Ludmilla L Kodach
Ludmilla L Kodach
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leiden University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Publications (22)
Beyond the PD-L1 horizon: In search for a good biomarker to predict success of immunotherapy in gastric and esophageal adenocarcinoma.
Cancer letters
Willem J Koemans
Myriam Chalabi
Johanna W van Sandick
Jolanda M van Dieren
Liudmila L Kodach
Driver mutations occur frequently in metastases of well-differentiated small intestine neuroendocrine tumours.
Kris G Samsom
Sonja Levy
Linde M van Veenendaal
Paul Roepman
Liudmila L Kodach
Neeltje Steeghs
Gerlof D Valk
M Wouter Dercksen
Koert F D Kuhlmann
Wieke H M Verbeek
Gerrit A Meijer
Margot E T Tesselaar
José G van den Berg
Tumor-positive peritoneal cytology in patients with gastric cancer is associated with poor outcome: A nationwide study.
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)
Karen Van Der Sluis
Steven N Taylor
Liudmila L Kodach
Jolanda M van Dieren
Ignace H J T de Hingh
Bas P L Wijnhoven
Rob H A Verhoeven
Marieke A Vollebergh
Johanna W van Sandick
Neoadjuvant atezolizumab plus chemotherapy in gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: the phase 2 PANDA trial.
Nature medicine
Yara L Verschoor
Joris van de Haar
José G van den Berg
Johanna W van Sandick
Liudmila L Kodach
Jolanda M van Dieren
Sara Balduzzi
Cecile Grootscholten
Marieke E IJsselsteijn
Alexander A F A Veenhof
Koen J Hartemink
Marieke A Vollebergh
Adham Jurdi
Shruti Sharma
Erik Spickard
Emilia C Owers
Annemarieke Bartels-Rutten
Peggy den Hartog
Noel F C C de Miranda
Monique E van Leerdam
John B A G Haanen
Ton N Schumacher
Emile E Voest
Myriam Chalabi
Image-based multiplex immune profiling of cancer tissues: translational implications. A report of the International Immuno-oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer.
The Journal of pathology
Chowdhury Arif Jahangir
David B Page
Glenn Broeckx
Claudia A Gonzalez
Caoimbhe Burke
Clodagh Murphy
Jorge S Reis-Filho
Amy Ly
Paul W Harms
Rajarsi R Gupta
Michael Vieth
Akira I Hida
Mohamed Kahila
Zuzana Kos
Paul J van Diest
Sara Verbandt
Jeppe Thagaard
Reena Khiroya
Khalid Abduljabbar
Gabriela Acosta Haab
Balazs Acs
Sylvia Adams
Jonas S Almeida
Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero
Farid Azmoudeh-Ardalan
Sunil Badve
Nurkhairul Bariyah Baharun
Enrique R Bellolio
Vydehi Bheemaraju
Kim Rm Blenman
Luciana Botinelly Mendonça Fujimoto
Octavio Burgues
Alexandros Chardas
Maggie Chon U Cheang
Francesco Ciompi
Lee Ad Cooper
An Coosemans
Germán Corredor
Flavio Luis Dantas Portela
Frederik Deman
Sandra Demaria
Sarah N Dudgeon
Mahmoud Elghazawy
Claudio Fernandez-Martín
Susan Fineberg
Stephen B Fox
Jennifer M Giltnane
Sacha Gnjatic
Paula I Gonzalez-Ericsson
Anita Grigoriadis
Niels Halama
Matthew G Hanna
Aparna Harbhajanka
Steven N Hart
Johan Hartman
Stephen Hewitt
Hugo M Horlings
Zaheed Husain
Sheeba Irshad
Emiel Am Janssen
Tatsuki R Kataoka
Kosuke Kawaguchi
Andrey I Khramtsov
Umay Kiraz
Pawan Kirtani
Liudmila L Kodach
Konstanty Korski
Guray Akturk
Ely Scott
Anikó Kovács
Anne-Vibeke Laenkholm
Corinna Lang-Schwarz
Denis Larsimont
Jochen K Lennerz
Marvin Lerousseau
Xiaoxian Li
Anant Madabhushi
Sai K Maley
Vidya Manur Narasimhamurthy
