov , C Alexa , T Alexopoulos , M Alhroob , B Ali , G Alimonti , J Alison , S P Alkire , C Allaire , B M M Allbrooke , B W Allen , P P Allport , A Aloisio , A Alonso , F Alonso , C Alpigiani , A A Alshehri , M I Alstaty , B Alvarez Gonzalez , D Álvarez Piqueras , M G Alviggi , B T Amadio , Y Amaral Coutinho , L Ambroz , C Amelung , D Amidei , S P Amor Dos Santos , S Amoroso , C S Amrouche , C Anastopoulos , L S Ancu , N Andari , T Andeen , C F Anders , J K Anders , K J Anderson , A Andreazza , V Andrei , C R Anelli , S Angelidakis , I Angelozzi , A Angerami , A V Anisenkov , A Annovi , C Antel , M T Anthony , M Antonelli , D J A Antrim , F Anulli , M Aoki , J A Aparisi Pozo , L Aperio Bella , G Arabidze , J P Araque , V Araujo Ferraz , R Araujo Pereira , A T H Arce , R E Ardell , F A Arduh , J-F Arguin , S Argyropoulos , A J Armbruster , L J Armitage , A Armstrong , O Arnaez , H Arnold , M Arratia , O Arslan , A Artamonov , G Artoni , S Artz , S Asai , N Asbah , A Ashkenazi , E M Asimakopoulou , L Asquith , K Assamagan , R Astalos , R J Atkin , M Atkinson , N B Atlay , K Augsten , G Avolio , R Avramidou , M K Ayoub , G Azuelos , A E Baas , M J Baca , H Bachacou , K Bachas , M Backes , P Bagnaia , M Bahmani , H Bahrasemani , A J Bailey , J T Baines , M Bajic , C Bakalis , O K Baker , P J Bakker , D Bakshi Gupta , E M Baldin , P Balek , F Balli , W K Balunas , J Balz , E Banas , A Bandyopadhyay , S Banerjee , A A E Bannoura , L Barak , W M Barbe , E L Barberio , D Barberis , M Barbero , T Barillari , M-S Barisits , J Barkeloo , T Barklow , N Barlow , R Barnea , S L Barnes , B M Barnett , R M Barnett , Z Barnovska-Blenessy , A Baroncelli , G Barone , A J Barr , L Barranco Navarro , F Barreiro , J Barreiro Guimarães da Costa , R Bartoldus , A E Barton , P Bartos , A Basalaev , A Bassalat , R L Bates , S J Batista , S Batlamous , J R Batley , M Battaglia , M Bauce , F Bauer , K T Bauer , H S Bawa , J B Beacham , M D Beattie , T Beau , P H Beauchemin , P Bechtle , H C Beck , H P Beck , K Becker , M Becker , C Becot , A Beddall , A J Beddall , V A Bednyakov , M Bedognetti , C P Bee , T A Beermann , M Begalli , M Begel , A Behera , J K Behr , A S Bell , G Bella , L Bellagamba , A Bellerive , M Bellomo , P Bellos , K Belotskiy , N L Belyaev , O Benary , D Benchekroun , M Bender , N Benekos , Y Benhammou , E Benhar Noccioli , J Benitez , D P Benjamin , M Benoit , J R Bensinger , S Bentvelsen , L Beresford , M Beretta , D Berge , E Bergeaas Kuutmann , N Berger , L J Bergsten , J Beringer , S Berlendis , N R Bernard , G Bernardi , C Bernius , F U Bernlochner , T Berry , P Berta , C Bertella , G Bertoli , I A Bertram , G J Besjes , O Bessidskaia Bylund , M Bessner , N Besson , A Bethani , S Bethke , A Betti , A J Bevan , J Beyer , R M Bianchi , O Biebel , D Biedermann , R Bielski , K Bierwagen , N V Biesuz , M Biglietti , T R V Billoud , M Bindi , A Bingul , C Bini , S Biondi , M Birman , T Bisanz , J P Biswal , C Bittrich , D M Bjergaard , J E Black , K M Black , T Blazek , I Bloch , C Blocker , A Blue , U Blumenschein , Dr Blunier , G J Bobbink , V S Bobrovnikov , S S Bocchetta , A Bocci , D Boerner , D Bogavac , A G Bogdanchikov , C Bohm , V Boisvert , P Bokan , T Bold , A S Boldyrev , A E Bolz , M Bomben , M Bona , J S Bonilla , M Boonekamp , A Borisov , G Borissov , J Bortfeldt , D Bortoletto , V Bortolotto , D Boscherini , M Bosman , J D Bossio Sola , K Bouaouda , J Boudreau , E V Bouhova-Thacker , D Boumediene , C Bourdarios , S K Boutle , A Boveia , J Boyd , I R Boyko , A J Bozson , J Bracinik , N Brahimi , A Brandt , G Brandt , O Brandt , F Braren , U Bratzler , B Brau , J E Brau , W D Breaden Madden , K Brendlinger , A J Brennan , L Brenner , R Brenner , S Bressler , B Brickwedde , D L Briglin , D Britton , D Britzger , I Brock , R Brock , G Brooijmans , T Brooks , W K Brooks , E Brost , J H Broughton , P A Bruckman de Renstrom , D Bruncko , A Bruni , G Bruni , L S Bruni , S Bruno , B H Brunt , M Bruschi , N Bruscino , P Bryant , L Bryngemark , T Buanes , Q Buat , P Buchholz , A G Buckley , I A Budagov , F Buehrer , M K Bugge , O Bulekov , D Bullock , T J Burch , S Burdin , C D Burgard , A M Burger , B Burghgrave , K Burka , S Burke , I Burmeister , J T P Burr , D Büscher , V Büscher , E Buschmann , P Bussey , J M Butler , C M Buttar , J M Butterworth , P Butti , W Buttinger , A Buzatu , A R Buzykaev , G Cabras , S Cabrera Urbán , D Caforio , H Cai , V M M Cairo , O Cakir , N Calace , P Calafiura , A Calandri , G Calderini , P Calfayan , G Callea , L P Caloba , S Calvente Lopez , D Calvet , S Calvet , T P Calvet , M Calvetti , R Camacho Toro , S Camarda , P Camarri , D Cameron , R Caminal Armadans , C Camincher , S Campana , M Campanelli , A Camplani , A Campoverde , V Canale , M Cano Bret , J Cantero , T Cao , Y Cao , M D M Capeans Garrido , I Caprini , M Caprini , M Capua , R M Carbone , R Cardarelli , F C Cardillo , I Carli , T Carli , G Carlino , B T Carlson , L Carminati , R M D Carney , S Caron , E Carquin , S Carrá , G D Carrillo-Montoya , D Casadei , M P Casado , A F Casha , M Casolino , D W Casper , R Castelijn , F L Castillo , V Castillo Gimenez , N F Castro , A Catinaccio , J R Catmore , A Cattai , J Caudron , V Cavaliere , E Cavallaro , D Cavalli , M Cavalli-Sforza , V Cavasinni , E Celebi , F Ceradini , L Cerda Alberich , A S Cerqueira , A Cerri , L Cerrito , F Cerutti , A Cervelli , S A Cetin , A Chafaq , D Chakraborty , S K Chan , W S Chan , Y L Chan , J D Chapman , D G Charlton , C C Chau , C A Chavez Barajas , S Che , A Chegwidden , S Chekanov , S V Chekulaev , G A Chelkov , M A Chelstowska , C Chen , C H Chen , H Chen , J Chen , J Chen , S Chen , S J Chen , X Chen , Y Chen , Y-H Chen , H C Cheng , H J Cheng , A Cheplakov , E Cheremushkina , R Cherkaoui El Moursli , E Cheu , K Cheung , L Chevalier , V Chiarella , G Chiarelli , G Chiodini , A S Chisholm , A Chitan , I Chiu , Y H Chiu , M V Chizhov , K Choi , A R Chomont , S Chouridou , Y S Chow , V Christodoulou , M C Chu , J Chudoba , A J Chuinard , J J Chwastowski , L Chytka , D Cinca , V Cindro , I A Cioară , A Ciocio , F Cirotto , Z H Citron , M Citterio , A Clark , M R Clark , P J Clark , C Clement , Y Coadou , M Cobal , A Coccaro , J Cochran , A E C Coimbra , L Colasurdo , B Cole , A P Colijn , J Collot , P Conde Muiño , E Coniavitis , S H Connell , I A Connelly , S Constantinescu , F Conventi , A M Cooper-Sarkar , F Cormier , K J R Cormier , M Corradi , E E Corrigan , F Corriveau , A Cortes-Gonzalez , M J Costa , D Costanzo , G Cottin , G Cowan , B E Cox , J Crane , K Cranmer , S J Crawley , R A Creager , G Cree , S Crépé-Renaudin , F Crescioli , M Cristinziani , V Croft , G Crosetti , A Cueto , T Cuhadar Donszelmann , A R Cukierman , J Cúth , S Czekierda , P Czodrowski , M J Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa , C Da Via , W Dabrowski , T Dado , S Dahbi , T Dai , F Dallaire , C Dallapiccola , M Dam , G D'amen , J Damp , J R Dandoy , M F Daneri , N P Dang , N D Dann , M Danninger , V Dao , G Darbo , S Darmora , O Dartsi , A Dattagupta , T Daubney , S D'Auria , W Davey , C David , T Davidek , D R Davis , E Dawe , I Dawson , K De , R De Asmundis , A De Benedetti , M De Beurs , S De Castro , S De Cecco , N De Groot , P de Jong , H De la Torre , F De Lorenzi , A De Maria , D De Pedis , A De Salvo , U De Sanctis , A De Santo , K De Vasconcelos Corga , J B De Vivie De Regie , C Debenedetti , D V Dedovich , N Dehghanian , M Del Gaudio , J Del Peso , Y Delabat Diaz , D Delgove , F Deliot , C M Delitzsch , M Della Pietra , D Della Volpe , A Dell'Acqua , L Dell'Asta , M Delmastro , C Delporte , P A Delsart , D A DeMarco , S Demers , M Demichev , S P Denisov , D Denysiuk , L D'Eramo , D Derendarz , J E Derkaoui , F Derue , P Dervan , K Desch , C Deterre , K Dette , M R Devesa , P O Deviveiros , A Dewhurst , S Dhaliwal , F A Di Bello , A Di Ciaccio , L Di Ciaccio , W K Di Clemente , C Di Donato , A Di Girolamo , B Di Micco , R Di Nardo , K F Di Petrillo , A Di Simone , R Di Sipio , D Di Valentino , C Diaconu , M Diamond , F A Dias , T Dias Do Vale , M A Diaz , J Dickinson , E B Diehl , J Dietrich , S Díez Cornell , A Dimitrievska , J Dingfelder , F Dittus , F Djama , T Djobava , J I Djuvsland , M A B Do Vale , M Dobre , D Dodsworth , C Doglioni , J Dolejsi , Z Dolezal , M Donadelli , J Donini , A D'onofrio , M D'Onofrio , J Dopke , A Doria , M T Dova , A T Doyle , E Drechsler , E Dreyer , T Dreyer , Y Du , J Duarte-Campderros , F Dubinin , M Dubovsky , A Dubreuil , E Duchovni , G Duckeck , A Ducourthial , O A Ducu , D Duda , A Dudarev , A C Dudder , E M Duffield , L Duflot , M Dührssen , C Dülsen , M Dumancic , A E Dumitriu , A K Duncan , M Dunford , A Duperrin , H Duran Yildiz , M Düren , A Durglishvili , D Duschinger , B Dutta , D Duvnjak , M Dyndal , S Dysch , B S Dziedzic , C Eckardt , K M Ecker , R C Edgar , T Eifert , G Eigen , K Einsweiler , T Ekelof , M El Kacimi , R El Kosseifi , V Ellajosyula , M Ellert , F Ellinghaus , A A Elliot , N Ellis , J Elmsheuser , M Elsing , D Emeliyanov , Y Enari , J S Ennis , M B Epland , J Erdmann , A Ereditato , S Errede , M Escalier , C Escobar , O Estrada Pastor , A I Etienvre , E Etzion , H Evans , A Ezhilov , M Ezzi , F Fabbri , L Fabbri , V Fabiani , G Facini , R M Faisca Rodrigues Pereira , R M Fakhrutdinov , S Falciano , P J Falke , S Falke , J Faltova , Y Fang , M Fanti , A Farbin , A Farilla , E M Farina , T Farooque , S Farrell , S M Farrington , P Farthouat , F Fassi , P Fassnacht , D Fassouliotis , M Faucci Giannelli , A Favareto , W J Fawcett , L Fayard , O L Fedin , W Fedorko , M Feickert , S Feigl , L Feligioni , C Feng , E J Feng , M Feng , M J Fenton , A B Fenyuk , L Feremenga , J Ferrando , A Ferrari , P Ferrari , R Ferrari , D E Ferreira de Lima , A Ferrer , D Ferrere , C Ferretti , F Fiedler , A Filipčič , F Filthaut , K D Finelli , M C N Fiolhais , L Fiorini , C Fischer , W C Fisher , N Flaschel , I Fleck , P Fleischmann , R R M Fletcher , T Flick , B M Flierl , L M Flores , L R Flores Castillo , N Fomin , G T Forcolin , A Formica , F A Förster , A C Forti , A G Foster , D Fournier , H Fox , S Fracchia , P Francavilla , M Franchini , S Franchino , D Francis , L Franconi , M Franklin , M Frate , M Fraternali , D Freeborn , S M Fressard-Batraneanu , B Freund , W S Freund , D Froidevaux , J A Frost , C Fukunaga , E Fullana Torregrosa , T Fusayasu , J Fuster , O Gabizon , A Gabrielli , A Gabrielli , G P Gach , S Gadatsch , P Gadow , G Gagliardi , L G Gagnon , C Galea , B Galhardo , E J Gallas , B J Gallop , P Gallus , G Galster , R Gamboa Goni , K K Gan , S Ganguly , J Gao , Y Gao , Y S Gao , C García , J E García Navarro , J A García Pascual , M Garcia-Sciveres , R W Gardner , N Garelli , V Garonne , K Gasnikova , A Gaudiello , G Gaudio , I L Gavrilenko , A Gavrilyuk , C Gay , G Gaycken , E N Gazis , C N P Gee , J Geisen , M Geisen , M P Geisler , K Gellerstedt , C Gemme , M H Genest , C Geng , S Gentile , S George , D Gerbaudo , G Gessner , S Ghasemi , M Ghasemi Bostanabad , M Ghneimat , B Giacobbe , S Giagu , N Giangiacomi , P Giannetti , A Giannini , S M Gibson , M Gignac , D Gillberg , G Gilles , D M Gingrich , M P Giordani , F M Giorgi , P F Giraud , P Giromini , G Giugliarelli , D Giugni , F Giuli , M Giulini , S Gkaitatzis , I Gkialas , E L Gkougkousis , P Gkountoumis , L K Gladilin , C Glasman , J Glatzer , P C F Glaysher , A Glazov , M Goblirsch-Kolb , J Godlewski , S Goldfarb , T Golling , D Golubkov , A Gomes , R Goncalves Gama , R Gonçalo , G Gonella , L Gonella , A Gongadze , F Gonnella , J L Gonski , S González de la Hoz , S Gonzalez-Sevilla , L Goossens , P A Gorbounov , H A Gordon , B Gorini , E Gorini , A Gorišek , A T Goshaw , C Gössling , M I Gostkin , C A Gottardo , C R Goudet , D Goujdami , A G Goussiou , N Govender , C Goy , E Gozani , I Grabowska-Bold , P O J Gradin , E C Graham , J Gramling , E Gramstad , S Grancagnolo , V Gratchev , P M Gravila , F G Gravili , C Gray , H M Gray , Z D Greenwood , C Grefe , K Gregersen , I M Gregor , P Grenier , K Grevtsov , J Griffiths , A A Grillo , K Grimm , S Grinstein , Ph Gris , J-F Grivaz , S Groh , E Gross , J Grosse-Knetter , G C Grossi , Z J Grout , C Grud , A Grummer , L Guan , W Guan , J Guenther , A Guerguichon , F Guescini , D Guest , R Gugel , B Gui , T Guillemin , S Guindon , U Gul , C Gumpert , J Guo , W Guo , Y Guo , Z Guo , R Gupta , S Gurbuz , G Gustavino , B J Gutelman , P Gutierrez , C Gutschow , C Guyot , M P Guzik , C Gwenlan , C B Gwilliam , A Haas , C Haber , H K Hadavand , N Haddad , A Hadef , S Hageböck , M Hagihara , H Hakobyan , M Haleem , J Haley , G Halladjian , G D Hallewell , K Hamacher , P Hamal , K Hamano , A Hamilton , G N Hamity , K Han , L Han , S Han , K Hanagaki , M Hance , D M Handl , B Haney , R Hankache , P Hanke , E Hansen , J B Hansen , J D Hansen , M C Hansen , P H Hansen , K Hara , A S Hard , T Harenberg , S Harkusha , P F Harrison , N M Hartmann , Y Hasegawa , A Hasib , S Hassani , S Haug , R Hauser , L Hauswald , L B Havener , M Havranek , C M Hawkes , R J Hawkings , D Hayden , C Hayes , C P Hays , J M Hays , H S Hayward , S J Haywood , M P Heath , V Hedberg , L Heelan , S Heer , K K Heidegger , J Heilman , S Heim , T Heim , B Heinemann , J J Heinrich , L Heinrich , C Heinz , J Hejbal , L Helary , A Held , S Hellesund , S Hellman , C Helsens , R C W Henderson , Y Heng , S Henkelmann , A M Henriques Correia , G H Herbert , H Herde , V Herget , Y Hernández Jiménez , H Herr , M G Herrmann , G Herten , R Hertenberger , L Hervas , T C Herwig , G G Hesketh , N P Hessey , J W Hetherly , S Higashino , E Higón-Rodriguez , K Hildebrand , E Hill , J C Hill , K K Hill , K H Hiller , S J Hillier , M Hils , I Hinchliffe , M Hirose , D Hirschbuehl , B Hiti , O Hladik , D R Hlaluku , X Hoad , J Hobbs , N Hod , M C Hodgkinson , A Hoecker , M R Hoeferkamp , F Hoenig , D Hohn , D Hohov , T R Holmes , M Holzbock , M Homann , S Honda , T Honda , T M Hong , A Hönle , B H Hooberman , W H Hopkins , Y Horii , P Horn , A J Horton , L A Horyn , J-Y Hostachy , A Hostiuc , S Hou , A Hoummada , J Howarth , J Hoya , M Hrabovsky , J Hrdinka , I Hristova , J Hrivnac , A Hrynevich , T Hryn'ova , P J Hsu , S-C Hsu , Q Hu , S Hu , Y Huang , Z Hubacek , F Hubaut , M Huebner , F Huegging , T B Huffman , E W Hughes , M Huhtinen , R F H Hunter , P Huo , A M Hupe , N Huseynov , J Huston , J Huth , R Hyneman , G Iacobucci , G Iakovidis , I Ibragimov , L Iconomidou-Fayard , Z Idrissi , P Iengo , R Ignazzi , O Igonkina , R Iguchi , T Iizawa , Y Ikegami , M Ikeno , D Iliadis , N Ilic , F Iltzsche , G Introzzi , M Iodice , K Iordanidou , V Ippolito , M F Isacson , N Ishijima , M Ishino , M Ishitsuka , W Islam , C Issever , S Istin , F Ito , J M Iturbe Ponce , R Iuppa , A Ivina , H Iwasaki , J M Izen , V Izzo , P Jacka , P Jackson , R M Jacobs , V Jain , G Jäkel , K B Jakobi , K Jakobs , S Jakobsen , T Jakoubek , D O Jamin , D K Jana , R Jansky , J Janssen , M Janus , P A Janus , G Jarlskog , N Javadov , T Javůrek , M Javurkova , F Jeanneau , L Jeanty , J Jejelava , A Jelinskas , P Jenni , J Jeong , S Jézéquel , H Ji , J Jia , H Jiang , Y Jiang , Z Jiang , S Jiggins , F A Jimenez Morales , J Jimenez Pena , S Jin , A Jinaru , O Jinnouchi , H Jivan , P Johansson , K A Johns , C A Johnson , W J Johnson , K Jon-And , R W L Jones , S D Jones , S Jones , T J Jones , J Jongmanns , P M Jorge , J Jovicevic , X Ju , J J Junggeburth , A Juste Rozas , A Kaczmarska , M Kado , H Kagan , M Kagan , T Kaji , E Kajomovitz , C W Kalderon , A Kaluza , S Kama , A Kamenshchikov , L Kanjir , Y Kano , V A Kantserov , J Kanzaki , B Kaplan , L S Kaplan , D Kar , M J Kareem , E Karentzos , S N Karpov , Z M Karpova , V Kartvelishvili , A N Karyukhin , K Kasahara , L Kashif , R D Kass , A Kastanas , Y Kataoka , C Kato , J Katzy , K Kawade , K Kawagoe , T Kawamoto , G Kawamura , E F Kay , V F Kazanin , R Keeler , R Kehoe , J S Keller , E Kellermann , J J Kempster , J Kendrick , O Kepka , S Kersten , B P Kerševan , R A Keyes , M Khader , F Khalil-Zada , A Khanov , A G Kharlamov , T Kharlamova , A Khodinov , T J Khoo , E Khramov , J Khubua , S Kido , M Kiehn , C R Kilby , S H Kim , Y K Kim , N Kimura , O M Kind , B T King , D Kirchmeier , J Kirk , A E Kiryunin , T Kishimoto , D Kisielewska , V Kitali , O Kivernyk , E Kladiva , T Klapdor-Kleingrothaus , M H Klein , M Klein , U Klein , K Kleinknecht , P Klimek , A Klimentov , R Klingenberg , T Klingl , T Klioutchnikova , F F Klitzner , P Kluit , S Kluth , E Kneringer , E B F G Knoops , A Knue , A Kobayashi , D Kobayashi , T Kobayashi , M Kobel , M Kocian , P Kodys , T Koffas , E Koffeman , N M Köhler , T Koi , M Kolb , I Koletsou , T Kondo , N Kondrashova , K Köneke , A C König , T Kono , R Konoplich , V Konstantinides , N Konstantinidis , B Konya , R Kopeliansky , S Koperny , K Korcyl , K Kordas , A Korn , I Korolkov , E V Korolkova , O Kortner , S Kortner , T Kosek , V V Kostyukhin , A Kotwal , A Koulouris , A Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi , C Kourkoumelis , E Kourlitis , V Kouskoura , A B Kowalewska , R Kowalewski , T Z Kowalski , C Kozakai , W Kozanecki , A S Kozhin , V A Kramarenko , G Kramberger , D Krasnopevtsev , M W Krasny , A Krasznahorkay , D Krauss , J A Kremer , J Kretzschmar , P Krieger , K Krizka , K Kroeninger , H Kroha , J Kroll , J Kroll , J Krstic , U Kruchonak , H Krüger , N Krumnack , M C Kruse , T Kubota , S Kuday , J T Kuechler , S Kuehn , A Kugel , F Kuger , T Kuhl , V Kukhtin , R Kukla , Y Kulchitsky , S Kuleshov , Y P Kulinich , M Kuna , T Kunigo , A Kupco , T Kupfer , O Kuprash , H Kurashige , L L Kurchaninov , Y A Kurochkin , M G Kurth , E S Kuwertz , M Kuze , J Kvita , T Kwan , A La Rosa , J L La Rosa Navarro , L La Rotonda , F La Ruffa , C Lacasta , F Lacava , J Lacey , D P J Lack , H Lacker , D Lacour , E Ladygin , R Lafaye , B Laforge , T Lagouri , S Lai , S Lammers , W Lampl , E Lançon , U Landgraf , M P J Landon , M C Lanfermann , V S Lang , J C Lange , R J Langenberg , A J Lankford , F Lanni , K Lantzsch , A Lanza , A Lapertosa , S Laplace , J F Laporte , T Lari , F Lasagni Manghi , M Lassnig , T S Lau , A Laudrain , M Lavorgna , A T Law , P Laycock , M Lazzaroni , B Le , O Le Dortz , E Le Guirriec , E P Le Quilleuc , M LeBlanc , T LeCompte , F Ledroit-Guillon , C A Lee , G R Lee , L Lee , S C Lee , B Lefebvre , M Lefebvre , F Legger , C Leggett , N Lehmann , G Lehmann Miotto , W A Leight , A Leisos , M A L Leite , R Leitner , D Lellouch , B Lemmer , K J C Leney , T Lenz , B Lenzi , R Leone , S Leone , C Leonidopoulos , G Lerner , C Leroy , R Les , A A J Lesage , C G Lester , M Levchenko , J Levêque , D Levin , L J Levinson , D Lewis , B Li , C-Q Li , H Li , L Li , Q Li , Q Y Li , S Li , X Li , Y Li , Z Liang , B Liberti , A Liblong , K Lie , S Liem , A Limosani , C Y Lin , K Lin , T H Lin , R A Linck , B E Lindquist , A L Lionti , E Lipeles , A Lipniacka , M Lisovyi , T M Liss , A Lister , A M Litke , J D Little , B Liu , B L Liu , H B Liu , H Liu , J B Liu , J K K Liu , K Liu , M Liu , P Liu , Y Liu , Y L Liu , Y W Liu , M Livan , A Lleres , J Llorente Merino , S L Lloyd , C Y Lo , F Lo Sterzo , E M Lobodzinska , P Loch , A Loesle , K M Loew , T Lohse , K Lohwasser , M Lokajicek , B A Long , J D Long , R E Long , L Longo , K A Looper , J A Lopez , I Lopez Paz , A Lopez Solis , J Lorenz , N Lorenzo Martinez , M Losada , P J Lösel , X Lou , X Lou , A Lounis , J Love , P A Love , J J Lozano Bahilo , H Lu , M Lu , N Lu , Y J Lu , H J Lubatti , C Luci , A Lucotte , C Luedtke , F Luehring , I Luise , W Lukas , L Luminari , B Lund-Jensen , M S Lutz , P M Luzi , D Lynn , R Lysak , E Lytken , F Lyu , V Lyubushkin , H Ma , L L Ma , Y Ma , G Maccarrone , A Macchiolo , C M Macdonald , J Machado Miguens , D Madaffari , R Madar , W F Mader , A Madsen , N Madysa , J Maeda , K Maekawa , S Maeland , T Maeno , A S Maevskiy , V Magerl , C Maidantchik , T Maier , A Maio , O Majersky , S Majewski , Y Makida , N Makovec , B Malaescu , Pa Malecki , V P Maleev , F Malek , U Mallik , D Malon , C Malone , S Maltezos , S Malyukov , J Mamuzic , G Mancini , I Mandić , J Maneira , L Manhaes de Andrade Filho , J Manjarres Ramos , K H Mankinen , A Mann , A Manousos , B Mansoulie , J D Mansour , M Mantoani , S Manzoni , G Marceca , L March , L Marchese , G Marchiori , M Marcisovsky , C A Marin Tobon , M Marjanovic , D E Marley , F Marroquim , Z Marshall , M U F Martensson , S Marti-Garcia , C B Martin , T A Martin , V J Martin , B Martin Dit Latour , M Martinez , V I Martinez Outschoorn , S Martin-Haugh , V S Martoiu , A C Martyniuk , A Marzin , L Masetti , T Mashimo , R Mashinistov , J Masik , A L Maslennikov , L H Mason , L Massa , P Massarotti , P Mastrandrea , A Mastroberardino , T Masubuchi , P Mättig , J Maurer , B Maček , S J Maxfield , D A Maximov , R Mazini , I Maznas , S M Mazza , N C Mc Fadden , G Mc Goldrick , S P Mc Kee , A McCarn , T G McCarthy , L I McClymont , E F McDonald , J A Mcfayden , G Mchedlidze , M A McKay , K D McLean , S J McMahon , P C McNamara , C J McNicol , R A McPherson , J E Mdhluli , Z A Meadows , S Meehan , T M Megy , S Mehlhase , A Mehta , T Meideck , B Meirose , D Melini , B R Mellado Garcia , J D Mellenthin , M Melo , F Meloni , A Melzer , S B Menary , E D Mendes Gouveia , L Meng , X T Meng , A Mengarelli , S Menke , E Meoni , S Mergelmeyer , C Merlassino , P Mermod , L Merola , C Meroni , F S Merritt , A Messina , J Metcalfe , A S Mete , C Meyer , J Meyer , J-P Meyer , H Meyer Zu Theenhausen , F Miano , R P Middleton , L Mijović , G Mikenberg , M Mikestikova , M Mikuž , M Milesi , A Milic , D A Millar , D W Miller , A Milov , D A Milstead , A A Minaenko , M Miñano Moya , I A Minashvili , A I Mincer , B Mindur , M Mineev , Y Minegishi , Y Ming , L M Mir , A Mirto , K P Mistry , T Mitani , J Mitrevski , V A Mitsou , A Miucci , P S Miyagawa , A Mizukami , J U Mjörnmark , T Mkrtchyan , M Mlynarikova , T Moa , K Mochizuki , P Mogg , S Mohapatra , S Molander , R Moles-Valls , M C Mondragon , K Mönig , J Monk , E Monnier , A Montalbano , J Montejo Berlingen , F Monticelli , S Monzani , R W Moore , N Morange , D Moreno , M Moreno Llácer , P Morettini , M Morgenstern , S Morgenstern , D Mori , T Mori , M Morii , M Morinaga , V Morisbak , A K Morley , G Mornacchi , A P Morris , J D Morris , L Morvaj , P Moschovakos , M Mosidze , H J Moss , J Moss , K Motohashi , R Mount , E Mountricha , E J W Moyse , S Muanza , F Mueller , J Mueller , R S P Mueller , D Muenstermann , P Mullen , G A Mullier , F J Munoz Sanchez , P Murin , W J Murray , A Murrone , M Muškinja , C Mwewa , A G Myagkov , J Myers , M Myska , B P Nachman , O Nackenhorst , K Nagai , K Nagano , Y Nagasaka , K Nagata , M Nagel , E Nagy , A M Nairz , Y Nakahama , K Nakamura , T Nakamura , I Nakano , H Nanjo , F Napolitano , R F Naranjo Garcia , R Narayan , D I Narrias Villar , I Naryshkin , T Naumann , G Navarro , R Nayyar , H A Neal , P Y Nechaeva , T J Neep , A Negri , M Negrini , S Nektarijevic , C Nellist , M E Nelson , S Nemecek , P Nemethy , M Nessi , M S Neubauer , M Neumann , P R Newman , T Y Ng , Y S Ng , H D N Nguyen , T Nguyen Manh , E Nibigira , R B Nickerson , R Nicolaidou , J Nielsen , N Nikiforou , V Nikolaenko , I Nikolic-Audit , K Nikolopoulos , P Nilsson , Y Ninomiya , A Nisati , N Nishu , R Nisius , I Nitsche , T Nitta , T Nobe , Y Noguchi , M Nomachi , I Nomidis , M A Nomura , T Nooney , M Nordberg , N Norjoharuddeen , T Novak , O Novgorodova , R Novotny , L Nozka , K Ntekas , E Nurse , F Nuti , F G Oakham , H Oberlack , T Obermann , J Ocariz , A Ochi , I Ochoa , J P Ochoa-Ricoux , K O'Connor , S Oda , S Odaka , S Oerdek , A Oh , S H Oh , C C Ohm , H Oide , H Okawa , Y Okazaki , Y Okumura , T Okuyama , A Olariu , L F Oleiro Seabra , S A Olivares Pino , D Oliveira Damazio , J L Oliver , M J R Olsson , A Olszewski , J Olszowska , D C O'Neil , A Onofre , K Onogi , P U E Onyisi , H Oppen , M J Oreglia , Y Oren , D Orestano , E C Orgill , N Orlando , A A O'Rourke , R S Orr , B Osculati , V O'Shea , R Ospanov , G Otero Y Garzon , H Otono , M Ouchrif , F Ould-Saada , A Ouraou , Q Ouyang , M Owen , R E Owen , V E Ozcan , N Ozturk , J Pacalt , H A Pacey , K Pachal , A Pacheco Pages , L Pacheco Rodriguez , C Padilla Aranda , S Pagan Griso , M Paganini , G Palacino , S Palazzo , S Palestini , M Palka , D Pallin , I Panagoulias , C E Pandini , J G Panduro Vazquez , P Pani , G Panizzo , L Paolozzi , T D Papadopoulou , K Papageorgiou , A Paramonov , D Paredes Hernandez , S R Paredes Saenz , B Parida , A J Parker , K A Parker , M A Parker , F Parodi , J A Parsons , U Parzefall , V R Pascuzzi , J M P Pasner , E Pasqualucci , S Passaggio , F Pastore , P Pasuwan , S Pataraia , J R Pater , A Pathak , T Pauly , B Pearson , M Pedersen , L Pedraza Diaz , R Pedro , S V Peleganchuk , O Penc , C Peng , H Peng , B S Peralva , M M Perego , A P Pereira Peixoto , D V Perepelitsa , F Peri , L Perini , H Pernegger , S Perrella , V D Peshekhonov , K Peters , R F Y Peters , B A Petersen , T C Petersen , E Petit , A Petridis , C Petridou , P Petroff , E Petrolo , M Petrov , F Petrucci , M Pettee , N E Pettersson , A Peyaud , R Pezoa , T Pham , F H Phillips , P W Phillips , G Piacquadio , E Pianori , A Picazio , M A Pickering , R Piegaia , J E Pilcher , A D Pilkington , M Pinamonti , J L Pinfold , M Pitt , M-A Pleier , V Pleskot , E Plotnikova , D Pluth , P Podberezko , R Poettgen , R Poggi , L Poggioli , I Pogrebnyak , D Pohl , I Pokharel , G Polesello , A Poley , A Policicchio , R Polifka , A Polini , C S Pollard , V Polychronakos , D Ponomarenko , L Pontecorvo , G A Popeneciu , D M Portillo Quintero , S Pospisil , K Potamianos , I N Potrap , C J Potter , H Potti , T Poulsen , J Poveda , T D Powell , M E Pozo Astigarraga , P Pralavorio , S Prell , D Price , M Primavera , S Prince , N Proklova , K Prokofiev , F Prokoshin , S Protopopescu , J Proudfoot , M Przybycien , A Puri , P Puzo , J Qian , Y Qin , A Quadt , M Queitsch-Maitland , A Qureshi , P Rados , F Ragusa , G Rahal , J A Raine , S Rajagopalan , A Ramirez Morales , T Rashid , S Raspopov , M G Ratti , D M Rauch , F Rauscher , S Rave , B Ravina , I Ravinovich , J H Rawling , M Raymond , A L Read , N P Readioff , M Reale , D M Rebuzzi , A Redelbach , G Redlinger , R Reece , R G Reed , K Reeves , L Rehnisch , J Reichert , A Reiss , C Rembser , H Ren , M Rescigno , S Resconi , E D Resseguie , S Rettie , E Reynolds , O L Rezanova , P Reznicek , R Richter , S Richter , E Richter-Was , O Ricken , M Ridel , P Rieck , C J Riegel , O Rifki , M Rijssenbeek , A Rimoldi , M Rimoldi , L Rinaldi , G Ripellino , B Ristić , E Ritsch , I Riu , J C Rivera Vergara , F Rizatdinova , E Rizvi , C Rizzi , R T Roberts , S H Robertson , A Robichaud-Veronneau , D Robinson , J E M Robinson , A Robson , E Rocco , C Roda , Y Rodina , S Rodriguez Bosca , A Rodriguez Perez , D Rodriguez Rodriguez , A M Rodríguez Vera , S Roe , C S Rogan , O Røhne , R Röhrig , C P A Roland , J Roloff , A Romaniouk , M Romano , N Rompotis , M Ronzani , L Roos , S Rosati , K Rosbach , P Rose , N-A Rosien , E Rossi , E Rossi , L P Rossi , L Rossini , J H N Rosten , R Rosten , M Rotaru , J Rothberg , D Rousseau , D Roy , A Rozanov , Y Rozen , X Ruan , F Rubbo , F Rühr , A Ruiz-Martinez , Z Rurikova , N A Rusakovich , H L Russell , J P Rutherfoord , E M Rüttinger , Y F Ryabov , M Rybar , G Rybkin , S Ryu , A Ryzhov , G F Rzehorz , P Sabatini , G Sabato , S Sacerdoti , H F-W Sadrozinski , R Sadykov , F Safai Tehrani , P Saha , M Sahinsoy , A Sahu , M Saimpert , M Saito , T Saito , H Sakamoto , A Sakharov , D Salamani , G Salamanna , J E Salazar Loyola , D Salek , P H Sales De Bruin , D Salihagic , A Salnikov , J Salt , D Salvatore , F Salvatore , A Salvucci , A Salzburger , J Samarati , D Sammel , D Sampsonidis , D Sampsonidou , J Sánchez , A Sanchez Pineda , H Sandaker , C O Sander , M Sandhoff , C Sandoval , D P C Sankey , M Sannino , Y Sano , A Sansoni , C Santoni , H Santos , I Santoyo Castillo , A Sapronov , J G Saraiva , O Sasaki , K Sato , E Sauvan , P Savard , N Savic , R Sawada , C Sawyer , L Sawyer , C Sbarra , A Sbrizzi , T Scanlon , J Schaarschmidt , P Schacht , B M Schachtner , D Schaefer , L Schaefer , J Schaeffer , S Schaepe , U Schäfer , A C Schaffer , D Schaile , R D Schamberger , N Scharmberg , V A Schegelsky , D Scheirich , F Schenck , M Schernau , C Schiavi , S Schier , L K Schildgen , Z M Schillaci , E J Schioppa , M Schioppa , K E Schleicher , S Schlenker , K R Schmidt-Sommerfeld , K Schmieden , C Schmitt , S Schmitt , S Schmitz , U Schnoor , L Schoeffel , A Schoening , E Schopf , M Schott , J F P Schouwenberg , J Schovancova , S Schramm , A Schulte , H-C Schultz-Coulon , M Schumacher , B A Schumm , Ph Schune , A Schwartzman , T A Schwarz , H Schweiger , Ph Schwemling , R Schwienhorst , A Sciandra , G Sciolla , M Scornajenghi , F Scuri , F Scutti , L M Scyboz , J Searcy , C D Sebastiani , P Seema , S C Seidel , A Seiden , T Seiss , J M Seixas , G Sekhniaidze , K Sekhon , S J Sekula , N Semprini-Cesari , S Sen , S Senkin , C Serfon , L Serin , L Serkin , M Sessa , H Severini , F Sforza , A Sfyrla , E Shabalina , J D Shahinian , N W Shaikh , L Y Shan , R Shang , J T Shank , M Shapiro , A S Sharma , A Sharma , P B Shatalov , K Shaw , S M Shaw , A Shcherbakova , Y Shen , N Sherafati , A D Sherman , P Sherwood , L Shi , S Shimizu , C O Shimmin , M Shimojima , I P J Shipsey , S Shirabe , M Shiyakova , J Shlomi , A Shmeleva , D Shoaleh Saadi , M J Shochet , S Shojaii , D R Shope , S Shrestha , E Shulga , P Sicho , A M Sickles , P E Sidebo , E Sideras Haddad , O Sidiropoulou , A Sidoti , F Siegert , Dj Sijacki , J Silva , M Silva , M V Silva Oliveira , S B Silverstein , L Simic , S Simion , E Simioni , M Simon , R Simoniello , P Sinervo , N B Sinev , M Sioli , G Siragusa , I Siral , S Yu Sivoklokov , J Sjölin , M B Skinner , P Skubic , M Slater , T Slavicek , M Slawinska , K Sliwa , R Slovak , V Smakhtin , B H Smart , J Smiesko , N Smirnov , S Yu Smirnov , Y Smirnov , L N Smirnova , O Smirnova , J W Smith , M N K Smith , R W Smith , M Smizanska , K Smolek , A A Snesarev , I M Snyder , S Snyder , R Sobie , A M Soffa , A Soffer , A Søgaard , D A Soh , G Sokhrannyi , C A Solans Sanchez , M Solar , E Yu Soldatov , U Soldevila , A A Solodkov , A Soloshenko , O V Solovyanov , V Solovyev , P Sommer , H Son , W Song , A Sopczak , F Sopkova , D Sosa , C L Sotiropoulou , S Sottocornola , R Soualah , A M Soukharev , D South , B C Sowden , S Spagnolo , M Spalla , M Spangenberg , F Spanò , D Sperlich , F Spettel , T M Spieker , R Spighi , G Spigo , L A Spiller , D P Spiteri , M Spousta , A Stabile , R Stamen , S Stamm , E Stanecka , R W Stanek , C Stanescu , B Stanislaus , M M Stanitzki , B Stapf , S Stapnes , E A Starchenko , G H Stark , J Stark , S H Stark , P Staroba , P Starovoitov , S Stärz , R Staszewski , M Stegler , P Steinberg , B Stelzer , H J Stelzer , O Stelzer-Chilton , H Stenzel , T J Stevenson , G A Stewart , M C Stockton , G Stoicea , P Stolte , S Stonjek , A Straessner , J Strandberg , S Strandberg , M Strauss , P Strizenec , R Ströhmer , D M Strom , R Stroynowski , A Strubig , S A Stucci , B Stugu , J Stupak , N A Styles , D Su , J Su , S Suchek , Y Sugaya , M Suk , V V Sulin , D M S Sultan , S Sultansoy , T Sumida , S Sun , X Sun , K Suruliz , C J E Suster , M R Sutton , S Suzuki , M Svatos , M Swiatlowski , S P Swift , A Sydorenko , I Sykora , T Sykora , D Ta , K Tackmann , J Taenzer , A Taffard , R Tafirout , E Tahirovic , N Taiblum , H Takai , R Takashima , E H Takasugi , K Takeda , T Takeshita , Y Takubo , M Talby , A A Talyshev , J Tanaka , M Tanaka , R Tanaka , R Tanioka , B B Tannenwald , S Tapia Araya , S Tapprogge , A Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed , S Tarem , G Tarna , G F Tartarelli , P Tas , M Tasevsky , T Tashiro , E Tassi , A Tavares Delgado , Y Tayalati , A C Taylor , A J Taylor , G N Taylor , P T E Taylor , W Taylor , A S Tee , P Teixeira-Dias , H Ten Kate , P K Teng , J J Teoh , F Tepel , S Terada , K Terashi , J Terron , S Terzo , M Testa , R J Teuscher , S J Thais , T Theveneaux-Pelzer , F Thiele , J P Thomas , A S Thompson , P D Thompson , L A Thomsen , E Thomson , Y Tian , R E Ticse Torres , V O Tikhomirov , Yu A Tikhonov , S Timoshenko , P Tipton , S Tisserant , K Todome , S Todorova-Nova , S Todt , J Tojo , S Tokár , K Tokushuku , E Tolley , K G Tomiwa , M Tomoto , L Tompkins , K Toms , B Tong , P Tornambe , E Torrence , H Torres , E Torró Pastor , C Tosciri , J Toth , F Touchard , D R Tovey , C J Treado , T Trefzger , F Tresoldi , A Tricoli , I M Trigger , S Trincaz-Duvoid , M F Tripiana , W Trischuk , B Trocmé , A Trofymov , C Troncon , M Trovatelli , F Trovato , L Truong , M Trzebinski , A Trzupek , F Tsai , J C-L Tseng , P V Tsiareshka , N Tsirintanis , V Tsiskaridze , E G Tskhadadze , I I Tsukerman , V Tsulaia , S Tsuno , D Tsybychev , Y Tu , A Tudorache , V Tudorache , T T Tulbure , A N Tuna , S Turchikhin , D Turgeman , I Turk Cakir , R Turra , P M Tuts , E Tzovara , G Ucchielli , I Ueda , M Ughetto , F Ukegawa , G Unal , A Undrus , G Unel , F C Ungaro , Y Unno , K Uno , J Urban , P Urquijo , P Urrejola , G Usai , J Usui , L Vacavant , V Vacek , B Vachon , K O H Vadla , A Vaidya , C Valderanis , E Valdes Santurio , M Valente , S Valentinetti , A Valero , L Valéry , R A Vallance , A Vallier , J A Valls Ferrer , T R Van Daalen , W Van Den Wollenberg , H Van der Graaf , P Van Gemmeren , J Van Nieuwkoop , I Van Vulpen , M Vanadia , W Vandelli , A Vaniachine , P Vankov , R Vari , E W Varnes , C Varni , T Varol , D Varouchas , K E Varvell , G A Vasquez , J G Vasquez , F Vazeille , D Vazquez Furelos , T Vazquez Schroeder , J Veatch , V Vecchio , L M Veloce , F Veloso , S Veneziano , A Ventura , M Venturi , N Venturi , V Vercesi , M Verducci , C M Vergel Infante , W Verkerke , A T Vermeulen , J C Vermeulen , M C Vetterli , N Viaux Maira , M Vicente Barreto Pinto , I Vichou , T Vickey , O E Vickey Boeriu , G H A Viehhauser , S Viel , L Vigani , M Villa , M Villaplana Perez , E Vilucchi , M G Vincter , V B Vinogradov , A Vishwakarma , C Vittori , I Vivarelli , S Vlachos , M Vogel , P Vokac , G Volpi , S E von Buddenbrock , E Von Toerne , V Vorobel , K Vorobev , M Vos , J H Vossebeld , N Vranjes , M Vranjes Milosavljevic , V Vrba , M Vreeswijk , T Šfiligoj , R Vuillermet , I Vukotic , T Ženiš , L Živković , P Wagner , W Wagner , J Wagner-Kuhr , H Wahlberg , S Wahrmund , K Wakamiya , V M Walbrecht , J Walder , R Walker , S D Walker , W Walkowiak , V Wallangen , A M Wang , C Wang , F Wang , H Wang , H Wang , J Wang , J Wang , P Wang , Q Wang , R-J Wang , R Wang , R Wang , S M Wang , W T Wang , W Wang , W X Wang , Y Wang , Z Wang , C Wanotayaroj , A Warburton , C P Ward , D R Wardrope , A Washbrook , P M Watkins , A T Watson , M F Watson , G Watts , S Watts , B M Waugh , A F Webb , S Webb , C Weber , M S Weber , S A Weber , S M Weber , A R Weidberg , B Weinert , J Weingarten , M Weirich , C Weiser , P S Wells , T Wenaus , T Wengler , S Wenig , N Wermes , M D Werner , P Werner , M Wessels , T D Weston , K Whalen , N L Whallon , A M Wharton , A S White , A White , M J White , R White , D Whiteson , B W Whitmore , F J Wickens , W Wiedenmann , M Wielers , C Wiglesworth , L A M Wiik-Fuchs , A Wildauer , F Wilk , H G Wilkens , L J Wilkins , H H Williams , S Williams , C Willis , S Willocq , J A Wilson , I Wingerter-Seez , E Winkels , F Winklmeier , O J Winston , B T Winter , M Wittgen , M Wobisch , A Wolf , T M H Wolf , R Wolff , M W Wolter , H Wolters , V W S Wong , N L Woods , S D Worm , B K Wosiek , K W Woźniak , K Wraight , M Wu , S L Wu , X Wu , Y Wu , T R Wyatt , B M Wynne , S Xella , Z Xi , L Xia , D Xu , H Xu , L Xu , T Xu , W Xu , B Yabsley , S Yacoob , K Yajima , D P Yallup , D Yamaguchi , Y Yamaguchi , A Yamamoto , T Yamanaka , F Yamane , M Yamatani , T Yamazaki , Y Yamazaki , Z Yan , H J Yang , H T Yang , S Yang , Y Yang , Z Yang , W-M Yao , Y C Yap , Y Yasu , E Yatsenko , J Ye , S Ye , I Yeletskikh , E Yigitbasi , E Yildirim , K Yorita , K Yoshihara , C J S Young , C Young , J Yu , J Yu , X Yue , S P Y Yuen , B Zabinski , G Zacharis , E Zaffaroni , R Zaidan , A M Zaitsev , N Zakharchuk , J Zalieckas , S Zambito , D Zanzi , D R Zaripovas , S V Zeißner , C Zeitnitz , G Zemaityte , J C Zeng , Q Zeng , O Zenin , D Zerwas , M Zgubič , D F Zhang , D Zhang , F Zhang , G Zhang , H Zhang , J Zhang , L Zhang , L Zhang , M Zhang , P Zhang , R Zhang , R Zhang , X Zhang , Y Zhang , Z Zhang , P Zhao , X Zhao , Y Zhao , Z Zhao , A Zhemchugov , B Zhou , C Zhou , L Zhou , M S Zhou , M Zhou , N Zhou , Y Zhou , C G Zhu , H L Zhu , H Zhu , J Zhu , Y Zhu , X Zhuang , K Zhukov , V Zhulanov , A Zibell , D Zieminska , N I Zimine , S Zimmermann , Z Zinonos , M Zinser , M Ziolkowski , G Zobernig , A Zoccoli , K Zoch , T G Zorbas , R Zou , M Zur Nedden , L Zwalinski , Auteur inconnu

Comparison of Fragmentation Functions for Jets Dominated by Light Quarks and Gluons from pp and Pb+Pb Collisions in ATLAS.

