Journal of medical Internet research
The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science
Health and quality of life outcomes
Isabel Del Cura-González
Juan A López-Rodríguez
Francisca Leiva-Fernández
Luis A Gimeno-Feliu
Victoria Pico-Soler
Mª Josefa Bujalance-Zafra
Miguel Domínguez-Santaella
Elena Polentinos-Castro
Beatriz Poblador-Plou
Paula Ara-Bardají
Mercedes Aza-Pascual-Salcedo
Marisa Rogero-Blanco
Marcos Castillo-Jiménez
Cristina Lozano-Hernández
Antonio Gimeno-Miguel
Francisca González-Rubio
Rodrigo Medina-García
Alba González-Hevilla
Mario Gil-Conesa
Jesús Martín-Fernández
José M Valderas
Alessandra Marengoni
Christiane Muth
J Daniel Prados-Torres
Alexandra Prados-Torres
Auteur inconnu
Journal of patient-reported outcomes
James David van Oppen
Abdullah Alshibani
Timothy John Coats
Blair Graham
Patricia Holch
Jagruti Lalseta
Nicola Mackintosh
Vivien Richardson
Peter Riley
Jose M Valderas
Simon Paul Conroy
JMIR public health and surveillance
Jorge Arias de la Torre
Gemma Vilagut
Amy Ronaldson
Ioannis Bakolis
Alex Dregan
Fernando Navarro-Mateu
Katherine Pérez
Anna Szücs
Xavier Bartoll-Roca
Antonio J Molina
Matilde Elices
Víctor Pérez-Solá
Vicente Martín
Antoni Serrano-Blanco
Jose M Valderas
Jordi Alonso
BMC health services research
BJGP open
Rachel Johnson
Anastasiia G Kovalenko
Thomas Blakeman
Maria Panagioti
Michael Lawton
Shoba Dawson
Polly Duncan
Simon Ds Fraser
Jose M Valderas
Simon Chilcott
Rebecca Goulding
Chris Salisbury
Journal of clinical medicine
Jorge Arias-de la Torre
Evangelia Anna María Zioga
Lizza Macorigh
Laura Muñoz
Oriol Estrada
Montse Mias
Maria-Dolors Estrada
Elisa Puigdomenech
Jose M Valderas
Vicente Martín
Antonio J Molina
Mireia Espallargues
The Journal of arthroplasty
Journal of clinical medicine
The patient
Jaheeda Gangannagaripalli
Andrea Albagli
Stacie N Myers
Sarah Whittaker
Andria Joseph
Anna Clarke
Lucy Matkin
Jordi Alonso
Ira Byock
Michael van den Berg
Carolyn Canfield
John Chaplin
Juan Dapueto
Marcelo Pio de Almedia Fleck
Chris Sidey-Gibbons
Jan Hazelzet
Rachel Hess
Kaisa Immonen
Serena Joyner
Catherine Katz
Carolyn Kerrigan
Cindy Lam
Joanne Lunn
Fiona McKenzie
Alastair Roeves
Caleb Stowell
Timothy Switaj
Melissa Tinsley
Eyal Zimlichman
Jose M Valderas
BMJ open
Rory Ferguson
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
George Peat
Antonella Delmestri
Kelvin P Jordan
Vicky Y Strauss
Jose Maria Valderas
Christine Walker
Dahai Yu
Sion Glyn-Jones
Alan Silman
Journal of patient-reported outcomes
Health and quality of life outcomes
Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Journal of patient-reported outcomes
The Lancet regional health. Europe
Jorge Arias de la Torre
Gemma Vilagut
Amy Ronaldson
Jose M Valderas
Ioannis Bakolis
Alex Dregan
Antonio J Molina
Fernando Navarro-Mateu
Katherine Pérez
Xavier Bartoll-Roca
Matilde Elices
Víctor Pérez-Sola
Antoni Serrano-Blanco
Vicente Martín
Jordi Alonso
International journal of dermatology
BMC primary care
Janika Bloemeke-Cammin
Oliver Groene
Marta Ballester
Frederico Guanais
Peter Groenewegen