Douglas K Marks
Elizabeth S McDonald
Ravi Mehrotra
Stefan Michiels
Durga Kharidehal
Fayyaz Ul Amir Afsar Minhas
Shachi Mittal
David A Moore
Shamim Mushtaq
Hussain Nighat
Thomas Papathomas
Frederique Penault-Llorca
Rashindrie D Perera
Christopher J Pinard
Juan Carlos Pinto-Cardenas
Giancarlo Pruneri
Lajos Pusztai
Nasir Mahmood Rajpoot
Bernardo Leon Rapoport
Tilman T Rau
Joana M Ribeiro
David Rimm
Anne Vincent-Salomon
Joel Saltz
Shahin Sayed
Evangelos Hytopoulos
Sarah Mahon
Kalliopi P Siziopikou
Christos Sotiriou
Albrecht Stenzinger
Maher A Sughayer
Daniel Sur
Fraser Symmans
Sunao Tanaka
Timothy Taxter
Sabine Tejpar
Jonas Teuwen
E Aubrey Thompson
Trine Tramm
William T Tran
Jeroen van der Laak
Gregory E Verghese
Giuseppe Viale
Noorul Wahab
Thomas Walter
Yannick Waumans
Hannah Y Wen
Wentao Yang
Yinyin Yuan
John Bartlett
Sibylle Loibl
Carsten Denkert
Peter Savas
Sherene Loi
Elisabeth Specht Stovgaard
Roberto Salgado
William M Gallagher
Arman Rahman
High CD8
Willem J Koemans
Jolanda M van Dieren
Jose G van den Berg
Gerrit A Meijer
Petur Snaebjornsson
Myriam Chalabi
Frederig Lecot
Robert Riedl
Oscar Krijgsman
Ingrid Hofland
Annegien Broeks
Francine E M Voncken
Maikel P Peppelenbosch
Meindert N Sosef
Johanna W van Sandick
Liudmila L Kodach
Gastroscopic surveillance with targeted biopsies compared with random biopsies in CDH1 mutation carriers.
Jolanda M van Dieren
Liudmila L Kodach
Peggy den Hartog
Lizet E van der Kolk
Karolina Sikorska
Marie-Louise F van Velthuysen
Johanna W van Sandick
Willem J Koemans
Petur Snaebjornsson
Annemieke Cats
A 20-Year-Old Woman With Thoracic Pain and Progressive Dyspnea on Exertion.
Eline G M Steenhuis
Maaike M Brus
Nils A 't Hart
Liudmila L Kodach
Jacqueline Nijboer-Oosterveld
Benjamin Tomlow
The clinical implications of staging laparoscopy in the diagnostic workup of gastric cancer patients: A population based study.
European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology
K van der Sluis
M A Vollebergh
L L Kodach
J M van Dieren
I H J T de Hingh
B P L Wijnhoven
R H A Verhoeven
J W van Sandick
Biological background of colorectal polyps and carcinomas with heterotopic ossification: A national study and literature review.
Human pathology
Anne-Marie Vos
Lieke Pijnenborg
Shannon van Vliet
Liudmila L Kodach
Francesco Ciompi
Rachel S van der Post
Femke Simmer
Iris D Nagtegaal
Added value of MRI to endoscopic and endosonographic response assessment after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in oesophageal cancer.
European radiology
Sophie E Vollenbrock
Jolanda M van Dieren
Francine E M Voncken
Sietze T van Turenhout
Liudmila L Kodach
Koen J Hartemink
Johanna W van Sandick
Berthe M P Aleman
Regina G H Beets-Tan
Annemarieke Bartels-Rutten
Statin use is associated with a reduced incidence of colorectal cancer expressing SMAD4.
British journal of cancer
Sarah Ouahoud
Rutger J Jacobs
Ludmilla L Kodach
Philip W Voorneveld
Lukas J A C Hawinkels
Nikki L Weil
Britt van Vliet
Ron M Herings
Lennart R A van der Burg
Tom van Wezel
Hans Morreau
Marije Slingerland
Esther Bastiaannet
Hein Putter
James C H Hardwick
Improving diagnostic accuracy of identifying gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastases: tumor-guided cell-free DNA analysis of peritoneal fluid.
