James C Doidge
James C Doidge
UCL Great Ormond Hospital Institute of Child Health, University College London, United Kingdom.
14207Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre, London, United Kingdom.
Publications (17)
School Absenteeism Associated With Child Protection System Involvement, Maltreatment Type, and Time in Out-of-Home Care.
Child maltreatment
Jason M Armfield
Emmanuel Gnanamanickam
Ha T Nguyen
James C Doidge
Derek S Brown
David B Preen
Leonie Segal
Does Unprecedented ICU Capacity Strain, As Experienced During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Impact Patient Outcome?
Critical care medicine
M Elizabeth Wilcox
Kathryn M Rowan
David A Harrison
James C Doidge
Prevalence of Down's Syndrome in England, 1998-2013: Comparison of linked surveillance data and electronic health records.
International journal of population data science
J C Doidge
J K Morris
K L Harron
S Stevens
R Gilbert
Child maltreatment and emergency department visits: a longitudinal birth cohort study from infancy to early adulthood.
Child abuse & neglect
Emmanuel S Gnanamanickam
Ha Nguyen
Jason M Armfield
James C Doidge
Derek S Brown
David B Preen
Leonie Segal
National administrative record linkage between specialist community drug and alcohol treatment data (the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS)) and inpatient hospitalisation data (Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)) in England: design, method and evaluation.
BMJ open
Emmert Roberts
James C Doidge
Katie L Harron
Matthew Hotopf
Jonathan Knight
Martin White
Brian Eastwood
Colin Drummond
COVID-19 in critical care: epidemiology of the first epidemic wave across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Intensive care medicine
Alvin Richards-Belle
Izabella Orzechowska
Doug W Gould
Karen Thomas
James C Doidge
Paul R Mouncey
Michael D Christian
Manu Shankar-Hari
David A Harrison
Kathryn M Rowan
Auteur inconnu
Hospitalizations among children involved in the child protection system: A long-term birth cohort study from infancy to adulthood using administrative data.
Child abuse & neglect
Emmanuel Sumithran Gnanamanickam
Ha Nguyen
Jason M Armfield
James C Doidge
Derek S Brown
David B Preen
Leonie Segal
Evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a conservative approach to oxygen therapy for invasively ventilated adults in intensive care: Protocol for the UK-ROX trial.
Journal of the Intensive Care Society
Daniel S Martin
Tasnin Shahid
Doug W Gould
Alvin Richards-Belle
James C Doidge
Julie Camsooksai
Walton N Charles
Miriam Davey
Amelia Francis Johnson
Roger M Garrett
Michael Pw Grocott
Joanne Jones
Lamprini Lampro
Lorna Miller
B Ronan O'Driscoll
Anthony J Rostron
Zia Sadique
Tamas Szakmany
Paul J Young
Kathryn M Rowan
David A Harrison
Paul R Mouncey
Adiposity and mortality among intensive care patients with COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 respiratory conditions: a cross-context comparison study in the UK.
BMC medicine
Joshua A Bell
David Carslake
Amanda Hughes
Kate Tilling
James W Dodd
James C Doidge
David A Harrison
Kathryn M Rowan
George Davey Smith
Reflections on modern methods: linkage error bias.
International journal of epidemiology
James C Doidge
Katie L Harron
The association between time of in hospital cardiac arrest and mortality; a retrospective analysis of two UK databases.
Peter J McGuigan
Julia Edwards
Bronagh Blackwood
Paul Dark
James C Doidge
David A Harrison
Gareth Kitchen
Izabella Lawson
Alistair D Nichol
Kathryn M Rowan
Manu Shankar-Hari
Danny F McAuley
Lifetime risk of child protection system involvement in South Australia for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children, 1986-2017 using linked administrative data.
Child abuse & neglect
Leonie Segal
Ha Nguyen
Mahayaudin M Mansor
Emmanuel Gnanamanickam
James C Doidge
David B Preen
Derek S Brown
Odette Pearson
Jason M Armfield
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on in-hospital cardiac arrests in the UK.
Julia M Edwards
Jerry P Nolan
Jasmeet Soar
Gary B Smith
Emily Reynolds
Jane Carnall
Kathryn M Rowan
David A Harrison
James C Doidge
Linkage of National Congenital Heart Disease Audit data to hospital, critical care and mortality national data sets to enable research focused on quality improvement.
BMJ open
Ferran Espuny Pujol
Christina Pagel
Katherine L Brown
James C Doidge
Richard G Feltbower
Rodney C Franklin
Arturo Gonzalez-Izquierdo
Doug W Gould
Lee J Norman
John Stickley
Julie A Taylor
Sonya Crowe
New-onset atrial fibrillation in intensive care: epidemiology and outcomes.
European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care
Jonathan P Bedford
Paloma Ferrando-Vivas
Oliver Redfern
Kim Rajappan
David A Harrison
Peter J Watkinson
James C Doidge
Regional citrate anticoagulation versus systemic heparin anticoagulation for continuous kidney replacement therapy in intensive care.
