K Kezo

  • CAS in Botany, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Publications (6)

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478-1549.

Avec: P W Crous , E R Osieck , R G Shivas , Y P Tan , S L Bishop-Hurley , F Esteve-Raventós , E Larsson , J J Luangsa-Ard , F Pancorbo , S Balashov , I G Baseia , T Boekhout , S Chandranayaka , D A Cowan , R H S F Cruz , P Czachura , S De la Peña-Lastra , F Dovana , B Drury , J Fell , A Flakus , R Fotedar , Ž Jurjević , A Kolecka , J Mack , G Maggs-Kölling , S Mahadevakumar , A Mateos , S Mongkolsamrit , W Noisripoom , M Plaza , D P Overy , M Piątek , M Sandoval-Denis , J Vauras , M J Wingfield , S E Abell , A Ahmadpour , A Akulov , F Alavi , Z Alavi , A Altés , P Alvarado , G Anand , N Ashtekar , B Assyov , G Banc-Prandi , K D Barbosa , G G Barreto , J-M Bellanger , J L Bezerra , D J Bhat , P Bilański , T Bose , F Bozok , J Chaves , D H Costa-Rezende , C Danteswari , V Darmostuk , G Delgado , S Denman , A Eichmeier , J Etayo , G Eyssartier , S Faulwetter , K G G Ganga , Y Ghosta , J Goh , J S Góis , D Gramaje , L Granit , M Groenewald , G Gulden , L F P Gusmão , A Hammerbacher , Z Heidarian , N Hywel-Jones , R Jankowiak , M Kaliyaperumal , O Kaygusuz , K Kezo , A Khonsanit , S Kumar , C H Kuo , T Læssøe , K P D Latha , M Loizides , S M Luo , J G Maciá-Vicente , P Manimohan , P A S Marbach , P Marinho , T S Marney , G Marques , M P Martín , A N Miller , F Mondello , G Moreno , K T Mufeeda , H Y Mun , T Nau , T Nkomo , A Okrasińska , J P A F Oliveira , R L Oliveira , D A Ortiz , J Pawłowska , M À Pérez-De-Gregorio , A R Podile , A Portugal , N Privitera , K C Rajeshkumar , I Rauf , B Rian , A Rigueiro-Rodríguez , G F Rivas-Torres , P Rodriguez-Flakus , M Romero-Gordillo , I Saar , M Saba , C D Santos , P V S R N Sarma , J L Siquier , S Sleiman , M Spetik , K R Sridhar , M Stryjak-Bogacka , K Szczepańska , H Taşkın , D S Tennakoon , D Thanakitpipattana , J Trovão , I Türkekul , A L van Iperen , P van 't Hof , G Vasquez , C M Visagie , B D Wingfield , P T W Wong , W X Yang , M Yarar , O Yarden , N Yilmaz , N Zhang , Y N Zhu , J Z Groenewald

Fungal diversity notes 1512-1610: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa.

