Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Medical Psychology; University Hospital for Psychiatry 2, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
Publications (10)
Suicide numbers during the first 9-15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with pre-existing trends: An interrupted time series analysis in 33 countries.
Jane Pirkis
David Gunnell
Sangsoo Shin
Marcos Del Pozo-Banos
Vikas Arya
Pablo Analuisa Aguilar
Louis Appleby
S M Yasir Arafat
Ella Arensman
Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos
Yatan Pal Singh Balhara
Jason Bantjes
Anna Baran
Chittaranjan Behera
Jose Bertolote
Guilherme Borges
Michael Bray
Petrana Brečić
Eric Caine
Raffaella Calati
Vladimir Carli
Giulio Castelpietra
Lai Fong Chan
Shu-Sen Chang
David Colchester
Maria Coss-Guzmán
David Crompton
Marko Ćurković
Rakhi Dandona
Eva De Jaegere
Diego De Leo
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Jeremy Dwyer
Annette Erlangsen
Jeremy S Faust
Michele Fornaro
Sarah Fortune
Andrew Garrett
Guendalina Gentile
Rebekka Gerstner
Renske Gilissen
Madelyn Gould
Sudhir Kumar Gupta
Keith Hawton
Franziska Holz
Iurii Kamenshchikov
Navneet Kapur
Alexandr Kasal
Murad Khan
Olivia J Kirtley
Duleeka Knipe
Kairi Kõlves
Sarah C Kölzer
Hryhorii Krivda
Stuart Leske
Fabio Madeddu
Andrew Marshall
Anjum Memon
Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz
Paul Nestadt
Nikolay Neznanov
Thomas Niederkrotenthaler
Emma Nielsen
Merete Nordentoft
Herwig Oberlerchner
Rory C O'Connor
Rainer Papsdorf
Timo Partonen
Michael R Phillips
Steve Platt
Gwendolyn Portzky
Georg Psota
Ping Qin
Daniel Radeloff
Andreas Reif
Christine Reif-Leonhard
Mohsen Rezaeian
Nayda Román-Vázquez
Saska Roskar
Vsevolod Rozanov
Grant Sara
Karen Scavacini
Barbara Schneider
Natalia Semenova
Mark Sinyor
Stefano Tambuzzi
Ellen Townsend
Michiko Ueda
Danuta Wasserman
Roger T Webb
Petr Winkler
Paul S F Yip
Gil Zalsman
Riccardo Zoja
Ann John
Matthew J Spittal
Subclinical hypomanic experiences in young adults after sleep deprivation are independent of depressive disorders, chronotype or 5-HTTLPR polymorphism.
The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry
Laurin Mauracher
Jana Serebriakova
Harald Niederstätter
Walther Parson
Timo Schurr
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Combined cognitive assessment and automated MRI volumetry improves the diagnostic accuracy of detecting MCI due to Alzheimer's disease.
Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry
Michaela Defrancesco
Josef Marksteiner
Lukas Lenhart
Paul Klingler
Ruth Steiger
Elke R Gizewski
Georg Goebel
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Christoph Scherfler
Suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time-series analysis of preliminary data from 21 countries.
The lancet. Psychiatry
Jane Pirkis
Ann John
Sangsoo Shin
Marcos DelPozo-Banos
Vikas Arya
Pablo Analuisa-Aguilar
Louis Appleby
Ella Arensman
Jason Bantjes
Anna Baran
Jose M Bertolote
Guilherme Borges
Petrana Brečić
Eric Caine
Giulio Castelpietra
Shu-Sen Chang
David Colchester
David Crompton
Marko Curkovic
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Chengan Du
Jeremy Dwyer
Annette Erlangsen
Jeremy S Faust
Sarah Fortune
Andrew Garrett
Devin George
Rebekka Gerstner
Renske Gilissen
Madelyn Gould
Keith Hawton
Joseph Kanter
Navneet Kapur
Murad Khan
Olivia J Kirtley
Duleeka Knipe
Kairi Kolves
Stuart Leske
Kedar Marahatta
Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz
Nikolay Neznanov
Thomas Niederkrotenthaler
Emma Nielsen
Merete Nordentoft
Herwig Oberlerchner
Rory C O'Connor
Melissa Pearson
Michael R Phillips
Steve Platt
Paul L Plener
Georg Psota
Ping Qin
Daniel Radeloff
Christa Rados
Andreas Reif
Christine Reif-Leonhard
Vsevolod Rozanov
Christiane Schlang
Barbara Schneider
Natalia Semenova
Mark Sinyor
Ellen Townsend
Michiko Ueda
Lakshmi Vijayakumar
Roger T Webb
Manjula Weerasinghe
Gil Zalsman
David Gunnell
Matthew J Spittal
Disorder-Specific Profiles of Self-Perceived Emotional Abilities in Schizophrenia and Major Depressive Disorder.
