G Ducellier-Azzola
G Ducellier-Azzola
Service de gynécologie obstétrique, CHU de Nantes, 38, boulevard Jean-Monnet, 44093 Nantes, France.
Publications (1)
[Validation of the cervical length education and review program in a population of French residents in obstetrics and gynecology].
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
J Joly
G Ducellier-Azzola
B Branger
C Arthuis
N Winer
T Thubert
V Dochez
Réseau de co-auteurs
J Joly
1 collaboration
B Branger
1 collaboration
C Arthuis
1 collaboration
N Winer
1 collaboration
T Thubert
1 collaboration
V Dochez
1 collaboration