Journal of biomechanics
J Werth
S Bohm
J Klenk
M König
K S Sczuka
A Schroll
G Epro
M Mandla-Liebsch
K Rapp
W Potthast
A Arampatzis
K Karamanidis
European journal of sport science
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of aging and physical activity
Journal of strength and conditioning research
Frontiers in sports and active living
Frontiers in sports and active living
Exercise and sport sciences reviews
The Journal of experimental biology
European review of aging and physical activity : official journal of the European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity
Applied bionics and biomechanics
Journal of strength and conditioning research
The Journal of experimental biology
Journal of neurophysiology
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)