British journal of anaesthesia
The Journal of arthroplasty
Orthopadie (Heidelberg, Germany)
BMJ open
Luma Mahmoud Issa
Henrik Kehlet
Sten Madsbad
Martin Lindberg-Larsen
Claus Varnum
Thomas Jakobsen
Mikkel Rathsach Andersen
Manuel Josef Bieder
Søren Overgaard
Torben Bæk Hansen
Kirill Gromov
Christoffer Calov Jørgensen
The Journal of arthroplasty
Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
The Journal of arthroplasty
The Journal of arthroplasty
Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
World journal of orthopedics
Journal of clinical epidemiology
The Journal of arthroplasty
Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery