Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)
Journal of neuro-oncology
Filipe Martins
Luis Schiappacasse
Marc Levivier
Constantin Tuleasca
Michel A Cuendet
Veronica Aedo-Lopez
Bianca Gautron Moura
Krisztian Homicsko
Adrienne Bettini
Gregoire Berthod
Camille L Gérard
Alexandre Wicky
Jean Bourhis
Olivier Michielin
Clinical and translational radiation oncology
Rémy Kinj
Alessio Casutt
Tu Nguyen-Ngoc
Ange Mampuya
Luis Schiappacasse
Jean Bourhis
Constance Huck
David Patin
Maud Marguet
Michele Zeverino
Raphaël Moeckli
Michel Gonzalez
Alban Lovis
Mahmut Ozsahin
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology
Claudia Herrera Siklody
Luis Schiappacasse
Raphaël Jumeau
Tobias Reichlin
Ardan M Saguner
Nicolaus Andratschke
Olgun Elicin
Frederic Schreiner
Boldizsar Kovacs
Michael Mayinger
Adrian Huber
Joost J C Verhoeff
Patrizio Pascale
Jorge Solana Muñoz
Adrian Luca
Giulia Domenichini
Raphael Moeckli
Jean Bourhis
Esat M Ozsahin
Etienne Pruvot
Medical physics
Raphaël Moeckli
Antoine Baillod
Dora Gibellieri
Mireille Conrad
Fanny Marsolat
Luis Schiappacasse
Raphaël Jumeau
Wendy Jeanneret-Sozzi
Jean Bourhis
François O Bochud
Jean-François Germond
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine
Martijn H van der Ree
Claudia Herrera Siklody
Mathieu Le Bloa
Patrizio Pascale
Alessandra P Porretta
Cheryl C Teres
Jorge Solana Munoz
Adrian Luca
Giulia Domenichini
Mahmut Ozasahin
Raphael Jumeau
Pieter G Postema
Camillo Ribi
Jean Bourhis
Luis Schiappacasse
Etienne Pruvot
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology
Katja Zeppenfeld
Robert Rademaker
Amin Al-Ahmad
Corrado Carbucicchio
Christian De Chillou
Micaela Ebert
William G Stevenson
Gordon Ho
Josef Kautzner
Marek Sramko
Pier Lambiase
Michael Lloyd
Jose Luis Merino
Etienne Pruvot
John Sapp
Luis Schiappacasse
Paul C Zei
European journal of hybrid imaging
Rémy Kinj
Andreas Felix Hottinger
Till Tobias Böhlen
Mahmut Ozsahin
Véronique Vallet
Vincent Dunet
Hasna Bouchaab
Solange Peters
Constantin Tuleasca
Jean Bourhis
Luis Schiappacasse
Journal of medical case reports
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Martijn H van der Ree
Wiert F Hoeksema
Adrian Luca
Jorrit Visser
Brian V Balgobind
Michiel Zumbrink
Raymond Spier
Claudia Herrera-Siklody
Justin Lee
Matthew Bates
Jim Daniel
Clive Peedell
Judit Boda-Heggemann
Boris Rudic
Roland Merten
Edith M Dieleman
Cristopher A Rinaldi
Shahreen Ahmad
John Whitaker
Pranav Bhagirath
Matthew Q Hatton
Stephen Riley
Melanie Grehn
Luis Schiappacasse
Oliver Blanck
Stephan Hohmann
Etienne Pruvot
Pieter G Postema
Neurosurgical review
Antonio Santacroce
Mioara- Florentina Trandafirescu
Marc Levivier
David Peters
Christoph Fürweger
Iuliana Toma-Dasu
Mercy George
Roy Thomas Daniel
Raphael Maire
Makoto Nakamura
Mohamed Faouzi
Luis Schiappacasse
Alexandru Dasu
Constantin Tuleasca
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer
Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Olivier Gaide
Fernanda Herrera
Wendy Jeanneret Sozzi
Patrik Gonçalves Jorge
Rémy Kinj
Claude Bailat
Fréderic Duclos
François Bochud
Jean-François Germond
Maud Gondré
Till Boelhen
Luis Schiappacasse
Mahmut Ozsahin
Raphaël Moeckli
Jean Bourhis
Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique
Clinical and translational radiation oncology
C Herrera Siklody
E Pruvot
P Pascale
R Kinj
R Jumeau
M Le Bloa
C Teres
G Domenichini
A P Porretta
M Ozsahin
J Bourhis
L Schiappacasse
Constantin Tuleasca
Iuliana Toma-Dasu
Sebastien Duroux
Mercy George
Raphael Maire
Roy Thomas Daniel
David Patin
Luis Schiappacasse
Alexandru Dasu
Mohamed Faouzi
Marc Levivier
Constantin Tuleasca
Iuliana Toma-Dasu
Sebastien Duroux
Daniele Starnoni
Mercy George
Raphael Maire
Roy Thomas Daniel
David Patin
Luis Schiappacasse
Alexandru Dasu
Mohamed Faouzi
Marc Levivier