Jennifer Bassement
Jennifer Bassement
Laboratoire d'Automatique de Mécanique et d'Informatique industrielles et Humaines (LAMIH), UMR CNRS 8201, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France.
Publications (7)
Contribution of Achilles tendon mechanical properties to torque steadiness in persons with transfemoral amputation.
Prosthetics and orthotics international
Anis Toumi
Rowan Smart
Dimitri Elie
Jennifer Bassement
Sébastien Leteneur
Emilie Simoneau-Buessinger
Jennifer Jakobi
Standing posture and balance modalities in unilateral transfemoral and transtibial amputees.
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies
Anis Toumi
Émilie Simoneau-Buessinger
Jennifer Bassement
Franck Barbier
Christophe Gillet
Paul Allard
Sébastien Leteneur
Does Unilateral Lower Limb Amputation Influence Ankle Joint Torque in the Intact Leg?
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Émilie Simoneau-Buessinger
Jennifer M Jakobi
Anis Toumi
Anne Mathys
Jennifer Bassement
Franck Barbier
Sébastien Leteneur
Walking abilities improvements are associated with pelvis and trunk kinematic adaptations in transfemoral amputees after rehabilitation.
Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)
S Persine
S Leteneur
C Gillet
J Bassement
F Charlaté
E Simoneau-Buessinger
Instrumented Analysis of the Sit-to-Stand Movement for Geriatric Screening: A Systematic Review.
Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland)
Brajesh Shukla
Jennifer Bassement
Vivek Vijay
Sandeep Yadav
David Hewson
Kinetic adaptations of the intact limb in transfemoral amputees using a microprocessor prosthetic knee.
Gait & posture
S Persine
S Leteneur
C Gillet
J Bassement
F Charlaté
E Simoneau-Buessinger
Transfemoral amputees adapt their gait during cross-slope walking with specific upper-lower limb coordination.
Gait & posture
S Persine
E Simoneau-Buessinger
F Charlaté
J Bassement
C Gillet
N Découfour
S Leteneur
Réseau de co-auteurs
Anis Toumi
3 collaborations
Sébastien Leteneur
3 collaborations
S Persine
3 collaborations
S Leteneur
3 collaborations
C Gillet
3 collaborations
J Bassement
3 collaborations
F Charlaté
3 collaborations
E Simoneau-Buessinger
3 collaborations
Émilie Simoneau-Buessinger
2 collaborations
Franck Barbier
2 collaborations
Rowan Smart
1 collaboration
Dimitri Elie
1 collaboration
Emilie Simoneau-Buessinger
1 collaboration
Jennifer Jakobi
1 collaboration
Christophe Gillet
1 collaboration
Paul Allard
1 collaboration
Jennifer M Jakobi
1 collaboration
Anne Mathys
1 collaboration
Brajesh Shukla
1 collaboration
Vivek Vijay
1 collaboration
Sandeep Yadav
1 collaboration
David Hewson
1 collaboration
N Découfour
1 collaboration