European journal of applied physiology
Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology
Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP
James R Turk
Aimee M Deaton
Jun Yin
Marina Stolina
Melanie Felx
Gabrielle Boyd
Jean-Guy Bienvenu
Aurore Varela
Martin Guillot
Gill Holdsworth
Alison Wolfreys
Denise Dwyer
Sheetal V Kumar
Emily M de Koning
Yusheng Qu
Michael Engwall
Kathrin Locher
Lucas D Ward
Charles Glaus
Yudong D He
Rogely Waite Boyce
Guillaume Herpe
Mathieu Lederlin
Mathieu Naudin
Mickaël Ohana
Kathia Chaumoitre
Jules Gregory
Valérie Vilgrain
Cornelia Anna Freitag
Constance De Margerie-Mellon
Violaine Flory
Marie Ludwig
Lydiane Mondot
Isabelle Fitton
Alexis Raymond Robert Jacquier
Paul Ardilouze
Isabelle Petit
Alban Gervaise
Olivier Bayle
Arielle Crombe
Magloire Mekuko Sokeng
Clément Thomas
Geraldine Henry
Virginie Bliah
Thomas Le Tat
Marc-Samir Guillot
Paul Gendrin
Marc Garetier
Estelle Bertolle
Catherine Montagne
Benjamin Langlet
Abdulrazak Kalaaji
Hampar Kayayan
Florian Desmots
Benjamin Dhaene
Pierre-Jean Saulnier
Remy Guillevin
Jean-Michel Bartoli
Jean-Paul Beregi
Jean Pierre Tasu
Annales de chirurgie plastique et esthetique
The Lancet. Global health
David Sharrow
Lucia Hug
Danzhen You
Leontine Alkema
Robert Black
Simon Cousens
Trevor Croft
Victor Gaigbe-Togbe
Patrick Gerland
Michel Guillot
Kenneth Hill
Bruno Masquelier
Colin Mathers
Jon Pedersen
Kathleen L Strong
Emi Suzuki
Jon Wakefield
Neff Walker
Auteur inconnu
JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition
Aissatou B K T Ndiaye
Ibrahim Mohamed
Etienne Pronovost
Georgina Angoa
Bruno Piedboeuf
Brigitte Lemyre
Jehier Afifi
Mosarrat Qureshi
Thibaut Sériès
Mireille Guillot
David Simonyan
Kamran Yusuf
Pascal M Lavoie
William D Fraser
Benoît Mâsse
Anne Monique Nuyt
Thierry Lacaze-Masmonteil
Isabelle Marc
Georgina Angoa
Etienne Pronovost
Aissatou Bintou Khairy Thilor Ndiaye
Pascal M Lavoie
Brigitte Lemyre
Ibrahim Mohamed
David Simonyan
Mosarrat Qureshi
Jehier Afifi
Kamran Yusuf
Thibaut Sériès
Mireille Guillot
Bruno Piedboeuf
William Donald Fraser
Anne-Monique Nuyt
Benoît Mâsse
Thierry Lacaze-Masmonteil
Isabelle Marc
Clinical transplantation
Francois Faitot
Thierry Artzner
Baptiste Michard
Camille Besch
Maleka Schenck
Jean-Etienne Herbrecht
Ralf Janssen Langenstein
Quentin Maestraggi
Max Guillot
Marie-Line Harlay
Vincent Castelain
Pietro Addeo
Bernard Ellero
Marie-Lorraine Woehl-Jaegle
Lawrence Serfaty
Philippe Bachellier
Francis Schneider
Auteur inconnu
Journal of health, population, and nutrition