BMJ open sport & exercise medicine
Frontiers in sports and active living
Frontiers in sports and active living
British journal of sports medicine
Michelle D Smith
Bill Vicenzino
Roald Bahr
Thomas Bandholm
Rosalyn Cooke
Luciana De Michelis Mendonça
François Fourchet
Philip Glasgow
Phillip A Gribble
Lee Herrington
Claire E Hiller
Sae Yong Lee
Andrea Macaluso
Romain Meeusen
Oluwatoyosi B A Owoeye
Duncan Reid
Bruno Tassignon
Masafumi Terada
Kristian Thorborg
Evert Verhagen
Jo Verschueren
Dan Wang
Rod Whiteley
Erik A Wikstrom
Eamonn Delahunt
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland)
International journal of sports physiology and performance
British journal of sports medicine
Journal of athletic training
Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation
Journal of athletic training
Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation
Journal of sports sciences