Karen van der Sluis
Johanna W van Sandick
Marieke A Vollebergh
Jolanda M van Dieren
Niek Hugen
Koen J Hartemink
Alexander A F A Veenhof
Els Verhoeven
José G van den Berg
Petur Snaebjornsson
Michael Noe
Tom van Wezel
Mirjam C Boelens
Liudmila L Kodach
Spatial analyses of immune cell infiltration in cancer: current methods and future directions: A report of the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer.
The Journal of pathology
David B Page
Glenn Broeckx
Chowdhury Arif Jahangir
Sara Verbandt
Rajarsi R Gupta
Jeppe Thagaard
Reena Khiroya
Zuzana Kos
Khalid Abduljabbar
Gabriela Acosta Haab
Balazs Acs
Guray Akturk
Jonas S Almeida
Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero
Farid Azmoudeh-Ardalan
Sunil Badve
Nurkhairul Bariyah Baharun
Enrique R Bellolio
Vydehi Bheemaraju
Kim Rm Blenman
Luciana Botinelly Mendonça Fujimoto
Najat Bouchmaa
Octavio Burgues
Maggie Chon U Cheang
Francesco Ciompi
Lee Ad Cooper
An Coosemans
Germán Corredor
Flavio Luis Dantas Portela
Frederik Deman
Sandra Demaria
Sarah N Dudgeon
Mahmoud Elghazawy
Scott Ely
Claudio Fernandez-Martín
Susan Fineberg
Stephen B Fox
William M Gallagher
Jennifer M Giltnane
Sacha Gnjatic
Paula I Gonzalez-Ericsson
Anita Grigoriadis
Niels Halama
Matthew G Hanna
Aparna Harbhajanka
Alexandros Hardas
Steven N Hart
Johan Hartman
Stephen Hewitt
Akira I Hida
Hugo M Horlings
Zaheed Husain
Evangelos Hytopoulos
Sheeba Irshad
Emiel Am Janssen
Mohamed Kahila
Tatsuki R Kataoka
Kosuke Kawaguchi
Durga Kharidehal
Andrey I Khramtsov
Umay Kiraz
Pawan Kirtani
Liudmila L Kodach
Konstanty Korski
Anikó Kovács
Anne-Vibeke Laenkholm
Corinna Lang-Schwarz
Denis Larsimont
Jochen K Lennerz
Marvin Lerousseau
Xiaoxian Li
Amy Ly
Anant Madabhushi
Sai K Maley
Vidya Manur Narasimhamurthy
Douglas K Marks
Elizabeth S McDonald
Ravi Mehrotra
Stefan Michiels
Fayyaz Ul Amir Afsar Minhas
Shachi Mittal
David A Moore
Shamim Mushtaq
Hussain Nighat
Thomas Papathomas
Frederique Penault-Llorca
Rashindrie D Perera
Christopher J Pinard
Juan Carlos Pinto-Cardenas
Giancarlo Pruneri
Lajos Pusztai
Arman Rahman
Nasir Mahmood Rajpoot
Bernardo Leon Rapoport
Tilman T Rau
Jorge S Reis-Filho
Joana M Ribeiro
David Rimm
Anne Vincent-Salomon
Manuel Salto-Tellez
Joel Saltz
Shahin Sayed
Kalliopi P Siziopikou
Christos Sotiriou
Albrecht Stenzinger
Maher A Sughayer
Daniel Sur
Fraser Symmans
Sunao Tanaka
Timothy Taxter
Sabine Tejpar
Jonas Teuwen
E Aubrey Thompson
Trine Tramm
William T Tran
Jeroen van der Laak
Paul J van Diest
Gregory E Verghese
Giuseppe Viale
Michael Vieth
Noorul Wahab
Thomas Walter
Yannick Waumans
Hannah Y Wen
Wentao Yang
Yinyin Yuan
Sylvia Adams
John Mark Seaverns Bartlett
Sibylle Loibl
Carsten Denkert
Peter Savas
Sherene Loi