Fungal diversity
Avec: Ruvishika S Jayawardena , Kevin D Hyde , Song Wang , Ya-Ru Sun , Nakarin Suwannarach , Phongeun Sysouphanthong , Mohamed A Abdel-Wahab , Faten A Abdel-Aziz , Pranami D Abeywickrama , Vanessa P Abreu , Alireza Armand , André Aptroot , Dan-Feng Bao , Dominik Begerow , Jean-Michel Bellanger , Jadson D P Bezerra , Digvijayini Bundhun , Mark S Calabon , Ting Cao , Taimy Cantillo , João L V R Carvalho , Napalai Chaiwan , Che-Chih Chen , Régis Courtecuisse , Bao-Kai Cui , Ulrike Damm , Cvetomir M Denchev , Teodor T Denchev , Chun Y Deng , Bandarupalli Devadatha , Nimali I de Silva , Lidiane A Dos Santos , Nawal K Dubey , Sylvain Dumez , Himashi S Ferdinandez , André L Firmino , Yusufjon Gafforov , Achala J Gajanayake , Deecksha Gomdola , Sugantha Gunaseelan , Shucheng-He , Zin H Htet , Malarvizhi Kaliyaperumal , Martin Kemler , Kezhocuyi Kezo , Nuwan D Kularathnage , Marco Leonardi , Ji-Peng Li , Chunfang Liao , Shun Liu , Michael Loizides , Thatsanee Luangharn , Jian Ma , Hugo Madrid , S Mahadevakumar , Sajeewa S N Maharachchikumbura , Dimuthu S Manamgoda , María P Martín , Niranjan Mekala , Pierre-Arthur Moreau , Yan-Hong Mu , Pasouvang Pahoua , Dhandevi Pem , Olinto L Pereira , Wiphawanee Phonrob , Chayanard Phukhamsakda , Mubashar Raza , Guang-Cong Ren , Andrea C Rinaldi , Walter Rossi , Binu C Samarakoon , Milan C Samarakoon , Vemuri V Sarma , Indunil C Senanayake , Archana Singh , Maria F Souza , Cristina M Souza-Motta , Adriano A Spielmann , Wenxin Su , Xia Tang , XingGuo Tian , Kasun M Thambugala , Naritsada Thongklang , Danushka S Tennakoon , Nopparat Wannathes , DingPeng Wei , Stéphane Welti , Subodini N Wijesinghe , Hongde Yang , Yunhui Yang , Hai-Sheng Yuan , Huang Zhang , Jingyi Zhang , Abhaya Balasuriya , Chitrabhanu S Bhunjun , Timur S Bulgakov , Lei Cai , Erio Camporesi , Putarak Chomnunti , Y S Deepika , Mingkwan Doilom , Wei-Jun Duan , Shi-Ling Han , Naruemon Huanraluek , E B Gareth Jones , N Lakshmidevi , Yu Li , Saisamorn Lumyong , Zong-Long Luo , Surapong Khuna , Jaturong Kumla , Ishara S Manawasinghe , Ausana Mapook , Wilawan Punyaboon , Saowaluck Tibpromma , Yong-Zhong Lu , JiYe Yan , Yong Wang

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1550-1613.

Avec: P W Crous , M M Costa , H Kandemir , M Vermaas , D Vu , L Zhao , E Arumugam , A Flakus , Ž Jurjević , M Kaliyaperumal , S Mahadevakumar , R Murugadoss , R G Shivas , Y P Tan , M J Wingfield , S E Abell , T S Marney , C Danteswari , V Darmostuk , C M Denchev , T T Denchev , J Etayo , J Gené , S Gunaseelan , V Hubka , T Illescas , G M Jansen , K Kezo , S Kumar , E Larsson , K T Mufeeda , M Piątek , P Rodriguez-Flakus , P V S R N Sarma , M Stryjak-Bogacka , D Torres-Garcia , J Vauras , D A Acal , A Akulov , K Alhudaib , M Asif , S Balashov , H-O Baral , A Baturo-Cieśniewska , D Begerow , A Beja-Pereira , M V Bianchinotti , P Bilański , S Chandranayaka , N Chellappan , D A Cowan , F A Custódio , P Czachura , G Delgado , N I De Silva , J Dijksterhuis , M Dueñas , P Eisvand , V Fachada , J Fournier , Y Fritsche , F Fuljer , K G G Ganga , M P Guerra , K Hansen , N Hywel-Jones , A M Ismail , C R Jacobs , R Jankowiak , A Karich , M Kemler , K Kisło , W Klofac , I Krisai-Greilhuber , K P D Latha , R Lebeuf , M E Lopes , S Lumyong , J G Maciá-Vicente , G Maggs-Kölling , D Magistà , P Manimohan , M P Martín , E Mazur , M Mehrabi-Koushki , A N Miller , A Mombert , E A Ossowska , K Patejuk , O L Pereira , S Piskorski , M Plaza , A R Podile , A Polhorský , W Pusz , M Raza , M Ruszkiewicz-Michalska , M Saba , R M Sánchez , R Singh , L Śliwa , M E Smith , V M Stefenon , D Strasiftáková , N Suwannarach , K Szczepańska , M T Telleria , D S Tennakoon , M Thines , R G Thorn , J Urbaniak , M van der Vegte , V Vasan , C Vila-Viçosa , H Voglmayr , M Wrzosek , J Zappelini , J Z Groenewald

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1436-1477.

Avec: Y P Tan , S L Bishop-Hurley , R G Shivas , D A Cowan , G Maggs-Kölling , S S N Maharachchikumbura , U Pinruan , K L Bransgrove , S De la Peña-Lastra , E Larsson , T Lebel , S Mahadevakumar , A Mateos , E R Osieck , A Rigueiro-Rodríguez , S Sommai , K Ajithkumar , A Akulov , F E Anderson , F Arenas , S Balashov , Á Bañares , D K Berger , M V Bianchinotti , S Bien , P Bilański , A-G Boxshall , M Bradshaw , J Broadbridge , F J S Calaça , C Campos-Quiroz , J Carrasco-Fernández , J F Castro , S Chaimongkol , S Chandranayaka , Y Chen , D Comben , J D W Dearnaley , A S Ferreira-Sá , K Dhileepan , M L Díaz , P K Divakar , S Xavier-Santos , A Fernández-Bravo , J Gené , F E Guard , M Guerra , S Gunaseelan , J Houbraken , K Janik-Superson , R Jankowiak , M Jeppson , Ž Jurjević , M Kaliyaperumal , L A Kelly , K Kezo , A N Khalid , P Khamsuntorn , D Kidanemariam , M Kiran , E Lacey , G J Langer , L V López-Llorca , J J Luangsa-Ard , P Lueangjaroenkit , H T Lumbsch , J G Maciá-Vicente , L S Mamatha Bhanu , T S Marney , J E Marqués-Gálvez , A Morte , A Naseer , A Navarro-Ródenas , O Oyedele , S Peters , S Piskorski , L Quijada , G H Ramírez , K Raja , A Razzaq , V J Rico , A Rodríguez , M Ruszkiewicz-Michalska , R M Sánchez , C Santelices , A S Savitha , M Serrano , L Leonardo-Silva , H Solheim , S Somrithipol , M Y Sreenivasa , H Stępniewska , D Strapagiel , T Taylor , D Torres-Garcia , J Vauras , M Villarreal , C M Visagie , M Wołkowycki , W Yingkunchao , E Zapora , J Z Groenewald , P W Crous

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614-1696.

Fungal systematics and evolution
Avec: P W Crous , Ž Jurjević , S Balashov , S De la Peña-Lastra , A Mateos , U Pinruan , A Rigueiro-Rodríguez , E R Osieck , A Altés , P Czachura , F Esteve-Raventós , S Gunaseelan , M Kaliyaperumal , E Larsson , J J Luangsa-Ard , G Moreno , F Pancorbo , M Piątek , S Sommai , S Somrithipol , M Asif , G Delgado , A Flakus , T Illescas , K Kezo , P Khamsuntorn , A Kubátová , R Labuda , C Lavoise , T Lebel , P Lueangjaroenkit , J G Maciá-Vicente , A Paz , M Saba , R G Shivas , Y P Tan , M J Wingfield , T Aas , B Abramczyk , A M Ainsworth , A Akulov , P Alvarado , F Armada , B Assyov , R Avchar , M Avesani , J L Bezerra , J D Bhat , P Bilański , D S Bily , F Boccardo , F Bozok , J C Campos , S Chaimongkol , N Chellappan , M M Costa , M Dalecká , V Darmostuk , V Daskalopoulos , J Dearnaley , B T M Dentinger , N I De Silva , D Dhotre , J R Carlavilla , C Doungsa-Ard , F Dovana , A Erhard , L O Ferro , S C Gallegos , C E Giles , G Gore , M Gorfer , F E Guard , S-Å Hanson , P Haridev , R Jankowiak , S N Jeffers , H Kandemir , A Karich , K Kisło , L Kiss , I Krisai-Greilhuber , K P D Latha , M Lorenzini , S Lumyong , P Manimohan , J L Manjón , F Maula , E Mazur , N L S Mesquita , K Młynek , S Mongkolsamrit , P Morán , R Murugadoss , M Nagarajan , S Nalumpang , W Noisripoom , S Nosalj , Q S Novaes , M Nowak , J Pawłowska , M Peiger , O L Pereira , A Pinto , M Plaza , E Polemis , A Polhorský , D O Ramos , M Raza , M Rivas-Ferreiro , P Rodriguez-Flakus , M Ruszkiewicz-Michalska , A Sánchez , A Santos , A Schüller , P A Scott , I Şen , D Shelke , L Śliwa , H Solheim , H Sonawane , D Strašiftáková , M Stryjak-Bogacka , M Sudsanguan , N Suwannarach , L M Suz , K Syme , H Taşkın , D S Tennakoon , P Tomka , N Vaghefi , V Vasan , J Vauras , D Wiktorowicz , M Villarreal , A Vizzini , M Wrzosek , X Yang , W Yingkunchao , G Zapparoli , G I Zervakis , J Z Groenewald

Réseau de co-auteurs

P W Crous 4 collaborations
R G Shivas 4 collaborations
Y P Tan 4 collaborations
E Larsson 4 collaborations
S Balashov 4 collaborations
Ž Jurjević 4 collaborations
S Mahadevakumar 4 collaborations
J Vauras 4 collaborations
A Akulov 4 collaborations
P Bilański 4 collaborations
R Jankowiak 4 collaborations
M Kaliyaperumal 4 collaborations
J G Maciá-Vicente 4 collaborations
J Z Groenewald 4 collaborations
E R Osieck 3 collaborations
J J Luangsa-Ard 3 collaborations
S Chandranayaka 3 collaborations
D A Cowan 3 collaborations
P Czachura 3 collaborations
S De la Peña-Lastra 3 collaborations
A Flakus 3 collaborations
G Maggs-Kölling 3 collaborations
A Mateos 3 collaborations
M Plaza 3 collaborations
M Piątek 3 collaborations
M J Wingfield 3 collaborations
V Darmostuk 3 collaborations
G Delgado 3 collaborations
K P D Latha 3 collaborations
P Manimohan 3 collaborations
T S Marney 3 collaborations
A Rigueiro-Rodríguez 3 collaborations
P Rodriguez-Flakus 3 collaborations
M Saba 3 collaborations
M Stryjak-Bogacka 3 collaborations
D S Tennakoon 3 collaborations
S Gunaseelan 3 collaborations
M Ruszkiewicz-Michalska 3 collaborations