Journal of critical care
James C Doidge
Doug W Gould
Zia Sadique
Mark Borthwick
Robert A Hatch
Fergus J Caskey
Lui Forni
Robert F Lawrence
Clare MacEwan
Marlies Ostermann
Paul R Mouncey
David A Harrison
Kathryn M Rowan
J Duncan Young
Peter J Watkinson
Risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination or positive SARS-CoV-2 test in young people in England.
Nature communications
Vahé Nafilyan
Charlotte R Bermingham
Isobel L Ward
Jasper Morgan
Francesco Zaccardi
Kamlesh Khunti
Julie Stanborough
Amitava Banerjee
James C Doidge
Réseau de co-auteurs
David A Harrison
8 collaborations
Kathryn M Rowan
7 collaborations
Jason M Armfield
4 collaborations
Derek S Brown
4 collaborations
David B Preen
4 collaborations
Leonie Segal
4 collaborations
Doug W Gould
4 collaborations
Ha Nguyen
3 collaborations
Paul R Mouncey
3 collaborations
Emmanuel Gnanamanickam
2 collaborations
Katie L Harron
2 collaborations
Alvin Richards-Belle
2 collaborations
Manu Shankar-Hari
2 collaborations
Zia Sadique
2 collaborations
Peter J Watkinson
2 collaborations
Ha T Nguyen
1 collaboration
M Elizabeth Wilcox
1 collaboration
J C Doidge
1 collaboration
J K Morris
1 collaboration
K L Harron
1 collaboration
S Stevens
1 collaboration
R Gilbert
1 collaboration
Emmanuel S Gnanamanickam
1 collaboration
Emmert Roberts
1 collaboration
Matthew Hotopf
1 collaboration
Jonathan Knight
1 collaboration
Martin White
1 collaboration
Brian Eastwood
1 collaboration
Colin Drummond
1 collaboration
Izabella Orzechowska
1 collaboration
Karen Thomas
1 collaboration
Michael D Christian
1 collaboration
None None
1 collaboration
Emmanuel Sumithran Gnanamanickam
1 collaboration
Daniel S Martin
1 collaboration
Tasnin Shahid
1 collaboration
Julie Camsooksai
1 collaboration
Walton N Charles
1 collaboration
Miriam Davey
1 collaboration
Amelia Francis Johnson
1 collaboration
Roger M Garrett
1 collaboration
Michael Pw Grocott
1 collaboration
Joanne Jones
1 collaboration
Lamprini Lampro
1 collaboration
Lorna Miller
1 collaboration
B Ronan O'Driscoll
1 collaboration
Anthony J Rostron
1 collaboration
Tamas Szakmany
1 collaboration
Paul J Young
1 collaboration
Joshua A Bell
1 collaboration
David Carslake
1 collaboration
Amanda Hughes
1 collaboration
Kate Tilling
1 collaboration
James W Dodd
1 collaboration
George Davey Smith
1 collaboration
Peter J McGuigan
1 collaboration
Julia Edwards
1 collaboration
Bronagh Blackwood
1 collaboration
Paul Dark
1 collaboration
Gareth Kitchen
1 collaboration
Izabella Lawson
1 collaboration
Alistair D Nichol
1 collaboration
Danny F McAuley
1 collaboration
Mahayaudin M Mansor
1 collaboration
Odette Pearson
1 collaboration
Julia M Edwards
1 collaboration
Jerry P Nolan
1 collaboration
Jasmeet Soar
1 collaboration
Gary B Smith
1 collaboration
Emily Reynolds
1 collaboration
Jane Carnall
1 collaboration
Ferran Espuny Pujol
1 collaboration
Christina Pagel
1 collaboration
Katherine L Brown
1 collaboration
Richard G Feltbower
1 collaboration
Rodney C Franklin
1 collaboration
Arturo Gonzalez-Izquierdo
1 collaboration
Lee J Norman
1 collaboration
John Stickley
1 collaboration
Julie A Taylor
1 collaboration
Sonya Crowe
1 collaboration
Jonathan P Bedford
1 collaboration
Paloma Ferrando-Vivas
1 collaboration
Oliver Redfern
1 collaboration
Kim Rajappan
1 collaboration
Mark Borthwick
1 collaboration
Robert A Hatch
1 collaboration
Fergus J Caskey
1 collaboration
Lui Forni
1 collaboration
Robert F Lawrence
1 collaboration
Clare MacEwan
1 collaboration
Marlies Ostermann
1 collaboration
J Duncan Young
1 collaboration
Vahé Nafilyan
1 collaboration
Charlotte R Bermingham
1 collaboration
Isobel L Ward
1 collaboration
Jasper Morgan
1 collaboration
Francesco Zaccardi
1 collaboration
Kamlesh Khunti
1 collaboration
Julie Stanborough
1 collaboration
Amitava Banerjee
1 collaboration