Eric L Grogan
Eric L Grogan
Department of Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Veterans Affairs-Tennessee Valley Healthcare System.
Publications (6)
The Impact of an Interventional Pulmonary Program on Nontherapeutic Lung Resections.
Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology
Monica E Polcz
Amelia W Maiga
Lawrence B Brown
Stephen A Deppen
Chandler Montgomery
Otis Rickman
Eric L Grogan
Association of a Lung Screening Program Coordinator With Adherence to Annual CT Lung Screening at a Large Academic Institution.
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR
Lucy B Spalluto
Jennifer A Lewis
Sageline LaBaze
Kim L Sandler
Alexis B Paulson
Carol Callaway-Lane
Eric L Grogan
Pierre P Massion
Christianne L Roumie
Modeling the Impact of Delaying the Diagnosis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer During COVID-19.
The Annals of thoracic surgery
Maren E Shipe
Diane N Haddad
Stephen A Deppen
Benjamin D Kozower
Eric L Grogan
Minimally Invasive and Sublobar Resections for Lung Cancer.
The Surgical clinics of North America
Caroline M Godfrey
Hannah N Marmor
Eric S Lambright
Eric L Grogan
The Intervention Probability Curve: Modeling the Practical Application of Threshold-Guided Decision-Making, Evaluated in Lung, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers.
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology
Michael N Kammer
Dianna J Rowe
Stephen A Deppen
Eric L Grogan
Alexander M Kaizer
Anna E Barón
Fabien Maldonado
Biomarkers in Lung Cancer Screening: a Narrative Review.
Current challenges in thoracic surgery
Hannah N Marmor
J Tyler Zorn
Stephen A Deppen
Pierre P Massion
Eric L Grogan
Réseau de co-auteurs
Stephen A Deppen
4 collaborations
Pierre P Massion
2 collaborations
Hannah N Marmor
2 collaborations
Monica E Polcz
1 collaboration
Amelia W Maiga
1 collaboration
Lawrence B Brown
1 collaboration
Chandler Montgomery
1 collaboration
Otis Rickman
1 collaboration
Lucy B Spalluto
1 collaboration
Jennifer A Lewis
1 collaboration
Sageline LaBaze
1 collaboration
Kim L Sandler
1 collaboration
Alexis B Paulson
1 collaboration
Carol Callaway-Lane
1 collaboration
Christianne L Roumie
1 collaboration
Maren E Shipe
1 collaboration
Diane N Haddad
1 collaboration
Benjamin D Kozower
1 collaboration
Caroline M Godfrey
1 collaboration
Eric S Lambright
1 collaboration
Michael N Kammer
1 collaboration
Dianna J Rowe
1 collaboration
Alexander M Kaizer
1 collaboration
Anna E Barón
1 collaboration
Fabien Maldonado
1 collaboration
J Tyler Zorn
1 collaboration