S L Bishop-Hurley 2 collaborations
F Esteve-Raventós 2 collaborations
F Pancorbo 2 collaborations
F Dovana 2 collaborations
S Mongkolsamrit 2 collaborations
W Noisripoom 2 collaborations
S E Abell 2 collaborations
A Altés 2 collaborations
P Alvarado 2 collaborations
B Assyov 2 collaborations
J L Bezerra 2 collaborations
F Bozok 2 collaborations
C Danteswari 2 collaborations
J Etayo 2 collaborations
K G G Ganga 2 collaborations
N Hywel-Jones 2 collaborations
S Kumar 2 collaborations
M P Martín 2 collaborations
A N Miller 2 collaborations
G Moreno 2 collaborations
K T Mufeeda 2 collaborations
J Pawłowska 2 collaborations
A R Podile 2 collaborations
P V S R N Sarma 2 collaborations
K Szczepańska 2 collaborations
H Taşkın 2 collaborations
C M Visagie 2 collaborations
Sugantha Gunaseelan 2 collaborations
Kezhocuyi Kezo 2 collaborations
Saowaluck Tibpromma 2 collaborations
M M Costa 2 collaborations
H Kandemir 2 collaborations
R Murugadoss 2 collaborations
J Gené 2 collaborations
T Illescas 2 collaborations
D Torres-Garcia 2 collaborations
M Asif 2 collaborations
M V Bianchinotti 2 collaborations
N Chellappan 2 collaborations
N I De Silva 2 collaborations
A Karich 2 collaborations
K Kisło 2 collaborations
I Krisai-Greilhuber 2 collaborations
S Lumyong 2 collaborations
E Mazur 2 collaborations
O L Pereira 2 collaborations
S Piskorski 2 collaborations
A Polhorský 2 collaborations
M Raza 2 collaborations
R M Sánchez 2 collaborations
L Śliwa 2 collaborations
N Suwannarach 2 collaborations
V Vasan 2 collaborations
M Wrzosek 2 collaborations
U Pinruan 2 collaborations
T Lebel 2 collaborations
S Sommai 2 collaborations
S Chaimongkol 2 collaborations
F E Guard 2 collaborations
P Khamsuntorn 2 collaborations
P Lueangjaroenkit 2 collaborations
H Solheim 2 collaborations
S Somrithipol 2 collaborations
M Villarreal 2 collaborations
W Yingkunchao 2 collaborations
I G Baseia 1 collaboration
T Boekhout 1 collaboration
R H S F Cruz 1 collaboration
B Drury 1 collaboration
J Fell 1 collaboration
R Fotedar 1 collaboration
A Kolecka 1 collaboration
J Mack 1 collaboration
D P Overy 1 collaboration
M Sandoval-Denis 1 collaboration
A Ahmadpour 1 collaboration
F Alavi 1 collaboration
Z Alavi 1 collaboration
G Anand 1 collaboration
N Ashtekar 1 collaboration
G Banc-Prandi 1 collaboration
K D Barbosa 1 collaboration
G G Barreto 1 collaboration
J-M Bellanger 1 collaboration
D J Bhat 1 collaboration
T Bose 1 collaboration
J Chaves 1 collaboration
D H Costa-Rezende 1 collaboration
S Denman 1 collaboration
A Eichmeier 1 collaboration
G Eyssartier 1 collaboration
S Faulwetter 1 collaboration
Y Ghosta 1 collaboration
J Goh 1 collaboration
J S Góis 1 collaboration
D Gramaje 1 collaboration
L Granit 1 collaboration
M Groenewald 1 collaboration
G Gulden 1 collaboration
L F P Gusmão 1 collaboration
A Hammerbacher 1 collaboration
Z Heidarian 1 collaboration
O Kaygusuz 1 collaboration
A Khonsanit 1 collaboration
C H Kuo 1 collaboration
T Læssøe 1 collaboration
M Loizides 1 collaboration
S M Luo 1 collaboration
P A S Marbach 1 collaboration
P Marinho 1 collaboration
