Epilepsy & behavior : E&B
Frontiers in global women's health
Nutrition & dietetics : the journal of the Dietitians Association of Australia
Emalie Rosewarne
Trish Tonkin
Alinta Trindall
Joseph Alvin Santos
Dori Patay
Ruth McCausland
Wendy Spencer
Christine Corby
Julieann Coombes
Tamara Mackean
Greg Leslie
Niall Earle
Eileen Baldry
Janani Shanthosh
Ty Madden
Ann-Marie Deane
Loretta Weatherall
Bruce Moore
Keziah Bennett-Brook
Jacqui Webster
International journal of cancer
BMC health services research
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
The Medical journal of Australia
Cheryl Carcel
Amy Vassallo
Laura Hallam
Janani Shanthosh
Kelly Thompson
Lily Halliday
Jacek Anderst
Anthony Kj Smith
Briar L McKenzie
Christy E Newman
Keziah Bennett-Brook
Zoe Wainer
Mark Woodward
Robyn Norton
Louise Chappell
Accident; analysis and prevention
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health
The International journal on drug policy
BMJ open
Janani Shanthosh
Deksha Kapoor
Lakshmi K Josyula
Anushka Patel
Yashdeep Gupta
Nikhil Tandon
Stephen Jan
Helena J Teede
Ankush Desai
Rohina Joshi
Devarsetty Praveen
Health promotion international
International journal of environmental research and public health
International journal for equity in health
Social science & medicine (1982)
The International journal of health planning and management
PLOS global public health