Journal of environmental management
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Judy Levison
Jennifer McKinney
Alejandra Duque
Joanna Hawkins
Emily Ver Hoeve Bowden
Julie Dorland
Ari Bitnun
Kescha Kazmi
Douglas M Campbell
Jay MacGillivray
Mark H Yudin
Anna Powell
Shreetoma Datta
Lisa Abuogi
Adriana Weinberg
Natella Rakhmanina
Joanna Walsh Mareuil
Jane Hitti
Isabelle Boucoiran
Fatima Kakkar
Lisa Rahangdale
Dominika Seidman
Rebecca Widener
The Science of the total environment
AIDS patient care and STDs
American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM
International journal of MCH and AIDS
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Frontiers in reproductive health
AIDS patient care and STDs
Allison Lai
Elisabeth S Young
Hannah Kohrman
Gabriela Chateau
Deborah Cohan
Lealah Pollock
Monica Hahn
Barbara Namusaazi
Ornella Tankeu Toini
Judy Levison
Theodore Ruel
Journal of environmental management
Open forum infectious diseases
Martina L Badell
Anandi N Sheth
Florence Momplaisir
Lisa Rahangdale
JoNell Potter
Padmashree C Woodham
Gweneth B Lazenby
William R Short
Scott E Gillespie
Nevert Baldreldin
Emily S Miller
Gregg Alleyne
Lunthita M Duthely
Stephanie M Allen
Judy Levison
Rana Chakraborty
Auteur inconnu
Obstetrics and gynecology
The Science of the total environment
International journal of women's health
The Science of the total environment
American journal of perinatology
Environmental science and pollution research international
Topics in antiviral medicine
Journal of environmental management