International journal of environmental research and public health
T Charles Witzel
Peter Weatherburn
Adam Bourne
Alison J Rodger
Chris Bonell
Mitzy Gafos
Roy Trevelion
Andrew Speakman
Fiona Lampe
Denise Ward
David T Dunn
Michelle M Gabriel
Leanne McCabe
Justin Harbottle
Yolanda Collaco Moraes
Susan Michie
Andrew N Phillips
Sheena McCormack
Fiona M Burns
Biochemical Society transactions
Journal of hazardous materials
BMJ open respiratory research
BMC infectious diseases
T Charles Witzel
Michelle M Gabriel
Leanne McCabe
Peter Weatherburn
Mitzy Gafos
Andrew Speakman
Roger Pebody
Fiona M Burns
Chris Bonell
Fiona C Lampe
David T Dunn
Denise Ward
Justin Harbottle
Andrew N Phillips
Sheena McCormack
Alison J Rodger
HIV medicine
T C Witzel
A Bourne
F M Burns
A J Rodger
L McCabe
M M Gabriel
M Gafos
D Ward
Y Collaco-Moraes
D T Dunn
A Speakman
C Bonell
R Pebody
F C Lampe
J Harbottle
A N Phillips
S McCormack
P Weatherburn
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
Immacolata Porreca
Robert Blassberg
Jennifer Harbottle
Bronwyn Joubert
Olga Mielczarek
Jesse Stombaugh
Kevin Hemphill
Jonathan Sumner
Deividas Pazeraitis
Julia Liz Touza
Margherita Francescatto
Mike Firth
Tommaso Selmi
Juan Carlos Collantes
Zaklina Strezoska
Benjamin Taylor
Shengkan Jin
Ceri M Wiggins
Anja van Brabant Smith
John J Lambourne
Research involvement and engagement
T Charles Witzel
Talen Wright
Leanne McCabe
Michelle M Gabriel
Aedan Wolton
Mitzy Gafos
Denise Ward
Fiona C Lampe
Andrew N Phillips
Roy Trevelion
Yolanda Collaco-Moraes
Justin Harbottle
Andrew Speakman
Chris Bonell
David D Dunn
Sheena McCormack
Fiona M Burns
Peter Weatherburn
Alison J Rodger
Journal of hazardous materials