Jan Endrikat

  • Bayer AG, Berlin, Germany.
  • University Medical School of Saarland, Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Reproductive Medicine, Homburg/Saar, Germany.

Publications (22)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Gilda Schmidt 6 collaborations
Christoph Gerlinger 6 collaborations
Aasia Bhatti 5 collaborations
Erich-Franz Solomayer 4 collaborations
Carsten Schwenke 4 collaborations
Jörg Barkhausen 4 collaborations
Gregor Jost 3 collaborations
Alexander Michel 3 collaborations
Philipp Lengsfeld 3 collaborations
G Schmidt 2 collaborations
C Gerlinger 2 collaborations
J Endrikat 2 collaborations
C Müller 2 collaborations
L Gabriel 2 collaborations
E F Solomayer 2 collaborations
Pavol Szomolanyi 2 collaborations
Martin Rohrer 2 collaborations
Thomas Frenzel 2 collaborations
Iris M Noebauer-Huhmann 2 collaborations
Siegfried Trattnig 2 collaborations
Hubertus Pietsch 2 collaborations
Rainer Maria Bohle 2 collaborations
Julia Caroline Radosa 2 collaborations
Mariz Kasoha 2 collaborations
Zuzana Jirakova Trnkova 2 collaborations
Matthias Gutberlet 2 collaborations
Laura Schöckel 2 collaborations
Cornelia Harz 2 collaborations
Karl-Titus Hoffmann 2 collaborations
Daniel Haverstock 2 collaborations
Olaf Weber 2 collaborations
M Zuschlag 1 collaboration
L Ströder 1 collaboration
I Juhasz-Böss 1 collaboration
Amy Chaya 1 collaboration
Ralf Kölbach 1 collaboration
Kai Vogtländer 1 collaboration
Michael McDermott 1 collaboration
Corey Kemper 1 collaboration
William Barone 1 collaboration
Christina Schneider 1 collaboration
Lena Gabriel 1 collaboration
Russalina Ströder 1 collaboration
Carolin Müller 1 collaboration
Ingolf Juhasz-Böss 1 collaboration
Hassan Khater 1 collaboration
Alexander Dp Boreham 1 collaboration
Sabine Fritze 1 collaboration
Peter Seidensticker 1 collaboration
Christoph J Zech 1 collaboration
Eva-Marie Braun 1 collaboration
Jonas Stroeder 1 collaboration
Julia Chernova 1 collaboration
Marcin Pracz 1 collaboration
Bhagyashree Oak 1 collaboration
Viplav Shukla 1 collaboration
Prakirti Nangia 1 collaboration
Nicolas Schleyer 1 collaboration
John Crocker 1 collaboration
Ruud Pijnapppel 1 collaboration
Alexander Ullmann 1 collaboration
Arpad Bischof 1 collaboration
Mark Klemens 1 collaboration
Guenther Brueggenwerth 1 collaboration
Adam Czibur 1 collaboration
Mikayla Ferchaw 1 collaboration
David Vazquez 1 collaboration
Shannon Mikell 1 collaboration
Luke Bamber 1 collaboration
Friedhelm Leverkus 1 collaboration
Claudia Haberland 1 collaboration
S Baus 1 collaboration
T Volk 1 collaboration
Sebastian Findeklee 1 collaboration
A Hamza 1 collaboration
R Ströder 1 collaboration
Margit Maria Guhl 1 collaboration
Gudrun Wagenpfeil 1 collaboration
Mohammed Eid Hammadeh 1 collaboration
Ingolf Juhasz-Boess 1 collaboration