Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)
Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)
Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)
Victoria Morgan
Lisseth Casso-Hartmann
David Bahamon-Pinzon
Kelli McCourt
Robert G Hjort
Sahar Bahramzadeh
Irene Velez-Torres
Eric McLamore
Carmen Gomes
Evangelyn C Alocilja
Nirajan Bhusal
Sunaina Shrestha
Nisha Pote
Ruben Kenny Briceno
Shoumen Palit Austin Datta
Diana C Vanegas
Journal of food protection
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Eric S McLamore
Shoumen Palit Austin Datta
Victoria Morgan
Nicholas Cavallaro
Greg Kiker
Daniel M Jenkins
Yue Rong
Carmen Gomes
Jonathan Claussen
Diana Vanegas
Evangelyn C Alocilja
Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)
Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience
The Journal of antibiotics