E C Gertsen

  • Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Publications (13)

Introduction of minimally invasive surgery for distal and total gastrectomy: a population-based study.

European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology

Réseau de co-auteurs

Emma C Gertsen 10 collaborations
Richard van Hillegersberg 10 collaborations
Jelle P Ruurda 10 collaborations
Hylke J F Brenkman 8 collaborations
None None 6 collaborations
Erik Vegt 5 collaborations
Peter D Siersema 5 collaborations
Nadia Haj Mohammad 4 collaborations
Rob H A Verhoeven 3 collaborations
Wobbe O de Steur 3 collaborations
Lucas Goense 2 collaborations
H J F Brenkman 2 collaborations
J P Ruurda 2 collaborations
R van Hillegersberg 2 collaborations
Lodewijk A A Brosens 2 collaborations
Cas de Jongh 2 collaborations
Miriam P van der Meulen 2 collaborations
Johanna W van Sandick 2 collaborations
Suzanne S Gisbertz 2 collaborations
Misha D P Luyer 2 collaborations
Jan J B van Lanschot 2 collaborations
Sjoerd M Lagarde 2 collaborations
Bas P L Wijnhoven 2 collaborations
Henk H Hartgrink 2 collaborations
Jan H M B Stoot 2 collaborations
Karel W E Hulsewe 2 collaborations
Marc J van Det 2 collaborations
Ewout A Kouwenhoven 2 collaborations
Freek Daams 2 collaborations
Donald L van der Peet 2 collaborations
Nicole C T van Grieken 2 collaborations
Joos Heisterkamp 2 collaborations
Boudewijn van Etten 2 collaborations
Hasan H Eker 2 collaborations
Annemieke Y Thijssen 2 collaborations
Eric J T Belt 2 collaborations
Peter van Duijvendijk 2 collaborations
Eelco Wassenaar 2 collaborations
Kevin P Wevers 2 collaborations
Lieke Hol 2 collaborations
Frank J Wessels 2 collaborations
Geert W J Frederix 2 collaborations
M F J Seesing 1 collaboration
L Goense 1 collaboration
Bas L A Weusten 1 collaboration
Arjen van der Veen 1 collaboration
Rachel S van der Post 1 collaboration
Pauline A J Vissers 1 collaboration
Leonie Haverkamp 1 collaboration
Matthew Read 1 collaboration
Jean-Pierre Pierie 1 collaboration
C de Jongh 1 collaboration
A C Mertens 1 collaboration
I A M J Broeders 1 collaboration
M Los 1 collaboration
D Boerma 1 collaboration
D Ten Bokkel Huinink 1 collaboration
L van Leeuwen 1 collaboration
F J Wessels 1 collaboration
Alicia S Borggreve 1 collaboration
Lieke C E Pullen 1 collaboration
Wyanne A Noortman 1 collaboration
Lianne Triemstra 1 collaboration
Fenna J Rademaker 1 collaboration
Romy Spijkerman 1 collaboration
Gijsbert M Kalisvaart 1 collaboration
Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei 1 collaboration
Nelleke Tolboom 1 collaboration
Maura Dantuma 1 collaboration
Riemer H J A Slart 1 collaboration
Floris H P van Velden 1 collaboration
M J van der Poel 1 collaboration
P J Tanis 1 collaboration
H A Marsman 1 collaboration
A M Rijken 1 collaboration
S Ovaere 1 collaboration
M F Gerhards 1 collaboration
M G Besselink 1 collaboration
M D'Hondt 1 collaboration
P D Gobardhan 1 collaboration
Jean Pierre Pierie 1 collaboration
Gijs I van Boxel 1 collaboration
L A A Brosens 1 collaboration