Roberto Salgado
Elisabeth Specht Stovgaard
Pitfalls in machine learning-based assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancer: A report of the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer
The Journal of pathology
Jeppe Thagaard
Glenn Broeckx
David B Page
Chowdhury Arif Jahangir
Sara Verbandt
Zuzana Kos
Rajarsi Gupta
Reena Khiroya
Khalid Abduljabbar
Gabriela Acosta Haab
Balazs Acs
Guray Akturk
Jonas S Almeida
Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero
Mohamed Amgad
Farid Azmoudeh-Ardalan
Sunil Badve
Nurkhairul Bariyah Baharun
Eva Balslev
Enrique R Bellolio
Vydehi Bheemaraju
Kim Rm Blenman
Luciana Botinelly Mendonça Fujimoto
Najat Bouchmaa
Octavio Burgues
Alexandros Chardas
Maggie Chon U Cheang
Francesco Ciompi
Lee Ad Cooper
An Coosemans
Germán Corredor
Anders B Dahl
Flavio Luis Dantas Portela
Frederik Deman
Sandra Demaria
Johan Doré Hansen
Sarah N Dudgeon
Thomas Ebstrup
Mahmoud Elghazawy
Claudio Fernandez-Martín
Stephen B Fox
William M Gallagher
Jennifer M Giltnane
Sacha Gnjatic
Paula I Gonzalez-Ericsson
Anita Grigoriadis
Niels Halama
Matthew G Hanna
Aparna Harbhajanka
Steven N Hart
Johan Hartman
Søren Hauberg
Stephen Hewitt
Akira I Hida
Hugo M Horlings
Zaheed Husain
Evangelos Hytopoulos
Sheeba Irshad
Emiel Am Janssen
Mohamed Kahila
Tatsuki R Kataoka
Kosuke Kawaguchi
Durga Kharidehal
Andrey I Khramtsov
Umay Kiraz
Pawan Kirtani
Liudmila L Kodach
Konstanty Korski
Anikó Kovács
Anne-Vibeke Laenkholm
Corinna Lang-Schwarz
Denis Larsimont
Jochen K Lennerz
Marvin Lerousseau
Xiaoxian Li
Amy Ly
Anant Madabhushi
Sai K Maley
Vidya Manur Narasimhamurthy
Douglas K Marks
Elizabeth S McDonald
Ravi Mehrotra
Stefan Michiels
Fayyaz Ul Amir Afsar Minhas
Shachi Mittal
David A Moore
Shamim Mushtaq
Hussain Nighat
Thomas Papathomas
Frederique Penault-Llorca
Rashindrie D Perera
Christopher J Pinard
Juan Carlos Pinto-Cardenas
Giancarlo Pruneri
Lajos Pusztai
Arman Rahman
Nasir Mahmood Rajpoot
Bernardo Leon Rapoport
Tilman T Rau
Jorge S Reis-Filho
Joana M Ribeiro
David Rimm
Anne Roslind
Anne Vincent-Salomon
Manuel Salto-Tellez
Joel Saltz
Shahin Sayed
Ely Scott
Kalliopi P Siziopikou
Christos Sotiriou
Albrecht Stenzinger
Maher A Sughayer
Daniel Sur
Susan Fineberg
Fraser Symmans
Sunao Tanaka
Timothy Taxter
Sabine Tejpar
Jonas Teuwen
E Aubrey Thompson
Trine Tramm
William T Tran
Jeroen van der Laak
Paul J van Diest
Gregory E Verghese
Giuseppe Viale
Michael Vieth
Noorul Wahab
Thomas Walter
Yannick Waumans
Hannah Y Wen
Wentao Yang
Yinyin Yuan
Reena Md Zin
Sylvia Adams
John Bartlett
Sibylle Loibl
Carsten Denkert
Peter Savas
Sherene Loi
Roberto Salgado
Elisabeth Specht Stovgaard
Kinome-wide analysis of the effect of statins in colorectal cancer.