G Marques 1 collaboration
F Mondello 1 collaboration
H Y Mun 1 collaboration
T Nau 1 collaboration
T Nkomo 1 collaboration
A Okrasińska 1 collaboration
J P A F Oliveira 1 collaboration
R L Oliveira 1 collaboration
D A Ortiz 1 collaboration
A Portugal 1 collaboration
N Privitera 1 collaboration
K C Rajeshkumar 1 collaboration
I Rauf 1 collaboration
B Rian 1 collaboration
G F Rivas-Torres 1 collaboration
M Romero-Gordillo 1 collaboration
I Saar 1 collaboration
C D Santos 1 collaboration
J L Siquier 1 collaboration
S Sleiman 1 collaboration
M Spetik 1 collaboration
K R Sridhar 1 collaboration
D Thanakitpipattana 1 collaboration
J Trovão 1 collaboration
I Türkekul 1 collaboration
A L van Iperen 1 collaboration
P van 't Hof 1 collaboration
G Vasquez 1 collaboration
B D Wingfield 1 collaboration
P T W Wong 1 collaboration
W X Yang 1 collaboration
M Yarar 1 collaboration
O Yarden 1 collaboration
N Yilmaz 1 collaboration
N Zhang 1 collaboration
Y N Zhu 1 collaboration
Kevin D Hyde 1 collaboration
Song Wang 1 collaboration
Ya-Ru Sun 1 collaboration
Nakarin Suwannarach 1 collaboration
Mohamed A Abdel-Wahab 1 collaboration
Faten A Abdel-Aziz 1 collaboration
Pranami D Abeywickrama 1 collaboration
Vanessa P Abreu 1 collaboration
Alireza Armand 1 collaboration
André Aptroot 1 collaboration
Dan-Feng Bao 1 collaboration
Dominik Begerow 1 collaboration
Jean-Michel Bellanger 1 collaboration
Jadson D P Bezerra 1 collaboration
Digvijayini Bundhun 1 collaboration
Mark S Calabon 1 collaboration
Ting Cao 1 collaboration
Taimy Cantillo 1 collaboration
João L V R Carvalho 1 collaboration
Napalai Chaiwan 1 collaboration
Che-Chih Chen 1 collaboration
Régis Courtecuisse 1 collaboration
Bao-Kai Cui 1 collaboration
Ulrike Damm 1 collaboration
Cvetomir M Denchev 1 collaboration
Teodor T Denchev 1 collaboration
Chun Y Deng 1 collaboration
Bandarupalli Devadatha 1 collaboration
Nimali I de Silva 1 collaboration
Lidiane A Dos Santos 1 collaboration
Nawal K Dubey 1 collaboration
Sylvain Dumez 1 collaboration
Himashi S Ferdinandez 1 collaboration
André L Firmino 1 collaboration
Yusufjon Gafforov 1 collaboration
Achala J Gajanayake 1 collaboration
Deecksha Gomdola 1 collaboration
None Shucheng-He 1 collaboration
Zin H Htet 1 collaboration
Martin Kemler 1 collaboration
Nuwan D Kularathnage 1 collaboration
Marco Leonardi 1 collaboration
Ji-Peng Li 1 collaboration
Chunfang Liao 1 collaboration
Shun Liu 1 collaboration
Michael Loizides 1 collaboration
Thatsanee Luangharn 1 collaboration
Jian Ma 1 collaboration
Hugo Madrid 1 collaboration
Dimuthu S Manamgoda 1 collaboration
María P Martín 1 collaboration
Niranjan Mekala 1 collaboration
Pierre-Arthur Moreau 1 collaboration
Yan-Hong Mu 1 collaboration
Pasouvang Pahoua 1 collaboration
Dhandevi Pem 1 collaboration
Olinto L Pereira 1 collaboration
Wiphawanee Phonrob 1 collaboration
Chayanard Phukhamsakda 1 collaboration
Mubashar Raza 1 collaboration
Guang-Cong Ren 1 collaboration
Andrea C Rinaldi 1 collaboration
Walter Rossi 1 collaboration
Binu C Samarakoon 1 collaboration
Milan C Samarakoon 1 collaboration