Physical review letters
Avec: M Aaboud , G Aad , B Abbott , O Abdinov , B Abeloos , D K Abhayasinghe , S H Abidi , O S AbouZeid , N L Abraham , H Abramowicz , H Abreu , Y Abulaiti , B S Acharya , S Adachi , L Adamczyk , J Adelman , M Adersberger , A Adiguzel , T Adye , A A Affolder , Y Afik , C Agheorghiesei , J A Aguilar-Saavedra , F Ahmadov , G Aielli , S Akatsuka , T P A Åkesson , E Akilli , A V Akimov , G L Alberghi , J Albert , P Albicocco , M J Alconada Verzini , S Alderweireldt , M Aleksa , I N Aleksandrov , C Alexa , T Alexopoulos , M Alhroob , B Ali , G Alimonti , J Alison , S P Alkire , C Allaire , B M M Allbrooke , B W Allen , P P Allport , A Aloisio , A Alonso , F Alonso , C Alpigiani , A A Alshehri , M I Alstaty , B Alvarez Gonzalez , D Álvarez Piqueras , M G Alviggi , B T Amadio , Y Amaral Coutinho , L Ambroz , C Amelung , D Amidei , S P Amor Dos Santos , S Amoroso , C S Amrouche , C Anastopoulos , L S Ancu , N Andari , T Andeen , C F Anders , J K Anders , K J Anderson , A Andreazza , V Andrei , C R Anelli , S Angelidakis , I Angelozzi , A Angerami , A V Anisenkov , A Annovi , C Antel , M T Anthony , M Antonelli , D J A Antrim , F Anulli , M Aoki , J A Aparisi Pozo , L Aperio Bella , G Arabidze , J P Araque , V Araujo Ferraz , R Araujo Pereira , A T H Arce , R E Ardell , F A Arduh , J-F Arguin , S Argyropoulos , A J Armbruster , L J Armitage , A Armstrong , O Arnaez , H Arnold , M Arratia , O Arslan , A Artamonov , G Artoni , S Artz , S Asai , N Asbah , A Ashkenazi , E M Asimakopoulou , L Asquith , K Assamagan , R Astalos , R J Atkin , M Atkinson , N B Atlay , K Augsten , G Avolio , R Avramidou , M K Ayoub , G Azuelos , A E Baas , M J Baca , H Bachacou , K Bachas , M Backes , P Bagnaia , M Bahmani , H Bahrasemani , A J Bailey , J T Baines , M Bajic , C Bakalis , O K Baker , P J Bakker , D Bakshi Gupta , E M Baldin , P Balek , F Balli , W K Balunas , J Balz , E Banas , A Bandyopadhyay , S Banerjee , A A E Bannoura , L Barak , W M Barbe , E L Barberio , D Barberis , M Barbero , T Barillari , M-S Barisits , J Barkeloo , T Barklow , N Barlow , R Barnea , S L Barnes , B M Barnett , R M Barnett , Z Barnovska-Blenessy , A Baroncelli , G Barone , A J Barr , L Barranco Navarro , F Barreiro , J Barreiro Guimarães da Costa , R Bartoldus , A E Barton , P Bartos , A Basalaev , A Bassalat , R L Bates , S J Batista , S Batlamous , J R Batley , M Battaglia , M Bauce , F Bauer , K T Bauer , H S Bawa , J B Beacham , T Beau , P H Beauchemin , P Bechtle , H C Beck , H P Beck , K Becker , M Becker , C Becot , A Beddall , A J Beddall , V A Bednyakov , M Bedognetti , C P Bee , T A Beermann , M Begalli , M Begel , A Behera , J K Behr , A S Bell , G Bella , L Bellagamba , A Bellerive , M Bellomo , P Bellos , K Belotskiy , N L Belyaev , O Benary , D Benchekroun , M Bender , N Benekos , Y Benhammou , E Benhar Noccioli , J Benitez , D P Benjamin , M Benoit , J R Bensinger , S Bentvelsen , L Beresford , M Beretta , D Berge , E Bergeaas Kuutmann , N Berger , L J Bergsten , J Beringer , S Berlendis , N R Bernard , G Bernardi , C Bernius , F U Bernlochner , T Berry , P Berta , C Bertella , G Bertoli , I A Bertram , G J Besjes , O Bessidskaia Bylund , M Bessner , N Besson , A Bethani , S Bethke , A Betti , A J Bevan , J Beyer , R M Bianchi , O Biebel , D Biedermann , R Bielski , K Bierwagen , N V Biesuz , M Biglietti , T R V Billoud , M Bindi , A Bingul , C Bini , S Biondi , M Birman , T Bisanz , J P Biswal , C Bittrich , D M Bjergaard , J E Black , K M Black , T Blazek , I Bloch , C Blocker , A Blue , U Blumenschein , Dr Blunier , G J Bobbink , V S Bobrovnikov , S S Bocchetta , A Bocci , D Boerner , D Bogavac , A G Bogdanchikov , C Bohm , V Boisvert , P Bokan , T Bold , A S Boldyrev , A E Bolz , M Bomben , M Bona , J S Bonilla , M Boonekamp , A Borisov , G Borissov , J Bortfeldt , D Bortoletto , V Bortolotto , D Boscherini , M Bosman , J D Bossio Sola , K Bouaouda , J Boudreau , E V Bouhova-Thacker , D Boumediene , C Bourdarios , S K Boutle , A Boveia , J Boyd , D Boye , I R Boyko , A J Bozson , J Bracinik , N Brahimi , A Brandt , G Brandt , O Brandt , F Braren , U Bratzler , B Brau , J E Brau , W D Breaden Madden , K Brendlinger , A J Brennan , L Brenner , R Brenner , S Bressler , B Brickwedde , D L Briglin , D Britton , D Britzger , I Brock , R Brock , G Brooijmans , T Brooks , W K Brooks , E Brost , J H Broughton , P A Bruckman de Renstrom , D Bruncko , A Bruni , G Bruni , L S Bruni , S Bruno , B H Brunt , M Bruschi , N Bruscino , P Bryant , L Bryngemark , T Buanes , Q Buat , P Buchholz , A G Buckley , I A Budagov , M K Bugge , F Bührer , O Bulekov , D Bullock , T J Burch , S Burdin , C D Burgard , A M Burger , B Burghgrave , K Burka , S Burke , I Burmeister , J T P Burr , D Büscher , V Büscher , E Buschmann , P Bussey , J M Butler , C M Buttar , J M Butterworth , P Butti , W Buttinger , A Buzatu , A R Buzykaev , G Cabras , S Cabrera Urbán , D Caforio , H Cai , V M M Cairo , O Cakir , N Calace , P Calafiura , A Calandri , G Calderini , P Calfayan , G Callea , L P Caloba , S Calvente Lopez , D Calvet , S Calvet , T P Calvet , M Calvetti , R Camacho Toro , S Camarda , P Camarri , D Cameron , R Caminal Armadans , C Camincher , S Campana , M Campanelli , A Camplani , A Campoverde , V Canale , M Cano Bret , J Cantero , T Cao , Y Cao , M D M Capeans Garrido , I Caprini , M Caprini , M Capua , R M Carbone , R Cardarelli , F C Cardillo , I Carli , T Carli , G Carlino , B T Carlson , L Carminati , R M D Carney , S Caron , E Carquin , S Carrá , G D Carrillo-Montoya , D Casadei , M P Casado , A F Casha , D W Casper , R Castelijn , F L Castillo , V Castillo Gimenez , N F Castro , A Catinaccio , J R Catmore , A Cattai , J Caudron , V Cavaliere , E Cavallaro , D Cavalli , M Cavalli-Sforza , V Cavasinni , E Celebi , F Ceradini , L Cerda Alberich , A S Cerqueira , A Cerri , L Cerrito , F Cerutti , A Cervelli , S A Cetin , A Chafaq , D Chakraborty , S K Chan , W S Chan , Y L Chan , J D Chapman , B Chargeishvili , D G Charlton , C C Chau , C A Chavez Barajas , S Che , A Chegwidden , S Chekanov , S V Chekulaev , G A Chelkov , M A Chelstowska , C Chen , C H Chen , H Chen , J Chen , J Chen , S Chen , S J Chen , X Chen , Y Chen , Y-H Chen , H C Cheng , H J Cheng , A Cheplakov , E Cheremushkina , R Cherkaoui El Moursli , E Cheu , K Cheung , L Chevalier , V Chiarella , G Chiarelli , G Chiodini , A S Chisholm , A Chitan , I Chiu , Y H Chiu , M V Chizhov , K Choi , A R Chomont , S Chouridou , Y S Chow , V Christodoulou , M C Chu , J Chudoba , A J Chuinard , J J Chwastowski , L Chytka , D Cinca , V Cindro , I A Cioară , A Ciocio , F Cirotto , Z H Citron , M Citterio , A Clark , M R Clark , P J Clark , C Clement , Y Coadou , M Cobal , A Coccaro , J Cochran , A E C Coimbra , L Colasurdo , B Cole , A P Colijn , J Collot , P Conde Muiño , E Coniavitis , S H Connell , I A Connelly , S Constantinescu , F Conventi , A M Cooper-Sarkar , F Cormier , K J R Cormier , M Corradi , E E Corrigan , F Corriveau , A Cortes-Gonzalez , M J Costa , D Costanzo , G Cottin , G Cowan , B E Cox , J Crane , K Cranmer , S J Crawley , R A Creager , G Cree , S Crépé-Renaudin , F Crescioli , M Cristinziani , V Croft , G Crosetti , A Cueto , T Cuhadar Donszelmann , A R Cukierman , J Cúth , S Czekierda , P Czodrowski , M J Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa , C Da Via , W Dabrowski , T Dado , S Dahbi , T Dai , F Dallaire , C Dallapiccola , M Dam , G D'amen , J Damp , J R Dandoy , M F Daneri , N P Dang , N D Dann , M Danninger , V Dao , G Darbo , S Darmora , O Dartsi , A Dattagupta , T Daubney , S D'Auria , W Davey , C David , T Davidek , D R Davis , E Dawe , I Dawson , K De , R De Asmundis , A De Benedetti , M De Beurs , S De Castro , S De Cecco , N De Groot , P de Jong , H De la Torre , F De Lorenzi , A De Maria , D De Pedis , A De Salvo , U De Sanctis , A De Santo , K De Vasconcelos Corga , J B De Vivie De Regie , C Debenedetti , D V Dedovich , N Dehghanian , M Del Gaudio , J Del Peso , Y Delabat Diaz , D Delgove , F Deliot , C M Delitzsch , M Della Pietra , D Della Volpe , A Dell'Acqua , L Dell'Asta , M Delmastro , C Delporte , P A Delsart , D A DeMarco , S Demers , M Demichev , S P Denisov , D Denysiuk , L D'Eramo , D Derendarz , J E Derkaoui , F Derue , P Dervan , K Desch , C Deterre , K Dette , M R Devesa , P O Deviveiros , A Dewhurst , S Dhaliwal , F A Di Bello , A Di Ciaccio , L Di Ciaccio , W K Di Clemente , C Di Donato , A Di Girolamo , B Di Micco , R Di Nardo , K F Di Petrillo , R Di Sipio , D Di Valentino , C Diaconu , M Diamond , F A Dias , T Dias Do Vale , M A Diaz , J Dickinson , E B Diehl , J Dietrich , S Díez Cornell , A Dimitrievska , J Dingfelder , F Dittus , F Djama , T Djobava , J I Djuvsland , M A B Do Vale , M Dobre , D Dodsworth , C Doglioni , J Dolejsi , Z Dolezal , M Donadelli , J Donini , A D'onofrio , M D'Onofrio , J Dopke , A Doria , M T Dova , A T Doyle , E Drechsler , E Dreyer , T Dreyer , Y Du , J Duarte-Campderros , F Dubinin , M Dubovsky , A Dubreuil , E Duchovni , G Duckeck , A Ducourthial , O A Ducu , D Duda , A Dudarev , A C Dudder , E M Duffield , L Duflot , M Dührssen , C Dülsen , M Dumancic , A E Dumitriu , A K Duncan , M Dunford , A Duperrin , H Duran Yildiz , M Düren , A Durglishvili , D Duschinger , B Dutta , D Duvnjak , M Dyndal , S Dysch , B S Dziedzic , C Eckardt , K M Ecker , R C Edgar , T Eifert , G Eigen , K Einsweiler , T Ekelof , M El Kacimi , R El Kosseifi , V Ellajosyula , M Ellert , F Ellinghaus , A A Elliot , N Ellis , J Elmsheuser , M Elsing , D Emeliyanov , Y Enari , J S Ennis , M B Epland , J Erdmann , A Ereditato , S Errede , M Escalier , C Escobar , O Estrada Pastor , A I Etienvre , E Etzion , H Evans , A Ezhilov , M Ezzi , F Fabbri , L Fabbri , V Fabiani , G Facini , R M Faisca Rodrigues Pereira , R M Fakhrutdinov , S Falciano , P J Falke , S Falke , J Faltova , Y Fang , M Fanti , A Farbin , A Farilla , E M Farina , T Farooque , S Farrell , S M Farrington , P Farthouat , F Fassi , P Fassnacht , D Fassouliotis , M Faucci Giannelli , A Favareto , W J Fawcett , L Fayard , O L Fedin , W Fedorko , M Feickert , S Feigl , L Feligioni , C Feng , E J Feng , M Feng , M J Fenton , A B Fenyuk , L Feremenga , J Ferrando , A Ferrari , P Ferrari , R Ferrari , D E Ferreira de Lima , A Ferrer , D Ferrere , C Ferretti , F Fiedler , A Filipčič , F Filthaut , K D Finelli , M C N Fiolhais , L Fiorini , C Fischer , W C Fisher , N Flaschel , I Fleck , P Fleischmann , R R M Fletcher , T Flick , B M Flierl , L M Flores , L R Flores Castillo , F M Follega , N Fomin , G T Forcolin , A Formica , F A Förster , A C Forti , A G Foster , D Fournier , H Fox , S Fracchia , P Francavilla , M Franchini , S Franchino , D Francis , L Franconi , M Franklin , M Frate , M Fraternali , D Freeborn , S M Fressard-Batraneanu , B Freund , W S Freund , D Froidevaux , J A Frost , C Fukunaga , E Fullana Torregrosa , T Fusayasu , J Fuster , O Gabizon , A Gabrielli , A Gabrielli , G P Gach , S Gadatsch , P Gadow , G Gagliardi , L G Gagnon , C Galea , B Galhardo , E J Gallas , B J Gallop , P Gallus , G Galster , R Gamboa Goni , K K Gan , S Ganguly , J Gao , Y Gao , Y S Gao , C García , J E García Navarro , J A García Pascual , M Garcia-Sciveres , R W Gardner , N Garelli , V Garonne , K Gasnikova , A Gaudiello , G Gaudio , I L Gavrilenko , A Gavrilyuk , C Gay , G Gaycken , E N Gazis , C N P Gee , J Geisen , M Geisen , M P Geisler , K Gellerstedt , C Gemme , M H Genest , C Geng , S Gentile , S George , D Gerbaudo , G Gessner , S Ghasemi , M Ghasemi Bostanabad , M Ghneimat , B Giacobbe , S Giagu , N Giangiacomi , P Giannetti , A Giannini , S M Gibson , M Gignac , D Gillberg , G Gilles , D M Gingrich , M P Giordani , F M Giorgi , P F Giraud , P Giromini , G Giugliarelli , D Giugni , F Giuli , M Giulini , S Gkaitatzis , I Gkialas , E L Gkougkousis , P Gkountoumis , L K Gladilin , C Glasman , J Glatzer , P C F Glaysher , A Glazov , M Goblirsch-Kolb , J Godlewski , S Goldfarb , T Golling , D Golubkov , A Gomes , R Goncalves Gama , R Gonçalo , G Gonella , L Gonella , A Gongadze , F Gonnella , J L Gonski , S González de la Hoz , S Gonzalez-Sevilla , L Goossens , P A Gorbounov , H A Gordon , B Gorini , E Gorini , A Gorišek , A T Goshaw , C Gössling , M I Gostkin , C A Gottardo , C R Goudet , D Goujdami , A G Goussiou , N Govender , C Goy , E Gozani , I Grabowska-Bold , P O J Gradin , E C Graham , J Gramling , E Gramstad , S Grancagnolo , V Gratchev , P M Gravila , F G Gravili , C Gray , H M Gray , Z D Greenwood , C Grefe , K Gregersen , I M Gregor , P Grenier , K Grevtsov , J Griffiths , A A Grillo , K Grimm , S Grinstein , Ph Gris , J-F Grivaz , S Groh , E Gross , J Grosse-Knetter , G C Grossi , Z J Grout , C Grud , A Grummer , L Guan , W Guan , J Guenther , A Guerguichon , F Guescini , D Guest , R Gugel , B Gui , T Guillemin , S Guindon , U Gul , C Gumpert , J Guo , W Guo , Y Guo , Z Guo , R Gupta , S Gurbuz , G Gustavino , B J Gutelman , P Gutierrez , C Gutschow , C Guyot , M P Guzik , C Gwenlan , C B Gwilliam , A Haas , C Haber , H K Hadavand , N Haddad , A Hadef , S Hageböck , M Hagihara , H Hakobyan , M Haleem , J Haley , G Halladjian , G D Hallewell , K Hamacher , P Hamal , K Hamano , A Hamilton , G N Hamity , K Han , L Han , S Han , K Hanagaki , M Hance , D M Handl , B Haney , R Hankache , P Hanke , E Hansen , J B Hansen , J D Hansen , M C Hansen , P H Hansen , E C Hanson , K Hara , A S Hard , T Harenberg , S Harkusha , P F Harrison , N M Hartmann , Y Hasegawa , A Hasib , S Hassani , S Haug , R Hauser , L Hauswald , L B Havener , M Havranek , C M Hawkes , R J Hawkings , D Hayden , C Hayes , C P Hays , J M Hays , H S Hayward , S J Haywood , M P Heath , V Hedberg , L Heelan , S Heer , K K Heidegger , J Heilman , S Heim , T Heim , B Heinemann , J J Heinrich , L Heinrich , C Heinz , J Hejbal , L Helary , A Held , S Hellesund , S Hellman , C Helsens , R C W Henderson , Y Heng , S Henkelmann , A M Henriques Correia , G H Herbert , H Herde , V Herget , Y Hernández Jiménez , H Herr , M G Herrmann , G Herten , R Hertenberger , L Hervas , T C Herwig , G G Hesketh , N P Hessey , J W Hetherly , S Higashino , E Higón-Rodriguez , K Hildebrand , E Hill , J C Hill , K K Hill , K H Hiller , S J Hillier , M Hils , I Hinchliffe , M Hirose , D Hirschbuehl , B Hiti , O Hladik , D R Hlaluku , X Hoad , J Hobbs , N Hod , M C Hodgkinson , A Hoecker , M R Hoeferkamp , F Hoenig , D Hohn , D Hohov , T R Holmes , M Holzbock , M Homann , S Honda , T Honda , T M Hong , A Hönle , B H Hooberman , W H Hopkins , Y Horii , P Horn , A J Horton , L A Horyn , J-Y Hostachy , A Hostiuc , S Hou , A Hoummada , J Howarth , J Hoya , M Hrabovsky , J Hrdinka , I Hristova , J Hrivnac , A Hrynevich , T Hryn'ova , P J Hsu , S-C Hsu , Q Hu , S Hu , Y Huang , Z Hubacek , F Hubaut , M Huebner , F Huegging , T B Huffman , E W Hughes , M Huhtinen , R F H Hunter , P Huo , A M Hupe , N Huseynov , J Huston , J Huth , R Hyneman , G Iacobucci , G Iakovidis , I Ibragimov , L Iconomidou-Fayard , Z Idrissi , P Iengo , R Ignazzi , O Igonkina , R Iguchi , T Iizawa , Y Ikegami , M Ikeno , D Iliadis , N Ilic , F Iltzsche , G Introzzi , M Iodice , K Iordanidou , V Ippolito , M F Isacson , N Ishijima , M Ishino , M Ishitsuka , W Islam , C Issever , S Istin , F Ito , J M Iturbe Ponce , R Iuppa , A Ivina , H Iwasaki , J M Izen , V Izzo , P Jacka , P Jackson , R M Jacobs , V Jain , G Jäkel , K B Jakobi , K Jakobs , S Jakobsen , T Jakoubek , D O Jamin , D K Jana , R Jansky , J Janssen , M Janus , P A Janus , G Jarlskog , N Javadov , T Javůrek , M Javurkova , F Jeanneau , L Jeanty , J Jejelava , A Jelinskas , P Jenni , J Jeong , S Jézéquel , H Ji , J Jia , H Jiang , Y Jiang , Z Jiang , S Jiggins , F A Jimenez Morales , J Jimenez Pena , S Jin , A Jinaru , O Jinnouchi , H Jivan , P Johansson , K A Johns , C A Johnson , W J Johnson , K Jon-And , R W L Jones , S D Jones , S Jones , T J Jones , J Jongmanns , P M Jorge , J Jovicevic , X Ju , J J Junggeburth , A Juste Rozas , A Kaczmarska , M Kado , H Kagan , M Kagan , T Kaji , E Kajomovitz , C W Kalderon , A Kaluza , S Kama , A Kamenshchikov , L Kanjir , Y Kano , V A Kantserov , J Kanzaki , B Kaplan , L S Kaplan , D Kar , M J Kareem , E Karentzos , S N Karpov , Z M Karpova , V Kartvelishvili , A N Karyukhin , L Kashif , R D Kass , A Kastanas , Y Kataoka , C Kato , J Katzy , K Kawade , K Kawagoe , T Kawamoto , G Kawamura , E F Kay , V F Kazanin , R Keeler , R Kehoe , J S Keller , E Kellermann , J J Kempster , J Kendrick , O Kepka , S Kersten , B P Kerševan , R A Keyes , M Khader , F Khalil-Zada , A Khanov , A G Kharlamov , T Kharlamova , A Khodinov , T J Khoo , E Khramov , J Khubua , S Kido , M Kiehn , C R Kilby , Y K Kim , N Kimura , O M Kind , B T King , D Kirchmeier , J Kirk , A E Kiryunin , T Kishimoto , D Kisielewska , V Kitali , O Kivernyk , E Kladiva , T Klapdor-Kleingrothaus , M H Klein , M Klein , U Klein , K Kleinknecht , P Klimek , A Klimentov , R Klingenberg , T Klingl , T Klioutchnikova , F F Klitzner , P Kluit , S Kluth , E Kneringer , E B F G Knoops , A Knue , A Kobayashi , D Kobayashi , T Kobayashi , M Kobel , M Kocian , P Kodys , T Koffas , E Koffeman , N M Köhler , T Koi , M Kolb , I Koletsou , T Kondo , N Kondrashova , K Köneke , A C König , T Kono , R Konoplich , V Konstantinides , N Konstantinidis , B Konya , R Kopeliansky , S Koperny , K Korcyl , K Kordas , A Korn , I Korolkov , E V Korolkova , O Kortner , S Kortner , T Kosek , V V Kostyukhin , A Kotwal , A Koulouris , A Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi , C Kourkoumelis , E Kourlitis , V Kouskoura , A B Kowalewska , R Kowalewski , T Z Kowalski , C Kozakai , W Kozanecki , A S Kozhin , V A Kramarenko , G Kramberger , D Krasnopevtsev , M W Krasny , A Krasznahorkay , D Krauss , J A Kremer , J Kretzschmar , P Krieger , K Krizka , K Kroeninger , H Kroha , J Kroll , J Kroll , J Krstic , U Kruchonak , H Krüger , N Krumnack , M C Kruse , T Kubota , S Kuday , J T Kuechler , S Kuehn , A Kugel , F Kuger , T Kuhl , V Kukhtin , R Kukla , Y Kulchitsky , S Kuleshov , Y P Kulinich , M Kuna , T Kunigo , A Kupco , T Kupfer , O Kuprash , H Kurashige , L L Kurchaninov , Y A Kurochkin , M G Kurth , E S Kuwertz , M Kuze , J Kvita , T Kwan , A La Rosa , J L La Rosa Navarro , L La Rotonda , F La Ruffa , C Lacasta , F Lacava , J Lacey , D P J Lack , H Lacker , D Lacour , E Ladygin , R Lafaye , B Laforge , T Lagouri , S Lai , S Lammers , W Lampl , E Lançon , U Landgraf , M P J Landon , M C Lanfermann , V S Lang , J C Lange , R J Langenberg , A J Lankford , F Lanni , K Lantzsch , A Lanza , A Lapertosa , S Laplace , J F Laporte , T Lari , F Lasagni Manghi , M Lassnig , T S Lau , A Laudrain , M Lavorgna , A T Law , P Laycock , M Lazzaroni , B Le , O Le Dortz , E Le Guirriec , E P Le Quilleuc , M LeBlanc , T LeCompte , F Ledroit-Guillon , C A Lee , G R Lee , L Lee , S C Lee , B Lefebvre , M Lefebvre , F Legger , C Leggett , N Lehmann , G Lehmann Miotto , W A Leight , A Leisos , M A L Leite , R Leitner , D Lellouch , B Lemmer , K J C Leney , T Lenz , B Lenzi , R Leone , S Leone , C Leonidopoulos , G Lerner , C Leroy , R Les , A A J Lesage , C G Lester , M Levchenko , J Levêque , D Levin , L J Levinson , D Lewis , B Li , C-Q Li , H Li , L Li , Q Li , Q Y Li , S Li , X Li , Y Li , Z Liang , B Liberti , A Liblong , K Lie , S Liem , A Limosani , C Y Lin , K Lin , T H Lin , R A Linck , J H Lindon , B E Lindquist , A L Lionti , E Lipeles , A Lipniacka , M Lisovyi , T M Liss , A Lister , A M Litke , J D Little , B Liu , B L Liu , H B Liu , H Liu , J B Liu , J K K Liu , K Liu , M Liu , P Liu , Y Liu , Y L Liu , Y W Liu , M Livan , A Lleres , J Llorente Merino , S L Lloyd , C Y Lo , F Lo Sterzo , E M Lobodzinska , P Loch , T Lohse , K Lohwasser , M Lokajicek , B A Long , J D Long , R E Long , L Longo , K A Looper , J A Lopez , I Lopez Paz , A Lopez Solis , J Lorenz , N Lorenzo Martinez , M Losada , P J Lösel , A Lösle , X Lou , X Lou , A Lounis , J Love , P A Love , J J Lozano Bahilo , H Lu , M Lu , N Lu , Y J Lu , H J Lubatti , C Luci , A Lucotte , C Luedtke , F Luehring , I Luise , L Luminari , B Lund-Jensen , M S Lutz , P M Luzi , D Lynn , R Lysak , E Lytken , F Lyu , V Lyubushkin , H Ma , L L Ma , Y Ma , G Maccarrone , A Macchiolo , C M Macdonald , J Machado Miguens , D Madaffari , R Madar , W F Mader , A Madsen , N Madysa , J Maeda , K Maekawa , S Maeland , T Maeno , A S Maevskiy , V Magerl , C Maidantchik , T Maier , A Maio , O Majersky , S Majewski , Y Makida , N Makovec , B Malaescu , Pa Malecki , V P Maleev , F Malek , U Mallik , D Malon , C Malone , S Maltezos , S Malyukov , J Mamuzic , G Mancini , I Mandić , J Maneira , L Manhaes de Andrade Filho , J Manjarres Ramos , K H Mankinen , A Mann , A Manousos , B Mansoulie , J D Mansour , M Mantoani , S Manzoni , G Marceca , L March , L Marchese , G Marchiori , M Marcisovsky , C A Marin Tobon , M Marjanovic , D E Marley , F Marroquim , Z Marshall , M U F Martensson , S Marti-Garcia , C B Martin , T A Martin , V J Martin , B Martin Dit Latour , M Martinez , V I Martinez Outschoorn , S Martin-Haugh , V S Martoiu , A C Martyniuk , A Marzin , L Masetti , T Mashimo , R Mashinistov , J Masik , A L Maslennikov , L H Mason , L Massa , P Massarotti , P Mastrandrea , A Mastroberardino , T Masubuchi , P Mättig , J Maurer , B Maček , S J Maxfield , D A Maximov , R Mazini , I Maznas , S M Mazza , N C Mc Fadden , G Mc Goldrick , S P Mc Kee , A McCarn Deiana , T G McCarthy , L I McClymont , E F McDonald , J A Mcfayden , G Mchedlidze , M A McKay , K D McLean , S J McMahon , P C McNamara , C J McNicol , R A McPherson , J E Mdhluli , Z A Meadows , S Meehan , T M Megy , S Mehlhase , A Mehta , T Meideck , B Meirose , D Melini , B R Mellado Garcia , J D Mellenthin , M Melo , F Meloni , A Melzer , S B Menary , E D Mendes Gouveia , L Meng , X T Meng , A Mengarelli , S Menke , E Meoni , S Mergelmeyer , C Merlassino , P Mermod , L Merola , C Meroni , F S Merritt , A Messina , J Metcalfe , A S Mete , C Meyer , J Meyer , J-P Meyer , H Meyer Zu Theenhausen , F Miano , R P Middleton , L Mijović , G Mikenberg , M Mikestikova , M Mikuž , M Milesi , A Milic , D A Millar , D W Miller , A Milov , D A Milstead , A A Minaenko , M Miñano Moya , I A Minashvili , A I Mincer , B Mindur , M Mineev , Y Minegishi , Y Ming , L M Mir , A Mirto , K P Mistry , T Mitani , J Mitrevski , V A Mitsou , A Miucci , P S Miyagawa , A Mizukami , J U Mjörnmark , T Mkrtchyan , M Mlynarikova , T Moa , K Mochizuki , P Mogg , S Mohapatra , S Molander , R Moles-Valls , M C Mondragon , K Mönig , J Monk , E Monnier , A Montalbano , J Montejo Berlingen , F Monticelli , S Monzani , N Morange , D Moreno , M Moreno Llácer , P Morettini , M Morgenstern , S Morgenstern , D Mori , M Morii , M Morinaga , V Morisbak , A K Morley , G Mornacchi , A P Morris , J D Morris , L Morvaj , P Moschovakos , M Mosidze , H J Moss , J Moss , K Motohashi , R Mount , E Mountricha , E J W Moyse , S Muanza , F Mueller , J Mueller , R S P Mueller , D Muenstermann , G A Mullier , F J Munoz Sanchez , P Murin , W J Murray , A Murrone , M Muškinja , C Mwewa , A G Myagkov , J Myers , M Myska , B P Nachman , O Nackenhorst , K Nagai , K Nagano , Y Nagasaka , M Nagel , E Nagy , A M Nairz , Y Nakahama , K Nakamura , T Nakamura , I Nakano , H Nanjo , F Napolitano , R F Naranjo Garcia , R Narayan , D I Narrias Villar , I Naryshkin , T Naumann , G Navarro , R Nayyar , H A Neal , P Y Nechaeva , T J Neep , A Negri , M Negrini , S Nektarijevic , C Nellist , M E Nelson , S Nemecek , P Nemethy , M Nessi , M S Neubauer , M Neumann , P R Newman , T Y Ng , Y S Ng , H D N Nguyen , T Nguyen Manh , E Nibigira , R B Nickerson , R Nicolaidou , J Nielsen , N Nikiforou , V Nikolaenko , I Nikolic-Audit , K Nikolopoulos , P Nilsson , Y Ninomiya , A Nisati , N Nishu , R Nisius , I Nitsche , T Nitta , T Nobe , Y Noguchi , M Nomachi , I Nomidis , M A Nomura , T Nooney , M Nordberg , N Norjoharuddeen , T Novak , O Novgorodova , R Novotny , L Nozka , K Ntekas , E Nurse , F Nuti , F G Oakham , H Oberlack , T Obermann , J Ocariz , A Ochi , I Ochoa , J P Ochoa-Ricoux , K O'Connor , S Oda , S Odaka , S Oerdek , A Oh , S H Oh , C C Ohm , H Oide , M L Ojeda , H Okawa , Y Okazaki , Y Okumura , T Okuyama , A Olariu , L F Oleiro Seabra , S A Olivares Pino , D Oliveira Damazio , J L Oliver , M J R Olsson , A Olszewski , J Olszowska , D C O'Neil , A Onofre , K Onogi , P U E Onyisi , H Oppen , M J Oreglia , Y Oren , D Orestano , N Orlando , A A O'Rourke , R S Orr , B Osculati , V O'Shea , R Ospanov , G Otero Y Garzon , H Otono , M Ouchrif , F Ould-Saada , A Ouraou , Q Ouyang , M Owen , R E Owen , V E Ozcan , N Ozturk , J Pacalt , H A Pacey , K Pachal , A Pacheco Pages , L Pacheco Rodriguez , C Padilla Aranda , S Pagan Griso , M Paganini , G Palacino , S Palazzo , S Palestini , M Palka , D Pallin , I Panagoulias , C E Pandini , J G Panduro Vazquez , P Pani , G Panizzo , L Paolozzi , T D Papadopoulou , K Papageorgiou , A Paramonov , D Paredes Hernandez , S R Paredes Saenz , B Parida , A J Parker , K A Parker , M A Parker , F Parodi , J A Parsons , U Parzefall , V R Pascuzzi , J M P Pasner , E Pasqualucci , S Passaggio , F Pastore , P Pasuwan , S Pataraia , J R Pater , A Pathak , T Pauly , B Pearson , M Pedersen , L Pedraza Diaz , R Pedro , S V Peleganchuk , O Penc , C Peng , H Peng , B S Peralva , M M Perego , A P Pereira Peixoto , D V Perepelitsa , F Peri , L Perini , H Pernegger , S Perrella , V D Peshekhonov , K Peters , R F Y Peters , B A Petersen , T C Petersen , E Petit , A Petridis , C Petridou , P Petroff , M Petrov , F Petrucci , M Pettee , N E Pettersson , A Peyaud , R Pezoa , T Pham , F H Phillips , P W Phillips , G Piacquadio , E Pianori , A Picazio , M A Pickering , R H Pickles , R Piegaia , J E Pilcher , A D Pilkington , M Pinamonti , J L Pinfold , M Pitt , M-A Pleier , V Pleskot , E Plotnikova , D Pluth , P Podberezko , R Poettgen , R Poggi , L Poggioli , I Pogrebnyak , D Pohl , I Pokharel , G Polesello , A Poley , A Policicchio , R Polifka , A Polini , C S Pollard , V Polychronakos , D Ponomarenko , L Pontecorvo , G A Popeneciu , D M Portillo Quintero , S Pospisil , K Potamianos , I N Potrap , C J Potter , H Potti , T Poulsen , J Poveda , T D Powell , M E Pozo Astigarraga , P Pralavorio , S Prell , D Price , M Primavera , S Prince , N Proklova , K Prokofiev , F Prokoshin , S Protopopescu , J Proudfoot , M Przybycien , A Puri , P Puzo , J Qian , Y Qin , A Quadt , M Queitsch-Maitland , A Qureshi , P Rados , F Ragusa , G Rahal , J A Raine , S Rajagopalan , A Ramirez Morales , T Rashid , S Raspopov , M G Ratti , D M Rauch , F Rauscher , S Rave , B Ravina , I Ravinovich , J H Rawling , M Raymond , A L Read , N P Readioff , M Reale , D M Rebuzzi , A Redelbach , G Redlinger , R Reece , R G Reed , K Reeves , L Rehnisch , J Reichert , A Reiss , C Rembser , H Ren , M Rescigno , S Resconi , E D Resseguie , S Rettie , E Reynolds , O L Rezanova , P Reznicek , E Ricci , R Richter , S Richter , E Richter-Was , O Ricken , M Ridel , P Rieck , C J Riegel , O Rifki , M Rijssenbeek , A Rimoldi , M Rimoldi , L Rinaldi , G Ripellino , B Ristić , E Ritsch , I Riu , J C Rivera Vergara , F Rizatdinova , E Rizvi , C Rizzi , R T Roberts , S H Robertson , D Robinson , J E M Robinson , A Robson , E Rocco , C Roda , Y Rodina , S Rodriguez Bosca , A Rodriguez Perez , D Rodriguez Rodriguez , A M Rodríguez Vera , S Roe , C S Rogan , O Røhne , R Röhrig , C P A Roland , J Roloff , A Romaniouk , M Romano , N Rompotis , M Ronzani , L Roos , S Rosati , K Rosbach , P Rose , N-A Rosien , E Rossi , E Rossi , L P Rossi , L Rossini , J H N Rosten , R Rosten , M Rotaru , J Rothberg , D Rousseau , D Roy , A Rozanov , Y Rozen , X Ruan , F Rubbo , F Rühr , A Ruiz-Martinez , Z Rurikova , N A Rusakovich , H L Russell , J P Rutherfoord , E M Rüttinger , Y F Ryabov , M Rybar , G Rybkin , S Ryu , A Ryzhov , G F Rzehorz , P Sabatini , G Sabato , S Sacerdoti , H F-W Sadrozinski , R Sadykov , F Safai Tehrani , P Saha , M Sahinsoy , A Sahu , M Saimpert , M Saito , T Saito , H Sakamoto , A Sakharov , D Salamani , G Salamanna , J E Salazar Loyola , D Salek , P H Sales De Bruin , D Salihagic , A Salnikov , J Salt , D Salvatore , F Salvatore , A Salvucci , A Salzburger , J Samarati , D Sammel , D Sampsonidis , D Sampsonidou , J Sánchez , A Sanchez Pineda , H Sandaker , C O Sander , M Sandhoff , C Sandoval , D P C Sankey , M Sannino , Y Sano , A Sansoni , C Santoni , H Santos , I Santoyo Castillo , A Santra , A Sapronov , J G Saraiva , O Sasaki , K Sato , E Sauvan , P Savard , N Savic , R Sawada , C Sawyer , L Sawyer , C Sbarra , A Sbrizzi , T Scanlon , J Schaarschmidt , P Schacht , B M Schachtner , D Schaefer , L Schaefer , J Schaeffer , S Schaepe , U Schäfer , A C Schaffer , D Schaile , R D Schamberger , N Scharmberg , V A Schegelsky , D Scheirich , F Schenck , M Schernau , C Schiavi , S Schier , L K Schildgen , Z M Schillaci , E J Schioppa , M Schioppa , K E Schleicher , S Schlenker , K R Schmidt-Sommerfeld , K Schmieden , C Schmitt , S Schmitt , S Schmitz , J C Schmoeckel , U Schnoor , L Schoeffel , A Schoening , E Schopf , M Schott , J F P Schouwenberg , J Schovancova , S Schramm , A Schulte , H-C Schultz-Coulon , M Schumacher , B A Schumm , Ph Schune , A Schwartzman , T A Schwarz , H Schweiger , Ph Schwemling , R Schwienhorst , A Sciandra , G Sciolla , M Scornajenghi , F Scuri , F Scutti , L M Scyboz , J Searcy , C D Sebastiani , P Seema , S C Seidel , A Seiden , T Seiss , J M Seixas , G Sekhniaidze , K Sekhon , S J Sekula , N Semprini-Cesari , S Sen , S Senkin , C Serfon , L Serin , L Serkin , M Sessa , H Severini , F Sforza , A Sfyrla , E Shabalina , J D Shahinian , N W Shaikh , L Y Shan , R Shang , J T Shank , M Shapiro , A S Sharma , A Sharma , P B Shatalov , K Shaw , S M Shaw , A Shcherbakova , Y Shen , N Sherafati , A D Sherman , P Sherwood , L Shi , S Shimizu , C O Shimmin , M Shimojima , I P J Shipsey , S Shirabe , M Shiyakova , J Shlomi , A Shmeleva , D Shoaleh Saadi , M J Shochet , S Shojaii , D R Shope , S Shrestha , E Shulga , P Sicho , A M Sickles , P E Sidebo , E Sideras Haddad , O Sidiropoulou , A Sidoti , F Siegert , Dj Sijacki , J Silva , M Silva , M V Silva Oliveira , S B Silverstein , L Simic , S Simion , E Simioni , M Simon , R Simoniello , P Sinervo , N B Sinev , M Sioli , G Siragusa , I Siral , S Yu Sivoklokov , J Sjölin , P Skubic , M Slater , T Slavicek , M Slawinska , K Sliwa , R Slovak , V Smakhtin , B H Smart , J Smiesko , N Smirnov , S Yu Smirnov , Y Smirnov , L N Smirnova , O Smirnova , J W Smith , M N K Smith , M Smizanska , K Smolek , A Smykiewicz , A A Snesarev , I M Snyder , S Snyder , R Sobie , A M Soffa , A Soffer , A Søgaard , D A Soh , G Sokhrannyi , C A Solans Sanchez , M Solar , E Yu Soldatov , U Soldevila , A A Solodkov , A Soloshenko , O V Solovyanov , V Solovyev , P Sommer , H Son , W Song , W Y Song , A Sopczak , F Sopkova , D Sosa , C L Sotiropoulou , S Sottocornola , R Soualah , A M Soukharev , D South , B C Sowden , S Spagnolo , M Spalla , M Spangenberg , F Spanò , D Sperlich , F Spettel , T M Spieker , R Spighi , G Spigo , L A Spiller , D P Spiteri , M Spousta , A Stabile , R Stamen , S Stamm , E Stanecka , R W Stanek , C Stanescu , B Stanislaus , M M Stanitzki , B Stapf , S Stapnes , E A Starchenko , G H Stark , J Stark , S H Stark , P Staroba , P Starovoitov , S Stärz , R Staszewski , M Stegler , P Steinberg , B Stelzer , H J Stelzer , O Stelzer-Chilton , H Stenzel , T J Stevenson , G A Stewart , M C Stockton , G Stoicea , P Stolte , S Stonjek , A Straessner , J Strandberg , S Strandberg , M Strauss , P Strizenec , R Ströhmer , D M Strom , R Stroynowski , A Strubig , S A Stucci , B Stugu , J Stupak , N A Styles , D Su , J Su , S Suchek , Y Sugaya , M Suk , V V Sulin , D M S Sultan , S Sultansoy , T Sumida , S Sun , X Sun , K Suruliz , C J E Suster , M R Sutton , S Suzuki , M Svatos , M Swiatlowski , S P Swift , A Sydorenko , I Sykora , T Sykora , D Ta , K Tackmann , J Taenzer , A Taffard , R Tafirout , E Tahirovic , N Taiblum , H Takai , R Takashima , E H Takasugi , K Takeda , T Takeshita , Y Takubo , M Talby , A A Talyshev , J Tanaka , M Tanaka , R Tanaka , B B Tannenwald , S Tapia Araya , S Tapprogge , A Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed , S Tarem , G Tarna , G F Tartarelli , P Tas , M Tasevsky , T Tashiro , E Tassi , A Tavares Delgado , Y Tayalati , A C Taylor , A J Taylor , G N Taylor , P T E Taylor , W Taylor , A S Tee , P Teixeira-Dias , H Ten Kate , P K Teng , J J Teoh , F Tepel , S Terada , K Terashi , J Terron , S Terzo , M Testa , R J Teuscher , S J Thais , T Theveneaux-Pelzer , F Thiele , D W Thomas , J P Thomas , A S Thompson , P D Thompson , L A Thomsen , E Thomson , Y Tian , R E Ticse Torres , V O Tikhomirov , Yu A Tikhonov , S Timoshenko , P Tipton , S Tisserant , K Todome , S Todorova-Nova , S Todt , J Tojo , S Tokár , K Tokushuku , E Tolley , K G Tomiwa , M Tomoto , L Tompkins , K Toms , B Tong , P Tornambe , E Torrence , H Torres , E Torró Pastor , C Tosciri , J Toth , F Touchard , D R Tovey , C J Treado , T Trefzger , F Tresoldi , A Tricoli , I M Trigger , S Trincaz-Duvoid , M F Tripiana , W Trischuk , B Trocmé , A Trofymov , C Troncon , M Trovatelli , F Trovato , L Truong , M Trzebinski , A Trzupek , F Tsai , J C-L Tseng , P V Tsiareshka , A Tsirigotis , N Tsirintanis , V Tsiskaridze , E G Tskhadadze , I I Tsukerman , V Tsulaia , S Tsuno , D Tsybychev , Y Tu , A Tudorache , V Tudorache , T T Tulbure , A N Tuna , S Turchikhin , D Turgeman , I Turk Cakir , R T Turra , P M Tuts , E Tzovara , G Ucchielli , I Ueda , M Ughetto , F Ukegawa , G Unal , A Undrus , G Unel , F C Ungaro , Y Unno , K Uno , J Urban , P Urquijo , P Urrejola , G Usai , J Usui , L Vacavant , V Vacek , B Vachon , K O H Vadla , A Vaidya , C Valderanis , E Valdes Santurio , M Valente , S Valentinetti , A Valero , L Valéry , R A Vallance , A Vallier , J A Valls Ferrer , T R Van Daalen , W Van Den Wollenberg , H Van der Graaf , P Van Gemmeren , J Van Nieuwkoop , I Van Vulpen , M Vanadia , W Vandelli , A Vaniachine , P Vankov , R Vari , E W Varnes , C Varni , T Varol , D Varouchas , K E Varvell , G A Vasquez , J G Vasquez , F Vazeille , D Vazquez Furelos , T Vazquez Schroeder , J Veatch , V Vecchio , L M Veloce , F Veloso , S Veneziano , A Ventura , M Venturi , N Venturi , V Vercesi , M Verducci , C M Vergel Infante , W Verkerke , A T Vermeulen , J C Vermeulen , M C Vetterli , N Viaux Maira , M Vicente Barreto Pinto , I Vichou , T Vickey , O E Vickey Boeriu , G H A Viehhauser , S Viel , L Vigani , M Villa , M Villaplana Perez , E Vilucchi , M G Vincter , V B Vinogradov , A Vishwakarma , C Vittori , I Vivarelli , S Vlachos , M Vogel , P Vokac , G Volpi , S E von Buddenbrock , E Von Toerne , V Vorobel , K Vorobev , M Vos , J H Vossebeld , N Vranjes , M Vranjes Milosavljevic , V Vrba , M Vreeswijk , T Šfiligoj , R Vuillermet , I Vukotic , T Ženiš , L Živković , P Wagner , W Wagner , J Wagner-Kuhr , H Wahlberg , S Wahrmund , K Wakamiya , V M Walbrecht , J Walder , R Walker , S D Walker , W Walkowiak , V Wallangen , A M Wang , C Wang , F Wang , H Wang , H Wang , J Wang , J Wang , P Wang , Q Wang , R-J Wang , R Wang , R Wang , S M Wang , W T Wang , W Wang , W X Wang , Y Wang , Z Wang , C Wanotayaroj , A Warburton , C P Ward , D R Wardrope , A Washbrook , P M Watkins , A T Watson , M F Watson , G Watts , S Watts , B M Waugh , A F Webb , S Webb , C Weber , M S Weber , S A Weber , S M Weber , A R Weidberg , B Weinert , J Weingarten , M Weirich , C Weiser , P S Wells , T Wenaus , T Wengler , S Wenig , N Wermes , M D Werner , P Werner , M Wessels , T D Weston , K Whalen , N L Whallon , A M Wharton , A S White , A White , M J White , R White , D Whiteson , B W Whitmore , F J Wickens , W Wiedenmann , M Wielers , C Wiglesworth , L A M Wiik-Fuchs , A Wildauer , F Wilk , H G Wilkens , L J Wilkins , H H Williams , S Williams , C Willis , S Willocq , J A Wilson , I Wingerter-Seez , E Winkels , F Winklmeier , O J Winston , B T Winter , M Wittgen , M Wobisch , A Wolf , T M H Wolf , R Wolff , M W Wolter , H Wolters , V W S Wong , N L Woods , S D Worm , B K Wosiek , K W Woźniak , K Wraight , M Wu , S L Wu , X Wu , Y Wu , T R Wyatt , B M Wynne , S Xella , Z Xi , L Xia , D Xu , H Xu , L Xu , T Xu , W Xu , B Yabsley , S Yacoob , K Yajima , D P Yallup , D Yamaguchi , Y Yamaguchi , A Yamamoto , T Yamanaka , F Yamane , M Yamatani , T Yamazaki , Y Yamazaki , Z Yan , H J Yang , H T Yang , S Yang , Y Yang , Z Yang , W-M Yao , Y C Yap , Y Yasu , E Yatsenko , J Ye , S Ye , I Yeletskikh , E Yigitbasi , E Yildirim , K Yorita , K Yoshihara , C J S Young , C Young , J Yu , J Yu , X Yue , S P Y Yuen , B Zabinski , G Zacharis , E Zaffaroni , R Zaidan , A M Zaitsev , T Zakareishvili , N Zakharchuk , J Zalieckas , S Zambito , D Zanzi , D R Zaripovas , S V Zeißner , C Zeitnitz , G Zemaityte , J C Zeng , Q Zeng , O Zenin , D Zerwas , M Zgubič , D F Zhang , D Zhang , F Zhang , G Zhang , H Zhang , J Zhang , L Zhang , L Zhang , M Zhang , P Zhang , R Zhang , R Zhang , X Zhang , Y Zhang , Z Zhang , P Zhao , X Zhao , Y Zhao , Z Zhao , A Zhemchugov , B Zhou , C Zhou , L Zhou , M S Zhou , M Zhou , N Zhou , Y Zhou , C G Zhu , H L Zhu , H Zhu , J Zhu , Y Zhu , X Zhuang , K Zhukov , V Zhulanov , A Zibell , D Zieminska , N I Zimine , S Zimmermann , Z Zinonos , M Zinser , M Ziolkowski , G Zobernig , A Zoccoli , K Zoch , T G Zorbas , R Zou , M Zur Nedden , L Zwalinski , Auteur inconnu

Réseau de co-auteurs

A Gabrielli 8 collaborations
E Rossi 8 collaborations
H Wang 8 collaborations
J Wang 8 collaborations
J Yu 8 collaborations
L Zhang 8 collaborations
R Zhang 8 collaborations
J Kroll 7 collaborations
X Lou 7 collaborations
R Wang 7 collaborations
J Chen 6 collaborations
S Chen 5 collaborations
B Li 5 collaborations
L Li 5 collaborations
H Liu 5 collaborations
C Meyer 5 collaborations
C Wang 5 collaborations
M Wu 5 collaborations
G Zhang 5 collaborations
L Zhou 5 collaborations
M Zhou 5 collaborations
M Aaboud 4 collaborations
G Aad 4 collaborations
B Abbott 4 collaborations
O Abdinov 4 collaborations
B Abeloos 4 collaborations
O S AbouZeid 4 collaborations
N L Abraham 4 collaborations
H Abramowicz 4 collaborations
H Abreu 4 collaborations
Y Abulaiti 4 collaborations
B S Acharya 4 collaborations
S Adachi 4 collaborations
L Adamczyk 4 collaborations
J Adelman 4 collaborations
T Adye 4 collaborations
A A Affolder 4 collaborations
J A Aguilar-Saavedra 4 collaborations
F Ahmadov 4 collaborations
G Aielli 4 collaborations
T P A Åkesson 4 collaborations
A V Akimov 4 collaborations
G L Alberghi 4 collaborations
J Albert 4 collaborations
M J Alconada Verzini 4 collaborations
M Aleksa 4 collaborations
I N Aleksandrov 4 collaborations
C Alexa 4 collaborations
T Alexopoulos 4 collaborations
M Alhroob 4 collaborations
B Ali 4 collaborations
G Alimonti 4 collaborations
J Alison 4 collaborations
S P Alkire 4 collaborations
B M M Allbrooke 4 collaborations
B W Allen 4 collaborations
P P Allport 4 collaborations
A Aloisio 4 collaborations
A Alonso 4 collaborations
F Alonso 4 collaborations
C Alpigiani 4 collaborations
A A Alshehri 4 collaborations
B Alvarez Gonzalez 4 collaborations
D Álvarez Piqueras 4 collaborations
M G Alviggi 4 collaborations
B T Amadio 4 collaborations
Y Amaral Coutinho 4 collaborations
C Amelung 4 collaborations
D Amidei 4 collaborations
S P Amor Dos Santos 4 collaborations
S Amoroso 4 collaborations
C Anastopoulos 4 collaborations
L S Ancu 4 collaborations
N Andari 4 collaborations
T Andeen 4 collaborations
C F Anders 4 collaborations
J K Anders 4 collaborations
K J Anderson 4 collaborations
A Andreazza 4 collaborations
V Andrei 4 collaborations
S Angelidakis 4 collaborations
I Angelozzi 4 collaborations
A Angerami 4 collaborations
A V Anisenkov 4 collaborations
A Annovi 4 collaborations
C Antel 4 collaborations
M Antonelli 4 collaborations
F Anulli 4 collaborations
M Aoki 4 collaborations
L Aperio Bella 4 collaborations
G Arabidze 4 collaborations
J P Araque 4 collaborations
V Araujo Ferraz 4 collaborations
A T H Arce 4 collaborations
F A Arduh 4 collaborations
J-F Arguin 4 collaborations
S Argyropoulos 4 collaborations
A J Armbruster 4 collaborations
L J Armitage 4 collaborations
O Arnaez 4 collaborations
H Arnold 4 collaborations
M Arratia 4 collaborations
O Arslan 4 collaborations
A Artamonov 4 collaborations
G Artoni 4 collaborations
S Artz 4 collaborations
S Asai 4 collaborations
N Asbah 4 collaborations
L Asquith 4 collaborations
K Assamagan 4 collaborations
R Astalos 4 collaborations
M Atkinson 4 collaborations
N B Atlay 4 collaborations
K Augsten 4 collaborations
G Avolio 4 collaborations
M K Ayoub 4 collaborations
G Azuelos 4 collaborations
A E Baas 4 collaborations
M J Baca 4 collaborations
H Bachacou 4 collaborations
K Bachas 4 collaborations
M Backes 4 collaborations
P Bagnaia 4 collaborations
J T Baines 4 collaborations
M Bajic 4 collaborations
O K Baker 4 collaborations
E M Baldin 4 collaborations
P Balek 4 collaborations
F Balli 4 collaborations
W K Balunas 4 collaborations
E Banas 4 collaborations
A A E Bannoura 4 collaborations
L Barak 4 collaborations
E L Barberio 4 collaborations
D Barberis 4 collaborations
M Barbero 4 collaborations
T Barillari 4 collaborations
M-S Barisits 4 collaborations
T Barklow 4 collaborations
S L Barnes 4 collaborations
B M Barnett 4 collaborations
R M Barnett 4 collaborations
Z Barnovska-Blenessy 4 collaborations
A Baroncelli 4 collaborations
G Barone 4 collaborations
A J Barr 4 collaborations
L Barranco Navarro 4 collaborations
F Barreiro 4 collaborations
R Bartoldus 4 collaborations
A E Barton 4 collaborations
P Bartos 4 collaborations
A Basalaev 4 collaborations
A Bassalat 4 collaborations
R L Bates 4 collaborations
S J Batista 4 collaborations
J R Batley 4 collaborations
M Battaglia 4 collaborations
M Bauce 4 collaborations
F Bauer 4 collaborations
H S Bawa 4 collaborations
J B Beacham 4 collaborations
T Beau 4 collaborations
P H Beauchemin 4 collaborations
P Bechtle 4 collaborations
H P Beck 4 collaborations
K Becker 4 collaborations
M Becker 4 collaborations
C Becot 4 collaborations
A Beddall 4 collaborations
A J Beddall 4 collaborations
V A Bednyakov 4 collaborations
M Bedognetti 4 collaborations
C P Bee 4 collaborations
T A Beermann 4 collaborations
M Begel 4 collaborations
J K Behr 4 collaborations
A S Bell 4 collaborations
G Bella 4 collaborations
L Bellagamba 4 collaborations
A Bellerive 4 collaborations
M Bellomo 4 collaborations
K Belotskiy 4 collaborations
N L Belyaev 4 collaborations
O Benary 4 collaborations
D Benchekroun 4 collaborations
M Bender 4 collaborations
N Benekos 4 collaborations
Y Benhammou 4 collaborations
E Benhar Noccioli 4 collaborations
J Benitez 4 collaborations
D P Benjamin 4 collaborations
J R Bensinger 4 collaborations
S Bentvelsen 4 collaborations
L Beresford 4 collaborations
M Beretta 4 collaborations
D Berge 4 collaborations
E Bergeaas Kuutmann 4 collaborations
N Berger 4 collaborations
J Beringer 4 collaborations
S Berlendis 4 collaborations
N R Bernard 4 collaborations
C Bernius 4 collaborations
F U Bernlochner 4 collaborations
T Berry 4 collaborations
P Berta 4 collaborations
C Bertella 4 collaborations
G Bertoli 4 collaborations
I A Bertram 4 collaborations
G J Besjes 4 collaborations
O Bessidskaia Bylund 4 collaborations
M Bessner 4 collaborations
N Besson 4 collaborations
A Bethani 4 collaborations
S Bethke 4 collaborations
A J Bevan 4 collaborations
R M Bianchi 4 collaborations
O Biebel 4 collaborations
D Biedermann 4 collaborations
R Bielski 4 collaborations
N V Biesuz 4 collaborations
M Biglietti 4 collaborations
T R V Billoud 4 collaborations
M Bindi 4 collaborations
A Bingul 4 collaborations
C Bini 4 collaborations
S Biondi 4 collaborations
T Bisanz 4 collaborations
D M Bjergaard 4 collaborations
J E Black 4 collaborations
K M Black 4 collaborations
T Blazek 4 collaborations
I Bloch 4 collaborations
C Blocker 4 collaborations
