Lisa E Dumkow

  • Department of Pharmacy Services, Mercy Health Saint Mary's, 200 Jefferson SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503, USA.

Publications (28)

Pharmacist-led antimicrobial stewardship program in an urgent care setting.

American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Impact of pharmacist-led selective audit and feedback on outpatient antibiotic prescribing for UTIs and SSTIs.

American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Perceptions of PGY1 pharmacy resident research, final projects, and associated publication outcomes.

American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Réseau de co-auteurs

Andrew P Jameson 11 collaborations
Kali M VanLangen 7 collaborations
Nnaemeka E Egwuatu 7 collaborations
Lacy J Worden 5 collaborations
Lauren M Wolf 4 collaborations
Abigail C Geyer 4 collaborations
Kristen M Johnson 4 collaborations
Lisa A Salvati 3 collaborations
Julie J Belfer 3 collaborations
Kasey L Brandt 2 collaborations
Thomas S Beuschel 2 collaborations
Valerie M Vaughn 2 collaborations
Tejal N Gandhi 2 collaborations
Lindsay A Petty 2 collaborations
Anurag N Malani 2 collaborations
Danielle Osterholzer 2 collaborations
David Ratz 2 collaborations
Scott A Flanders 2 collaborations
Haley N Boerckel 2 collaborations
Paige M Buss 2 collaborations
Megan A Yee 2 collaborations
Kayla W Burns 2 collaborations
Adam M Anderson 2 collaborations
Heather M Draper 2 collaborations
Kelli A Cole 1 collaboration
Kaitlyn R Rivard 1 collaboration
Benjamin D Kulwicki 1 collaboration
Andrew J Weise 1 collaboration
Timothy P Hofer 1 collaboration
Jennifer K Horowitz 1 collaboration
Elizabeth S McLaughlin 1 collaboration
Tawny Czilok 1 collaboration
Sonia N Rao 1 collaboration
Cassandra L Falk 1 collaboration
Kyle J Schmidt 1 collaboration
Jennifer M Langholz 1 collaboration
Katie L Axford 1 collaboration
Daniel H Havlichek 1 collaboration
Jacob J Baker 1 collaboration
Ian C Drobish 1 collaboration
Twisha Patel 1 collaboration
Keith S Kaye 1 collaboration
Jason M Pogue 1 collaboration
Rama Thyagarajan 1 collaboration
Lama M Hsaiky 1 collaboration
Steven L Kronick 1 collaboration
Elizabeth McLaughlin 1 collaboration
Lisa E Davidson 1 collaboration
Lauren T Clark 1 collaboration
Kaitlyn L Johnson 1 collaboration
Lindsey R Westerhof 1 collaboration
Tarajo L Hanrahan 1 collaboration
Samantha V McPharlin 1 collaboration
Dana K Soucek 1 collaboration
Lauren N Fay 1 collaboration
G Robert DeYoung 1 collaboration
Balsam Elajouz 1 collaboration
Gina R Peterson 1 collaboration
Mark R Boelkins 1 collaboration
Emily Hillaker 1 collaboration
Anamaria Bondici 1 collaboration
Hani Murad 1 collaboration
Selena N Pham 1 collaboration
Patricia W Choi 1 collaboration
Jessica A Benzer 1 collaboration
Joel Coon 1 collaboration
Marissa Strasel 1 collaboration
Jessica Benzer 1 collaboration
Abigail Geyer 1 collaboration
Aidan Yetsko 1 collaboration
Kristen Eid 1 collaboration
Margaret L Crosley 1 collaboration
Stephanie Coallier 1 collaboration
Reid E Mitchell 1 collaboration