Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
BMJ supportive & palliative care
BMJ supportive & palliative care
Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
A Simon Pickard
Ernest H Law
Ruixuan Jiang
Eleanor Pullenayegum
James W Shaw
Feng Xie
Mark Oppe
Kristina S Boye
Richard H Chapman
Cynthia L Gong
Alan Balch
Jan J V Busschbach
PloS one
P J Caarls
M A van Schijndel
G van den Berk
A D Boenink
D Boerman
J G Lijmer
A Honig
M Terra
A Thijs
B Verwey
J A van Waarde
J van Wijngaarden
J J van Busschbach
Auteur inconnu
Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53
Health and quality of life outcomes
Personality and mental health
Health and quality of life outcomes
Reproductive biomedicine online
American journal of psychotherapy
BMJ supportive & palliative care
Personality disorders
Matthijs Blankers
Maaike L Smits
Dine J Feenstra
Eva K Horn
Jan Henk Kamphuis
Dawn L Bales
Zwaan Lucas
Melissa G A Remeeus
Jack J M Dekker
Roel Verheul
Jan J V Busschbach
Patrick Luyten
Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry
International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Health and quality of life outcomes
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)