British journal of cancer
Sarah Ouahoud
Rutger J Jacobs
Maikel P Peppelenbosch
G M Fühler
Jarom Heijmans
Sander Diks
Manon E Wildenberg
Lukas J A C Hawinkels
Liudmila L Kodach
Philip W Voorneveld
James C H Hardwick
Risk of second primary malignancies among patients with carcinoid of the lung.
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Wieneke A Buikhuisen
Laurie C Steinbusch
Liudmila L Kodach
Margot E T Tesselaar
Ronald A M Damhuis
Gene expression profiles of esophageal squamous cell cancers in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors versus sporadic cases.
PloS one
Berbel L M Ykema
Sanne J M Hoefnagel
Lisanne S Rigter
Liudmila L Kodach
Gerrit A Meijer
Flora E van Leeuwen
Hina N Khan
Petur Snaebjornsson
Berthe M P Aleman
Annegien Broeks
Sybren L Meijer
Kenneth K Wang
Beatriz Carvalho
Kausilia K Krishnadath
Monique E van Leerdam
Auteur inconnu
Identification of Novel Molecular Subgroups in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma to Predict Response to Neo-Adjuvant Therapies.
Sanne J M Hoefnagel
Willem J Koemans
Hina N Khan
Jan Koster
Sybren L Meijer
Jolanda M van Dieren
Liudmila L Kodach
Johanna W van Sandick
Silvia Calpe
Carmen M Del Sancho-Serra
Ana C P Correia
Mark I Van Berge Henegouwen
Suzanne S Gisbertz
Maarten C C M Hulshof
Sandro Mattioli
Manon C W Spaander
Kausilia K Krishnadath
The clinical impact of testing for biomarkers in gastric cancer patients: a real-world cohort.
Karen van der Sluis
Johanna W van Sandick
Jolanda M van Dieren
Marieke A Vollebergh
Cecile Grootscholten
José G van den Berg
Petur Snaebjornsson
Koen J Hartemink
Alexander A F A Veenhof
Myriam Chalabi
Liudmila L Kodach
High Interobserver Variability Among Pathologists Using Combined Positive Score to Evaluate PD-L1 Expression in Gastric, Gastroesophageal Junction, and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma.
Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc
Marie E Robert
Josef Rüschoff
Bharat Jasani
Rondell P Graham
Sunil S Badve
Manuel Rodriguez-Justo
Liudmila L Kodach
Amitabh Srivastava
Hanlin L Wang
Laura H Tang
Giancarlo Troncone
Federico Rojo
Benjamin J Van Treeck
James Pratt
Iryna Shnitsa
George Kumar
Maria Karasarides
Robert A Anders
Histopathological response to chemotherapy and survival of mucinous type gastric cancer.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Irene A Caspers
Astrid E Slagter
Pauline A J Vissers
Martha Lopez-Yurda
Laurens V Beerepoot
Jelle P Ruurda
Grard A P Nieuwenhuijzen
Suzanne S Gisbertz
Mark I Van Berge Henegouwen
Henk H Hartgrink
Danny Goudkade
Liudmila L Kodach
Johanna W Van Sandick
Marcel Verheij
Rob H A Verhoeven
Annemieke Cats
Nicole C T Van Grieken
Réseau de co-auteurs
Liudmila L Kodach
20 collaborations
Johanna W van Sandick
9 collaborations
Jolanda M van Dieren
9 collaborations
Petur Snaebjornsson
5 collaborations
Willem J Koemans
4 collaborations
Myriam Chalabi
4 collaborations
José G van den Berg
4 collaborations
Marieke A Vollebergh
4 collaborations
Koen J Hartemink
4 collaborations
Francesco Ciompi
4 collaborations
Gerrit A Meijer
3 collaborations
Alexander A F A Veenhof
3 collaborations
Chowdhury Arif Jahangir
3 collaborations
David B Page
3 collaborations
Glenn Broeckx