Vemuri V Sarma 1 collaboration
Indunil C Senanayake 1 collaboration
Archana Singh 1 collaboration
Maria F Souza 1 collaboration
Cristina M Souza-Motta 1 collaboration
Adriano A Spielmann 1 collaboration
Wenxin Su 1 collaboration
Xia Tang 1 collaboration
XingGuo Tian 1 collaboration
Kasun M Thambugala 1 collaboration
Naritsada Thongklang 1 collaboration
Danushka S Tennakoon 1 collaboration
Nopparat Wannathes 1 collaboration
DingPeng Wei 1 collaboration
Stéphane Welti 1 collaboration
Subodini N Wijesinghe 1 collaboration
Hongde Yang 1 collaboration
Yunhui Yang 1 collaboration
Hai-Sheng Yuan 1 collaboration
Huang Zhang 1 collaboration
Jingyi Zhang 1 collaboration
Abhaya Balasuriya 1 collaboration
Chitrabhanu S Bhunjun 1 collaboration
Timur S Bulgakov 1 collaboration
Lei Cai 1 collaboration
Erio Camporesi 1 collaboration
Putarak Chomnunti 1 collaboration
Y S Deepika 1 collaboration
Mingkwan Doilom 1 collaboration
Wei-Jun Duan 1 collaboration
Shi-Ling Han 1 collaboration
Naruemon Huanraluek 1 collaboration
E B Gareth Jones 1 collaboration
N Lakshmidevi 1 collaboration
Yu Li 1 collaboration
Saisamorn Lumyong 1 collaboration
Zong-Long Luo 1 collaboration
Surapong Khuna 1 collaboration
Jaturong Kumla 1 collaboration
Ishara S Manawasinghe 1 collaboration
Ausana Mapook 1 collaboration
Wilawan Punyaboon 1 collaboration
Yong-Zhong Lu 1 collaboration
JiYe Yan 1 collaboration
Yong Wang 1 collaboration
M Vermaas 1 collaboration
D Vu 1 collaboration
L Zhao 1 collaboration
E Arumugam 1 collaboration
C M Denchev 1 collaboration
T T Denchev 1 collaboration
V Hubka 1 collaboration
G M Jansen 1 collaboration
D A Acal 1 collaboration
K Alhudaib 1 collaboration
H-O Baral 1 collaboration
A Baturo-Cieśniewska 1 collaboration
D Begerow 1 collaboration
A Beja-Pereira 1 collaboration
F A Custódio 1 collaboration
J Dijksterhuis 1 collaboration
M Dueñas 1 collaboration
P Eisvand 1 collaboration
V Fachada 1 collaboration
J Fournier 1 collaboration
Y Fritsche 1 collaboration
F Fuljer 1 collaboration
M P Guerra 1 collaboration
K Hansen 1 collaboration
A M Ismail 1 collaboration
C R Jacobs 1 collaboration
M Kemler 1 collaboration
W Klofac 1 collaboration
R Lebeuf 1 collaboration
M E Lopes 1 collaboration
D Magistà 1 collaboration
M Mehrabi-Koushki 1 collaboration
A Mombert 1 collaboration
E A Ossowska 1 collaboration
K Patejuk 1 collaboration
W Pusz 1 collaboration
R Singh 1 collaboration
M E Smith 1 collaboration
V M Stefenon 1 collaboration
D Strasiftáková 1 collaboration
M T Telleria 1 collaboration
M Thines 1 collaboration
R G Thorn 1 collaboration
J Urbaniak 1 collaboration
M van der Vegte 1 collaboration
C Vila-Viçosa 1 collaboration
H Voglmayr 1 collaboration
J Zappelini 1 collaboration
Erfu Yang 1 collaboration
Changlin Zhao 1 collaboration
Abdallah M Elgorban 1 collaboration
K L Bransgrove 1 collaboration
K Ajithkumar 1 collaboration
F E Anderson 1 collaboration
F Arenas 1 collaboration
Á Bañares 1 collaboration
D K Berger 1 collaboration
S Bien 1 collaboration
A-G Boxshall 1 collaboration
M Bradshaw 1 collaboration
J Broadbridge 1 collaboration
