Clinical neurology and neurosurgery
Experimental and therapeutic medicine
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
Molecular and cellular biochemistry
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology
Jarosław Walczak
Dominika Malińska
Karolina Drabik
Bernadeta Michalska
Monika Prill
Stephanie Johne
Karsta Luettich
Jędrzej Szymański
Manuel C Peitsch
Julia Hoeng
Jerzy Duszyński
Mariusz R Więckowski
Marco van der Toorn
Joanna Szczepanowska
Journal of cardiothoracic surgery