A Blue 4 collaborations
U Blumenschein 4 collaborations
G J Bobbink 4 collaborations
V S Bobrovnikov 4 collaborations
S S Bocchetta 4 collaborations
A Bocci 4 collaborations
D Boerner 4 collaborations
D Bogavac 4 collaborations
A G Bogdanchikov 4 collaborations
C Bohm 4 collaborations
V Boisvert 4 collaborations
P Bokan 4 collaborations
T Bold 4 collaborations
A S Boldyrev 4 collaborations
M Bomben 4 collaborations
M Bona 4 collaborations
M Boonekamp 4 collaborations
A Borisov 4 collaborations
G Borissov 4 collaborations
J Bortfeldt 4 collaborations
D Bortoletto 4 collaborations
V Bortolotto 4 collaborations
D Boscherini 4 collaborations
M Bosman 4 collaborations
J D Bossio Sola 4 collaborations
J Boudreau 4 collaborations
E V Bouhova-Thacker 4 collaborations
D Boumediene 4 collaborations
S K Boutle 4 collaborations
A Boveia 4 collaborations
J Boyd 4 collaborations
I R Boyko 4 collaborations
J Bracinik 4 collaborations
A Brandt 4 collaborations
G Brandt 4 collaborations
O Brandt 4 collaborations
U Bratzler 4 collaborations
B Brau 4 collaborations
J E Brau 4 collaborations
W D Breaden Madden 4 collaborations
K Brendlinger 4 collaborations
L Brenner 4 collaborations
R Brenner 4 collaborations
S Bressler 4 collaborations
D Britton 4 collaborations
D Britzger 4 collaborations
I Brock 4 collaborations
R Brock 4 collaborations
G Brooijmans 4 collaborations
T Brooks 4 collaborations
W K Brooks 4 collaborations
E Brost 4 collaborations
J H Broughton 4 collaborations
D Bruncko 4 collaborations
A Bruni 4 collaborations
G Bruni 4 collaborations
L S Bruni 4 collaborations
B H Brunt 4 collaborations
M Bruschi 4 collaborations
N Bruscino 4 collaborations
P Bryant 4 collaborations
L Bryngemark 4 collaborations
T Buanes 4 collaborations
Q Buat 4 collaborations
P Buchholz 4 collaborations
A G Buckley 4 collaborations
I A Budagov 4 collaborations
M K Bugge 4 collaborations
O Bulekov 4 collaborations
D Bullock 4 collaborations
S Burdin 4 collaborations
C D Burgard 4 collaborations
A M Burger 4 collaborations
B Burghgrave 4 collaborations
K Burka 4 collaborations
S Burke 4 collaborations
I Burmeister 4 collaborations
J T P Burr 4 collaborations
V Büscher 4 collaborations
J M Butler 4 collaborations
C M Buttar 4 collaborations
J M Butterworth 4 collaborations
P Butti 4 collaborations
W Buttinger 4 collaborations
A Buzatu 4 collaborations
A R Buzykaev 4 collaborations
S Cabrera Urbán 4 collaborations
D Caforio 4 collaborations
O Cakir 4 collaborations
N Calace 4 collaborations
P Calafiura 4 collaborations
A Calandri 4 collaborations
G Calderini 4 collaborations
P Calfayan 4 collaborations
G Callea 4 collaborations
L P Caloba 4 collaborations
S Calvente Lopez 4 collaborations
D Calvet 4 collaborations
S Calvet 4 collaborations
T P Calvet 4 collaborations
R Camacho Toro 4 collaborations
S Camarda 4 collaborations
P Camarri 4 collaborations
D Cameron 4 collaborations
R Caminal Armadans 4 collaborations
C Camincher 4 collaborations
S Campana 4 collaborations
M Campanelli 4 collaborations
A Camplani 4 collaborations
A Campoverde 4 collaborations
V Canale 4 collaborations
M Cano Bret 4 collaborations
J Cantero 4 collaborations
T Cao 4 collaborations
M D M Capeans Garrido 4 collaborations
I Caprini 4 collaborations
M Caprini 4 collaborations
M Capua 4 collaborations
R M Carbone 4 collaborations
R Cardarelli 4 collaborations
I Carli 4 collaborations
T Carli 4 collaborations
G Carlino 4 collaborations
B T Carlson 4 collaborations
L Carminati 4 collaborations
R M D Carney 4 collaborations
S Caron 4 collaborations
E Carquin 4 collaborations
G D Carrillo-Montoya 4 collaborations
D Casadei 4 collaborations
M P Casado 4 collaborations
D W Casper 4 collaborations
R Castelijn 4 collaborations
V Castillo Gimenez 4 collaborations
N F Castro 4 collaborations
A Catinaccio 4 collaborations
J R Catmore 4 collaborations
A Cattai 4 collaborations
J Caudron 4 collaborations
V Cavaliere 4 collaborations
E Cavallaro 4 collaborations
D Cavalli 4 collaborations
M Cavalli-Sforza 4 collaborations
V Cavasinni 4 collaborations
F Ceradini 4 collaborations
L Cerda Alberich 4 collaborations
A S Cerqueira 4 collaborations
A Cerri 4 collaborations
L Cerrito 4 collaborations
F Cerutti 4 collaborations
A Cervelli 4 collaborations
S A Cetin 4 collaborations
A Chafaq 4 collaborations
D Chakraborty 4 collaborations
S K Chan 4 collaborations
Y L Chan 4 collaborations
J D Chapman 4 collaborations
D G Charlton 4 collaborations
C C Chau 4 collaborations
C A Chavez Barajas 4 collaborations
S Che 4 collaborations
A Chegwidden 4 collaborations
S Chekanov 4 collaborations
S V Chekulaev 4 collaborations
G A Chelkov 4 collaborations
M A Chelstowska 4 collaborations
C Chen 4 collaborations
H Chen 4 collaborations
X Chen 4 collaborations
Y Chen 4 collaborations
H C Cheng 4 collaborations
H J Cheng 4 collaborations
A Cheplakov 4 collaborations
E Cheremushkina 4 collaborations
R Cherkaoui El Moursli 4 collaborations
E Cheu 4 collaborations
L Chevalier 4 collaborations
V Chiarella 4 collaborations
G Chiarelli 4 collaborations
G Chiodini 4 collaborations
A S Chisholm 4 collaborations
A Chitan 4 collaborations
M V Chizhov 4 collaborations
K Choi 4 collaborations
A R Chomont 4 collaborations
S Chouridou 4 collaborations
V Christodoulou 4 collaborations
J Chudoba 4 collaborations
A J Chuinard 4 collaborations
J J Chwastowski 4 collaborations
L Chytka 4 collaborations
D Cinca 4 collaborations
V Cindro 4 collaborations
A Ciocio 4 collaborations
F Cirotto 4 collaborations
Z H Citron 4 collaborations
M Citterio 4 collaborations
A Clark 4 collaborations
M R Clark 4 collaborations
P J Clark 4 collaborations
C Clement 4 collaborations
Y Coadou 4 collaborations
M Cobal 4 collaborations
A Coccaro 4 collaborations
J Cochran 4 collaborations
L Colasurdo 4 collaborations
B Cole 4 collaborations
A P Colijn 4 collaborations
J Collot 4 collaborations
P Conde Muiño 4 collaborations
E Coniavitis 4 collaborations
S H Connell 4 collaborations
I A Connelly 4 collaborations
S Constantinescu 4 collaborations
F Conventi 4 collaborations
A M Cooper-Sarkar 4 collaborations
F Cormier 4 collaborations
K J R Cormier 4 collaborations
M Corradi 4 collaborations
F Corriveau 4 collaborations
A Cortes-Gonzalez 4 collaborations
M J Costa 4 collaborations
D Costanzo 4 collaborations
G Cottin 4 collaborations
G Cowan 4 collaborations
B E Cox 4 collaborations
K Cranmer 4 collaborations
S J Crawley 4 collaborations
G Cree 4 collaborations
S Crépé-Renaudin 4 collaborations
F Crescioli 4 collaborations
M Cristinziani 4 collaborations
V Croft 4 collaborations
G Crosetti 4 collaborations
A Cueto 4 collaborations
T Cuhadar Donszelmann 4 collaborations
P Czodrowski 4 collaborations
C Da Via 4 collaborations
W Dabrowski 4 collaborations
T Dado 4 collaborations
T Dai 4 collaborations
F Dallaire 4 collaborations
C Dallapiccola 4 collaborations
M Dam 4 collaborations
G D'amen 4 collaborations
J R Dandoy 4 collaborations
N P Dang 4 collaborations
M Danninger 4 collaborations
V Dao 4 collaborations
G Darbo 4 collaborations
S Darmora 4 collaborations
A Dattagupta 4 collaborations
S D'Auria 4 collaborations
W Davey 4 collaborations
C David 4 collaborations
T Davidek 4 collaborations
E Dawe 4 collaborations
I Dawson 4 collaborations
K De 4 collaborations
A De Benedetti 4 collaborations
S De Castro 4 collaborations
S De Cecco 4 collaborations
N De Groot 4 collaborations
P de Jong 4 collaborations
H De la Torre 4 collaborations
F De Lorenzi 4 collaborations
A De Maria 4 collaborations
D De Pedis 4 collaborations
A De Salvo 4 collaborations
U De Sanctis 4 collaborations
A De Santo 4 collaborations
J B De Vivie De Regie 4 collaborations
C Debenedetti 4 collaborations
D V Dedovich 4 collaborations
N Dehghanian 4 collaborations
M Del Gaudio 4 collaborations
J Del Peso 4 collaborations
D Delgove 4 collaborations
F Deliot 4 collaborations
C M Delitzsch 4 collaborations
M Della Pietra 4 collaborations
D Della Volpe 4 collaborations
A Dell'Acqua 4 collaborations
L Dell'Asta 4 collaborations
M Delmastro 4 collaborations
P A Delsart 4 collaborations
D A DeMarco 4 collaborations
S Demers 4 collaborations
M Demichev 4 collaborations
S P Denisov 4 collaborations
D Denysiuk 4 collaborations
D Derendarz 4 collaborations
J E Derkaoui 4 collaborations
F Derue 4 collaborations
P Dervan 4 collaborations
K Desch 4 collaborations
C Deterre 4 collaborations
K Dette 4 collaborations
P O Deviveiros 4 collaborations
A Dewhurst 4 collaborations
S Dhaliwal 4 collaborations
A Di Ciaccio 4 collaborations
L Di Ciaccio 4 collaborations
W K Di Clemente 4 collaborations
C Di Donato 4 collaborations
A Di Girolamo 4 collaborations
B Di Micco 4 collaborations
R Di Nardo 4 collaborations
K F Di Petrillo 4 collaborations
R Di Sipio 4 collaborations
D Di Valentino 4 collaborations
C Diaconu 4 collaborations
M Diamond 4 collaborations
F A Dias 4 collaborations
M A Diaz 4 collaborations
E B Diehl 4 collaborations
J Dietrich 4 collaborations
S Díez Cornell 4 collaborations
A Dimitrievska 4 collaborations
J Dingfelder 4 collaborations
F Dittus 4 collaborations
F Djama 4 collaborations
T Djobava 4 collaborations
J I Djuvsland 4 collaborations
M Dobre 4 collaborations
C Doglioni 4 collaborations
J Dolejsi 4 collaborations
Z Dolezal 4 collaborations
M Donadelli 4 collaborations
J Donini 4 collaborations
M D'Onofrio 4 collaborations
J Dopke 4 collaborations
A Doria 4 collaborations
M T Dova 4 collaborations
A T Doyle 4 collaborations
E Drechsler 4 collaborations
Y Du 4 collaborations
E Duchovni 4 collaborations
G Duckeck 4 collaborations
O A Ducu 4 collaborations
D Duda 4 collaborations
A Dudarev 4 collaborations
E M Duffield 4 collaborations
L Duflot 4 collaborations
M Dührssen 4 collaborations
M Dumancic 4 collaborations
A K Duncan 4 collaborations
M Dunford 4 collaborations
H Duran Yildiz 4 collaborations
M Düren 4 collaborations
A Durglishvili 4 collaborations
D Duschinger 4 collaborations
B Dutta 4 collaborations
M Dyndal 4 collaborations
C Eckardt 4 collaborations
K M Ecker 4 collaborations
R C Edgar 4 collaborations
T Eifert 4 collaborations
G Eigen 4 collaborations
K Einsweiler 4 collaborations
T Ekelof 4 collaborations
M El Kacimi 4 collaborations
V Ellajosyula 4 collaborations
M Ellert 4 collaborations
F Ellinghaus 4 collaborations
A A Elliot 4 collaborations
N Ellis 4 collaborations
J Elmsheuser 4 collaborations
M Elsing 4 collaborations
D Emeliyanov 4 collaborations
Y Enari 4 collaborations
J S Ennis 4 collaborations
J Erdmann 4 collaborations
A Ereditato 4 collaborations
S Errede 4 collaborations
M Escalier 4 collaborations
C Escobar 4 collaborations
A I Etienvre 4 collaborations
E Etzion 4 collaborations
H Evans 4 collaborations
A Ezhilov 4 collaborations
M Ezzi 4 collaborations
F Fabbri 4 collaborations
L Fabbri 4 collaborations
G Facini 4 collaborations
R M Fakhrutdinov 4 collaborations
S Falciano 4 collaborations
J Faltova 4 collaborations
Y Fang 4 collaborations
M Fanti 4 collaborations
A Farbin 4 collaborations
A Farilla 4 collaborations
E M Farina 4 collaborations
T Farooque 4 collaborations
S Farrell 4 collaborations
S M Farrington 4 collaborations
P Farthouat 4 collaborations
F Fassi 4 collaborations
P Fassnacht 4 collaborations
D Fassouliotis 4 collaborations
M Faucci Giannelli 4 collaborations
A Favareto 4 collaborations
W J Fawcett 4 collaborations
L Fayard 4 collaborations
O L Fedin 4 collaborations
W Fedorko 4 collaborations
S Feigl 4 collaborations
L Feligioni 4 collaborations
C Feng 4 collaborations
E J Feng 4 collaborations
A B Fenyuk 4 collaborations
L Feremenga 4 collaborations
J Ferrando 4 collaborations
A Ferrari 4 collaborations
P Ferrari 4 collaborations
R Ferrari 4 collaborations
D E Ferreira de Lima 4 collaborations
A Ferrer 4 collaborations
D Ferrere 4 collaborations
C Ferretti 4 collaborations
F Fiedler 4 collaborations
A Filipčič 4 collaborations
F Filthaut 4 collaborations
K D Finelli 4 collaborations
M C N Fiolhais 4 collaborations
L Fiorini 4 collaborations
C Fischer 4 collaborations
W C Fisher 4 collaborations
N Flaschel 4 collaborations
I Fleck 4 collaborations
P Fleischmann 4 collaborations
R R M Fletcher 4 collaborations
T Flick 4 collaborations
B M Flierl 4 collaborations
L R Flores Castillo 4 collaborations
G T Forcolin 4 collaborations
A Formica 4 collaborations
A G Foster 4 collaborations
D Fournier 4 collaborations
H Fox 4 collaborations
S Fracchia 4 collaborations
P Francavilla 4 collaborations
M Franchini 4 collaborations
D Francis 4 collaborations
L Franconi 4 collaborations
M Franklin 4 collaborations
M Frate 4 collaborations
M Fraternali 4 collaborations
D Freeborn 4 collaborations
S M Fressard-Batraneanu 4 collaborations
D Froidevaux 4 collaborations
J A Frost 4 collaborations
C Fukunaga 4 collaborations
E Fullana Torregrosa 4 collaborations
T Fusayasu 4 collaborations
J Fuster 4 collaborations
O Gabizon 4 collaborations
G P Gach 4 collaborations
S Gadatsch 4 collaborations
G Gagliardi 4 collaborations
L G Gagnon 4 collaborations
C Galea 4 collaborations
B Galhardo 4 collaborations
E J Gallas 4 collaborations
B J Gallop 4 collaborations
P Gallus 4 collaborations
G Galster 4 collaborations
K K Gan 4 collaborations
S Ganguly 4 collaborations
J Gao 4 collaborations
Y Gao 4 collaborations
Y S Gao 4 collaborations
C García 4 collaborations
J E García Navarro 4 collaborations
M Garcia-Sciveres 4 collaborations
R W Gardner 4 collaborations
N Garelli 4 collaborations
V Garonne 4 collaborations
K Gasnikova 4 collaborations
A Gaudiello 4 collaborations
G Gaudio 4 collaborations
I L Gavrilenko 4 collaborations
C Gay 4 collaborations
G Gaycken 4 collaborations
E N Gazis 4 collaborations
C N P Gee 4 collaborations
M Geisen 4 collaborations
M P Geisler 4 collaborations
K Gellerstedt 4 collaborations
C Gemme 4 collaborations
M H Genest 4 collaborations
C Geng 4 collaborations
S Gentile 4 collaborations
S George 4 collaborations
D Gerbaudo 4 collaborations
S Ghasemi 4 collaborations
M Ghneimat 4 collaborations
B Giacobbe 4 collaborations
S Giagu 4 collaborations
P Giannetti 4 collaborations
S M Gibson 4 collaborations
M Gignac 4 collaborations
D Gillberg 4 collaborations
G Gilles 4 collaborations
D M Gingrich 4 collaborations
M P Giordani 4 collaborations
F M Giorgi 4 collaborations
P F Giraud 4 collaborations
P Giromini 4 collaborations
D Giugni 4 collaborations
F Giuli 4 collaborations
M Giulini 4 collaborations
S Gkaitatzis 4 collaborations
I Gkialas 4 collaborations
E L Gkougkousis 4 collaborations
L K Gladilin 4 collaborations
C Glasman 4 collaborations
J Glatzer 4 collaborations
P C F Glaysher 4 collaborations
A Glazov 4 collaborations
M Goblirsch-Kolb 4 collaborations
J Godlewski 4 collaborations
S Goldfarb 4 collaborations
T Golling 4 collaborations
D Golubkov 4 collaborations
A Gomes 4 collaborations
R Goncalves Gama 4 collaborations
R Gonçalo 4 collaborations
G Gonella 4 collaborations
L Gonella 4 collaborations
A Gongadze 4 collaborations
S González de la Hoz 4 collaborations
S Gonzalez-Sevilla 4 collaborations
L Goossens 4 collaborations
P A Gorbounov 4 collaborations
H A Gordon 4 collaborations
B Gorini 4 collaborations
E Gorini 4 collaborations
A Gorišek 4 collaborations
A T Goshaw 4 collaborations
C Gössling 4 collaborations
M I Gostkin 4 collaborations
C R Goudet 4 collaborations
D Goujdami 4 collaborations
A G Goussiou 4 collaborations
N Govender 4 collaborations
E Gozani 4 collaborations
I Grabowska-Bold 4 collaborations
P O J Gradin 4 collaborations
J Gramling 4 collaborations
E Gramstad 4 collaborations
S Grancagnolo 4 collaborations
V Gratchev 4 collaborations
P M Gravila 4 collaborations
H M Gray 4 collaborations
Z D Greenwood 4 collaborations
C Grefe 4 collaborations
K Gregersen 4 collaborations
I M Gregor 4 collaborations
P Grenier 4 collaborations
K Grevtsov 4 collaborations
J Griffiths 4 collaborations
A A Grillo 4 collaborations
K Grimm 4 collaborations
S Grinstein 4 collaborations
Ph Gris 4 collaborations
J-F Grivaz 4 collaborations
S Groh 4 collaborations
E Gross 4 collaborations
J Grosse-Knetter 4 collaborations
G C Grossi 4 collaborations
Z J Grout 4 collaborations
L Guan 4 collaborations
W Guan 4 collaborations
J Guenther 4 collaborations
F Guescini 4 collaborations
D Guest 4 collaborations
B Gui 4 collaborations
T Guillemin 4 collaborations
S Guindon 4 collaborations
U Gul 4 collaborations
C Gumpert 4 collaborations
J Guo 4 collaborations
W Guo 4 collaborations
Y Guo 4 collaborations
R Gupta 4 collaborations
G Gustavino 4 collaborations
P Gutierrez 4 collaborations
C Gutschow 4 collaborations
C Guyot 4 collaborations
C Gwenlan 4 collaborations
C B Gwilliam 4 collaborations
A Haas 4 collaborations
C Haber 4 collaborations
H K Hadavand 4 collaborations
N Haddad 4 collaborations
A Hadef 4 collaborations
S Hageböck 4 collaborations
M Hagihara 4 collaborations
H Hakobyan 4 collaborations
M Haleem 4 collaborations
J Haley 4 collaborations
G Halladjian 4 collaborations
G D Hallewell 4 collaborations
K Hamacher 4 collaborations
P Hamal 4 collaborations
K Hamano 4 collaborations
A Hamilton 4 collaborations
G N Hamity 4 collaborations
L Han 4 collaborations
S Han 4 collaborations
K Hanagaki 4 collaborations
M Hance 4 collaborations
B Haney 4 collaborations
P Hanke 4 collaborations
J B Hansen 4 collaborations
J D Hansen 4 collaborations
M C Hansen 4 collaborations
P H Hansen 4 collaborations
K Hara 4 collaborations
A S Hard 4 collaborations
T Harenberg 4 collaborations
S Harkusha 4 collaborations
P F Harrison 4 collaborations
N M Hartmann 4 collaborations
Y Hasegawa 4 collaborations
A Hasib 4 collaborations
S Hassani 4 collaborations
S Haug 4 collaborations
R Hauser 4 collaborations
L Hauswald 4 collaborations
M Havranek 4 collaborations
C M Hawkes 4 collaborations
R J Hawkings 4 collaborations
D Hayden 4 collaborations
C P Hays 4 collaborations
J M Hays 4 collaborations
H S Hayward 4 collaborations
S J Haywood 4 collaborations
V Hedberg 4 collaborations
L Heelan 4 collaborations
S Heim 4 collaborations
T Heim 4 collaborations
B Heinemann 4 collaborations
J J Heinrich 4 collaborations
L Heinrich 4 collaborations
C Heinz 4 collaborations
J Hejbal 4 collaborations
L Helary 4 collaborations
S Hellman 4 collaborations
C Helsens 4 collaborations
R C W Henderson 4 collaborations
Y Heng 4 collaborations
S Henkelmann 4 collaborations
A M Henriques Correia 4 collaborations
G H Herbert 4 collaborations
H Herde 4 collaborations
V Herget 4 collaborations
Y Hernández Jiménez 4 collaborations
G Herten 4 collaborations
R Hertenberger 4 collaborations
L Hervas 4 collaborations
G G Hesketh 4 collaborations
N P Hessey 4 collaborations
E Higón-Rodriguez 4 collaborations
E Hill 4 collaborations
J C Hill 4 collaborations
K H Hiller 4 collaborations
S J Hillier 4 collaborations
I Hinchliffe 4 collaborations
M Hirose 4 collaborations
D Hirschbuehl 4 collaborations
O Hladik 4 collaborations
X Hoad 4 collaborations
J Hobbs 4 collaborations
N Hod 4 collaborations
M C Hodgkinson 4 collaborations
A Hoecker 4 collaborations
M R Hoeferkamp 4 collaborations
F Hoenig 4 collaborations
D Hohn 4 collaborations
T R Holmes 4 collaborations
M Homann 4 collaborations
S Honda 4 collaborations
T Honda 4 collaborations
T M Hong 4 collaborations
B H Hooberman 4 collaborations
W H Hopkins 4 collaborations
Y Horii 4 collaborations
A J Horton 4 collaborations
J-Y Hostachy 4 collaborations
S Hou 4 collaborations
A Hoummada 4 collaborations
J Howarth 4 collaborations
J Hoya 4 collaborations
M Hrabovsky 4 collaborations
I Hristova 4 collaborations
J Hrivnac 4 collaborations
A Hrynevich 4 collaborations
T Hryn'ova 4 collaborations
P J Hsu 4 collaborations
S-C Hsu 4 collaborations
Q Hu 4 collaborations
S Hu 4 collaborations
Y Huang 4 collaborations
Z Hubacek 4 collaborations
F Hubaut 4 collaborations
F Huegging 4 collaborations
T B Huffman 4 collaborations
M Huhtinen 4 collaborations
P Huo 4 collaborations
N Huseynov 4 collaborations
J Huston 4 collaborations
J Huth 4 collaborations
G Iacobucci 4 collaborations
G Iakovidis 4 collaborations
I Ibragimov 4 collaborations
L Iconomidou-Fayard 4 collaborations
Z Idrissi 4 collaborations
O Igonkina 4 collaborations
T Iizawa 4 collaborations
Y Ikegami 4 collaborations
M Ikeno 4 collaborations
D Iliadis 4 collaborations
N Ilic 4 collaborations
G Introzzi 4 collaborations
M Iodice 4 collaborations
K Iordanidou 4 collaborations
V Ippolito 4 collaborations
N Ishijima 4 collaborations
M Ishino 4 collaborations
M Ishitsuka 4 collaborations
C Issever 4 collaborations
S Istin 4 collaborations
F Ito 4 collaborations
J M Iturbe Ponce 4 collaborations
R Iuppa 4 collaborations
H Iwasaki 4 collaborations
J M Izen 4 collaborations
V Izzo 4 collaborations
P Jackson 4 collaborations
V Jain 4 collaborations
K B Jakobi 4 collaborations
K Jakobs 4 collaborations
S Jakobsen 4 collaborations
T Jakoubek 4 collaborations
D O Jamin 4 collaborations
R Jansky 4 collaborations
J Janssen 4 collaborations
M Janus 4 collaborations
P A Janus 4 collaborations
G Jarlskog 4 collaborations
N Javadov 4 collaborations
T Javůrek 4 collaborations
F Jeanneau 4 collaborations
L Jeanty 4 collaborations
J Jejelava 4 collaborations
P Jenni 4 collaborations
S Jézéquel 4 collaborations
H Ji 4 collaborations
J Jia 4 collaborations
H Jiang 4 collaborations
Y Jiang 4 collaborations
Z Jiang 4 collaborations
S Jiggins 4 collaborations
J Jimenez Pena 4 collaborations
S Jin 4 collaborations
A Jinaru 4 collaborations
O Jinnouchi 4 collaborations
H Jivan 4 collaborations
P Johansson 4 collaborations
K A Johns 4 collaborations
C A Johnson 4 collaborations
W J Johnson 4 collaborations
K Jon-And 4 collaborations
R W L Jones 4 collaborations
S Jones 4 collaborations
T J Jones 4 collaborations
J Jongmanns 4 collaborations
P M Jorge 4 collaborations
J Jovicevic 4 collaborations
X Ju 4 collaborations
A Juste Rozas 4 collaborations
A Kaczmarska 4 collaborations
M Kado 4 collaborations
H Kagan 4 collaborations
M Kagan 4 collaborations
T Kaji 4 collaborations
E Kajomovitz 4 collaborations