Candan Kendir
Ian Porter
Amun Rehsi
Mieke Rijken
Peter Spreeuwenberg
Rosa Suñol
Jose Maria Valderas
Rachel Williams
Michael van den Berg
BMC health services research
Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)
Albert Prats-Uribe
Spyros Kolovos
Klara Berencsi
Andrew Carr
Andrew Judge
Alan Silman
Nigel Arden
Irene Petersen
Ian J Douglas
J Mark Wilkinson
David Murray
Jose M Valderas
David J Beard
Sarah E Lamb
M Sanni Ali
Rafael Pinedo-Villanueva
Victoria Y Strauss
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
BMJ open
Rory Ferguson
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
George Peat
Antonella Delmestri
Kelvin P Jordan
Vicky Y Strauss
Jose Maria Valderas
Christine Walker
Dahai Yu
Sion Glyn-Jones
Alan Silman
BMJ open
Beate S Müller
Lorenz Uhlmann
Peter Ihle
Christian Stock
Fiona von Buedingen
Martin Beyer
Ferdinand M Gerlach
Rafael Perera
Jose Maria Valderas
Paul Glasziou
Marjan van den Akker
Christiane Muth
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities
The European journal of general practice
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
International journal for equity in health
Afua Richardson-Parry
Carole Baas
Shaantanu Donde
Bianca Ferraiolo
Maimah Karmo
Zorana Maravic
Lars Münter
Ignacio Ricci-Cabello
Mitchell Silva
Stacey Tinianov
Jose M Valderas
Seth Woodruff
Joris van Vugt
BMC health services research
European journal of epidemiology
Journal of medical Internet research
JAMA network open
Ferrán Catalá-López
Jaume Forés-Martos
Jane A Driver
Matthew J Page
Brian Hutton
Manuel Ridao
Adolfo Alonso-Arroyo
Diego Macías Saint-Gerons
Ricard Gènova-Maleras
José M Valderas
Eduard Vieta
Alfonso Valencia
Rafael Tabarés-Seisdedos
Journal of internal medicine
Journal of internal medicine
BMC musculoskeletal disorders
Jorge Arias-de la Torre
Kayla Smith
Alexandru Dregan
Jose M Valderas
Jonathan P Evans
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
Luis Lozano
Antonio J Molina
Vicente Martín
Laia Domingo
Laura Muñoz
Mireia Espallargues
Journal of medical Internet research
Jorge Arias-de la Torre
Elisa Puigdomenech
Xavier García
Jose M Valderas
Francisco Jose Eiroa-Orosa
Tania Fernández-Villa
Antonio J Molina
Vicente Martín
Antoni Serrano-Blanco
Jordi Alonso
Mireia Espallargues
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
Chris Gibbons
Ian Porter
Daniela C Gonçalves-Bradley
Stanimir Stoilov
Ignacio Ricci-Cabello
Elena Tsangaris
Jaheeda Gangannagaripalli
Antoinette Davey
Elizabeth J Gibbons
Anna Kotzeva
Jonathan Evans
Philip J van der Wees
Evangelos Kontopantelis
Joanne Greenhalgh
Peter Bower
Jordi Alonso
Jose M Valderas
Journal of patient-reported outcomes
International journal of environmental research and public health
Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie
Journal of affective disorders
Journal of patient safety
Journal of patient safety
International journal of surgery (London, England)
Javier Osorio
Zoilo Madrazo
Sebastian Videla
Beatriz Sainz
Araceli Rodríguez-Gonzalez
Andrea Campos
Maite Santamaria
Amalia Pelegrina