Brain sciences
Elisabeth M Weiss
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Andreas Fink
Josef Marksteiner
Markus Canazei
Ilona Papousek
Proximal and Distal Factors Distinguishing Between Individuals With Suicidal Ideation Only and Suicide Attempters.
The Journal of nervous and mental disease
Jana Serebriakova
Georg Kemmler
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
The effect of inflammation, SARS-CoV-2 infection, age and mental health on serotonin, and kynurenine and catecholamine pathway metabolites.
Katharina Hüfner
Sophia Vedova
Piotr Tymoszuk
Philipp Nelles
Tobias Bruckner
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Jonas Egeter
Matyas Galffy
Johannes M Giesinger
Jens Lehmann
Maria Oberhammer
Joachim Rockenschaub
Magdalena Sacher
Bernhard Holzner
Johanna M Gostner
Barbara Sperner-Unterweger
Suicide Risk Factors in Patients Recently Discharged From a Psychiatric Hospital: A Case-Control Study.
The Journal of clinical psychiatry
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Elisa-Marie Behrndt
Georg Kemmler
Christian Haring
Carl Miller
Combined Processing of Facial and Vocal Emotion in Remitted Patients With Bipolar I Disorder.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS
Christine M Hoertnagl
Falko Biedermann
Nursen Yalcin-Siedentopf
Anna-Sophia Welte
Beatrice Frajo-Apor
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Armand Hausmann
Georg Kemmler
Moritz Muehlbacher
Alex Hofer
The Association of Intrapersonal Trait Emotional Intelligence and Resilience with Suicidal Ideation in University Students.
Psychiatria Danubina
Patricia Sojer
Susanne Kainbacher
Katharina Hüfner
Heribert Freudenthaler
Georg Kemmler
Eberhard A Deisenhammer
Réseau de co-auteurs
Georg Kemmler
4 collaborations
Jane Pirkis
2 collaborations
David Gunnell
2 collaborations
Sangsoo Shin
2 collaborations
Vikas Arya
2 collaborations
Louis Appleby
2 collaborations
Ella Arensman
2 collaborations
Jason Bantjes
2 collaborations
Anna Baran
2 collaborations
Guilherme Borges
2 collaborations
Petrana Brečić
2 collaborations
Eric Caine
2 collaborations
Giulio Castelpietra
2 collaborations
Shu-Sen Chang
2 collaborations
David Colchester
2 collaborations
David Crompton
2 collaborations
Jeremy Dwyer
2 collaborations
Annette Erlangsen
2 collaborations
Jeremy S Faust
2 collaborations
Sarah Fortune
2 collaborations
Andrew Garrett
2 collaborations
Rebekka Gerstner
2 collaborations
Renske Gilissen
2 collaborations
Madelyn Gould
2 collaborations
Keith Hawton
2 collaborations
Navneet Kapur
2 collaborations
Murad Khan
2 collaborations
Olivia J Kirtley
2 collaborations
Duleeka Knipe
2 collaborations
Stuart Leske
2 collaborations
Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz
2 collaborations
Nikolay Neznanov
2 collaborations
Thomas Niederkrotenthaler
2 collaborations
Emma Nielsen
2 collaborations
Merete Nordentoft
2 collaborations
Herwig Oberlerchner
2 collaborations
Rory C O'Connor
2 collaborations
Michael R Phillips
2 collaborations
Steve Platt
2 collaborations
Georg Psota
2 collaborations
Ping Qin
2 collaborations
Daniel Radeloff
2 collaborations
Andreas Reif
2 collaborations
Christine Reif-Leonhard
2 collaborations
Vsevolod Rozanov
2 collaborations
Barbara Schneider
2 collaborations
Natalia Semenova
2 collaborations
Mark Sinyor
2 collaborations
Ellen Townsend
2 collaborations
Michiko Ueda
2 collaborations
Roger T Webb
2 collaborations
Gil Zalsman
2 collaborations
Ann John
