Laura Lorenzo
Laura Lorenzo
Department of Urology. Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe. Valencia. Spain.
Publications (4)
Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD): do genetic disorders modify assisted reproductive technologies outcomes?
Archivos espanoles de urologia
Ángel Gallego
Ramón Rogel
Javier Pérez-Ardavín
Laura Lorenzo
Saturnino Lujan
Silvestre Oltra
Inmaculada Molina
Enrique Broseta
ANalogical UroFlowmetry (ANUF): Correspondence Between This New Visual Pictogram and Uroflowmetry in Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A new approach for the study of male micturition dynamics.
Ramon Rogel
Laura Lorenzo
Ana Avargues
Saturnino Lujan
Enrique Broseta
Salvador Arlandis
Identification of an Endoglin Variant Associated With HCV-Related Liver Fibrosis Progression by Next-Generation Sequencing.
Frontiers in genetics
Frédégonde About
Stéphanie Bibert
Emmanuelle Jouanguy
Bertrand Nalpas
Lazaro Lorenzo
Vimel Rattina
Mohammed Zarhrate
Sylvain Hanein
Mona Munteanu
Beat Müllhaupt
David Semela
Nasser Semmo
Jean-Laurent Casanova
Ioannis Theodorou
Philippe Sultanik
Thierry Poynard
Stanislas Pol
Pierre-Yves Bochud
Aurélie Cobat
Laurent Abel
Auteur inconnu
Auteur inconnu
Chloride Dysregulation through Downregulation of KCC2 Mediates Neuropathic Pain in Both Sexes.
Cell reports
Josiane C S Mapplebeck
Louis-Etienne Lorenzo
Kwan Yeop Lee
Cédric Gauthier
Milind M Muley
Yves De Koninck
Steven A Prescott
Michael W Salter
Réseau de co-auteurs
Saturnino Lujan
2 collaborations
Enrique Broseta
2 collaborations
None None
2 collaborations
Ángel Gallego
1 collaboration
Ramón Rogel
1 collaboration
Javier Pérez-Ardavín
1 collaboration
Silvestre Oltra
1 collaboration
Inmaculada Molina
1 collaboration
Ramon Rogel
1 collaboration
Ana Avargues
1 collaboration
Salvador Arlandis
1 collaboration
Frédégonde About
1 collaboration
Stéphanie Bibert
1 collaboration
Emmanuelle Jouanguy
1 collaboration
Bertrand Nalpas
1 collaboration
Lazaro Lorenzo
1 collaboration
Vimel Rattina
1 collaboration
Mohammed Zarhrate
1 collaboration
Sylvain Hanein
1 collaboration
Mona Munteanu
1 collaboration
Beat Müllhaupt
1 collaboration
David Semela
1 collaboration
Nasser Semmo
1 collaboration
Jean-Laurent Casanova
1 collaboration
Ioannis Theodorou
1 collaboration
Philippe Sultanik
1 collaboration
Thierry Poynard
1 collaboration
Stanislas Pol
1 collaboration
Pierre-Yves Bochud
1 collaboration
Aurélie Cobat
1 collaboration
Laurent Abel
1 collaboration
Josiane C S Mapplebeck
1 collaboration
Louis-Etienne Lorenzo
1 collaboration
Kwan Yeop Lee
1 collaboration
Cédric Gauthier
1 collaboration
Milind M Muley
1 collaboration
Yves De Koninck
1 collaboration
Steven A Prescott
1 collaboration
Michael W Salter
1 collaboration