Carmen Gonzalez-Serrano
Aurora Aldeano
Aingeru Sarriugarte
Carlos Javier Gómez-Díaz
David Ruiz-Luna
Amador García-Ruiz-de-Gordejuela
Concepción Gomez-Gavara
Marta Gil-Barrionuevo
Marina Vila
Arantxa Clavell
Beatriz Campillo
Laura Millan
Carles Olona
Sergi Sanchez-Cordero
Rodrigo Medrano
Camilo Andrés Lopez-Arevalo
Noelia Pérez-Romero
Eva Artigau
Miguel Calle
Víctor Echenagusia
Aurema Otero
Cristian Tebe
Natàlia Pallares
Sebastiano Biondo
Jose Maria Valderas
Auteur inconnu
BMJ open
Dolf de Boer
Michael van den Berg
Marta Ballester
Janika Bloemeke
Wienke Boerma
Katherine de Bienassis
Peter Groenewegen
Oliver Groene
Candan Kendir
Niek Klazinga
Ian Porter
Rosa Sunol
Laura Thomas
Jose Maria Valderas
Rachel Williams
Mieke Rijken
JAMA dermatology
Valencia Long
Zhaojin Chen
Ruochen Du
Yiong Huak Chan
Yik Weng Yew
Hazel H Oon
Steven Thng
Nur Qasrina Binte Iskandar Lim
Chris Tan
Nisha Suyien Chandran
Jose M Valderas
Phillip Phan
Ellie Choi
Health research policy and systems
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Journal of patient-reported outcomes
Journal of affective disorders
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
Rory J Ferguson
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
Christine Walker
Dahai Yu
Jose M Valderas
Andrew Judge
John Griffiths
Kelvin P Jordan
George Peat
Sion Glyn-Jones
Alan J Silman
Journal of patient safety
Stephen M Campbell
Brian G Bell
Kate Marsden
Rachel Spencer
Umesh Kadam
Katherine Perryman
Sarah Rodgers
Ian Litchfield
David Reeves
Antony Chuter
Lucy Doos
Ignacio Ricci-Cabello
Paramjit Gill
Aneez Esmail
Sheila Greenfield
Sarah Slight
Karen Middleton
Jane Barnett
Michael Moore
Jose M Valderas
Aziz Sheikh
Anthony J Avery
Journal of clinical medicine
Journal of clinical medicine
Jorge Arias-de la Torre
Xavier Garcia
Kayla Smith
Arantxa Romero-Tamarit
Elisa Puigdomenech
Laura Muñoz-Ortiz
Jonathan P Evans
Vicente Martín
Antonio J Molina
Carles Torrens
Miquel Pons-Cabrafiga
Francesc Pallisó
Jose María Valderas
Mireia Espallargues
Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of patient safety
The Lancet. Public health
Health and quality of life outcomes
Journal of personalized medicine
Isabel Del Cura-González
Juan A López-Rodríguez
Francisca Leiva-Fernández
Antonio Gimeno-Miguel
Beatriz Poblador-Plou
Fernando López-Verde
Cristina Lozano-Hernández
Victoria Pico-Soler
Mª Josefa Bujalance-Zafra
Luis A Gimeno-Feliu
Mercedes Aza-Pascual-Salcedo
Marisa Rogero-Blanco
Francisca González-Rubio
Francisca García-de-Blas
Elena Polentinos-Castro
Teresa Sanz-Cuesta
Marcos Castillo-Jimena
Marcos Alonso-García
Amaia Calderón-Larrañaga
José M Valderas
Alessandra Marengoni
Christiane Muth
Juan Daniel Prados-Torres
Alexandra Prados-Torres
Auteur inconnu
BMJ quality & safety
Jose M Valderas
Ian Porter
Jimmy Martin-Delgado
Mieke Rijken
Judith de Jong
Oliver Groene
Janika Bloemeke-Cammin
Rosa Sunol
Rachel Williams
Marta Ballester
Katherine de Bienassis
Candan Kendir
Frederico Guanais
Dolf de Boer
Michael van den Berg
Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)