2 collaborations
Matthew J Spittal
2 collaborations
Jana Serebriakova
2 collaborations
Josef Marksteiner
2 collaborations
Katharina Hüfner
2 collaborations
Marcos Del Pozo-Banos
1 collaboration
Pablo Analuisa Aguilar
1 collaboration
S M Yasir Arafat
1 collaboration
Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos
1 collaboration
Yatan Pal Singh Balhara
1 collaboration
Chittaranjan Behera
1 collaboration
Jose Bertolote
1 collaboration
Michael Bray
1 collaboration
Raffaella Calati
1 collaboration
Vladimir Carli
1 collaboration
Lai Fong Chan
1 collaboration
Maria Coss-Guzmán
1 collaboration
Marko Ćurković
1 collaboration
Rakhi Dandona
1 collaboration
Eva De Jaegere
1 collaboration
Diego De Leo
1 collaboration
Michele Fornaro
1 collaboration
Guendalina Gentile
1 collaboration
Sudhir Kumar Gupta
1 collaboration
Franziska Holz
1 collaboration
Iurii Kamenshchikov
1 collaboration
Alexandr Kasal
1 collaboration
Kairi Kõlves
1 collaboration
Sarah C Kölzer
1 collaboration
Hryhorii Krivda
1 collaboration
Fabio Madeddu
1 collaboration
Andrew Marshall
1 collaboration
Anjum Memon
1 collaboration
Paul Nestadt
1 collaboration
Rainer Papsdorf
1 collaboration
Timo Partonen
1 collaboration
Gwendolyn Portzky
1 collaboration
Mohsen Rezaeian
1 collaboration
Nayda Román-Vázquez
1 collaboration
Saska Roskar
1 collaboration
Grant Sara
1 collaboration
Karen Scavacini
1 collaboration
Stefano Tambuzzi
1 collaboration
Danuta Wasserman
1 collaboration
Petr Winkler
1 collaboration
Paul S F Yip
1 collaboration
Riccardo Zoja
1 collaboration
Laurin Mauracher
1 collaboration
Harald Niederstätter
1 collaboration
Walther Parson
1 collaboration
Timo Schurr
1 collaboration
Michaela Defrancesco
1 collaboration
Lukas Lenhart
1 collaboration
Paul Klingler
1 collaboration
Ruth Steiger
1 collaboration
Elke R Gizewski
1 collaboration
Georg Goebel
1 collaboration
Christoph Scherfler
1 collaboration
Marcos DelPozo-Banos
1 collaboration
Pablo Analuisa-Aguilar
1 collaboration
Jose M Bertolote
1 collaboration
Marko Curkovic
1 collaboration
Chengan Du
1 collaboration
Devin George
1 collaboration
Joseph Kanter
1 collaboration
Kairi Kolves
1 collaboration
Kedar Marahatta
1 collaboration
Melissa Pearson
1 collaboration
Paul L Plener
1 collaboration
Christa Rados
1 collaboration
Christiane Schlang
1 collaboration
Lakshmi Vijayakumar
1 collaboration
Manjula Weerasinghe
1 collaboration
Elisabeth M Weiss
1 collaboration
Andreas Fink
1 collaboration
Markus Canazei
1 collaboration
Ilona Papousek
1 collaboration
Sophia Vedova
1 collaboration
Piotr Tymoszuk
1 collaboration
Philipp Nelles
1 collaboration
Tobias Bruckner
1 collaboration
Jonas Egeter
1 collaboration
Matyas Galffy
1 collaboration
Johannes M Giesinger
1 collaboration
Jens Lehmann
1 collaboration
Maria Oberhammer
1 collaboration
Joachim Rockenschaub
1 collaboration
Magdalena Sacher
1 collaboration
Bernhard Holzner
1 collaboration
Johanna M Gostner
1 collaboration
Barbara Sperner-Unterweger
1 collaboration
Elisa-Marie Behrndt
1 collaboration
Christian Haring
1 collaboration
Carl Miller
1 collaboration
Christine M Hoertnagl
1 collaboration
Falko Biedermann
1 collaboration
Nursen Yalcin-Siedentopf
1 collaboration
Anna-Sophia Welte
1 collaboration
Beatrice Frajo-Apor
1 collaboration
Armand Hausmann
1 collaboration
Moritz Muehlbacher
1 collaboration
Alex Hofer
1 collaboration
Patricia Sojer
1 collaboration
Susanne Kainbacher
1 collaboration
Heribert Freudenthaler
1 collaboration