3 collaborations
Jorge S Reis-Filho
3 collaborations
Amy Ly
3 collaborations
Michael Vieth
3 collaborations
Akira I Hida
3 collaborations
Mohamed Kahila
3 collaborations
Zuzana Kos
3 collaborations
Paul J van Diest
3 collaborations
Sara Verbandt
3 collaborations
Jeppe Thagaard
3 collaborations
Reena Khiroya
3 collaborations
Khalid Abduljabbar
3 collaborations
Gabriela Acosta Haab
3 collaborations
Balazs Acs
3 collaborations
Sylvia Adams
3 collaborations
Jonas S Almeida
3 collaborations
Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero
3 collaborations
Farid Azmoudeh-Ardalan
3 collaborations
Sunil Badve
3 collaborations
Nurkhairul Bariyah Baharun
3 collaborations
Enrique R Bellolio
3 collaborations
Vydehi Bheemaraju
3 collaborations
Kim Rm Blenman
3 collaborations
Luciana Botinelly Mendonça Fujimoto
3 collaborations
Octavio Burgues
3 collaborations
Maggie Chon U Cheang
3 collaborations
Lee Ad Cooper
3 collaborations
An Coosemans
3 collaborations
Germán Corredor
3 collaborations
Flavio Luis Dantas Portela
3 collaborations
Frederik Deman
3 collaborations
Sandra Demaria
3 collaborations
Sarah N Dudgeon
3 collaborations
Mahmoud Elghazawy
3 collaborations
Claudio Fernandez-Martín
3 collaborations
Susan Fineberg
3 collaborations
Stephen B Fox
3 collaborations
Jennifer M Giltnane
3 collaborations
Sacha Gnjatic
3 collaborations
Paula I Gonzalez-Ericsson
3 collaborations
Anita Grigoriadis
3 collaborations
Niels Halama
3 collaborations
Matthew G Hanna
3 collaborations
Aparna Harbhajanka
3 collaborations
Steven N Hart
3 collaborations
Johan Hartman
3 collaborations
Stephen Hewitt
3 collaborations
Hugo M Horlings
3 collaborations
Zaheed Husain
3 collaborations
Sheeba Irshad
3 collaborations
Emiel Am Janssen
3 collaborations
Tatsuki R Kataoka
3 collaborations
Kosuke Kawaguchi
3 collaborations
Andrey I Khramtsov
3 collaborations
Umay Kiraz
3 collaborations
Pawan Kirtani
3 collaborations
Konstanty Korski
3 collaborations
Guray Akturk
3 collaborations
Anikó Kovács
3 collaborations
Anne-Vibeke Laenkholm
3 collaborations
Corinna Lang-Schwarz
3 collaborations
Denis Larsimont
3 collaborations
Jochen K Lennerz
3 collaborations
Marvin Lerousseau
3 collaborations
Xiaoxian Li
3 collaborations
Anant Madabhushi
3 collaborations
Sai K Maley
3 collaborations
Vidya Manur Narasimhamurthy
3 collaborations
Douglas K Marks
3 collaborations
Elizabeth S McDonald
3 collaborations
Ravi Mehrotra
3 collaborations
Stefan Michiels
3 collaborations
Durga Kharidehal
3 collaborations
Fayyaz Ul Amir Afsar Minhas
3 collaborations
Shachi Mittal
3 collaborations
David A Moore
3 collaborations
Shamim Mushtaq
3 collaborations
Hussain Nighat
3 collaborations
Thomas Papathomas
3 collaborations
Frederique Penault-Llorca
3 collaborations
Rashindrie D Perera
3 collaborations
Christopher J Pinard
3 collaborations
Juan Carlos Pinto-Cardenas
3 collaborations
Giancarlo Pruneri
3 collaborations
Lajos Pusztai
3 collaborations
Nasir Mahmood Rajpoot
3 collaborations
Bernardo Leon Rapoport
3 collaborations
Tilman T Rau
3 collaborations
Joana M Ribeiro
3 collaborations
David Rimm
3 collaborations
Anne Vincent-Salomon
3 collaborations
Joel Saltz
3 collaborations
Shahin Sayed
3 collaborations
Evangelos Hytopoulos
