Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.)
Prenatal diagnosis
Audrey Lamouroux
Maïda Cardoso
Célia Bottero
Mathieu Gallo
Martha Duraes
Jennifer Salerno
Martin Bertrand
Valérie Rigau
Florent Fuchs
Eve Mousty
David Genevieve
Gérard Subsol
Christophe Goze-Bac
Guillaume Captier
Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere
Fertility and sterility
Marion Pinsard
Nicolas Mouchet
Ludivine Dion
Thomas Bessede
Martin Bertrand
Emile Darai
Pascale Bellaud
Philippe Loget
Séverine Mazaud-Guittot
Xavier Morandi
Jean Leveque
Vincent Lavoué
Martha Duraes
Krystel Nyangoh Timoh
Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Blood advances
Alexandre Theron
Olivier Dautremay
Elodie Boissier
Amel Zerroukhi
Julien Baleine
Lionel Moulis
Michel Rodière
Jean-François Schved
Martha Duraes
Tarik Kanouni
Isabelle Cau-Diaz
Eric Jeziorski
Christine Biron-Andreani
JCI insight
C I Daïen
J Tan
R Audo
J Mielle
L E Quek
J R Krycer
A Angelatos
M Duraes
G Pinget
D Ni
R Robert
M J Alam
M C B Amian
F Sierro
A Parmar
G Perkins
S Hoque
A K Gosby
S J Simpson
R V Ribeiro
C R Mackay
L Macia
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
International urogynecology journal
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
Annals of surgical oncology
The American journal of case reports
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
C Mathelin
E Barranger
M Boisserie-Lacroix
G Boutet
S Brousse
N Chabbert-Buffet
C Coutant
E Daraï
Y Delpech
M Duraes
M Espié
F Golfier
A S Hamy
E Kermarrec
V Lavoué
M Lodi
É Luporsi
C Maugard
S Molière
J-Y Seror
N Taris
C Uzan
C Vaysse
X Fritel
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
Frontiers in endocrinology
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
Anatomical sciences education
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
Carole Mathelin
Emmanuel Barranger
Martine Boisserie-Lacroix
Gérard Boutet
Susie Brousse
Nathalie Chabbert-Buffet
Charles Coutant
Emile Daraï
Yann Delpech
Martha Duraes
Marc Espié
Luc Fornecker
François Golfier
Pascale Grosclaude
Anne Sophie Hamy
Edith Kermarrec
Vincent Lavoué
Massimo Lodi
Élisabeth Luporsi
Christine M Maugard
Sébastien Molière
Jean-Yves Seror
Nicolas Taris
Catherine Uzan
Charlotte Vaysse
Xavier Fritel
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA