Scientific reports
Alice Brembilla
Nadine Bernard
Sophie Pujol
Anne-Laure Parmentier
Astrid Eckman
Anne-Sophie Mariet
Hélène Houot
Quentin Tenailleau
Gérard Thiriez
Didier Riethmuller
Marie Barba-Vasseur
Frédéric Mauny
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
Scientific reports
Anne-Sophie Mariet
Nadine Bernard
Sophie Pujol
Paul Sagot
Gérard Thiriez
Didier Riethmuller
Mathieu Boilleaut
Jérôme Defrance
Hélène Houot
Anne-Laure Parmentier
Eric Benzenine
Frédéric Mauny
Catherine Quantin
Antoine Baumann
Julie Henriques
Zohair Selmani
Aurélia Meurisse
Quentin Lepiller
Dewi Vernerey
Séverine Valmary-Degano
Sophie Paget-Bailly
Didier Riethmuller
Rajeev Ramanah
Christiane Mougin
Jean-Luc Prétet
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Romain Corroenne
Guillaume Legendre
Didier Riethmuller
Hady El-Hachem
Katherine H Zhu
Cecile Dreux
Pauline Jeanneateau
Caroline Verhaeghe
Pascale May-Panloup
Philippe Descamps
Pierre-Emmanuel Bouet
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Bertrand Gachon
Thomas Schmitz
France Artzner
Olivier Parant
Renaud De Tayrac
Guillaume Ducarme
Camille Le Ray
Anne Cécile Pizzoferrato
Charles Garabedian
Didier Riethmuller
Fabrice Pierre
Stephanie Ragot
Xavier Fritel
Auteur inconnu
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
Journal of medical virology
Alice Debernardi
Benoit Valot
Julien Almarcha
David Guenat
Didier Hocquet
Marie-Paule Algros
Didier Riethmuller
Rajeev Ramanah
Christiane Mougin
Jean-Luc Prétet
Quentin Lepiller
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM
Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.)
Emmanuel De Schlichting
Julien Francisco Zaldivar-Jolissaint
Nicolas Molter
Marion Chenevas-Paule
Ayah Hamadmad
Luc Giroux
Arnaud Lazard
Didier Riethmuller
Philippe Chaffanjon
Guillaume Coll
François Lechanoine
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
G Ducarme
A C Pizzoferrato
R de Tayrac
C Schantz
T Thubert
C Le Ray
D Riethmuller
E Verspyck
B Gachon
F Pierre
F Artzner
B Jacquetin
X Fritel
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
PloS one
Fatiha Najioullah
Marie-José Dorival
Clarisse Joachim
Christiane Dispagne
Jonathan Macni
Sylvie Abel
Caroline Sulpicy
Huguette Charpentier-Baltide
Danièle Sainte-Rose
Béatrice Salomon-Frechou
Moustapha Dieye
Jacqueline Véronique-Baudin
Maurice Pré
Maurice Marquet
Gaëlle Wan-Ajouhu
Eustase Janky
Didier Riethmuller
Raymond Cesaire
Auteur inconnu
Scientific reports
Louise Lucot-Royer
Camille Nallet
Manon Vouga
Marc Puyraveau
Frederic Mauny
Solène Marty-Quinternet
Charline Bertholdt
Jean-Paul Bory
Christine Devalland
Margaux Canaguier
Camille Copolla
Marie-Laure Eszto
Yohny Montoya
Marion Roesch
Sandrine Reviron
Didier Riethmuller
Emma Rufenacht
Emmanuel Simon
Nicolas Mottet
Prenatal diagnosis
Pierre-Louis Forey
Maud Favier
Claire Beneteau
Sophie Berenguer
Lydie Da Costa
Virginie Guigue
Philippe Loget
Julia Torrents
Laura Samaison
Didier Riethmuller
Sophie Collardeau-Frachon
Journal of lower genital tract disease
Emilie Demarquet
Julien Mancini
Lise Preaubert
Jean Gondry
Julien Chevreau
Gery Lamblin
Karine Lebail
Vincent Lavoué
Marion Pinsard
Jean-Jacques Baldauf
Angélique Bryand
Sebastien Henno
Aubert Agostini
Serge Douvier
Adelaïde Jarniat
Didier Riethmuller
Anne Mendel
Jean-Luc Brun
Hajanirina Rakotomahenina
Xavier Carcopino
BMC psychology
Julie Auer
Coralie Barbe
Anne-Laure Sutter
Dominique Dallay
Laurianne Vulliez
Didier Riethmuller
Violaine Gubler
Valérie Verlomme
Stéphanie Saad-Saint-Gilles
Alain Miton
Emmanuelle Tessier
Olivier Parant
Julie Le Foll
Agnès Bourgeois-Moine
Sylvie Viaux
Marc Dommergues
Gisèle Apter
Joëlle Belaisch-Allart
Anne Danion
Israël Nisand
Olivier Graesslin
Alexandre Novo
Julien Eutrope
Anne-Catherine Rolland
European journal of medical genetics
Obstetrics and gynecology
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Diagnostic and interventional imaging
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR
Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie
Birth (Berkeley, Calif.)
Marine Lallemant
Aurélie D'Antona
Chrystelle Vidal
Aude Bourtembourg
Claire Toubin
Malek Chehab
Marie Vilchez
Guillaume Boiteux
Rajeev Ramanah
Lionel Pazart
Didier Riethmuller
Nicolas Mottet
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
Nicolas Mottet
Emily Hotton
Astrid Eckman-Lacroix
Aude Bourtembourg
Jean Patrick Metz
Sophie Cot
Emilie Poitrey
Léa Delhomme
Eric Languerrand
Camille Nallet
Marine Lallemant
Tim Draycott
Didier Riethmuller
Journal of medical virology