Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews
Yang Liu
Wery P M van den Wildenberg
Ysanne de Graaf
Susan L Ames
Alexander Baldacchino
Ragnhild Bø
Fernando Cadaveira
Salvatore Campanella
Paul Christiansen
Eric D Claus
Lorenza S Colzato
Francesca M Filbey
John J Foxe
Hugh Garavan
Christian S Hendershot
Robert Hester
Jennifer M Jester
Hollis C Karoly
Anja Kräplin
Fanny Kreusch
Nils Inge Landrø
Marianne Littel
Sabine Loeber
Edythe D London
Eduardo López-Caneda
Dan I Lubman
Maartje Luijten
Cecile A Marczinski
Jane Metrik
Catharine Montgomery
Harilaos Papachristou
Su Mi Park
Andres L Paz
Géraldine Petit
James J Prisciandaro
Boris B Quednow
Lara A Ray
Carl A Roberts
Gloria M P Roberts
Michiel B de Ruiter
Claudia I Rupp
Vaughn R Steele
Delin Sun
Michael Takagi
Susan F Tapert
Ruth J van Holst
Antonio Verdejo-Garcia
Matthias Vonmoos
Marcin Wojnar
Yuanwei Yao
Murat Yücel
Martin Zack
Robert A Zucker
Hilde M Huizenga
Reinout W Wiers
Addiction (Abingdon, England)
The American journal on addictions
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
Journal of cannabis research
Drug and alcohol dependence
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
International journal of exercise science
Addiction research & theory