3 collaborations
Kalliopi P Siziopikou
3 collaborations
Christos Sotiriou
3 collaborations
Albrecht Stenzinger
3 collaborations
Maher A Sughayer
3 collaborations
Daniel Sur
3 collaborations
Fraser Symmans
3 collaborations
Sunao Tanaka
3 collaborations
Timothy Taxter
3 collaborations
Sabine Tejpar
3 collaborations
Jonas Teuwen
3 collaborations
E Aubrey Thompson
3 collaborations
Trine Tramm
3 collaborations
William T Tran
3 collaborations
Jeroen van der Laak
3 collaborations
Gregory E Verghese
3 collaborations
Giuseppe Viale
3 collaborations
Noorul Wahab
3 collaborations
Thomas Walter
3 collaborations
Yannick Waumans
3 collaborations
Hannah Y Wen
3 collaborations
Wentao Yang
3 collaborations
Yinyin Yuan
3 collaborations
Sibylle Loibl
3 collaborations
Carsten Denkert
3 collaborations
Peter Savas
3 collaborations
Sherene Loi
3 collaborations
Elisabeth Specht Stovgaard
3 collaborations
Roberto Salgado
3 collaborations
William M Gallagher
3 collaborations
Arman Rahman
3 collaborations
Margot E T Tesselaar
2 collaborations
Rob H A Verhoeven
2 collaborations
Cecile Grootscholten
2 collaborations
Annemarieke Bartels-Rutten
2 collaborations
Peggy den Hartog
2 collaborations
Monique E van Leerdam
2 collaborations
Rajarsi R Gupta
2 collaborations
Alexandros Chardas
2 collaborations
Ely Scott
2 collaborations
John Bartlett
2 collaborations
Annegien Broeks
2 collaborations
Francine E M Voncken
2 collaborations
Maikel P Peppelenbosch
2 collaborations
Annemieke Cats
2 collaborations
Berthe M P Aleman
2 collaborations
Sarah Ouahoud
2 collaborations
Rutger J Jacobs
2 collaborations
Philip W Voorneveld
2 collaborations
Lukas J A C Hawinkels
2 collaborations
Tom van Wezel
2 collaborations
James C H Hardwick
2 collaborations
Karen van der Sluis
2 collaborations
Najat Bouchmaa
2 collaborations
Manuel Salto-Tellez
2 collaborations
Sanne J M Hoefnagel
2 collaborations
Hina N Khan
2 collaborations
Sybren L Meijer
2 collaborations
Kausilia K Krishnadath
2 collaborations
Mark I Van Berge Henegouwen
2 collaborations
Suzanne S Gisbertz
2 collaborations
Kris G Samsom
1 collaboration
Sonja Levy
1 collaboration
Linde M van Veenendaal
1 collaboration
Paul Roepman
1 collaboration
Neeltje Steeghs
1 collaboration
Gerlof D Valk
1 collaboration
M Wouter Dercksen
1 collaboration
Koert F D Kuhlmann
1 collaboration
Wieke H M Verbeek
1 collaboration
Karen Van Der Sluis
1 collaboration
Steven N Taylor
1 collaboration
Ignace H J T de Hingh
1 collaboration
Bas P L Wijnhoven
1 collaboration
Yara L Verschoor
1 collaboration
Joris van de Haar
1 collaboration
Sara Balduzzi
1 collaboration
Marieke E IJsselsteijn
1 collaboration
Adham Jurdi
1 collaboration
Shruti Sharma
1 collaboration
Erik Spickard
1 collaboration
Emilia C Owers
1 collaboration
Noel F C C de Miranda
1 collaboration
John B A G Haanen
1 collaboration
Ton N Schumacher
1 collaboration
Emile E Voest
1 collaboration
Claudia A Gonzalez
1 collaboration
Caoimbhe Burke
1 collaboration
Clodagh Murphy
1 collaboration
Paul W Harms
1 collaboration
Sarah Mahon
1 collaboration
Jose G van den Berg
1 collaboration
Frederig Lecot
1 collaboration
Robert Riedl
1 collaboration
Oscar Krijgsman
1 collaboration
Ingrid Hofland
1 collaboration
Meindert N Sosef
1 collaboration
Lizet E van der Kolk
1 collaboration
Karolina Sikorska
1 collaboration
Marie-Louise F van Velthuysen
1 collaboration
Eline G M Steenhuis
1 collaboration
Maaike M Brus
1 collaboration
Nils A 't Hart
1 collaboration
Jacqueline Nijboer-Oosterveld
1 collaboration
Benjamin Tomlow
1 collaboration
K van der Sluis
1 collaboration
M A Vollebergh
1 collaboration
L L Kodach
1 collaboration
J M van Dieren
1 collaboration
I H J T de Hingh
1 collaboration
B P L Wijnhoven
1 collaboration
R H A Verhoeven
1 collaboration
J W van Sandick
1 collaboration
Anne-Marie Vos
1 collaboration
Lieke Pijnenborg
1 collaboration
Shannon van Vliet
1 collaboration
Rachel S van der Post
1 collaboration
Femke Simmer
1 collaboration
Iris D Nagtegaal
1 collaboration
Sophie E Vollenbrock
1 collaboration
Sietze T van Turenhout
1 collaboration
Regina G H Beets-Tan
1 collaboration
Nikki L Weil
1 collaboration
Britt van Vliet
1 collaboration
Ron M Herings
1 collaboration
Lennart R A van der Burg
1 collaboration
Hans Morreau
1 collaboration
Marije Slingerland
1 collaboration
Esther Bastiaannet
1 collaboration
Hein Putter
1 collaboration
Niek Hugen
1 collaboration
Els Verhoeven
1 collaboration
Michael Noe
1 collaboration
Mirjam C Boelens
1 collaboration
Scott Ely
1 collaboration
Alexandros Hardas
1 collaboration
John Mark Seaverns Bartlett
1 collaboration
Rajarsi Gupta
1 collaboration
Mohamed Amgad
1 collaboration
Eva Balslev
1 collaboration
Anders B Dahl
1 collaboration
Johan Doré Hansen
1 collaboration
Thomas Ebstrup
1 collaboration
Søren Hauberg
1 collaboration
Anne Roslind
1 collaboration
Reena Md Zin
1 collaboration
G M Fühler
1 collaboration
Jarom Heijmans
1 collaboration
Sander Diks
1 collaboration
Manon E Wildenberg
1 collaboration
Wieneke A Buikhuisen
1 collaboration
Laurie C Steinbusch
1 collaboration
Ronald A M Damhuis
1 collaboration
Berbel L M Ykema
1 collaboration
Lisanne S Rigter
1 collaboration
Flora E van Leeuwen
1 collaboration
Kenneth K Wang
1 collaboration
Beatriz Carvalho
1 collaboration
None None
1 collaboration
Jan Koster
1 collaboration
Silvia Calpe
1 collaboration
Carmen M Del Sancho-Serra
1 collaboration
Ana C P Correia
1 collaboration
Maarten C C M Hulshof
1 collaboration
Sandro Mattioli
1 collaboration
Manon C W Spaander
1 collaboration
Marie E Robert
1 collaboration
Josef Rüschoff
1 collaboration
Bharat Jasani
1 collaboration
Rondell P Graham
1 collaboration
Sunil S Badve
1 collaboration
Manuel Rodriguez-Justo
1 collaboration
Amitabh Srivastava
1 collaboration
Hanlin L Wang
1 collaboration
Laura H Tang
1 collaboration
Giancarlo Troncone
1 collaboration
Federico Rojo
1 collaboration
Benjamin J Van Treeck
1 collaboration
James Pratt
1 collaboration
Iryna Shnitsa
1 collaboration
George Kumar
1 collaboration
Maria Karasarides
1 collaboration
Robert A Anders
1 collaboration
Irene A Caspers
1 collaboration
Astrid E Slagter
1 collaboration
Pauline A J Vissers
1 collaboration
Martha Lopez-Yurda
1 collaboration
Laurens V Beerepoot
1 collaboration
Jelle P Ruurda
1 collaboration
Grard A P Nieuwenhuijzen
1 collaboration
Henk H Hartgrink
1 collaboration
Danny Goudkade
1 collaboration
Johanna W Van Sandick
1 collaboration
Marcel Verheij
1 collaboration
Nicole C T Van Grieken
1 collaboration