Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society
Ariadna Pérez
Juan Montoro
Rafael Hernani
Ignacio Lorenzo
Juan Carlos Hernández-Boluda
Estela Giménez
María Dolores Gómez
Aitana Balaguer-Roselló
Eva Gonzalez-Barberá
Manuel Guerreiro
Cristóbal Aguilar
David Navarro
Carlos Solano
Jaime Sanz
José Luis Piñana
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Carlos Solano
Lourdes Vázquez
Estela Giménez
Rafael de la Cámara
Eliseo Albert
Montserrat Rovira
Ildefonso Espigado
Carmen M Calvo
Javier López-Jiménez
María Suárez-Lledó
Anabella Chinea
Albert Esquirol
Ariadna Pérez
Aránzazu Bermúdez
Raquel Saldaña
Inmaculada Heras
Ana J González-Huerta
Tamara Torrado
Guiomar Bautista
Montserrat Batlle
Santiago Jiménez
Carlos Vallejo
Pere Barba
María Á Cuesta
José L Piñana
David Navarro
Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
M Fernández-Ruiz
E Giménez
V Vinuesa
T Ruiz-Merlo
P Parra
P Amat
M Montejo
A Paez-Vega
S Cantisán
J Torre-Cisneros
J Fortún
A Andrés
R San Juan
F López-Medrano
D Navarro
J M Aguado
Auteur inconnu
Journal of medical virology
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience
Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association
Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Mario Fernández-Ruiz
Beatriz Olea
Estela Giménez
Rocío Laguna-Goya
Hernando Trujillo
Fernando Caravaca-Fontán
Eduardo Gutiérrez
Francisco López-Medrano
María José Remigia
Patricia Almendro-Vazquez
Natalia Polanco
Esther González
Tamara Ruiz-Merlo
Patricia Parra
Rafael San Juan
Amado Andrés
David Navarro
José María Aguado
Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Alexander Allen
Hannah Patrick
Jorg Ruof
Barbara Buchberger
Leonor Varela-Lema
Janbernd Kirschner
Stefan Braune
Fabian Roßnagel
Emmanuel Giménez
Xavier Garcia Cuscó
Chantal Guilhaume
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Estela Giménez
Eliseo Albert
Joao Zulaica
Ignacio Torres
Luciana Rusu
Alicia Rodríguez Moreno
Javier S Burgos
Salvador Peiró
Dolores Salas
Hermelinda Vanaclocha
Ramón Limón
María Jesús Alcaraz
José Sánchez-Payá
Javier Díez-Domingo
Iñaki Comas
Fernando Gonzáles-Candelas
Ron Geller
David Navarro
Auteur inconnu
Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
Lorena Forqué
Mario Fernández-Ruiz
Eliseo Albert
Estela Giménez
Carolina Monzó
Javier Chaves
Natalia Redondo
Isabel Rodríguez-Goncer
Tamara Ruiz-Merlo
Patricia Parra
Amado Andrés
José María Aguado
David Navarro
Journal of medical virology
Journal of proteome research
International journal of molecular sciences
Journal of medical virology
Sports (Basel, Switzerland)
Pedro Gómez-Piqueras
Antonio Martínez-Serrano
Tomás T Freitas
Antonio Gómez Díaz
Irineu Loturco
Enric Giménez
Joao Brito
David García-López
Hernan Giuria
Paulino Granero-Gil
Shaun Huygaerts
Francesc Cos
Julio Calleja-González
Emmanuel Vallance
Eduardo Sáez de Villarreal
Pedro E Alcaraz
Scientific reports
Ángela Sánchez-Simarro
Daniel Fernández-Soto
Brayan Grau
Eliseo Albert
Estela Giménez
Ana Isabel Avilés-Alía
Roberto Gozalbo-Rovira
Luciana Rusu
Beatriz Olea
Ron Geller
Hugh T Reyburn
David Navarro