F J S Calaça 1 collaboration
C Campos-Quiroz 1 collaboration
J Carrasco-Fernández 1 collaboration
J F Castro 1 collaboration
Y Chen 1 collaboration
D Comben 1 collaboration
J D W Dearnaley 1 collaboration
A S Ferreira-Sá 1 collaboration
K Dhileepan 1 collaboration
M L Díaz 1 collaboration
P K Divakar 1 collaboration
S Xavier-Santos 1 collaboration
A Fernández-Bravo 1 collaboration
M Guerra 1 collaboration
J Houbraken 1 collaboration
K Janik-Superson 1 collaboration
M Jeppson 1 collaboration
L A Kelly 1 collaboration
A N Khalid 1 collaboration
D Kidanemariam 1 collaboration
M Kiran 1 collaboration
E Lacey 1 collaboration
G J Langer 1 collaboration
L V López-Llorca 1 collaboration
H T Lumbsch 1 collaboration
L S Mamatha Bhanu 1 collaboration
J E Marqués-Gálvez 1 collaboration
A Morte 1 collaboration
A Naseer 1 collaboration
A Navarro-Ródenas 1 collaboration
O Oyedele 1 collaboration
S Peters 1 collaboration
L Quijada 1 collaboration
G H Ramírez 1 collaboration
K Raja 1 collaboration
A Razzaq 1 collaboration
V J Rico 1 collaboration
A Rodríguez 1 collaboration
C Santelices 1 collaboration
A S Savitha 1 collaboration
M Serrano 1 collaboration
L Leonardo-Silva 1 collaboration
M Y Sreenivasa 1 collaboration
H Stępniewska 1 collaboration
D Strapagiel 1 collaboration
T Taylor 1 collaboration
M Wołkowycki 1 collaboration
E Zapora 1 collaboration
A Kubátová 1 collaboration
R Labuda 1 collaboration
C Lavoise 1 collaboration
A Paz 1 collaboration
T Aas 1 collaboration
B Abramczyk 1 collaboration
A M Ainsworth 1 collaboration
F Armada 1 collaboration
R Avchar 1 collaboration
M Avesani 1 collaboration
J D Bhat 1 collaboration
D S Bily 1 collaboration
F Boccardo 1 collaboration
J C Campos 1 collaboration
M Dalecká 1 collaboration
V Daskalopoulos 1 collaboration
J Dearnaley 1 collaboration
B T M Dentinger 1 collaboration
D Dhotre 1 collaboration
J R Carlavilla 1 collaboration
C Doungsa-Ard 1 collaboration
A Erhard 1 collaboration
L O Ferro 1 collaboration
S C Gallegos 1 collaboration
C E Giles 1 collaboration
G Gore 1 collaboration
M Gorfer 1 collaboration
S-Å Hanson 1 collaboration
P Haridev 1 collaboration
S N Jeffers 1 collaboration
L Kiss 1 collaboration
M Lorenzini 1 collaboration
J L Manjón 1 collaboration
F Maula 1 collaboration
N L S Mesquita 1 collaboration
K Młynek 1 collaboration
P Morán 1 collaboration
M Nagarajan 1 collaboration
S Nalumpang 1 collaboration
S Nosalj 1 collaboration
Q S Novaes 1 collaboration
M Nowak 1 collaboration
M Peiger 1 collaboration
A Pinto 1 collaboration
E Polemis 1 collaboration
D O Ramos 1 collaboration
M Rivas-Ferreiro 1 collaboration
A Sánchez 1 collaboration
A Santos 1 collaboration
A Schüller 1 collaboration
P A Scott 1 collaboration
I Şen 1 collaboration
D Shelke 1 collaboration
H Sonawane 1 collaboration
D Strašiftáková 1 collaboration
M Sudsanguan 1 collaboration
L M Suz 1 collaboration
K Syme 1 collaboration
P Tomka 1 collaboration
N Vaghefi 1 collaboration
D Wiktorowicz 1 collaboration
A Vizzini 1 collaboration
X Yang 1 collaboration
G Zapparoli 1 collaboration
G I Zervakis 1 collaboration