C W Kalderon 4 collaborations
A Kaluza 4 collaborations
S Kama 4 collaborations
A Kamenshchikov 4 collaborations
L Kanjir 4 collaborations
V A Kantserov 4 collaborations
J Kanzaki 4 collaborations
B Kaplan 4 collaborations
L S Kaplan 4 collaborations
D Kar 4 collaborations
M J Kareem 4 collaborations
E Karentzos 4 collaborations
S N Karpov 4 collaborations
Z M Karpova 4 collaborations
V Kartvelishvili 4 collaborations
A N Karyukhin 4 collaborations
L Kashif 4 collaborations
R D Kass 4 collaborations
A Kastanas 4 collaborations
Y Kataoka 4 collaborations
C Kato 4 collaborations
J Katzy 4 collaborations
K Kawade 4 collaborations
K Kawagoe 4 collaborations
T Kawamoto 4 collaborations
G Kawamura 4 collaborations
V F Kazanin 4 collaborations
R Keeler 4 collaborations
R Kehoe 4 collaborations
J S Keller 4 collaborations
J J Kempster 4 collaborations
O Kepka 4 collaborations
S Kersten 4 collaborations
B P Kerševan 4 collaborations
R A Keyes 4 collaborations
M Khader 4 collaborations
F Khalil-Zada 4 collaborations
A Khanov 4 collaborations
A G Kharlamov 4 collaborations
T Kharlamova 4 collaborations
T J Khoo 4 collaborations
E Khramov 4 collaborations
J Khubua 4 collaborations
S Kido 4 collaborations
C R Kilby 4 collaborations
Y K Kim 4 collaborations
N Kimura 4 collaborations
O M Kind 4 collaborations
B T King 4 collaborations
J Kirk 4 collaborations
A E Kiryunin 4 collaborations
T Kishimoto 4 collaborations
D Kisielewska 4 collaborations
O Kivernyk 4 collaborations
E Kladiva 4 collaborations
T Klapdor-Kleingrothaus 4 collaborations
M H Klein 4 collaborations
M Klein 4 collaborations
U Klein 4 collaborations
K Kleinknecht 4 collaborations
P Klimek 4 collaborations
A Klimentov 4 collaborations
T Klioutchnikova 4 collaborations
P Kluit 4 collaborations
S Kluth 4 collaborations
E Kneringer 4 collaborations
E B F G Knoops 4 collaborations
A Knue 4 collaborations
A Kobayashi 4 collaborations
D Kobayashi 4 collaborations
T Kobayashi 4 collaborations
M Kobel 4 collaborations
M Kocian 4 collaborations
P Kodys 4 collaborations
T Koffas 4 collaborations
E Koffeman 4 collaborations
N M Köhler 4 collaborations
T Koi 4 collaborations
M Kolb 4 collaborations
I Koletsou 4 collaborations
T Kondo 4 collaborations
N Kondrashova 4 collaborations
K Köneke 4 collaborations
A C König 4 collaborations
T Kono 4 collaborations
R Konoplich 4 collaborations
N Konstantinidis 4 collaborations
R Kopeliansky 4 collaborations
S Koperny 4 collaborations
K Korcyl 4 collaborations
K Kordas 4 collaborations
A Korn 4 collaborations
I Korolkov 4 collaborations
E V Korolkova 4 collaborations
O Kortner 4 collaborations
S Kortner 4 collaborations
T Kosek 4 collaborations
V V Kostyukhin 4 collaborations
A Kotwal 4 collaborations
A Koulouris 4 collaborations
C Kourkoumelis 4 collaborations
V Kouskoura 4 collaborations
A B Kowalewska 4 collaborations
R Kowalewski 4 collaborations
T Z Kowalski 4 collaborations
C Kozakai 4 collaborations
W Kozanecki 4 collaborations
A S Kozhin 4 collaborations
V A Kramarenko 4 collaborations
G Kramberger 4 collaborations
D Krasnopevtsev 4 collaborations
M W Krasny 4 collaborations
A Krasznahorkay 4 collaborations
J Kretzschmar 4 collaborations
P Krieger 4 collaborations
K Krizka 4 collaborations
K Kroeninger 4 collaborations
H Kroha 4 collaborations
J Krstic 4 collaborations
U Kruchonak 4 collaborations
H Krüger 4 collaborations
N Krumnack 4 collaborations
M C Kruse 4 collaborations
T Kubota 4 collaborations
S Kuday 4 collaborations
J T Kuechler 4 collaborations
S Kuehn 4 collaborations
A Kugel 4 collaborations
F Kuger 4 collaborations
T Kuhl 4 collaborations
V Kukhtin 4 collaborations
R Kukla 4 collaborations
Y Kulchitsky 4 collaborations
S Kuleshov 4 collaborations
M Kuna 4 collaborations
T Kunigo 4 collaborations
A Kupco 4 collaborations
O Kuprash 4 collaborations
H Kurashige 4 collaborations
L L Kurchaninov 4 collaborations
Y A Kurochkin 4 collaborations
M G Kurth 4 collaborations
E S Kuwertz 4 collaborations
M Kuze 4 collaborations
J Kvita 4 collaborations
T Kwan 4 collaborations
A La Rosa 4 collaborations
J L La Rosa Navarro 4 collaborations
L La Rotonda 4 collaborations
C Lacasta 4 collaborations
F Lacava 4 collaborations
J Lacey 4 collaborations
H Lacker 4 collaborations
D Lacour 4 collaborations
E Ladygin 4 collaborations
R Lafaye 4 collaborations
B Laforge 4 collaborations
T Lagouri 4 collaborations
S Lai 4 collaborations
S Lammers 4 collaborations
W Lampl 4 collaborations
E Lançon 4 collaborations
U Landgraf 4 collaborations
M P J Landon 4 collaborations
M C Lanfermann 4 collaborations
V S Lang 4 collaborations
J C Lange 4 collaborations
A J Lankford 4 collaborations
F Lanni 4 collaborations
K Lantzsch 4 collaborations
A Lanza 4 collaborations
S Laplace 4 collaborations
J F Laporte 4 collaborations
T Lari 4 collaborations
F Lasagni Manghi 4 collaborations
M Lassnig 4 collaborations
M Lazzaroni 4 collaborations
B Le 4 collaborations
O Le Dortz 4 collaborations
E Le Guirriec 4 collaborations
E P Le Quilleuc 4 collaborations
M LeBlanc 4 collaborations
T LeCompte 4 collaborations
F Ledroit-Guillon 4 collaborations
C A Lee 4 collaborations
L Lee 4 collaborations
S C Lee 4 collaborations
B Lefebvre 4 collaborations
M Lefebvre 4 collaborations
F Legger 4 collaborations
C Leggett 4 collaborations
G Lehmann Miotto 4 collaborations
W A Leight 4 collaborations
M A L Leite 4 collaborations
R Leitner 4 collaborations
D Lellouch 4 collaborations
K J C Leney 4 collaborations
T Lenz 4 collaborations
B Lenzi 4 collaborations
R Leone 4 collaborations
S Leone 4 collaborations
C Leonidopoulos 4 collaborations
G Lerner 4 collaborations
C Leroy 4 collaborations
A A J Lesage 4 collaborations
C G Lester 4 collaborations
M Levchenko 4 collaborations
J Levêque 4 collaborations
D Levin 4 collaborations
L J Levinson 4 collaborations
D Lewis 4 collaborations
H Li 4 collaborations
Q Li 4 collaborations
S Li 4 collaborations
X Li 4 collaborations
Y Li 4 collaborations
Z Liang 4 collaborations
B Liberti 4 collaborations
A Liblong 4 collaborations
K Lie 4 collaborations
A Limosani 4 collaborations
T H Lin 4 collaborations
B E Lindquist 4 collaborations
E Lipeles 4 collaborations
A Lipniacka 4 collaborations
M Lisovyi 4 collaborations
T M Liss 4 collaborations
A Lister 4 collaborations
A M Litke 4 collaborations
B Liu 4 collaborations
J B Liu 4 collaborations
K Liu 4 collaborations
M Liu 4 collaborations
Y Liu 4 collaborations
Y L Liu 4 collaborations
M Livan 4 collaborations
A Lleres 4 collaborations
J Llorente Merino 4 collaborations
S L Lloyd 4 collaborations
F Lo Sterzo 4 collaborations
E M Lobodzinska 4 collaborations
P Loch 4 collaborations
T Lohse 4 collaborations
K Lohwasser 4 collaborations
M Lokajicek 4 collaborations
J D Long 4 collaborations
R E Long 4 collaborations
L Longo 4 collaborations
K A Looper 4 collaborations
I Lopez Paz 4 collaborations
A Lopez Solis 4 collaborations
J Lorenz 4 collaborations
N Lorenzo Martinez 4 collaborations
M Losada 4 collaborations
P J Lösel 4 collaborations
A Lounis 4 collaborations
J Love 4 collaborations
P A Love 4 collaborations
H Lu 4 collaborations
N Lu 4 collaborations
H J Lubatti 4 collaborations
C Luci 4 collaborations
A Lucotte 4 collaborations
C Luedtke 4 collaborations
F Luehring 4 collaborations
L Luminari 4 collaborations
B Lund-Jensen 4 collaborations
P M Luzi 4 collaborations
D Lynn 4 collaborations
R Lysak 4 collaborations
E Lytken 4 collaborations
V Lyubushkin 4 collaborations
H Ma 4 collaborations
L L Ma 4 collaborations
Y Ma 4 collaborations
G Maccarrone 4 collaborations
A Macchiolo 4 collaborations
C M Macdonald 4 collaborations
J Machado Miguens 4 collaborations
D Madaffari 4 collaborations
R Madar 4 collaborations
W F Mader 4 collaborations
A Madsen 4 collaborations
J Maeda 4 collaborations
S Maeland 4 collaborations
T Maeno 4 collaborations
C Maidantchik 4 collaborations
T Maier 4 collaborations
A Maio 4 collaborations
S Majewski 4 collaborations
Y Makida 4 collaborations
N Makovec 4 collaborations
B Malaescu 4 collaborations
Pa Malecki 4 collaborations
V P Maleev 4 collaborations
F Malek 4 collaborations
U Mallik 4 collaborations
D Malon 4 collaborations
C Malone 4 collaborations
S Maltezos 4 collaborations
S Malyukov 4 collaborations
J Mamuzic 4 collaborations
G Mancini 4 collaborations
I Mandić 4 collaborations
J Maneira 4 collaborations
J Manjarres Ramos 4 collaborations
A Mann 4 collaborations
A Manousos 4 collaborations
B Mansoulie 4 collaborations
J D Mansour 4 collaborations
S Manzoni 4 collaborations
G Marceca 4 collaborations
L March 4 collaborations
G Marchiori 4 collaborations
M Marcisovsky 4 collaborations
M Marjanovic 4 collaborations
D E Marley 4 collaborations
F Marroquim 4 collaborations
Z Marshall 4 collaborations
S Marti-Garcia 4 collaborations
T A Martin 4 collaborations
V J Martin 4 collaborations
B Martin Dit Latour 4 collaborations
M Martinez 4 collaborations
V I Martinez Outschoorn 4 collaborations
S Martin-Haugh 4 collaborations
V S Martoiu 4 collaborations
A C Martyniuk 4 collaborations
A Marzin 4 collaborations
L Masetti 4 collaborations
T Mashimo 4 collaborations
R Mashinistov 4 collaborations
J Masik 4 collaborations
A L Maslennikov 4 collaborations
L Massa 4 collaborations
P Mastrandrea 4 collaborations
A Mastroberardino 4 collaborations
T Masubuchi 4 collaborations
P Mättig 4 collaborations
J Maurer 4 collaborations
B Maček 4 collaborations
S J Maxfield 4 collaborations
D A Maximov 4 collaborations
R Mazini 4 collaborations
I Maznas 4 collaborations
S M Mazza 4 collaborations
G Mc Goldrick 4 collaborations
S P Mc Kee 4 collaborations
T G McCarthy 4 collaborations
L I McClymont 4 collaborations
E F McDonald 4 collaborations
J A Mcfayden 4 collaborations
S J McMahon 4 collaborations
R A McPherson 4 collaborations
S Meehan 4 collaborations
S Mehlhase 4 collaborations
A Mehta 4 collaborations
B Meirose 4 collaborations
D Melini 4 collaborations
B R Mellado Garcia 4 collaborations
M Melo 4 collaborations
F Meloni 4 collaborations
S B Menary 4 collaborations
L Meng 4 collaborations
X T Meng 4 collaborations
A Mengarelli 4 collaborations
S Menke 4 collaborations
E Meoni 4 collaborations
S Mergelmeyer 4 collaborations
P Mermod 4 collaborations
L Merola 4 collaborations
C Meroni 4 collaborations
F S Merritt 4 collaborations
A Messina 4 collaborations
J Metcalfe 4 collaborations
A S Mete 4 collaborations
J Meyer 4 collaborations
J-P Meyer 4 collaborations
H Meyer Zu Theenhausen 4 collaborations
F Miano 4 collaborations
R P Middleton 4 collaborations
L Mijović 4 collaborations
G Mikenberg 4 collaborations
M Mikestikova 4 collaborations
M Mikuž 4 collaborations
M Milesi 4 collaborations
A Milic 4 collaborations
D W Miller 4 collaborations
A Milov 4 collaborations
D A Milstead 4 collaborations
A A Minaenko 4 collaborations
I A Minashvili 4 collaborations
A I Mincer 4 collaborations
B Mindur 4 collaborations
M Mineev 4 collaborations
Y Minegishi 4 collaborations
Y Ming 4 collaborations
L M Mir 4 collaborations
K P Mistry 4 collaborations
T Mitani 4 collaborations
J Mitrevski 4 collaborations
V A Mitsou 4 collaborations
A Miucci 4 collaborations
P S Miyagawa 4 collaborations
A Mizukami 4 collaborations
J U Mjörnmark 4 collaborations
M Mlynarikova 4 collaborations
T Moa 4 collaborations
K Mochizuki 4 collaborations
P Mogg 4 collaborations
S Mohapatra 4 collaborations
S Molander 4 collaborations
R Moles-Valls 4 collaborations
M C Mondragon 4 collaborations
K Mönig 4 collaborations
J Monk 4 collaborations
E Monnier 4 collaborations
A Montalbano 4 collaborations
J Montejo Berlingen 4 collaborations
F Monticelli 4 collaborations
S Monzani 4 collaborations
N Morange 4 collaborations
D Moreno 4 collaborations
M Moreno Llácer 4 collaborations
P Morettini 4 collaborations
S Morgenstern 4 collaborations
D Mori 4 collaborations
M Morii 4 collaborations
M Morinaga 4 collaborations
V Morisbak 4 collaborations
A K Morley 4 collaborations
G Mornacchi 4 collaborations
J D Morris 4 collaborations
L Morvaj 4 collaborations
P Moschovakos 4 collaborations
M Mosidze 4 collaborations
H J Moss 4 collaborations
J Moss 4 collaborations
K Motohashi 4 collaborations
R Mount 4 collaborations
E Mountricha 4 collaborations
E J W Moyse 4 collaborations
S Muanza 4 collaborations
F Mueller 4 collaborations
J Mueller 4 collaborations
R S P Mueller 4 collaborations
D Muenstermann 4 collaborations
G A Mullier 4 collaborations
F J Munoz Sanchez 4 collaborations
W J Murray 4 collaborations
M Muškinja 4 collaborations
A G Myagkov 4 collaborations
M Myska 4 collaborations
B P Nachman 4 collaborations
O Nackenhorst 4 collaborations
K Nagai 4 collaborations
K Nagano 4 collaborations
Y Nagasaka 4 collaborations
M Nagel 4 collaborations
E Nagy 4 collaborations
A M Nairz 4 collaborations
Y Nakahama 4 collaborations
K Nakamura 4 collaborations
T Nakamura 4 collaborations
I Nakano 4 collaborations
R F Naranjo Garcia 4 collaborations
R Narayan 4 collaborations
D I Narrias Villar 4 collaborations
I Naryshkin 4 collaborations
T Naumann 4 collaborations
G Navarro 4 collaborations
R Nayyar 4 collaborations
H A Neal 4 collaborations
T J Neep 4 collaborations
A Negri 4 collaborations
M Negrini 4 collaborations
S Nektarijevic 4 collaborations
C Nellist 4 collaborations
S Nemecek 4 collaborations
P Nemethy 4 collaborations
M Nessi 4 collaborations
M S Neubauer 4 collaborations
M Neumann 4 collaborations
P R Newman 4 collaborations
T Nguyen Manh 4 collaborations
R B Nickerson 4 collaborations
R Nicolaidou 4 collaborations
J Nielsen 4 collaborations
V Nikolaenko 4 collaborations
I Nikolic-Audit 4 collaborations
K Nikolopoulos 4 collaborations
P Nilsson 4 collaborations
Y Ninomiya 4 collaborations
A Nisati 4 collaborations
R Nisius 4 collaborations
T Nobe 4 collaborations
M Nomachi 4 collaborations
I Nomidis 4 collaborations
T Nooney 4 collaborations
M Nordberg 4 collaborations
N Norjoharuddeen 4 collaborations
O Novgorodova 4 collaborations
L Nozka 4 collaborations
K Ntekas 4 collaborations
E Nurse 4 collaborations
F Nuti 4 collaborations
F G Oakham 4 collaborations
H Oberlack 4 collaborations
J Ocariz 4 collaborations
A Ochi 4 collaborations
I Ochoa 4 collaborations
J P Ochoa-Ricoux 4 collaborations
S Oda 4 collaborations
S Odaka 4 collaborations
A Oh 4 collaborations
S H Oh 4 collaborations
C C Ohm 4 collaborations
H Oide 4 collaborations
H Okawa 4 collaborations
Y Okumura 4 collaborations
T Okuyama 4 collaborations
A Olariu 4 collaborations
L F Oleiro Seabra 4 collaborations
S A Olivares Pino 4 collaborations
D Oliveira Damazio 4 collaborations
A Olszewski 4 collaborations
J Olszowska 4 collaborations
D C O'Neil 4 collaborations
A Onofre 4 collaborations
K Onogi 4 collaborations
P U E Onyisi 4 collaborations
M J Oreglia 4 collaborations
Y Oren 4 collaborations
D Orestano 4 collaborations
N Orlando 4 collaborations
A A O'Rourke 4 collaborations
R S Orr 4 collaborations
B Osculati 4 collaborations
V O'Shea 4 collaborations
R Ospanov 4 collaborations
G Otero Y Garzon 4 collaborations
H Otono 4 collaborations
M Ouchrif 4 collaborations
F Ould-Saada 4 collaborations
A Ouraou 4 collaborations
Q Ouyang 4 collaborations
M Owen 4 collaborations
R E Owen 4 collaborations
V E Ozcan 4 collaborations
N Ozturk 4 collaborations
K Pachal 4 collaborations
A Pacheco Pages 4 collaborations
L Pacheco Rodriguez 4 collaborations
C Padilla Aranda 4 collaborations
S Pagan Griso 4 collaborations
M Paganini 4 collaborations
G Palacino 4 collaborations
S Palazzo 4 collaborations
S Palestini 4 collaborations
M Palka 4 collaborations
D Pallin 4 collaborations
C E Pandini 4 collaborations
J G Panduro Vazquez 4 collaborations
P Pani 4 collaborations
L Paolozzi 4 collaborations
K Papageorgiou 4 collaborations
A Paramonov 4 collaborations
D Paredes Hernandez 4 collaborations
A J Parker 4 collaborations
K A Parker 4 collaborations
M A Parker 4 collaborations
F Parodi 4 collaborations
J A Parsons 4 collaborations
U Parzefall 4 collaborations
V R Pascuzzi 4 collaborations
E Pasqualucci 4 collaborations
S Passaggio 4 collaborations
S Pataraia 4 collaborations
J R Pater 4 collaborations
T Pauly 4 collaborations
B Pearson 4 collaborations
M Pedersen 4 collaborations
R Pedro 4 collaborations
S V Peleganchuk 4 collaborations
O Penc 4 collaborations
C Peng 4 collaborations
H Peng 4 collaborations
B S Peralva 4 collaborations
M M Perego 4 collaborations
D V Perepelitsa 4 collaborations
L Perini 4 collaborations
H Pernegger 4 collaborations
S Perrella 4 collaborations
V D Peshekhonov 4 collaborations
K Peters 4 collaborations
R F Y Peters 4 collaborations
B A Petersen 4 collaborations
T C Petersen 4 collaborations
E Petit 4 collaborations
A Petridis 4 collaborations
C Petridou 4 collaborations
P Petroff 4 collaborations
M Petrov 4 collaborations
F Petrucci 4 collaborations
N E Pettersson 4 collaborations
A Peyaud 4 collaborations
R Pezoa 4 collaborations
P W Phillips 4 collaborations
G Piacquadio 4 collaborations
E Pianori 4 collaborations
A Picazio 4 collaborations
M A Pickering 4 collaborations
R Piegaia 4 collaborations
J E Pilcher 4 collaborations
A D Pilkington 4 collaborations
M Pinamonti 4 collaborations
J L Pinfold 4 collaborations
M Pitt 4 collaborations
M-A Pleier 4 collaborations
V Pleskot 4 collaborations
E Plotnikova 4 collaborations
D Pluth 4 collaborations
R Poettgen 4 collaborations
L Poggioli 4 collaborations
D Pohl 4 collaborations
G Polesello 4 collaborations
A Poley 4 collaborations
A Policicchio 4 collaborations
R Polifka 4 collaborations
A Polini 4 collaborations
C S Pollard 4 collaborations
V Polychronakos 4 collaborations
L Pontecorvo 4 collaborations
G A Popeneciu 4 collaborations
S Pospisil 4 collaborations
K Potamianos 4 collaborations
I N Potrap 4 collaborations
C J Potter 4 collaborations
J Poveda 4 collaborations
M E Pozo Astigarraga 4 collaborations
P Pralavorio 4 collaborations
S Prell 4 collaborations
D Price 4 collaborations
M Primavera 4 collaborations
S Prince 4 collaborations
K Prokofiev 4 collaborations
F Prokoshin 4 collaborations
S Protopopescu 4 collaborations
J Proudfoot 4 collaborations
M Przybycien 4 collaborations
P Puzo 4 collaborations
J Qian 4 collaborations
Y Qin 4 collaborations
A Quadt 4 collaborations
M Queitsch-Maitland 4 collaborations
P Rados 4 collaborations
F Ragusa 4 collaborations
G Rahal 4 collaborations
J A Raine 4 collaborations
S Rajagopalan 4 collaborations
M G Ratti 4 collaborations
D M Rauch 4 collaborations
F Rauscher 4 collaborations
S Rave 4 collaborations
I Ravinovich 4 collaborations
M Raymond 4 collaborations
A L Read 4 collaborations
N P Readioff 4 collaborations
M Reale 4 collaborations
D M Rebuzzi 4 collaborations
A Redelbach 4 collaborations
G Redlinger 4 collaborations
R Reece 4 collaborations
R G Reed 4 collaborations
K Reeves 4 collaborations
L Rehnisch 4 collaborations
J Reichert 4 collaborations
A Reiss 4 collaborations
C Rembser 4 collaborations
H Ren 4 collaborations
M Rescigno 4 collaborations
S Resconi 4 collaborations
E D Resseguie 4 collaborations
O L Rezanova 4 collaborations
P Reznicek 4 collaborations
R Richter 4 collaborations
S Richter 4 collaborations
E Richter-Was 4 collaborations
O Ricken 4 collaborations
M Ridel 4 collaborations
P Rieck 4 collaborations
C J Riegel 4 collaborations
O Rifki 4 collaborations
M Rijssenbeek 4 collaborations
A Rimoldi 4 collaborations
M Rimoldi 4 collaborations
L Rinaldi 4 collaborations
B Ristić 4 collaborations
E Ritsch 4 collaborations
I Riu 4 collaborations
F Rizatdinova 4 collaborations
E Rizvi 4 collaborations
C Rizzi 4 collaborations
R T Roberts 4 collaborations
S H Robertson 4 collaborations
D Robinson 4 collaborations
J E M Robinson 4 collaborations
A Robson 4 collaborations
C Roda 4 collaborations
Y Rodina 4 collaborations
A Rodriguez Perez 4 collaborations
D Rodriguez Rodriguez 4 collaborations
S Roe 4 collaborations
C S Rogan 4 collaborations
O Røhne 4 collaborations
J Roloff 4 collaborations
A Romaniouk 4 collaborations
M Romano 4 collaborations
N Rompotis 4 collaborations
M Ronzani 4 collaborations
L Roos 4 collaborations
S Rosati 4 collaborations
K Rosbach 4 collaborations
N-A Rosien 4 collaborations
L P Rossi 4 collaborations
J H N Rosten 4 collaborations
R Rosten 4 collaborations
M Rotaru 4 collaborations
J Rothberg 4 collaborations
D Rousseau 4 collaborations
A Rozanov 4 collaborations
Y Rozen 4 collaborations
X Ruan 4 collaborations
F Rubbo 4 collaborations
F Rühr 4 collaborations
A Ruiz-Martinez 4 collaborations
Z Rurikova 4 collaborations
N A Rusakovich 4 collaborations
H L Russell 4 collaborations
J P Rutherfoord 4 collaborations
Y F Ryabov 4 collaborations
M Rybar 4 collaborations
G Rybkin 4 collaborations
S Ryu 4 collaborations
A Ryzhov 4 collaborations
G F Rzehorz 4 collaborations
G Sabato 4 collaborations
S Sacerdoti 4 collaborations
H F-W Sadrozinski 4 collaborations
R Sadykov 4 collaborations
F Safai Tehrani 4 collaborations
P Saha 4 collaborations
M Sahinsoy 4 collaborations
M Saimpert 4 collaborations
T Saito 4 collaborations
H Sakamoto 4 collaborations
G Salamanna 4 collaborations
J E Salazar Loyola 4 collaborations
P H Sales De Bruin 4 collaborations
D Salihagic 4 collaborations
A Salnikov 4 collaborations
J Salt 4 collaborations
D Salvatore 4 collaborations
F Salvatore 4 collaborations
A Salvucci 4 collaborations
A Salzburger 4 collaborations
D Sammel 4 collaborations
D Sampsonidis 4 collaborations
J Sánchez 4 collaborations
A Sanchez Pineda 4 collaborations
H Sandaker 4 collaborations
M Sandhoff 4 collaborations
C Sandoval 4 collaborations
D P C Sankey 4 collaborations
M Sannino 4 collaborations
A Sansoni 4 collaborations
C Santoni 4 collaborations
H Santos 4 collaborations
I Santoyo Castillo 4 collaborations
A Sapronov 4 collaborations
J G Saraiva 4 collaborations
O Sasaki 4 collaborations
K Sato 4 collaborations
E Sauvan 4 collaborations
P Savard 4 collaborations
N Savic 4 collaborations
C Sawyer 4 collaborations
L Sawyer 4 collaborations
C Sbarra 4 collaborations
A Sbrizzi 4 collaborations
