AEM education and training
Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung
Clinical lung cancer
Celina Wolters
Kaid Darwiche
Daniel Franzen
Thomas Hager
Beata Bode-Lesnievska
Peter J Kneuertz
Kai He
Michael Koenig
Lutz Freitag
Lai Wei
Stephan Eisenmann
Christian Taube
Gerhard Weinreich
Filiz Oezkan
The western journal of emergency medicine
Clinical practice and cases in emergency medicine
Life (Basel, Switzerland)
Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases
Materials (Basel, Switzerland)
Materials (Basel, Switzerland)
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
R A Stahel
A Curioni-Fontecedro
S Rohrmann
U Dafni
U Sandner
I Opitz
N Andratschke
D Franzen
G Dimopoulou
K L Matthes
M Kohler
M Guckenberger
W Weder
Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology
Frontiers in artificial intelligence
Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine