Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
L Tomas-Aragones
M Augustin
A Svensson
A Bewley
F Poot
J C Szepietowski
S E Marron
L Manolache
N Pustisek
A Suru
C M Salavastru
C Blome
M S Salek
D Abeni
F Sampogna
F Dalgard
D Linder
A W M Evers
A Y Finlay
JAAD international
Pavel V Chernyshov
Servando E Marron
Michael J Boffa
Nives Pustišek
Liana Manolache
Talia Kakourou
Monique Cachia
Tetiana Svyatenko
Dimitra Koumaki
Andrii V Chernyshov
Lucia Tomas-Aragones
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
A Y Finlay
L Tomas-Aragones
T Zuberbier
E Kocatürk
L Manolache
N Pustisek
A Svensson
S E Marron
F Sampogna
A Bewley
C Salavastru
D Koumaki
M Augustin
D Linder
D Abeni
S S Salek
J Szepietowski
G B Jemec
Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
A W M Evers
A Bewley
L Tomas-Aragones
S E Marron
L Manolache
N Pustišek
D Abeni
F Sampogna
M D Linder
M S Salek
J C Szepietowski
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
L Tomas-Aragones
L Manolache
N Pustisek
R Darlenski
S E Marron
D Koumaki
T V Pochynok
J С Szepietowski
K Wala-Zielinska
E Wójcik
M Szepietowska
B Lisicki
I G Tsidylo
A V Chernyshov
F Poot
P Magin
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
A Lallas
L Tomas-Aragones
M Arenbergerova
M Samimi
L Manolache
A Svensson
S E Marron
F Sampogna
S Spillekom-vanKoulil
A Bewley
A M Forsea
G B Jemec
J C Szepietowski
M Augustin
A Y Finlay
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
S M John
L Tomas-Aragones
M Gonçalo
A Svensson
A Bewley
A W M Evers
J C Szepietowski
S E Marron
L Manolache
N Pustisek
A Suru
C M Salavastru
G S Tiplica
M S Salek
A Y Finlay
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
L Tomas-Aragones
A Y Finlay
L Manolache
S E Marron
F Sampogna
S Spillekom-van Koulil
N Pustisek
A Suru
A W M Evers
C Salavastru
A Svensson
D Abeni
C Blome
F Poot
G B E Jemec
D Linder
M Augustin
A Bewley
S S Salek
J C Szepietowski
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
Pavel V Chernyshov
Lucia Tomas-Aragones
Liana Manolache
Nives Pustisek
Carmen Maria Salavastru
Servando E Marron
Anthony Bewley
Ake Svensson
Françoise Poot
Alina Suru
Sam S Salek
Matthias Augustin
Jacek С Szepietowski
Dimitra Koumaki
Alexander C Katoulis
Francesca Sampogna
Damiano Abeni
Dennis Michael Linder
Reinhart Speeckaert
Nanja van Geel
Julien Seneschal
Khaled Ezzedine
Andrew Y Finlay
Dermatology and therapy
Pavel V Chernyshov
Servando E Marron
Dimitra Koumaki
Nives Pustišek
Liana Manolache
Carmen Salavastru
Alina Suru
Adelina Sendrea
Tetiana Svyatenko
Olha Statkevych
Michael J Boffa
Sara Borg Grech
Sergii Zemskov
Volodymyr V Kuts
Pavlo Lishchynskyi
Andrii V Chernyshov
Lucia Tomas-Aragones
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
S Ziehfreund
H Wecker
S Mittag
J Weis
L Tizek
V Verkhoturova
F J Legat
W Weger
K Großschädl
U Cerpes
B Sadoghi
M Riegler
A Balato
E V Di Brizzi
D Buononato
G Babino
P Calzavara-Pinton
M T Rossi
S Rovaris
A Dimech
M J Boffa
P Chernyshov
T Svyatenko
L Kolodzinska
M Sikora
T Torres
L Manolache
E Scala
T Biedermann
A Zink
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
F Sampogna
N Pustišek
B Marinovic
L Manolache
A Suru
C M Salavastru
G S Tiplica
G Stoleriu
T Kakourou
A Alexopoulos
L Nasi
J C Szepietowski
M Trzeciak
R J Nowicki
O V Chubar
A V Chernyshov
T V Pochynok
Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland)
Pavel V Chernyshov
Francesca Sampogna
Christos C Zouboulis
Michael J Boffa
Servando E Marron
Liana Manolache
Nives Pustišek
Vincenzo Bettoli
Dimitra Koumaki
Olha Chubar
Tetiana V Pochynok
Dillon Mintoff
Nikolaos G Bonitsis
Saskia Spillekom-van Koulil
Rieke J B Driessen
Andriy V Chernyshov
Anthony Paul Bewley
Andrea W M Evers
Ivan P Chernyshov
Lucia Tomas-Aragones
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
A Y Finlay
L Tomas-Aragones
L Tognetti
E Moscarella
P Pasquali
L Manolache
N Pustisek
A Svensson
S E Marron
A Bewley
C Salavastru
A Suru
D Koumaki
D Linder
D Abeni
M Augustin
C Blome
S S Salek
A W M Evers
F Poot
F Sampogna
J С Szepietowski
International journal of dermatology
Pavel Viktorovich Chernyshov
Lucia Tomas-Aragones
Torsten Zuberbier
Emek Kocatürk
Liana Manolache
Nives Pustisek
Åke Svensson
Servando E Marron
Francesca Sampogna
Anthony Bewley
Carmen Salavastru
Dimitra Koumaki
Matthias Augustin
Dennis Linder
Damiano Abeni
Sam S Salek
Jacek C Szepietowski
Gregor B Jemec
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
A Y Finlay
P V Chernyshov
L Tomas Aragones
A Bewley
A Svensson
L Manolache
S Marron
A Suru
F Sampogna
M S Salek
F Poot
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
C C Zouboulis
L Tomas-Aragones
G B Jemec
A Svensson
L Manolache
T Tzellos
F Sampogna
N Pustisek
H H van der Zee
S E Marron
S Spillekom-van Koulil
A Bewley
D Linder
D Abeni
J C Szepietowski
M Augustin
A Y Finlay
JAAD international
Pavel V Chernyshov
Francesca Sampogna
Giulia Raimondi
Christos C Zouboulis
Michael J Boffa
Servando E Marron
Liana Manolache
Nives Pustišek
Vincenzo Bettoli
Dimitra Koumaki
Anthony P Bewley
Brigitte Dreno
Lucia Tomas-Aragones
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV
P V Chernyshov
A Y Finlay
L Tomas-Aragones
M Steinhoff
L Manolache
N Pustisek
C Dessinioti
A Svensson
S E Marron
A Bewley
C Salavastru
B Dréno
A Suru
D Koumaki
D Linder
A W M Evers
D Abeni
M Augustin
S S Salek
A Nassif
V Bettoli
J С Szepietowski
C C Zouboulis