T Scanlon 4 collaborations
J Schaarschmidt 4 collaborations
P Schacht 4 collaborations
B M Schachtner 4 collaborations
D Schaefer 4 collaborations
L Schaefer 4 collaborations
J Schaeffer 4 collaborations
S Schaepe 4 collaborations
U Schäfer 4 collaborations
A C Schaffer 4 collaborations
D Schaile 4 collaborations
R D Schamberger 4 collaborations
V A Schegelsky 4 collaborations
D Scheirich 4 collaborations
M Schernau 4 collaborations
C Schiavi 4 collaborations
S Schier 4 collaborations
M Schioppa 4 collaborations
S Schlenker 4 collaborations
K R Schmidt-Sommerfeld 4 collaborations
K Schmieden 4 collaborations
C Schmitt 4 collaborations
S Schmitt 4 collaborations
S Schmitz 4 collaborations
U Schnoor 4 collaborations
L Schoeffel 4 collaborations
A Schoening 4 collaborations
E Schopf 4 collaborations
M Schott 4 collaborations
J F P Schouwenberg 4 collaborations
J Schovancova 4 collaborations
S Schramm 4 collaborations
A Schulte 4 collaborations
H-C Schultz-Coulon 4 collaborations
M Schumacher 4 collaborations
B A Schumm 4 collaborations
Ph Schune 4 collaborations
A Schwartzman 4 collaborations
T A Schwarz 4 collaborations
Ph Schwemling 4 collaborations
R Schwienhorst 4 collaborations
G Sciolla 4 collaborations
F Scuri 4 collaborations
F Scutti 4 collaborations
P Seema 4 collaborations
S C Seidel 4 collaborations
A Seiden 4 collaborations
J M Seixas 4 collaborations
G Sekhniaidze 4 collaborations
K Sekhon 4 collaborations
S J Sekula 4 collaborations
N Semprini-Cesari 4 collaborations
C Serfon 4 collaborations
L Serin 4 collaborations
L Serkin 4 collaborations
M Sessa 4 collaborations
H Severini 4 collaborations
F Sforza 4 collaborations
A Sfyrla 4 collaborations
E Shabalina 4 collaborations
N W Shaikh 4 collaborations
L Y Shan 4 collaborations
R Shang 4 collaborations
J T Shank 4 collaborations
M Shapiro 4 collaborations
P B Shatalov 4 collaborations
K Shaw 4 collaborations
S M Shaw 4 collaborations
A Shcherbakova 4 collaborations
P Sherwood 4 collaborations
L Shi 4 collaborations
S Shimizu 4 collaborations
C O Shimmin 4 collaborations
M Shimojima 4 collaborations
S Shirabe 4 collaborations
M Shiyakova 4 collaborations
A Shmeleva 4 collaborations
D Shoaleh Saadi 4 collaborations
M J Shochet 4 collaborations
S Shojaii 4 collaborations
D R Shope 4 collaborations
S Shrestha 4 collaborations
E Shulga 4 collaborations
P Sicho 4 collaborations
A M Sickles 4 collaborations
P E Sidebo 4 collaborations
E Sideras Haddad 4 collaborations
O Sidiropoulou 4 collaborations
A Sidoti 4 collaborations
F Siegert 4 collaborations
Dj Sijacki 4 collaborations
J Silva 4 collaborations
S B Silverstein 4 collaborations
S Simion 4 collaborations
E Simioni 4 collaborations
M Simon 4 collaborations
P Sinervo 4 collaborations
N B Sinev 4 collaborations
M Sioli 4 collaborations
G Siragusa 4 collaborations
I Siral 4 collaborations
S Yu Sivoklokov 4 collaborations
J Sjölin 4 collaborations
P Skubic 4 collaborations
M Slater 4 collaborations
T Slavicek 4 collaborations
M Slawinska 4 collaborations
K Sliwa 4 collaborations
R Slovak 4 collaborations
V Smakhtin 4 collaborations
B H Smart 4 collaborations
J Smiesko 4 collaborations
S Yu Smirnov 4 collaborations
Y Smirnov 4 collaborations
L N Smirnova 4 collaborations
O Smirnova 4 collaborations
J W Smith 4 collaborations
M Smizanska 4 collaborations
K Smolek 4 collaborations
A A Snesarev 4 collaborations
I M Snyder 4 collaborations
S Snyder 4 collaborations
R Sobie 4 collaborations
A Soffer 4 collaborations
D A Soh 4 collaborations
G Sokhrannyi 4 collaborations
C A Solans Sanchez 4 collaborations
M Solar 4 collaborations
E Yu Soldatov 4 collaborations
U Soldevila 4 collaborations
A A Solodkov 4 collaborations
A Soloshenko 4 collaborations
O V Solovyanov 4 collaborations
V Solovyev 4 collaborations
P Sommer 4 collaborations
H Son 4 collaborations
A Sopczak 4 collaborations
C L Sotiropoulou 4 collaborations
R Soualah 4 collaborations
A M Soukharev 4 collaborations
D South 4 collaborations
B C Sowden 4 collaborations
S Spagnolo 4 collaborations
M Spalla 4 collaborations
M Spangenberg 4 collaborations
F Spanò 4 collaborations
D Sperlich 4 collaborations
R Spighi 4 collaborations
G Spigo 4 collaborations
L A Spiller 4 collaborations
M Spousta 4 collaborations
A Stabile 4 collaborations
R Stamen 4 collaborations
S Stamm 4 collaborations
E Stanecka 4 collaborations
R W Stanek 4 collaborations
C Stanescu 4 collaborations
M M Stanitzki 4 collaborations
S Stapnes 4 collaborations
E A Starchenko 4 collaborations
G H Stark 4 collaborations
J Stark 4 collaborations
P Staroba 4 collaborations
P Starovoitov 4 collaborations
S Stärz 4 collaborations
R Staszewski 4 collaborations
P Steinberg 4 collaborations
B Stelzer 4 collaborations
H J Stelzer 4 collaborations
O Stelzer-Chilton 4 collaborations
H Stenzel 4 collaborations
G A Stewart 4 collaborations
M C Stockton 4 collaborations
G Stoicea 4 collaborations
P Stolte 4 collaborations
S Stonjek 4 collaborations
A Straessner 4 collaborations
J Strandberg 4 collaborations
S Strandberg 4 collaborations
M Strauss 4 collaborations
P Strizenec 4 collaborations
R Ströhmer 4 collaborations
D M Strom 4 collaborations
R Stroynowski 4 collaborations
A Strubig 4 collaborations
S A Stucci 4 collaborations
B Stugu 4 collaborations
N A Styles 4 collaborations
D Su 4 collaborations
J Su 4 collaborations
S Suchek 4 collaborations
Y Sugaya 4 collaborations
M Suk 4 collaborations
V V Sulin 4 collaborations
S Sultansoy 4 collaborations
T Sumida 4 collaborations
S Sun 4 collaborations
X Sun 4 collaborations
K Suruliz 4 collaborations
C J E Suster 4 collaborations
M R Sutton 4 collaborations
S Suzuki 4 collaborations
M Svatos 4 collaborations
M Swiatlowski 4 collaborations
S P Swift 4 collaborations
I Sykora 4 collaborations
T Sykora 4 collaborations
D Ta 4 collaborations
K Tackmann 4 collaborations
J Taenzer 4 collaborations
A Taffard 4 collaborations
R Tafirout 4 collaborations
N Taiblum 4 collaborations
H Takai 4 collaborations
R Takashima 4 collaborations
T Takeshita 4 collaborations
Y Takubo 4 collaborations
M Talby 4 collaborations
A A Talyshev 4 collaborations
J Tanaka 4 collaborations
M Tanaka 4 collaborations
R Tanaka 4 collaborations
B B Tannenwald 4 collaborations
S Tapia Araya 4 collaborations
S Tapprogge 4 collaborations
S Tarem 4 collaborations
G F Tartarelli 4 collaborations
P Tas 4 collaborations
M Tasevsky 4 collaborations
T Tashiro 4 collaborations
E Tassi 4 collaborations
A Tavares Delgado 4 collaborations
Y Tayalati 4 collaborations
A C Taylor 4 collaborations
G N Taylor 4 collaborations
P T E Taylor 4 collaborations
W Taylor 4 collaborations
P Teixeira-Dias 4 collaborations
H Ten Kate 4 collaborations
J J Teoh 4 collaborations
S Terada 4 collaborations
K Terashi 4 collaborations
J Terron 4 collaborations
S Terzo 4 collaborations
M Testa 4 collaborations
R J Teuscher 4 collaborations
T Theveneaux-Pelzer 4 collaborations
J P Thomas 4 collaborations
A S Thompson 4 collaborations
P D Thompson 4 collaborations
L A Thomsen 4 collaborations
E Thomson 4 collaborations
R E Ticse Torres 4 collaborations
V O Tikhomirov 4 collaborations
Yu A Tikhonov 4 collaborations
S Timoshenko 4 collaborations
P Tipton 4 collaborations
S Tisserant 4 collaborations
K Todome 4 collaborations
S Todorova-Nova 4 collaborations
J Tojo 4 collaborations
S Tokár 4 collaborations
K Tokushuku 4 collaborations
E Tolley 4 collaborations
M Tomoto 4 collaborations
L Tompkins 4 collaborations
K Toms 4 collaborations
B Tong 4 collaborations
P Tornambe 4 collaborations
E Torrence 4 collaborations
H Torres 4 collaborations
E Torró Pastor 4 collaborations
J Toth 4 collaborations
F Touchard 4 collaborations
D R Tovey 4 collaborations
T Trefzger 4 collaborations
A Tricoli 4 collaborations
I M Trigger 4 collaborations
S Trincaz-Duvoid 4 collaborations
M F Tripiana 4 collaborations
W Trischuk 4 collaborations
B Trocmé 4 collaborations
A Trofymov 4 collaborations
C Troncon 4 collaborations
M Trovatelli 4 collaborations
L Truong 4 collaborations
M Trzebinski 4 collaborations
A Trzupek 4 collaborations
J C-L Tseng 4 collaborations
P V Tsiareshka 4 collaborations
N Tsirintanis 4 collaborations
V Tsiskaridze 4 collaborations
E G Tskhadadze 4 collaborations
I I Tsukerman 4 collaborations
V Tsulaia 4 collaborations
S Tsuno 4 collaborations
D Tsybychev 4 collaborations
Y Tu 4 collaborations
A Tudorache 4 collaborations
V Tudorache 4 collaborations
T T Tulbure 4 collaborations
A N Tuna 4 collaborations
S Turchikhin 4 collaborations
D Turgeman 4 collaborations
I Turk Cakir 4 collaborations
P M Tuts 4 collaborations
G Ucchielli 4 collaborations
I Ueda 4 collaborations
M Ughetto 4 collaborations
F Ukegawa 4 collaborations
G Unal 4 collaborations
A Undrus 4 collaborations
G Unel 4 collaborations
F C Ungaro 4 collaborations
Y Unno 4 collaborations
J Urban 4 collaborations
P Urquijo 4 collaborations
P Urrejola 4 collaborations
G Usai 4 collaborations
J Usui 4 collaborations
L Vacavant 4 collaborations
V Vacek 4 collaborations
B Vachon 4 collaborations
C Valderanis 4 collaborations
E Valdes Santurio 4 collaborations
S Valentinetti 4 collaborations
A Valero 4 collaborations
J A Valls Ferrer 4 collaborations
J Van Nieuwkoop 4 collaborations
M Vanadia 4 collaborations
W Vandelli 4 collaborations
A Vaniachine 4 collaborations
P Vankov 4 collaborations
R Vari 4 collaborations
E W Varnes 4 collaborations
T Varol 4 collaborations
D Varouchas 4 collaborations
K E Varvell 4 collaborations
G A Vasquez 4 collaborations
J G Vasquez 4 collaborations
F Vazeille 4 collaborations
T Vazquez Schroeder 4 collaborations
J Veatch 4 collaborations
L M Veloce 4 collaborations
F Veloso 4 collaborations
S Veneziano 4 collaborations
A Ventura 4 collaborations
M Venturi 4 collaborations
N Venturi 4 collaborations
V Vercesi 4 collaborations
M Verducci 4 collaborations
W Verkerke 4 collaborations
J C Vermeulen 4 collaborations
M C Vetterli 4 collaborations
I Vichou 4 collaborations
T Vickey 4 collaborations
O E Vickey Boeriu 4 collaborations
G H A Viehhauser 4 collaborations
S Viel 4 collaborations
L Vigani 4 collaborations
M Villa 4 collaborations
M Villaplana Perez 4 collaborations
E Vilucchi 4 collaborations
M G Vincter 4 collaborations
V B Vinogradov 4 collaborations
A Vishwakarma 4 collaborations
C Vittori 4 collaborations
I Vivarelli 4 collaborations
S Vlachos 4 collaborations
M Vogel 4 collaborations
P Vokac 4 collaborations
G Volpi 4 collaborations
V Vorobel 4 collaborations
K Vorobev 4 collaborations
M Vos 4 collaborations
J H Vossebeld 4 collaborations
N Vranjes 4 collaborations
M Vranjes Milosavljevic 4 collaborations
V Vrba 4 collaborations
M Vreeswijk 4 collaborations
R Vuillermet 4 collaborations
I Vukotic 4 collaborations
T Ženiš 4 collaborations
L Živković 4 collaborations
P Wagner 4 collaborations
W Wagner 4 collaborations
H Wahlberg 4 collaborations
S Wahrmund 4 collaborations
J Walder 4 collaborations
R Walker 4 collaborations
W Walkowiak 4 collaborations
V Wallangen 4 collaborations
F Wang 4 collaborations
Q Wang 4 collaborations
S M Wang 4 collaborations
W Wang 4 collaborations
C Wanotayaroj 4 collaborations
A Warburton 4 collaborations
C P Ward 4 collaborations
D R Wardrope 4 collaborations
A Washbrook 4 collaborations
P M Watkins 4 collaborations
A T Watson 4 collaborations
M F Watson 4 collaborations
G Watts 4 collaborations
S Watts 4 collaborations
B M Waugh 4 collaborations
S Webb 4 collaborations
M S Weber 4 collaborations
S A Weber 4 collaborations
A R Weidberg 4 collaborations
B Weinert 4 collaborations
J Weingarten 4 collaborations
C Weiser 4 collaborations
P S Wells 4 collaborations
T Wenaus 4 collaborations
T Wengler 4 collaborations
S Wenig 4 collaborations
N Wermes 4 collaborations
M D Werner 4 collaborations
P Werner 4 collaborations
M Wessels 4 collaborations
K Whalen 4 collaborations
N L Whallon 4 collaborations
A M Wharton 4 collaborations
A White 4 collaborations
M J White 4 collaborations
R White 4 collaborations
D Whiteson 4 collaborations
F J Wickens 4 collaborations
W Wiedenmann 4 collaborations
M Wielers 4 collaborations
C Wiglesworth 4 collaborations
L A M Wiik-Fuchs 4 collaborations
F Wilk 4 collaborations
H G Wilkens 4 collaborations
H H Williams 4 collaborations
S Williams 4 collaborations
C Willis 4 collaborations
S Willocq 4 collaborations
J A Wilson 4 collaborations
I Wingerter-Seez 4 collaborations
F Winklmeier 4 collaborations
O J Winston 4 collaborations
B T Winter 4 collaborations
M Wittgen 4 collaborations
M Wobisch 4 collaborations
T M H Wolf 4 collaborations
R Wolff 4 collaborations
M W Wolter 4 collaborations
H Wolters 4 collaborations
S D Worm 4 collaborations
B K Wosiek 4 collaborations
S L Wu 4 collaborations
X Wu 4 collaborations
Y Wu 4 collaborations
T R Wyatt 4 collaborations
B M Wynne 4 collaborations
S Xella 4 collaborations
Z Xi 4 collaborations
D Xu 4 collaborations
L Xu 4 collaborations
B Yabsley 4 collaborations
S Yacoob 4 collaborations
D Yamaguchi 4 collaborations
Y Yamaguchi 4 collaborations
A Yamamoto 4 collaborations
T Yamanaka 4 collaborations
Y Yamazaki 4 collaborations
Z Yan 4 collaborations
Y Yang 4 collaborations
Z Yang 4 collaborations
W-M Yao 4 collaborations
Y C Yap 4 collaborations
Y Yasu 4 collaborations
E Yatsenko 4 collaborations
J Ye 4 collaborations
S Ye 4 collaborations
I Yeletskikh 4 collaborations
E Yildirim 4 collaborations
K Yorita 4 collaborations
K Yoshihara 4 collaborations
C J S Young 4 collaborations
C Young 4 collaborations
S P Y Yuen 4 collaborations
B Zabinski 4 collaborations
R Zaidan 4 collaborations
A M Zaitsev 4 collaborations
N Zakharchuk 4 collaborations
J Zalieckas 4 collaborations
S Zambito 4 collaborations
D Zanzi 4 collaborations
C Zeitnitz 4 collaborations
J C Zeng 4 collaborations
Q Zeng 4 collaborations
O Zenin 4 collaborations
D Zerwas 4 collaborations
D Zhang 4 collaborations
F Zhang 4 collaborations
H Zhang 4 collaborations
J Zhang 4 collaborations
M Zhang 4 collaborations
X Zhang 4 collaborations
Z Zhang 4 collaborations
Y Zhao 4 collaborations
Z Zhao 4 collaborations
A Zhemchugov 4 collaborations
B Zhou 4 collaborations
C Zhou 4 collaborations
N Zhou 4 collaborations
C G Zhu 4 collaborations
H Zhu 4 collaborations
J Zhu 4 collaborations
Y Zhu 4 collaborations
X Zhuang 4 collaborations
K Zhukov 4 collaborations
A Zibell 4 collaborations
D Zieminska 4 collaborations
N I Zimine 4 collaborations
S Zimmermann 4 collaborations
Z Zinonos 4 collaborations
M Zinser 4 collaborations
M Ziolkowski 4 collaborations
G Zobernig 4 collaborations
A Zoccoli 4 collaborations
M Zur Nedden 4 collaborations
L Zwalinski 4 collaborations
None None 4 collaborations
D K Abhayasinghe 3 collaborations
S H Abidi 3 collaborations
M Adersberger 3 collaborations
A Adiguzel 3 collaborations
Y Afik 3 collaborations
C Agheorghiesei 3 collaborations
S Akatsuka 3 collaborations
E Akilli 3 collaborations
P Albicocco 3 collaborations
S Alderweireldt 3 collaborations
C Allaire 3 collaborations
M I Alstaty 3 collaborations
L Ambroz 3 collaborations
C S Amrouche 3 collaborations
C R Anelli 3 collaborations
M T Anthony 3 collaborations
D J A Antrim 3 collaborations
J A Aparisi Pozo 3 collaborations
R Araujo Pereira 3 collaborations
R E Ardell 3 collaborations
A Armstrong 3 collaborations
E M Asimakopoulou 3 collaborations
R J Atkin 3 collaborations
R Avramidou 3 collaborations
M Bahmani 3 collaborations
H Bahrasemani 3 collaborations
A J Bailey 3 collaborations
C Bakalis 3 collaborations
P J Bakker 3 collaborations
D Bakshi Gupta 3 collaborations
J Balz 3 collaborations
A Bandyopadhyay 3 collaborations
W M Barbe 3 collaborations
J Barkeloo 3 collaborations
R Barnea 3 collaborations
S Batlamous 3 collaborations
K T Bauer 3 collaborations
H C Beck 3 collaborations
M Begalli 3 collaborations
A Behera 3 collaborations
P Bellos 3 collaborations
M Benoit 3 collaborations
L J Bergsten 3 collaborations
G Bernardi 3 collaborations
A Betti 3 collaborations
J Beyer 3 collaborations
K Bierwagen 3 collaborations
M Birman 3 collaborations
J P Biswal 3 collaborations
C Bittrich 3 collaborations
A E Bolz 3 collaborations
J S Bonilla 3 collaborations
K Bouaouda 3 collaborations
A J Bozson 3 collaborations
N Brahimi 3 collaborations
F Braren 3 collaborations
B Brickwedde 3 collaborations
D L Briglin 3 collaborations
S Bruno 3 collaborations
T J Burch 3 collaborations
E Buschmann 3 collaborations
G Cabras 3 collaborations
H Cai 3 collaborations
V M M Cairo 3 collaborations
M Calvetti 3 collaborations
Y Cao 3 collaborations
F C Cardillo 3 collaborations
S Carrá 3 collaborations
A F Casha 3 collaborations
F L Castillo 3 collaborations
E Celebi 3 collaborations
W S Chan 3 collaborations
C H Chen 3 collaborations
S J Chen 3 collaborations
Y-H Chen 3 collaborations
K Cheung 3 collaborations
I Chiu 3 collaborations
Y H Chiu 3 collaborations
Y S Chow 3 collaborations
M C Chu 3 collaborations
I A Cioară 3 collaborations
A E C Coimbra 3 collaborations
E E Corrigan 3 collaborations
J Crane 3 collaborations
R A Creager 3 collaborations
A R Cukierman 3 collaborations
S Czekierda 3 collaborations
S Dahbi 3 collaborations
J Damp 3 collaborations
M F Daneri 3 collaborations
N D Dann 3 collaborations
O Dartsi 3 collaborations
T Daubney 3 collaborations
D R Davis 3 collaborations
R De Asmundis 3 collaborations
M De Beurs 3 collaborations
K De Vasconcelos Corga 3 collaborations
Y Delabat Diaz 3 collaborations
C Delporte 3 collaborations
L D'Eramo 3 collaborations
M R Devesa 3 collaborations
F A Di Bello 3 collaborations
T Dias Do Vale 3 collaborations
J Dickinson 3 collaborations
M A B Do Vale 3 collaborations
D Dodsworth 3 collaborations
A D'onofrio 3 collaborations
E Dreyer 3 collaborations
T Dreyer 3 collaborations
F Dubinin 3 collaborations
M Dubovsky 3 collaborations
A Dubreuil 3 collaborations
A Ducourthial 3 collaborations
A C Dudder 3 collaborations
C Dülsen 3 collaborations
A E Dumitriu 3 collaborations
A Duperrin 3 collaborations
D Duvnjak 3 collaborations
S Dysch 3 collaborations
B S Dziedzic 3 collaborations
R El Kosseifi 3 collaborations
M B Epland 3 collaborations
O Estrada Pastor 3 collaborations
V Fabiani 3 collaborations
P J Falke 3 collaborations
S Falke 3 collaborations
M Feickert 3 collaborations
M Feng 3 collaborations
M J Fenton 3 collaborations
N Fomin 3 collaborations
F A Förster 3 collaborations
A C Forti 3 collaborations
S Franchino 3 collaborations
B Freund 3 collaborations
W S Freund 3 collaborations
P Gadow 3 collaborations
R Gamboa Goni 3 collaborations
J A García Pascual 3 collaborations
A Gavrilyuk 3 collaborations
J Geisen 3 collaborations
G Gessner 3 collaborations
M Ghasemi Bostanabad 3 collaborations
N Giangiacomi 3 collaborations
A Giannini 3 collaborations
G Giugliarelli 3 collaborations
P Gkountoumis 3 collaborations
F Gonnella 3 collaborations
J L Gonski 3 collaborations
C A Gottardo 3 collaborations
C Goy 3 collaborations
E C Graham 3 collaborations
F G Gravili 3 collaborations
C Gray 3 collaborations
C Grud 3 collaborations
A Grummer 3 collaborations
A Guerguichon 3 collaborations
R Gugel 3 collaborations
Z Guo 3 collaborations
S Gurbuz 3 collaborations
B J Gutelman 3 collaborations
M P Guzik 3 collaborations
K Han 3 collaborations
D M Handl 3 collaborations
R Hankache 3 collaborations
E Hansen 3 collaborations
L B Havener 3 collaborations
C Hayes 3 collaborations
M P Heath 3 collaborations
S Heer 3 collaborations
K K Heidegger 3 collaborations
J Heilman 3 collaborations
A Held 3 collaborations
S Hellesund 3 collaborations
H Herr 3 collaborations
M G Herrmann 3 collaborations
T C Herwig 3 collaborations
S Higashino 3 collaborations
K Hildebrand 3 collaborations
K K Hill 3 collaborations
M Hils 3 collaborations
B Hiti 3 collaborations
D R Hlaluku 3 collaborations
D Hohov 3 collaborations
M Holzbock 3 collaborations
A Hönle 3 collaborations
P Horn 3 collaborations
L A Horyn 3 collaborations
A Hostiuc 3 collaborations
J Hrdinka 3 collaborations
M Huebner 3 collaborations
R F H Hunter 3 collaborations
A M Hupe 3 collaborations
R Hyneman 3 collaborations
R Ignazzi 3 collaborations
R Iguchi 3 collaborations
F Iltzsche 3 collaborations
M F Isacson 3 collaborations
W Islam 3 collaborations
A Ivina 3 collaborations
P Jacka 3 collaborations
R M Jacobs 3 collaborations
G Jäkel 3 collaborations
M Javurkova 3 collaborations
A Jelinskas 3 collaborations
J Jeong 3 collaborations
F A Jimenez Morales 3 collaborations
S D Jones 3 collaborations
J J Junggeburth 3 collaborations
Y Kano 3 collaborations
E F Kay 3 collaborations
E Kellermann 3 collaborations
J Kendrick 3 collaborations
A Khodinov 3 collaborations
M Kiehn 3 collaborations
D Kirchmeier 3 collaborations
V Kitali 3 collaborations
T Klingl 3 collaborations
F F Klitzner 3 collaborations
V Konstantinides 3 collaborations
B Konya 3 collaborations
E Kourlitis 3 collaborations
D Krauss 3 collaborations
J A Kremer 3 collaborations
Y P Kulinich 3 collaborations
T Kupfer 3 collaborations
F La Ruffa 3 collaborations
D P J Lack 3 collaborations
R J Langenberg 3 collaborations
A Lapertosa 3 collaborations
T S Lau 3 collaborations
A Laudrain 3 collaborations
M Lavorgna 3 collaborations
G R Lee 3 collaborations
N Lehmann 3 collaborations
A Leisos 3 collaborations
R Les 3 collaborations
C-Q Li 3 collaborations
Q Y Li 3 collaborations
S Liem 3 collaborations
C Y Lin 3 collaborations
K Lin 3 collaborations
R A Linck 3 collaborations
A L Lionti 3 collaborations
J D Little 3 collaborations
B L Liu 3 collaborations
H B Liu 3 collaborations
J K K Liu 3 collaborations
P Liu 3 collaborations
Y W Liu 3 collaborations
C Y Lo 3 collaborations
J A Lopez 3 collaborations
J J Lozano Bahilo 3 collaborations
M Lu 3 collaborations
Y J Lu 3 collaborations
I Luise 3 collaborations
M S Lutz 3 collaborations
F Lyu 3 collaborations
N Madysa 3 collaborations
K Maekawa 3 collaborations
A S Maevskiy 3 collaborations
V Magerl 3 collaborations
O Majersky 3 collaborations
K H Mankinen 3 collaborations
L Marchese 3 collaborations
C A Marin Tobon 3 collaborations
