JMIR public health and surveillance
Annals of emergency medicine
Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska
Lior Ungar
Zion Zibly
Anton Wohl
Ran Harel
Moshe Hadani
Moshe Attia
Roberto Spiegelmann
Zeev Feldman
Jacob Zaubermann
Nachshon Knoller
Zvi R Cohen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Katherine L Milkman
Linnea Gandhi
Mitesh S Patel
Heather N Graci
Dena M Gromet
Hung Ho
Joseph S Kay
Timothy W Lee
Jake Rothschild
Jonathan E Bogard
Ilana Brody
Christopher F Chabris
Edward Chang
Gretchen B Chapman
Jennifer E Dannals
Noah J Goldstein
Amir Goren
Hal Hershfield
Alex Hirsch
Jillian Hmurovic
Samantha Horn
Dean S Karlan
Ariella S Kristal
Cait Lamberton
Michelle N Meyer
Allison H Oakes
Maurice E Schweitzer
Maheen Shermohammed
Joachim Talloen
Caleb Warren
Ashley Whillans
Kuldeep N Yadav
Julian J Zlatev
Ron Berman
Chalanda N Evans
Rahul Ladhania
Jens Ludwig
Nina Mazar
Sendhil Mullainathan
Christopher K Snider
Jann Spiess
Eli Tsukayama
Lyle Ungar
Christophe Van den Bulte
Kevin G Volpp
Angela L Duckworth
Journal of psychopathology and clinical science