M U F Martensson 3 collaborations
C B Martin 3 collaborations
L H Mason 3 collaborations
P Massarotti 3 collaborations
M A McKay 3 collaborations
K D McLean 3 collaborations
P C McNamara 3 collaborations
C J McNicol 3 collaborations
J E Mdhluli 3 collaborations
Z A Meadows 3 collaborations
T Meideck 3 collaborations
J D Mellenthin 3 collaborations
A Melzer 3 collaborations
E D Mendes Gouveia 3 collaborations
C Merlassino 3 collaborations
D A Millar 3 collaborations
M Miñano Moya 3 collaborations
A Mirto 3 collaborations
T Mkrtchyan 3 collaborations
M Morgenstern 3 collaborations
A P Morris 3 collaborations
P Murin 3 collaborations
A Murrone 3 collaborations
C Mwewa 3 collaborations
J Myers 3 collaborations
H Nanjo 3 collaborations
F Napolitano 3 collaborations
P Y Nechaeva 3 collaborations
M E Nelson 3 collaborations
T Y Ng 3 collaborations
Y S Ng 3 collaborations
H D N Nguyen 3 collaborations
E Nibigira 3 collaborations
N Nikiforou 3 collaborations
N Nishu 3 collaborations
I Nitsche 3 collaborations
T Nitta 3 collaborations
Y Noguchi 3 collaborations
M A Nomura 3 collaborations
T Novak 3 collaborations
R Novotny 3 collaborations
K O'Connor 3 collaborations
S Oerdek 3 collaborations
Y Okazaki 3 collaborations
J L Oliver 3 collaborations
M J R Olsson 3 collaborations
H Oppen 3 collaborations
J Pacalt 3 collaborations
H A Pacey 3 collaborations
I Panagoulias 3 collaborations
G Panizzo 3 collaborations
T D Papadopoulou 3 collaborations
S R Paredes Saenz 3 collaborations
B Parida 3 collaborations
J M P Pasner 3 collaborations
F Pastore 3 collaborations
P Pasuwan 3 collaborations
A Pathak 3 collaborations
L Pedraza Diaz 3 collaborations
A P Pereira Peixoto 3 collaborations
F Peri 3 collaborations
M Pettee 3 collaborations
T Pham 3 collaborations
F H Phillips 3 collaborations
P Podberezko 3 collaborations
R Poggi 3 collaborations
I Pogrebnyak 3 collaborations
I Pokharel 3 collaborations
D Ponomarenko 3 collaborations
D M Portillo Quintero 3 collaborations
H Potti 3 collaborations
T Poulsen 3 collaborations
T D Powell 3 collaborations
N Proklova 3 collaborations
A Puri 3 collaborations
A Qureshi 3 collaborations
A Ramirez Morales 3 collaborations
T Rashid 3 collaborations
S Raspopov 3 collaborations
B Ravina 3 collaborations
J H Rawling 3 collaborations
S Rettie 3 collaborations
E Reynolds 3 collaborations
G Ripellino 3 collaborations
J C Rivera Vergara 3 collaborations
E Rocco 3 collaborations
S Rodriguez Bosca 3 collaborations
A M Rodríguez Vera 3 collaborations
R Röhrig 3 collaborations
C P A Roland 3 collaborations
L Rossini 3 collaborations
D Roy 3 collaborations
E M Rüttinger 3 collaborations
P Sabatini 3 collaborations
A Sahu 3 collaborations
M Saito 3 collaborations
A Sakharov 3 collaborations
D Salamani 3 collaborations
J Samarati 3 collaborations
D Sampsonidou 3 collaborations
C O Sander 3 collaborations
Y Sano 3 collaborations
R Sawada 3 collaborations
N Scharmberg 3 collaborations
F Schenck 3 collaborations
L K Schildgen 3 collaborations
Z M Schillaci 3 collaborations
E J Schioppa 3 collaborations
K E Schleicher 3 collaborations
A Sciandra 3 collaborations
M Scornajenghi 3 collaborations
L M Scyboz 3 collaborations
C D Sebastiani 3 collaborations
T Seiss 3 collaborations
S Sen 3 collaborations
S Senkin 3 collaborations
J D Shahinian 3 collaborations
A Sharma 3 collaborations
A S Sharma 3 collaborations
Y Shen 3 collaborations
N Sherafati 3 collaborations
A D Sherman 3 collaborations
I P J Shipsey 3 collaborations
J Shlomi 3 collaborations
M Silva 3 collaborations
M V Silva Oliveira 3 collaborations
R Simoniello 3 collaborations
N Smirnov 3 collaborations
A M Soffa 3 collaborations
A Søgaard 3 collaborations
W Song 3 collaborations
F Sopkova 3 collaborations
S Sottocornola 3 collaborations
T M Spieker 3 collaborations
D P Spiteri 3 collaborations
B Stanislaus 3 collaborations
B Stapf 3 collaborations
S H Stark 3 collaborations
M Stegler 3 collaborations
T J Stevenson 3 collaborations
J Stupak 3 collaborations
D M S Sultan 3 collaborations
A Sydorenko 3 collaborations
E Tahirovic 3 collaborations
E H Takasugi 3 collaborations
K Takeda 3 collaborations
G Tarna 3 collaborations
A J Taylor 3 collaborations
A S Tee 3 collaborations
S J Thais 3 collaborations
F Thiele 3 collaborations
Y Tian 3 collaborations
S Todt 3 collaborations
K G Tomiwa 3 collaborations
C Tosciri 3 collaborations
C J Treado 3 collaborations
F Tresoldi 3 collaborations
F Trovato 3 collaborations
F Tsai 3 collaborations
E Tzovara 3 collaborations
K Uno 3 collaborations
K O H Vadla 3 collaborations
A Vaidya 3 collaborations
M Valente 3 collaborations
L Valéry 3 collaborations
R A Vallance 3 collaborations
A Vallier 3 collaborations
T R Van Daalen 3 collaborations
H Van der Graaf 3 collaborations
P Van Gemmeren 3 collaborations
I Van Vulpen 3 collaborations
C Varni 3 collaborations
D Vazquez Furelos 3 collaborations
V Vecchio 3 collaborations
C M Vergel Infante 3 collaborations
A T Vermeulen 3 collaborations
N Viaux Maira 3 collaborations
M Vicente Barreto Pinto 3 collaborations
S E von Buddenbrock 3 collaborations
E Von Toerne 3 collaborations
T Šfiligoj 3 collaborations
J Wagner-Kuhr 3 collaborations
K Wakamiya 3 collaborations
V M Walbrecht 3 collaborations
S D Walker 3 collaborations
A M Wang 3 collaborations
P Wang 3 collaborations
R-J Wang 3 collaborations
W T Wang 3 collaborations
W X Wang 3 collaborations
Y Wang 3 collaborations
Z Wang 3 collaborations
A F Webb 3 collaborations
C Weber 3 collaborations
S M Weber 3 collaborations
M Weirich 3 collaborations
T D Weston 3 collaborations
A S White 3 collaborations
B W Whitmore 3 collaborations
L J Wilkins 3 collaborations
E Winkels 3 collaborations
A Wolf 3 collaborations
V W S Wong 3 collaborations
N L Woods 3 collaborations
K W Woźniak 3 collaborations
K Wraight 3 collaborations
L Xia 3 collaborations
H Xu 3 collaborations
T Xu 3 collaborations
W Xu 3 collaborations
K Yajima 3 collaborations
D P Yallup 3 collaborations
F Yamane 3 collaborations
M Yamatani 3 collaborations
T Yamazaki 3 collaborations
H J Yang 3 collaborations
H T Yang 3 collaborations
S Yang 3 collaborations
E Yigitbasi 3 collaborations
X Yue 3 collaborations
G Zacharis 3 collaborations
E Zaffaroni 3 collaborations
D R Zaripovas 3 collaborations
S V Zeißner 3 collaborations
G Zemaityte 3 collaborations
M Zgubič 3 collaborations
D F Zhang 3 collaborations
P Zhang 3 collaborations
Y Zhang 3 collaborations
P Zhao 3 collaborations
M S Zhou 3 collaborations
Y Zhou 3 collaborations
H L Zhu 3 collaborations
V Zhulanov 3 collaborations
K Zoch 3 collaborations
T G Zorbas 3 collaborations
R Zou 3 collaborations
A Ashkenazi 3 collaborations
N Barlow 3 collaborations
C Bourdarios 3 collaborations
A J Brennan 3 collaborations
D Büscher 3 collaborations
P Bussey 3 collaborations
J Cúth 3 collaborations
J Duarte-Campderros 3 collaborations
J W Hetherly 3 collaborations
E W Hughes 3 collaborations
P Iengo 3 collaborations
D K Jana 3 collaborations
R Klingenberg 3 collaborations
A T Law 3 collaborations
P Laycock 3 collaborations
B Lemmer 3 collaborations
B A Long 3 collaborations
N C Mc Fadden 3 collaborations
G Mchedlidze 3 collaborations
T Obermann 3 collaborations
P Rose 3 collaborations
D Salek 3 collaborations
H Schweiger 3 collaborations
J Searcy 3 collaborations
M N K Smith 3 collaborations
D Sosa 3 collaborations
F Spettel 3 collaborations
P K Teng 3 collaborations
F Tepel 3 collaborations
W Van Den Wollenberg 3 collaborations
A Wildauer 3 collaborations
X Zhao 3 collaborations
Sw Banerjee 2 collaborations
S Blunier 2 collaborations
D Boye 2 collaborations
F Bührer 2 collaborations
B Chargeishvili 2 collaborations
F M Follega 2 collaborations
E C Hanson 2 collaborations
J H Lindon 2 collaborations
A Lösle 2 collaborations
M L Ojeda 2 collaborations
R H Pickles 2 collaborations
E Ricci 2 collaborations
A Santra 2 collaborations
J C Schmoeckel 2 collaborations
A Smykiewicz 2 collaborations
W Y Song 2 collaborations
D W Thomas 2 collaborations
A Tsirigotis 2 collaborations
R T Turra 2 collaborations
T Zakareishvili 2 collaborations
M D Beattie 2 collaborations
F Buehrer 2 collaborations
M Casolino 2 collaborations
A Di Simone 2 collaborations
K Kasahara 2 collaborations
S H Kim 2 collaborations
K M Loew 2 collaborations
W Lukas 2 collaborations
A McCarn 2 collaborations
R W Moore 2 collaborations
T Mori 2 collaborations
P Mullen 2 collaborations
K Nagata 2 collaborations
E Petrolo 2 collaborations
A Robichaud-Veronneau 2 collaborations
M B Skinner 2 collaborations
R W Smith 2 collaborations
R Tanioka 2 collaborations
R Turra 2 collaborations
H Yang 2 collaborations
S Banerjee 2 collaborations
Dr Blunier 2 collaborations
L M Flores 2 collaborations
T M Megy 2 collaborations
L Simic 2 collaborations
L Adam 1 collaboration
C Adam Bourdarios 1 collaboration
A Ambler 1 collaboration
A M Azoulay 1 collaboration
S Balaji 1 collaboration
B Bergmann 1 collaboration
R Bi 1 collaboration
P J Bussey 1 collaboration
D Camarero Munoz 1 collaboration
H Cohen 1 collaboration
L D Corpe 1 collaboration
F Costanza 1 collaboration
M De Santis 1 collaboration
A M Deiana 1 collaboration
G Di Gregorio 1 collaboration
A Emerman 1 collaboration
L F Flores 1 collaboration
A N Fray 1 collaboration
E M Freundlich 1 collaboration
D C Frizzell 1 collaboration
N A Grieser 1 collaboration
T Herrmann 1 collaboration
A Higashida 1 collaboration
P I Iengo 1 collaboration
N Jeong 1 collaboration
S Ketabchi Haghighat 1 collaboration
E E Khoda 1 collaboration
P T Koenig 1 collaboration
G Koren 1 collaboration
N Korotkova 1 collaboration
A Kurova 1 collaboration
K Lehmann 1 collaboration
M Li 1 collaboration
T Lyubushkina 1 collaboration
M Maerker 1 collaboration
D J Mahon 1 collaboration
A Marantis 1 collaboration
T Megy 1 collaboration
S A M Merkt 1 collaboration
M Mittal 1 collaboration
D S Nielsen 1 collaboration
G E Orellana 1 collaboration
T H Park 1 collaboration
M W Phipps 1 collaboration
L Pizzimento 1 collaboration
D Reikher 1 collaboration
B J Rosser 1 collaboration
Y Shimogama 1 collaboration
M J Sullivan 1 collaboration
C Vergis 1 collaboration
Z Zheng 1 collaboration
D Zhong 1 collaboration
J Abdallah 1 collaboration
R Abreu 1 collaboration
D L Adams 1 collaboration
S Adomeit 1 collaboration
T Agatonovic-Jovin 1 collaboration
S P Ahlen 1 collaboration
H Akerstedt 1 collaboration
S Albrand 1 collaboration
G Alexander 1 collaboration
M Aliev 1 collaboration
M Alstaty 1 collaboration
A Amorim 1 collaboration
G Amundsen 1 collaboration
F Anghinolfi 1 collaboration
N Anjos 1 collaboration
A Antonov 1 collaboration
D J Antrim 1 collaboration
Y Arai 1 collaboration
M Arik 1 collaboration
B Åsman 1 collaboration
B Axen 1 collaboration
M A Baak 1 collaboration
M Backhaus 1 collaboration
P Bagiacchi 1 collaboration
Y Bai 1 collaboration
T Balestri 1 collaboration
M Beckingham 1 collaboration
L J Beemster 1 collaboration
O Beltramello 1 collaboration
K Bendtz 1 collaboration
F Bertolucci 1 collaboration
C Bertsche 1 collaboration
D Bertsche 1 collaboration
C Betancourt 1 collaboration
M Bianco 1 collaboration
J Bilbao De Mendizabal 1 collaboration
H Bilokon 1 collaboration
C W Black 1 collaboration
D Blackburn 1 collaboration
R E Blair 1 collaboration
W Blum 1 collaboration
C Bock 1 collaboration
M Boehler 1 collaboration
J A Bogaerts 1 collaboration
K Bos 1 collaboration
J Bouffard 1 collaboration
T M Bristow 1 collaboration
F M Brochu 1 collaboration
J Brosamer 1 collaboration
R Bruneliere 1 collaboration
H Burckhart 1 collaboration
E Busato 1 collaboration
V M Cairo 1 collaboration
A Canepa 1 collaboration
F Cardillo 1 collaboration
J R Carter 1 collaboration
J Carvalho 1 collaboration
E Castaneda-Miranda 1 collaboration
A Castelli 1 collaboration
P Chang 1 collaboration
A Chatterjee 1 collaboration
S Cheatham 1 collaboration
Y Cheng 1 collaboration
V Chernyatin 1 collaboration
B K B Chow 1 collaboration
D Chromek-Burckhart 1 collaboration
A K Ciftci 1 collaboration
I A Cioara 1 collaboration
C Ciocca 1 collaboration
M Ciubancan 1 collaboration
B L Clark 1 collaboration
R N Clarke 1 collaboration
T Colombo 1 collaboration
V Consorti 1 collaboration
G Conti 1 collaboration
M Cooke 1 collaboration
B D Cooper 1 collaboration
T Cornelissen 1 collaboration
G Cortiana 1 collaboration
G Costa 1 collaboration
W A Cribbs 1 collaboration
M Crispin Ortuzar 1 collaboration
J Cummings 1 collaboration
M Curatolo 1 collaboration
H Czirr 1 collaboration
O Dale 1 collaboration
A C Daniells 1 collaboration
N S Dann 1 collaboration
M Dano Hoffmann 1 collaboration
J Dassoulas 1 collaboration
M Davies 1 collaboration
P Davison 1 collaboration
R de Asmundis 1 collaboration
W J Dearnaley 1 collaboration
R Debbe 1 collaboration
I Deigaard 1 collaboration
T Del Prete 1 collaboration
M Dell'Orso 1 collaboration
A Demilly 1 collaboration
B Di Girolamo 1 collaboration
P Dita 1 collaboration
S Dita 1 collaboration
M A B do Vale 1 collaboration
D Dobos 1 collaboration
S Donati 1 collaboration
P Dondero 1 collaboration
M Dris 1 collaboration
A Chr Dudder 1 collaboration
N C Edwards 1 collaboration
S Elles 1 collaboration
O C Endner 1 collaboration
G Ernis 1 collaboration
J Ernst 1 collaboration
M Ernst 1 collaboration
E Ertel 1 collaboration
H Esch 1 collaboration
B Esposito 1 collaboration
R J Falla 1 collaboration
C Farina 1 collaboration
H Feng 1 collaboration
P Fernandez Martinez 1 collaboration
S Fernandez Perez 1 collaboration
M Filipuzzi 1 collaboration
M Fincke-Keeler 1 collaboration
A Fischer 1 collaboration
J Fischer 1 collaboration
G T Fletcher 1 collaboration
M J Flowerdew 1 collaboration
A Forti 1 collaboration
F Friedrich 1 collaboration
C Gabaldon 1 collaboration
P Gagnon 1 collaboration
F M Garay Walls 1 collaboration
A Gascon Bravo 1 collaboration
C Gatti 1 collaboration
L Gauthier 1 collaboration
Z Gecse 1 collaboration
Ch Geich-Gimbel 1 collaboration
C Gentsos 1 collaboration
A Gershon 1 collaboration
M Gilchriese 1 collaboration
T P S Gillam 1 collaboration
N Giokaris 1 collaboration
C Giuliani 1 collaboration
B K Gjelsten 1 collaboration
I Gorelov 1 collaboration
L Graber 1 collaboration
P Grafström 1 collaboration
E Graziani 1 collaboration
O Gueta 1 collaboration
E Guido 1 collaboration
S Gupta 1 collaboration
N G Gutierrez Ortiz 1 collaboration
P G Hamnett 1 collaboration
K Hanawa 1 collaboration
R Hanna 1 collaboration
F Hariri 1 collaboration
R D Harrington 1 collaboration
F Hartjes 1 collaboration
M Hasegawa 1 collaboration
D Hayakawa 1 collaboration
S J Head 1 collaboration
T Heck 1 collaboration
J Henderson 1 collaboration
S Henrot-Versille 1 collaboration
E Hines 1 collaboration
P Hodgson 1 collaboration
G Hughes 1 collaboration
E Ideal 1 collaboration
Y Ilchenko 1 collaboration
P Ioannou 1 collaboration
S Jabbar 1 collaboration
B Jackson 1 collaboration
G-Y Jeng 1 collaboration
C Jeske 1 collaboration
G Jones 1 collaboration
M K Köhler 1 collaboration
S J Kahn 1 collaboration
N Kanaya 1 collaboration
S Kaneti 1 collaboration
A Kapliy 1 collaboration
K Karakostas 1 collaboration
A Karamaoun 1 collaboration
N Karastathis 1 collaboration
K Karthik 1 collaboration
A Katre 1 collaboration
H Keoshkerian 1 collaboration
V Khovanskiy 1 collaboration
H Y Kim 1 collaboration
M King 1 collaboration
F Kiss 1 collaboration
K Kiuchi 1 collaboration
E-E Kluge 1 collaboration
J Knapik 1 collaboration
H Kolanoski 1 collaboration
A A Komar 1 collaboration
Y Komori 1 collaboration
A K Kopp 1 collaboration
A A Korol 1 collaboration
A Kravchenko 1 collaboration
M Kretz 1 collaboration
K Kreutzfeldt 1 collaboration
J Kroseberg 1 collaboration
M Kruskal 1 collaboration
H Kucuk 1 collaboration
V Kus 1 collaboration
D Kyriazopoulos 1 collaboration
C Lapoire 1 collaboration
P Laurelli 1 collaboration
W Lavrijsen 1 collaboration
T Lazovich 1 collaboration
G Lefebvre 1 collaboration
A Lehan 1 collaboration
X Lei 1 collaboration
A G Leister 1 collaboration
S Leontsinis 1 collaboration
M Levy 1 collaboration
M Leyton 1 collaboration
C Li 1 collaboration
P Lichard 1 collaboration
J Liebal 1 collaboration
W Liebig 1 collaboration
S C Lin 1 collaboration
A E Lionti 1 collaboration
D Liu 1 collaboration
J Liu 1 collaboration
L Liu 1 collaboration
F K Loebinger 1 collaboration
A Loginov 1 collaboration
J A Lopez Lopez 1 collaboration
D Lopez Mateos 1 collaboration
B Lopez Paredes 1 collaboration
O Lundberg 1 collaboration
H J Maddocks 1 collaboration
A Maevskiy 1 collaboration
E Magradze 1 collaboration
J Mahlstedt 1 collaboration
C Maiani 1 collaboration
A A Maier 1 collaboration
L Mandelli 1 collaboration
R Mantifel 1 collaboration
L Mapelli 1 collaboration
S P Marsden 1 collaboration
B Martin 1 collaboration
I Massa 1 collaboration
J Mattmann 1 collaboration
R L McCarthy 1 collaboration
M Medinnis 1 collaboration
K Meier 1 collaboration
C Meineck 1 collaboration
S Miglioranzi 1 collaboration
C Mills 1 collaboration
Y Minami 1 collaboration
R Monden 1 collaboration
S Moritz 1 collaboration
S S Mortensen 1 collaboration
R D Mudd 1 collaboration
T Mueller 1 collaboration
J A Murillo Quijada 1 collaboration
H Musheghyan 1 collaboration
R Nagai 1 collaboration
P Yu Nechaeva 1 collaboration
A Nelson 1 collaboration
A A Nepomuceno 1 collaboration
R M Neves 1 collaboration
P Nevski 1 collaboration
J K Nilsen 1 collaboration
S Norberg 1 collaboration
S Nowak 1 collaboration
M Nozaki 1 collaboration
H Ogren 1 collaboration
H Ohman 1 collaboration
K P Oussoren 1 collaboration
M Pagáčová 1 collaboration
F Paige 1 collaboration
P Pais 1 collaboration
K Pajchel 1 collaboration
E St Panagiotopoulou 1 collaboration
S Panitkin 1 collaboration
D Pantea 1 collaboration
Th D Papadopoulou 1 collaboration
Fr Pastore 1 collaboration
G Pásztor 1 collaboration
J Pearce 1 collaboration
L E Pedersen 1 collaboration
S Pedraza Lopez 1 collaboration
J Penwell 1 collaboration
E Perez Codina 1 collaboration
R Peschke 1 collaboration
E Piccaro 1 collaboration
M Piccinini 1 collaboration
A W J Pin 1 collaboration
A Pingel 1 collaboration
S Pires 1 collaboration
H Pirumov 1 collaboration
L Plazak 1 collaboration
K Pommès 1 collaboration
B G Pope 1 collaboration
A Poppleton 1 collaboration
C T Potter 1 collaboration
G Poulard 1 collaboration
V Pozdnyakov 1 collaboration
A Pranko 1 collaboration
L E Price 1 collaboration
D Puddu 1 collaboration
M Purohit 1 collaboration
G Qin 1 collaboration
W B Quayle 1 collaboration
D Quilty 1 collaboration
S Raddum 1 collaboration
V Radeka 1 collaboration
V Radescu 1 collaboration
S K Radhakrishnan 1 collaboration
P Radloff 1 collaboration
M Rammensee 1 collaboration
C Rangel-Smith 1 collaboration
T Ravenscroft 1 collaboration
R Rezvani 1 collaboration
J Rieger 1 collaboration
S M Romano Saez 1 collaboration
E Romero Adam 1 collaboration
E Ros 1 collaboration
V Rossetti 1 collaboration
I Roth 1 collaboration
M S Rudolph 1 collaboration
A Ruschke 1 collaboration
N Ruthmann 1 collaboration
A F Saavedra 1 collaboration
Y Sakurai 1 collaboration
A Salamon 1 collaboration
V Sanchez Martinez 1 collaboration
R L Sandbach 1 collaboration
R Santonico 1 collaboration
K Sapp 1 collaboration
B Sarrazin 1 collaboration
G Savage 1 collaboration
J Saxon 1 collaboration
D A Scannicchio 1 collaboration
M Scarcella 1 collaboration
V Scarfone 1 collaboration
R Schaefer 1 collaboration
S Schaetzel 1 collaboration
V Scharf 1 collaboration
C Schillo 1 collaboration
B Schneider 1 collaboration
B D Schoenrock 1 collaboration
M Schreyer 1 collaboration
N Schuh 1 collaboration
M J Schultens 1 collaboration
H Schulz 1 collaboration
J Schwindling 1 collaboration
T Schwindt 1 collaboration
F Seifert 1 collaboration
R Seuster 1 collaboration
T Sfiligoj 1 collaboration
C Y Shehu 1 collaboration
M A Shupe 1 collaboration
D Sidorov 1 collaboration
V Simak 1 collaboration
Lj Simic 1 collaboration
B Simmons 1 collaboration
D Simon 1 collaboration
H P Skottowe 1 collaboration
L Smestad 1 collaboration
F Socher 1 collaboration
H Y Song 1 collaboration
A Sood 1 collaboration
V Sopko 1 collaboration
V Sorin 1 collaboration
R D St Denis 1 collaboration
M Stanescu-Bellu 1 collaboration
J A Stillings 1 collaboration
M Stoebe 1 collaboration
A R Stradling 1 collaboration
M E Stramaglia 1 collaboration
A Strandlie 1 collaboration
J E Sundermann 1 collaboration
S Tanaka 1 collaboration
F A Teischinger 1 collaboration
K K Temming 1 collaboration
D Temple 1 collaboration
J Thomas-Wilsker 1 collaboration
M J Tibbetts 1 collaboration
T Todorov 1 collaboration
L Tomlinson 1 collaboration
M Trottier-McDonald 1 collaboration
G Tsipolitis 1 collaboration
S Tsiskaridze 1 collaboration
K M Tsui 1 collaboration
S A Tupputi 1 collaboration
C Unverdorben 1 collaboration
N Valencic 1 collaboration
L Valery 1 collaboration
S Valkar 1 collaboration
P C Van Der Deijl 1 collaboration
H van der Graaf 1 collaboration
N van Eldik 1 collaboration
P van Gemmeren 1 collaboration
I van Vulpen 1 collaboration
M C van Woerden 1 collaboration
R Vanguri 1 collaboration
G Vardanyan 1 collaboration
A Vartapetian 1 collaboration
V Veeraraghavan 1 collaboration
A Venturini 1 collaboration
A Vest 1 collaboration
O Viazlo 1 collaboration
M Vlasak 1 collaboration
M Volpi 1 collaboration
H von der Schmitt 1 collaboration
E von Toerne 1 collaboration
R Voss 1 collaboration
J Wakabayashi 1 collaboration
K Wang 1 collaboration
T Wang 1 collaboration
S W Weber 1 collaboration
J S Webster 1 collaboration
H Weits 1 collaboration
J Wetter 1 collaboration
J Wotschack 1 collaboration
M J Woudstra 1 collaboration
K W Wozniak 1 collaboration
S Yamamoto 1 collaboration
K Yamauchi 1 collaboration
K H Yau Wong 1 collaboration
R Yoshida 1 collaboration
S Youssef 1 collaboration
D R Yu 1 collaboration
J M Yu 1 collaboration
L Yuan 1 collaboration
I Yusuff 1 collaboration
A Zaman 1 collaboration
M Zeman 1 collaboration
A Zemla 1 collaboration
J Zhong 1 collaboration
C Zimmermann 1 collaboration
A Loesle 1 collaboration
E C Orgill 1 collaboration
A McCarn Deiana 1 collaboration